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School of Business

BTEC HND in Management/Marketing/

Finance/ Human Resource

Front Sheet
Rev 001 dated 9/20/10

UNIT 3: Organisations and Behaviour

Student number/
Student Name:


Activity Reference: 03-01

Date due: 4 October 2014

Assessor(s): Susan C. Lara

Date submitted:

Outcome / Skill

L01. Understand
the relationship
between an
structure and

1.1 Compare and contrast
different organisational
structures and culture
1.2 Explain how the
relationship between an
organisations structure and
culture can impact on the
performance of business.
1.3 Discuss the factors which
influence individual behavior at

for developing
teamwork in

4.1 Explain the nature of

groups and group behavior
within organisations.

4.2 Discuss factors that may

promote or inhibit the
development of effective
teamwork in organisations.
4.3 Evaluate the impact of
technology of team functioning
within a given organisation.




Merit grades awarded

Distinction grades awarded




Assessors additional feedback and comments

Assessor Signature:
I confirm that this is all my own work (students to sign and date), also
confirming understanding of the assessors feedback.
To be signed after assessment.

Student Signature:

INTERNAL VERIFICATION (Internal Verifier to sign and date)

Scenario (Task):
Which is better Jollibee or McDonalds?
You are a junior member of a Performance Consulting team which have been tasked to evaluate the
performance of two (2) popular Fast Food chains namely: Jollibee and McDonalds. You and your team are to
select one (1) of each outlet (Jollibee & McDonald), ideally those which are similarly located (inside a Mall or on
adjacent streets) and focus your inquiry on these outlets.
Areas of investigation are:
- Organization (How are the outlets organized? What type of organization do they have? Why are they
organized that way and what are the factors considered? How does it compare (Jollibee/McDonalds)?
What is the more effective way to structure this organization? Why do you think so?

Management & Leadership (How are the outlets being managed/led/operated for a typical day? How
do they do their Planning? Who does it? Why? How do they do their Organising (assignment of roles &
responsibilities)?, How do they do their Commanding, Co-ordinating (communicating & delivering
customers orders accurately & fast), Controlling? Who does this? Why are these management functions
essential (PLOC)? How do these compare (Jollibee/McDonalds)? How would you rate from a scale
(1=Poor,2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very Good & 5=Excellent) the execution of these functions
(Jollibee/McDonalds). If possible justify your ratings.

Culture (What are their Corporate Values? How do they describe their culture? What do they celebrate,
award, recognize? How do they do it? How does the organization structure affect culture and

Behaviour at Work (What do you observe to be positive and negative behaviours that employees
demonstrate at work? How frequent are these observations? What factors influence these

Effective Teamwork (What do you observe at Jollibee & McDonalds - a group or a team? Why do you

say so? Is team effectiveness measured in McDonalds & Jollibee? How effective is the team from a
scale (1=Poor,2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very Good & 5=Excellent)? What factors influence the team to be
What are the areas for improvement for the team? To what degree has technology
affected/impacted the team? How is technology being used by the team? What areas do you think
could still be improved by technology?

Performance (What & How do they measure performance? What mechanism are in place to monitor,
measure and improve performance?)

Summary & Recommendation (What are your conclusions? Any suggestions & recommendations to
Jollibee & McDonalds?)

1. Explore organizational structure and culture:
1. Compare and contrast different organizational structures and culture. (1.1)
(If student is also able to draw/diagram and explain the differences between two different
organization structures/charts, M1)

Analyze the relationship between an organization's structure and culture and the effects on
business performance. (1.2)
(If a student is able to give an example of an organization whose culture affected its
business performance, and explain why it happened, M2)

3. Analyze the factors which influence individual behavior at work. (1.3)

(In addition to the above, if a student is able describe or flesh out his answers with
examples or illustrations from the workplace, M3)
2. Examine different approaches to management & leadership and theories of organization
1. Analyze how organizational theory underpins principles and practices of organizations and
of management. (2.1)
If student is able to relate organizational theory and the current approach & practice that
either Jollibee or McDonalds has implemented (M1)
2. Compare the different approaches to management and theories of organization used by
two organizations. (2.2)
If student is able to compare Jollibee & McDonalds management approach and current
practice (M2)
If student is able describe or flesh out his own insights and conclusions on the different
approaches to management & leadership of either Jollibee or McDonalds (M3)
If student is able to use critical reflections to evaluate own work and justify valid
conclusions (D1)
If student is able to take responsibility for managing and organizing activities. eg. Arrange
an interview with Outlet Manager requiring planning & managing and organization. (D2)

If student demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking (D3)

3. Demonstrate an understanding of working with others, teamwork, groups, and group

Describe the nature of groups and group behavior within organizations. (4.1)
If student is able to identify, justify and differentiate McDonalds & Jollibee whether this is a group
or a team. (D1)


Investigate the factors that lead to effective teamwork and influences that threaten success. (4.2)

If student is able to take responsibility for managing and organizing activities. eg. Arrange
an interview with team members (at least 2) requiring planning & managing and
organization. (D2)
3. Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organization. (4.3)
If student is able to generate ideas (divergent/convergent or lateral thinking) that could solve
problems or prevent problems or improve processes or improving performance by adopting
technology D3.


All criteria identified in the assignments are met.


Must firstly achieve all conditions for a Pass.

If student is also able to draw/diagram and explain the differences between two
different organization structures/charts, M1
If student is able to relate organizational theory and the current approach & practice
that either Jollibee or McDonalds has implemented , M1
If a student is able to give an example of an organization whose culture affected its
business performance, and explain why it happened, M2
If student is able to compare Jollibee & McDonalds management approach and
current practice, M2
In addition to the above, if a student is able describe or flesh out his answers with
examples or illustrations from the workplace, M3
If student is able describe or flesh out his own insights and conclusions on the different
approaches to management & leadership of either Jollibee or McDonalds, M3


Must firstly achieve all conditions for a Merit.

If student is able to use critical reflections to evaluate own work and justify valid
conclusions, D1
If student is able to identify, justify and differentiate McDonalds & Jollibee whether this is a
group or a team. D1

If student is able to take responsibility for managing and organizing activities. eg.
Arrange an interview with Outlet Manager requiring planning & managing and
organization. D2
If student is able to take responsibility for managing and organizing activities. eg.
Arrange an interview with team members (at least 2) requiring planning & managing

and organization. D2
If student demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking, D3
If student is able to generate ideas (divergent/convergent or lateral thinking) that could solve
problems or prevent problems or improve processes or improving performance by adopting
technology, D3.


Follow the report format which accompanies this brief.

Word-process the document using 12 point Arial or Times New Roman script.

Compile all documentation to be submitted in a portfolio as evidence to support other assignments.

Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity.

Use the Harvard referencing system.

End noting must be strictly observed. Material quoted from any source must be acknowledged with
appropriate end notes.

Copying and pasting material from the Internet is considered an act of PLAGIARISM if not acknowledged
with appropriate end notes.

Any computations required must be done in Microsoft Excel and placed at the appendix.

Survey questionnaires, answered forms, proposed forms and the like are also part of the appendix.

Draft proposals will be discussed at the tutorials in the week beginning 28 October 2014.

Use a butterfly or treasury tag to keep the pages of your work together.

A referred assignment has to be completed at the end of the term. Work is automatically referred on the
13 week. A student with a failed assignment must repeat that assignment on the next occasion the unit
is taught. A student who incurs at least 2 failed assignments per unit shall repeat the entire unit when it
is next offered.

Submit your work to the assessor no later than the end of the period on 4 November 2014.


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