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Dragon Activing Pig, Career Active, Ren = Pig
Prediction :
Chen activing Zi, Zi Activing Wei, old boss got Chuan,
out from old boss, going to new boss.
Love Life : Chen activing Zi, Zi Activing Wei, in Wei have a Jie F-.
will find a rival at his love life.
In 2004-2008, Found Wealth Star, in 2008 he have a girl friend, because Zi Activ
Wealth : No Wealth star, and not Active, earn little.
----------------------------------------------Real Life : He Got New Career.
Prediction Spouse Day Pillar Active ( Gui ), Shi vs Pig Chong / Clash.
Career Active.
Prediction, he will busy moving in Career, in 4 area of Mobile, Shi, Yin, Shen,
Love life will poor, because busy mobile.
Wealth will better, busy is + job + money.
Shi Chuan Yin, Snake vs Tiger, Fire in his Chart is Awesome, he will conguered t
he Yin,
he will got some tall things, check at Yin, will found, Jia, Bing, Wu,
Jia = R- Tall
Bing = F+ Entertainment
Wu = O+ Shi Shen, Eating God, = Enjoy
So he got something of (Tall) Resource some protect him, entertainment( noisy ).
( Enjoy )
----------------------------------------------Real Life: New Career make him going other city, every one month change city, go
ing other city and come back to his city.
Love Life : Poor, the Girl Friend not like his job. So debate noisy, argumentati

Wealth : Better, got commision , he buy Apartment at busy area, and in his apart
ment have a food court.
Spouse Day Pillar Active( Problem ), Year Pillar Active, Hour Pillar Active.
Prediction :
He will have a problem with his GirlFriend, and he will continue Traveling. He h
ave a probability have new relationship.
Real Life until Sep 2014,
He break up with his Girl Friend ( Have affair with his own friend), and at Mont
h of Wu, horse month, he have a new relationsip with new girl.
Prediction :
Yi is Direct Resource for Bing, he will got Status,
Wei, is activing Wei at Chart, Activing Spouse Day Pillar.
He high probabiltiy will Marriage.
The method is, read the Char and interaction of 8 Character, and compare to 10 y
ears Periode, and compare to 1 years periode.
Read the Qi,Xiang, 10 God, 10 God Xiang, Strength of 10 God, Compare them, have
a imagination ( Xiang )
I don't know you understand or not, thats the method of Real Ba Zi, basicly usin
g by Blind Man method, don't need Day Master Weak / Strong,
We can predict , analyze, what probability high event in future.
If you understand ZW, ZW can decrypt the same things,
example :
2013, Year Destiny enter the Children Birth Chart, this Periode got Lu. Birth Ch
art Property, Clash Hua Lu from Shi.
Thats explantion why he buying property(apartement) at 2013, we can check 1 year
s property, got Tian tong Lu.
So using san he, si hua, same event. 2013, he good for property.
2012 is more simple to analyze, Career Periode, and Career Year got / clash by H
ua Lu. So his Career boost.
But we check the real Career( Birth Chart) have Periode Ji, clash to Spouse(Birt
h Chart) that already give hint
break love life. When happened ?
Because Periode Ji at Career Birth Chart, clash Wu , probability will happened a
t 2014.
The reason he will have no problem of love life, is because Spouse Periode at Ti

an Tong Lu at Shen.
So he will got girl whatever happened to him.
I lazy to write about 2014, 2015.
May be after you read my example for you, you understand my method, you can writ
e your logic to explain 2014,2015 :)
In 2015, at ZWDS you can read how high probability this man will marriage :)
My Ba zi , and ZWDS reading, method is not commonly, but its effective for me, t
o decrypt people life hehehe
Hope you understand.
If you want share your book is nice, if not thats ok too, i just happy read othe
r book, to increase my knowledge to compare with my method.
If better, i will learn it, if only junk info, i will skip it.

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