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We are the


Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Eastminster Update
803-256-1654 /

Volume 38 Number 42

December 7, 2014

Dear Eastminster Family,

What names are on your gift list this year? What will today find you
preparing for?
1 COR. 12

Dr. Bradley D. Smith
Dr. Mark E. Durrett
Associate Pastor
Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire
Associate Pastor
Dr. James I. St. John
Parish Associate
Mr. Croskeys Royall
Director of Childrens Ministries
Mrs. Fredna Lee
Director of Music Ministries
Mrs. Lucy Corley and
Mrs. Anita Poole
EDS Co-Directors
Mr. William L. Collins, Jr.
Business Manager
Ms. Julie McDaniel
Member Involvement Coordinator

Even as all America shifts into its version of the hurry up offense with
Cyber Monday, same day delivery, and I need it now, God says, shhhh!
While we relish crossing items off our to do and to buy for lists, our
God patiently uses Advent, this season of preparation, to teach us that the
most important things in life cannot be squeezed in under the two-minute warning.
As sounds of yearning emanate from Isaiah and as we see Mary and Joseph slowly plodding toward Bethlehem, so we are reminded that the most precious giftsfaith, hope, love,
and new-life can only be received. Much as we might try, these wondrous gifts cannot be
manufactured, purchased, or borrowed. They must be received.
In the spirit of Advent, take time each day to ponder the miracle of Gods coming to us
in Jesus the Messiah, knowing that one day God will come again. Then, in gratitude for the
gift of Gods incarnate presence and in confident anticipation of Christs return, lets prepare
by living the Kingdom life now. In grateful response for the gift of his love, practice radical
generosity by boldly joining in Christs work this Christmas and all year long.
See you Sunday,
Congratulations to Amos Disasa and to others shaped by God through Eastminster, who
are chartering Downtown Church this week. The new church development has recruited
very well and will charter as a sizable congregation. As a church family, we can celebrate
both Eastminsters portion of the $333,000 invested in this effort by entities such as General
Assembly and Trinity Presbytery, as well as Eastminsters direct contributions well in excess
of $125,000 given by the church and individual members. By supporting Christs work
through Eastminster, you are not only supporting efforts like this in Columbia, you are also
helping missionaries spread the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world.

Pledge Status Report - We Need Your Help!

(5 weeks out from Dedication Sunday for 2015)

Sunday, december 7
9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Sanctuary
11:15 a.m. - Jubilee
Dr. Brad Smith
Isaiah 40:1-11


Pledges With No Change

Pledges Increased
Pledges Decreased
New Pledges

For a total of 461 pledges totaling $2,427,947

157 Pledges were made for 2014, but not yet for 2015
(2014 pledges @ 5 weeks = 471 - $2,424,882)
If you have not yet pledged, please join us in pledging to support
Christs work through Eastminster in 2015.

Living Nativity, December 21


Join us on Sunday, December 21, for one of the three performances of the
Living Nativity, at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 p.m., with a cast of live animals, angels, shepherds, and wisemen! This years performance will be in the courtyard (note location change). Hot chocolate and cookies will be available.

SUNDAY, December 7

8:00 Celebration Choir Rehearsal

9:00 Worship & Childrens Church
10:00 Jubilee Band Practice

Sunday School

Generation Change

First Step
10:05 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
11:15 Jubilee Worship

Worship & Childrens Church
1:00 Basketball Practices
3:00 Cub Scouts Mtgs.
5:00 Sunday@5

Cub Scouts

Monday, December 8

7:00 Mens Prayer Breakfast

7:30 Property Committee
9:00 Count Team

Fifty Plus Exercise Class
10:00 Senior Fitness
12:00 Worship & Music
1:30 Pastors Mtg.
2:30 Program Staff Mtg.
3:00 Basketball Practice

St. Lawrence Place Shop
4:00 CHAMPS Tutoring
5:30 Yoga

Stephen Ministry Leaders Mtg.
6:00 Mens Basketball League Games
6:30 BSF Fellowship

St. Lawrence Place Dinner

Stephen Ministry Mtg.

TUESDAY, December 9

9:00 Drop-In Nursery

Youth Council
10:00 Senior Fitness
11:00 Joy gift Tea
11:45 Tuesday Lunch
12:30 Bradley Lunch Buddies
1:00 Footcare Ministry
3:00 Exercising for Arthritis

Basketball Practice
4:30 Stewardship Committee
5:00 Tai Chi

CHAMPS Steering Committee
5:30 Zumba Fitness
6:00 Joint Mtg.

