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If you designated Self/Ming palace as 1, counting anti-clockwise, the 6th palace

would be Health palace. The is an important factor applicable in Si Hua (Flying St

Some book link
s the physical
o life if Soul
if harm is to
alaces must be

the Self palace (1) as the Soul whereas the Health palace (6th) a
body. The soul cannot exist without body. Similarly, body has n
is gone. There's danger if 1 palace is harmed, this is also true
the 6th palace. Thus, to analyze a subject/matter, the 1 and 6 p
analyzed together.

The 1 and 6 palace theory is not only applicable to Self, it can also apply to t
he other palaces. Example, if we set the Taiji on the Spouse (designated as 1),
the 6th palace would be Friends (which is Spouse's Health). So any damage to F
riends palace could also mean is related to Spouse.
Similarly, to look at Wealth, Property palace must also be analyzed together.

Self and Health are the 1 and 6

Health and Karma are the 1 and 6
Karma and Children are the 1 and 6
Children and Career are the 1 and 6
Career and Sibling are the 1 and 6
Sibling and Travel are the 1 and 6
Travel and Parent are the 1 and 6
Parent and Wealth are the 1 and 6
Wealth and Property are the 1 and 6
Property and Spouse are the 1 and 6
Spouse and Friends are the 1 and 6
Friends and Self are the 1 and 6

Below points try to explain the philosophy behind how the 1 and 6 are linked for
the different palaces.
a. Family (Property) starts from Marriage (Spouse), so the Spouse palace is the
6th palace of Property.

b. One's old age situation depends on Children, so Children palace is the 6th p
alace of Karma.
c. Karma palace (fortune and moral integrity) is link to lifespan and life forc
e, so Karma palace is the 6th palace of Health.
d. Economic ability is important to Career depth and health, so Sibling palace
is the 6th palace of Career.
e. The social status is important related to achievement, so Travel palace is t
he 6th palace of Sibling.
f. Wealth is accumulated from money and asset, thus the Property palace is the
6th palace of Wealth.
g. Marriage/Relationship starts from social circle, thus Friends palace is the

6th palace of Spouse.

h. Knowledge, profession helps one to stand in the society, thus Parents palace
is the 6th palace of Travel.
i. Internal cultural, restraint, mannerism helps one to interact in the society
, thus Parents palace is the 6th palace of Travel.
j. Law, Moral is necessary to support the society, thus Parents palace is the 6
th palace of Travel.
k. Character determines your popularity, thus Self palace is the 6th palace of

l. Sexual desire (this is what i think) can destroy good fortune blessing and h
arm the health, thus Children palace is the 6th palace of Karma.
Note: Sexual lust is the no.1 of all evil.


m. Respect parents, your seniors can help sow the seeds of good karma, widen yo
ur social circle, thus Parent palace is the 6th palace of Travel.
Note: Filiality takes the lead of all good virtues.

n. Benevolence, kindness can lead to happiness and good health, in short treasu
re good luck/blessings, thus will enjoy longevity.
Extravagence, wastage will harm your blessings, resulting in death. Thus Karma
palace is the 6th palace of Health.

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