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Unemployment among graduates is increasing in our country, why is it right and it

happens to graduate students? Is the real problem that is causing unemployed

university graduates?
Factors Unemployment
Still many unemployed graduates even after they had graduated a few
years in higher education institutions (HEIs). Most of them are not gainfully
employed or did not receive any bids but may not be appropriate service offered
by them. Most graduates are still looking for work deemed not appropriate to their
status as a former university students.Among the factors that cause
unemployment among graduates is the attitude itself graduates who are
choosing a job or a job that was offered was not commensurate with their
qualifications and not their current field of study at the university. They prefer to
stay at home without doing any work from work not in their field.They would
rather be unemployed than work as a clerk or other positions that feel less
equivalent although actually works better than unemployed. Thinking "better
unemployed while not find suitable work" should be removed from the minds of
every graduate because he not only harm them, even detrimental sector that
requires labor.
Actually, the job opportunities offered still a lot but they do not know to
take this opportunity. In addition, there are several agencies that offer
entrepreneurs an opportunity for those interested in entrepreneurship choose
entrepreneurship as a career option. In addition, they may also obtain
employment in various ways. For example they venture into agriculture and
cultivate abandoned area that earn revenues and make a successful farmer.
Therefore, it is not nothing but a blank work attitude too choosy among graduates
cause the job can not be filled."one of the important causes of the problem of
unemployed graduates is not in accordance with the approval of their request for
the working world." Employers will be more careful to use these criteria to select
graduates are required. Graduates with qualifications can not be marketed will

face a crisis and had to idle in a longer period. Recruitment requirements and
additional labor force will be calculated more accurately in terms of cost
effectiveness and productivity. Race to get jobs expected to be more competitive
and will provide great benefits to the employer to choose the best quality of
profitable firms in their business. Unemployment among graduates will continue
to happen if they do not try to find new alternatives to build a career or personal
involvement in economic activities such as entrepreneurship that can help drive
the economy as well as to provide employment opportunities to serve others.
Space for the students participate in a variety of private sector employment,
entrepreneurship and business is so vast. Areas that can be involved in this
initiative and persistence however require. Unemployment among graduates is
increasing every year are among the issues dealt with every day times. Among
the factors that contributed to the existence of this dilemma is because they can
not communicate in English as well as the influx of graduates from public higher
education institutions and the private sector so much sehiggakan ratio of
unemployed find jobs and unequal. Furthermore, the level of education /
examination and approval standards graduates relatively low, making them rare
in the given opportunities.
All these factors relate to each other. Most of the students earned a
degree nowadays although the average achievement is not at a satisfactory
level. With low levels of achievement, ie the possibility CGPA below 2.4, it is
difficult for them to get jobs immediately. Employers will select outstanding
graduates and interpretation skills and work experience. At the same time, the
ability to communicate in English plays the most important role in every interview.
Most graduates who are not fluent in English will feel the difficulty of getting a job
offer. However, there is also a small number of graduates who have an excellent
track but did not get jobs, because they do not have the skills and work
experience and no confidence in themselves during temudaga held.
Other factors that cause this problem is industrially applicable. Most graduates
do not know to bring into the world of reality, they are only concerned with purely
academic. Learning is not just concentrated in the class but it includes outdoor

activities. Activity-activity that gives us a lot of experience, and teaches us how to

deal with the public, organize, solve problems and do a good job denan. "The
private sector is often more concerned with experience than academic, because
the cost to provide etensif training to new employees will spend a lot of money
and give a bit of a loss to the company at that time. In addition, graduates should
be smart and active in communicating and excellence in education and
curriculum.Graduate unemployment can cause various problems for the student's
own self, family, community, and country. For example, when a person does not
have a job or do not have the money for their daily needs, chances are he will
choose the easy way to get the voucher by doing jobs that are unlawful, eg
robbery. Works such as this would pose a risk to themselves and to others. All
this occurred because someone is narrow-minded, desperate or depressed by
the lack of jobs.
Ways of Coping with Unemployment
The problem of unemployment can be solved in various ways. Among
them is the attitude itself graduates who are choosing a job and have to think
professionally and not the negative attitude towards a job, because it will hurt
yourself. In addition, they need to choose the right career and have a sense of
responsibility to self, family, community and country. "In addition, the government
and the Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) also plays an important role in
implementing the program of school or university with a clear career. They must
provide special courses or planning firm to prepare workers for graduates of
public or private sector to sector, entrepreneurship, agriculture, mining and many
others. The government also needs to establish an information center graduates
in all public and private institutions to actively make research activities on a
regular basis to detect and graduate placement program graduate teachers
perform up to 50% in 2010 in all primary schools. This is to ensure that the model
insane and cultural model can be used with a more reasonable way by trained
teachers GHURE.The courses offered by universities or private institutions
should be based on an analysis of workforce needs in all kinds of sectors in this

country is not only dependent on the ability ademik in a higher learning

institution."In addition, those who are still studying at school or university need to
select paengajian fields that can be customized with job offers in the market.
Work offered on the market exceeds the number of unemployed, but thought they
should be changed. Thinking "better unemployed while not find suitable work"
should be removed far from the minds of every graduate because it is not only
detrimental to them, but it cost the sectors which require labor. Graduates need
to improve in English to give yourself the advantage of getting a job. Therefore,
the government should raise the standard of education and also continue to
promote the importance of English among graduates so that this problem will not
haunt the minds of all Malaysians in the future. In addition, graduates also have
to be smart and have the confidence to communicate experiences dealing with
other people, do not be afraid and hesitant to answer when interacting with the
rank of supervisor.
Finally, the graduates must carefully plan each step of life, do not think too
much about professional. Graduates need to start from scratch to get the
experience, opening directly from above. Thus, graduates should not be
selective, because this is not just for the good of the country, but also for the
benefit of themselves graduates of itself and this attitude does not bring any
advantages over themselves. Imagine how much work experience and income
loss if they just sit at home because of the attitude to have a job. In addition, they
must have the skills and experience to work .. Therefore, they must be openminded and smart in addressing this issue in order not to regret later on. As the
saying goes "rafting-raft upstream, swim to shore, ail ago, have fun then," and
another saying that goes, "where there's a will there's a way and want power do
not want a thousand thousand pretext. "

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