Handbell Rehearsal
6:45 Session Mtg.
7:00 Scottish Country Dancing

Zumba Fitness

WEDNESDAY, December 10

9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class

Drop-In Nursery
9:25 EDS Chapel
9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry
3:00 Basketball Practice
3:30 CHAMPS Tutors

Ketchum Brownies
4:00 EDS birthday for Jesus
5:15 Angel & Junior Choirs
7:15 Chancel Choir

THURSDAY, December 11

7:00 Jr. Hi Prayer Breakfast

9:00 Drop-In Nursery
10:00 Senior Fitness
3:00 Basketball Practice

Exercising for Arthritis
5:00 Yoga
6:00 Evangelism & Membership Mtg.
7:00 Zumba Fitness
7:30 Jubilee Band Practice

FRIDAY, December 12

9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class

10:00 Support Staff Mtg.
3:00 Basketball Practice

SATURDAY, December 13

8:00 Circle of Giving

3:30 CHAMPS Christmas Party

Christmas Lunch at Transitions

Eastminster will take LUNCH to Transitions on December 25. Join us for worship at
10:30 a.m. and leave for the lunch at Transitions afterward at noon. The meal is BBQ, potato salad, clementines and pound cake. Contact Laura ( to donate
money for the BBQ and potato salad, or to provide fruit and/or pound cake. Whether
you donate or not, please join us at Transitions.

Fourth Annual Family Gingerbread House Decorating Party

Join us on Wednesday evening, December 17 at 5:30 p.m., in the CLC gym for a pizza dinner, drinks and decorating pre-assembled gingerbread house kits for $20.00 PER FAMILY.
Infants through 5th grade and their siblings are welcome. Bring a canned good for Harvest
Hope (HH) or a monetary contribution for HH with checks made out to EPC.

December 14 Reception for Semih Sendur

Semih Sendur, our Jubilee worship service music leader, has graduated from school and
accepted a job in Charleston, SC. December 14 will be his last Sunday at Eastminster. Following the 11:15 a.m. worship there will be a reception in the Game Room for Semih. Please
stop by to thank him and wish him well.

Circle of Giving - Saturday, December 13

On Saturday, December 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Thompson Hall, Eastminster
will host the Cooperative Ministrys Christmas Program. We need volunteers (teens &
adults) to help set up on December 12, from 4:00 p.m. until, and volunteers to help the children shop, wrap gifts and do small crafts. Two shifts are available on December 13: 8:45 until
11:00 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Please contact Laura Irick at
if you would like to help.
We also need donations of gift bags (all sizes), tissue paper, large shopping bags, and unwrapped new gifts in the $10 range. Gifts should be delivered to the Circle of Giving boxes
in the CLC lobby or the CE building lobby no later than Friday, December 12th.

Singing at the Presbyterian Communities - Tuesday, December 9

Join us for holiday Singing at the Presbyterian Communities on Tuesday, December 9th,
at 6:30 p.m. Virginia Peninger, Vernon DeHart and John Arnold will be strumming, plucking, bowing and singing with folks there in the Chapel. Call John Arnold at 803-206-1066 or
write for more information.


No one can click on a link from a piece of paper, but if you go to the EPC website and click
on the word ENEWS (Under Resources) you will see the Nov. 19 Visual Identity Survey. If
you will click and take the quick 15-question survey, you will help the Visual Identity team as
it works to create a logo and visual materials for Eastminster.

The Body at Work

Your time, talent, and treasure at work in Gods Kingdom

Eastminster provides support to Cindy Correll for her missionary work in

Joy Gift Drop-In

Calling all Eastminster women to the Joy Gift Drop-in, Tuesday, December 9,
in the adult reception hall from 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. Come share a casual time of
fellowship with your sisters in Christ!
This annual event is named for the PCUSA Joy Gift Fund that assists retired
Presbyterian ministers. There will be an opportunity to donate to this fund and to
the Womens Shelter Christmas Project, one of Eastminster Presbyterian Women
(EPW)s ongoing local ministries.
Plan to join us and meet Eastminster friends new and old. Contact Mary Baldauf
at with any questions.

Christmas Challenge Financial Gifts


EPC Prayer List
Part of what it means to be a Family of Faith
is to be in prayer for one another. Contact
the church office at 256-1654 to be included
on this Prayer List.
EPC Special Concerns
Remer Waguespack, Bill McInnis, Dave
Steven, and those serving in our military,
Stephen Ministers and their care receivers,
and all those in need of Gods special care.

Trying to think of creative, non-monetary ways to share love with family and
friends? Eastminster will again offer the The Christmas Challenge. Honor Cards
that can be used to tell others that a gift has been made in their honor. Cards are
available in the Narthex and Reception Area. Honor Cards will also be available at
the church office during the week. Christmas Day will be the last day to support
the Christmas Challenge.

Congregational love and sympathy
are extended to:

Youth Group Christmas Party

Betsy & Frank Beal, on the death of her

father, Rod Macdonald, November 24,
2014. Grandchildren, Callie & Frank Beal.

Calling all middle and high school students to the youth group Christmas party
on Sunday, December 14, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Come dance with DJ Irv and enjoy
great food and fellowship in our gym. Invite a friend!

P.E.P.@epc Christmas Drop-In

P.E.P. will hold their annual Christmas Drop-In on Sunday, December 14, from
3:00-4:30 p.m. at the home of Lisa & Madison Dye. Mark your calendar!

Saint Lawrence Place Holiday Shop & Christmas Party!

