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Yamson, Kenneth Charles N.

SS14 B5

1. Mahatma Gandhi
-No man in the history of mankind has had an effect like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
did on human thought, ideals and behavior. He was the most influential leader of the
Indian freedom struggle leading many campaigns against the British Colonial rule which
eventually bore fruit with the independence of India in 1947. Gandhi, was a leader who
was made famous by his beliefs and his methods, he propagated the use of nonviolence and satyagraha as a means of protest. His methods inspired a generation of
leader world over including luminaries such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther king
Jr. The father of India, Mahatma Gandhi, will always be remembered as one of the
greatest leaders of all time inspiring and motivating humanity for generations to come.

Continues learning and improvement

Looking at each person as a human being
Being an excellent listener
Proactively identifying barriers to make change sustainable
Being conscience keeper
Heavy emphasis on self-awareness and discipline
Balancing value-driven vision and execution efficiency
Emphasis on path and result
Adopting holistic perspective in every endeavor
Be open-minded

2. Nelson Mandela
-Nelson Mandela became the role model of forgiveness, patience, perseverance and
inspiration for millions of people all around the world. He was a humble leader, who
believed in being with his followers. He was a part of the anti-apartheid movement in his
20s and 30s and fought relentlessly against the white governments apartheid and
racist policies in a very peaceful and non-violent way. He was jailed by the government
for his activism for twenty-years during which time his stature as a leader grew, he
became a model and symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle of the South African blacks.
Post his release, Nelson Mandela, went onto become the first black president of South
Africa and led South Africa towards a future of unity and peace.
a. Courage is not the absence of fear Its inspiring others to move beyond
b. Lead from front but dont leave your base behind
c. Lead from back and let others believe they are in front
d. Know your enemy and learn about his favorite sport
e. Keep your friends close and rivals even closer

f. Appearances matter and remember to smile

g. Nothing is black or white
h. Quitting is leading too

3. Marthin Luther King Jr.

-Born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia Martin Luther King Jr. is considered to be the greatest
African-American leader of all times and one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century.
He was a fighter, activist and revolutionary in the movement for civil rights for the
American blacks. He was part of the clergy of the Ebeneezer Baptist Church and spent
most of his life fighting for the rights of his fellow brothers in a non-violent way inspired
by Mahatma Gandhi. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his fight for equality in
a non-violent way and is greatly remembered for his famous I have dream speech
which has inspired generations of leaders after him.


4. Mao Zedong
-The man who is singularly responsible for making China a global superpower, Mao
Zedong is truly the greatest leader to have come out of the Asian giant. He was the
leader of the communist revolution of China in 1949 which saw founding of the Peoples
Republic of China making it a single party socialist regime. His finest contribution though
were on the economic front as he led China onto the path of great economic success
and led to the origin of a different ideology of governance and economics known as
a. combining a high degree of democracy with a high degree of centralism
b. distinguishing between the two different types of contradictions and
handling each correctly
c. applying the formula unity -- criticism unity
d. learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones and curing the illness to
save the patient
e. giving full scope to democracy in order to unite more than 95 per cent of
the cadres and the masses
f. following the mass line and trusting the masses
g. Seek truth from facts,

5. Adolf Hitler

-The most despised man in the history of mankind, Adolf Hitler was nonetheless a leader
par excellence. Growing up with a troubled childhood, Hitler was a vase of brewing
hatred which got intensified post Germanys humiliation in the First World War. He was a
leader unlike any neither in his own generation nor in the generation past. He became
the Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and soon overthrew the ruling president to become
the fascist dictator of Germany. In the years to come he supervised the greatest
economic and military expansion the world had ever seen. His moving speeches used to
stir blood in his compatriots which will lead them to do anything. Hitler conquered ten
countries during his rule threw his brilliant military tactics and motivational skills before
coming suicide when Germany was on the verge of defeat during the Second World

Punctual and hard worker
Strategic Planning
People Management

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