We are looking for volunteers to help! This year the Saint Lawrence Place Holiday Shop and Christmas party will be hosted at Eastminster on Monday, December
8, with First Calvary Baptist Church helping here. We have 14 families to donate
gifts for. We will also need volunteers to put together necessity baskets and to help
out the day of the event. Please contact Susan Owen for more information on how
you can get involved in this ministry. This annual event is a wonderful way to give
back over the holidays and is lots of fun! For more information: contact or 238-4468.

Haiti Trip - January 24-31, 2015

Upon the very positive reports of a group of six Eastminster

members who have just returned from Haiti, we are moving ahead
with a partnership with the Medical Benevolence Foundation that
will include both non-medical and medical work. To learn more about the January
trip, please contact Julie at

PEACE Service December 14

The PEACE Service offers you a place to come away and be quiet before the
Lord. It is a service where we pray for all kinds of needs and celebrate the Lords
Supper together. If you desire a quiet place of worship, join us at 5:00 p.m. in the
Adult Reception Hall. A nursery is available in the Drop-In Nursery rooms in the

For our loved ones . . .

In memory of Henry Sherrill, given by Rose Wilkins, Alton Ray Blanks, Leland
& Cornelia Williams, Margaret Watson.
In memory of Dennis Larry Catos, given by Austin & Barbara Boyd.
In memory of Lib Moorer, given by Iraline Henry.
In memory of Adair Crawley, given by Luther Green.

Bo & Ether Bowman & Bowen, Susie, Mims

& Cate Horger on the death of their cousin, Riley Bradham, November 24, 2014.

Anne & Robert Sumwalt, on the death of

her father, Rod Macdonald, November 24,
2014. Grandchild, MacKenzie Sumwalt.
On weekends a minister is on call. If you
have a crisis which one of the ministers
needs to know about, phone 256-1654 and
leave a message. A minister will return
your call.

Pick yours up at the
receptionist desk or
in the Narthex on
Our Missionaries
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia
Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska
Sarah Snapp - Bolivia
Rev. John McCall - Taiwan
Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US
George & Anne Harper - Philippines
Cindy Correll - Port au Prince, Haiti
Dr. John and Gwenda Fletcher - Congo

Deadline for UPDATE

Dont miss out! Send your information to

share with the congregation to
Please have your information in by Wednesday,
December 10, to be shared in our next newsletter on December 28, 2014.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

3200 Trenholm Road
Columbia, South Carolina 29204

Nonprofit Org.
Columbia, SC

Update for December 7, 2014

Giving Opportunity

With the Stock Market at an all-time high, some members are giving for Gods
work through Eastminster while also avoiding capital gains taxes. You can give
beyond your pledge or to fulfill a pledge. To make sure your gift is credited for
2014, please contact your brokerage firm as soon as possible and notify church
Treasurer, Christy Rippy at

New Members Join November 30, 2014

Steve and Molly Peterson join by reaffirmation of
faith. They live on Belmont Drive with their sons Pete and
Cal. Steve is in finance and Molly is a homemaker.
Dennis (Not pictured) and Elizabeth Way join by reaffirmation of faith. They live on Stratford Road with their twins Ashton
and Michael. Dennis is an advisor with Stephens Financial Group
and Elizabeth is a certified hand therapist with Midlands Orthopedic.

Eastminster First Step Class

Are you interested in joining Eastminster? The next new member class begins
meeting on Sunday, December 7, at 10:00 a.m. during the Sunday School hour in
room E-258 in the Christian Education Building. This is a 9-week class, (will not
be holding class on January 18, Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend Sunday), with a join
date on Sunday, February 8. For additional information contact Julie,

Christmas Eve Worship - December 24

5:00 p.m. Childrens Service
Infant Nursery - 2K

7:00 p.m. Candlelight Service

Infant Nursery - 5K

9:00 p.m. Candlelight Communion Service

Christmas Day Worship - December 25
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
No Childcare

Serving on Sunday
december 7
Deacon Becky Smythe
DEACONS: Jim Hatchell & Alex Dillard
Elder Hank Mabry (Jubilee)
Deacon Sharon Besley (Jubilee)
Ushers: Bill Coggins & Randy Liggitt
(9:00) Ginger Foster
Laura & Charlie Irick
Don & Sherry Davis
Stephanie Hall
(11:15) Connie Parramore
Tracy Stursberg
John & Jill Skeppstrom
Tyler & Lesley Stone
(9:00) Meredith & Daniel Christenberry
(11:15) Erin & Ryan Causey
(9:00) Staff
(11:15) Christian & Elizabeth Rasor
2-K ROOM - CLC 119
(9:00) Meredeth & Kyle Hewett
(11:15) Harry & Kelly Hoppman
(9:00) Reece & Lauren McWilliams
(11:15) James & Julie Moss
(9:00) Jordan & Ryan Horton
(11:15) Anne & Ed Hutchison
(9:00) Liza & Steve Sansbury
(11:15) Cam & Carrie Smith

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