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I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the other words.
1. A. chicken
B. children
C. chorus
D. chime
2. A. house
B. hour
C. honey
D. hockey
3. A. game
B. danger
C. village
D. change
4. A. honest
B. exhaust
C. hour
D. hook
5. A. cheese
B. chorus
C. chaos
D. character
6. A. hair
B. honesty
C. holiday
D. house
7. A. church
B. orchid
C. orchestra D. psychology
8. A. angry
B. agriculture C. angel
D. angle
1. A. architect
B. arch
C. church
D. cheese
2. A. change
B. mango
C. again
D. forget
3. A. question
B. mutual
C. quality
D. chip
4. A. dangerous
B. gain
C. joy
D. village
5. A. intimate
B. status
C. certain
D. statue
6. A. nature
B. station
C. culture
D. picture
7. A. archaeology
B. architecture C. children D. achy
8. A. character
B. choice
C. charge
D. catch
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets infinitive or gerund
1. Jane was expected...............................(pass) the exam.
2. John really loves...............................(spend) all day at the beach.
3. Tom insisted on...............................(call) Tomy.
4. Do you mind...............................(use) my cell phone?
5. I expect.............................(meet) at the airport by my parents.
6. My teacher suggested...............................(leave) me alone because i didnt want to talk to anyone.
7. I plan...............................(deliver) this letter this afternoon.
8. I expected...............................(invite) Nam to my birthday party.
III. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays
the same.
1. To meet him again is a pleasure.
2. Studying maths is interesting.
I find it..............................................................................................
3. He left the house early this morning.
I saw.......................................................................................................
4. While Jane was having a bath, Peter came to visit her.
5. John went to bed after he had finished the report.
John had............................................................................................
6. Its advisable for Bob to work harder for the exam.
They made Bob ....................................................................................................
7. She was made to type these letters before 5 p.m yesterday.
The boss..........................................................................................
8. Before going out, we had turned off all the lights.
Before we.........................................................................................
IV.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. I didnt have enough time
(finish) my work yesterday.
2. He refused
( allow) her
( think) for herself.
3. I was relieved
(find out) that I had passed the exam.
4. She made her son
(wash) the windows before he could go outside
(play) with
his friends.
5. She lets her children
(stay) up very late.
6. We had nothing
(do) except look at the cinema posters.
7. We both heard him
(say) that he was leaving.
8. It made him angry
(wait) for people who were late.

9. I couldnt understand what the passage siad, so I had my friend

( translate) it for me.
10. Its important
( start) the meeting on time.
11. There are too many people here for me
(talk) to all of them.
12. It took ages
(download) the pictures from the Internet.
13. Whenever I have free time, I like
( watch) the basketball team
14. She sent me an e- mail
( inform) me that the meeting had been canceled.
15. It was a thrill
( see) my brother
(win) the chess tournament last year.
16. Its cold. You had better
( wear) a coat.
17. Id rather
( stay) at home.
18. I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think Id rather
( see) a doctor.
19. She watched him
( drive ) off.
20. Peter is very funny. He makes me
( laugh) a lot.
V. Give the correct verbs form. (Passive Infinitive and Gerund)
1. The rest of the money wanted..( send) to his parents.
2. He was always insisted on ..(call) Dr.Tuner instead of Mr. Turner.
3. The bird was lucky that it just missed (catch)
4. Please excuse my coming in without( invite).
5. No one can prevent the plan from.. (carry out)
6. This page needs ..( check) again.
7. When he heard the bad news, he stood there. (surprise)
8. The hotel (build) now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.
9. Do you have any clothes. (wash) today? the maid said.
10. Anne hopes (invite) to join the private club. She could make important business contact there.
11. People like..( congratulate) when they have worked hard
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form GERUND or INFINITIVE.
1. The store ordered (refund) the money I paid for the book I returned.
2. Dont pretend . (be) what you arent.
3. I persuaded my brother in law not ... (buy) that old car.
4. Annie denied (throw) the brick through the window.
5. My father expects me ..(get) high marks in school.
6. According to the sign on the restaurant door, all diners are required ..(wear) shirts and shoes.
7. We are planning .. (visit) several historical sites in Moscow.
8. They appear. (be) no way to change our reservation for the play at this late date.
9. For some strange reasons, I keep.(think) to is Sunday.
10 All the members agreed.. (attend) the emergency meeting.
11.My boss spends two hours a day ( travel) .to work
12. (Swim) . is my favorite sport.
13. One of lifes pleasure is (have) .breakfast in bed.
14. (Whistle) . to himself, he walked down the road.
15. In spite of (miss) the train, we arrived on time.
16. They found the money . (lye) on the ground.
17. He was trapped in a (burn).. house.
18.She admitted (kill) her husband.
19.I regret (write) her that letter.
20.I enjoy (play) tennis with my friends.
21.Martin denied (see) .. the accused man on the day of the crime.
VII. Rewrite the following sentences.
1. She admitted that she has taken the necklace.
-> She admitted
3. Youve stolen my money, Tam
-> She accused Tam of.
4. Long found it difficult to concentrate on her lesson because of noise.
-> Long had difficulty
5. Im sorry I broke your glass Hai said.
-> Hai apologized for.
6. He tried to escape but the police stopped him.

-> The police prevented him from.

7. John began playing the piano ten years ago.
-> John has.
8. I cant possibly work in all this noise!
-> It is impossible
10. Smoking is not allowed on the public buses.
-> They dont .
VIII. Rewrite sentences using After and Before.
1. I told him off. Then I realized I was wrong.
-> After I had told him off, I realized I was wrong.
2. I worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it.
-> Before.
3. First I considered what to study. Then I decided to major in Maths.
-> After..
4. She wrote a letter. Then she went to bed.
-> After
5. He bought a radio. First he checked the price.
-> After
6. They argued. Then they fought.
-> After
7. She went out for a walk. Then she had a fatal accident.
-> Before
8. She decided to go away. First she faced the matter.
-> After.
9. We read the book, and then we wrote the assignment.
-> Before..
10. She watched the film, and then she wrote a report.
-> After
IX: Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: Past tenses.
1. When the phone ...................(ring), I ...................(have) a bath.
2. You ...................(wear) your new hat when I ...................(meet) you yesterday.
3. The house ...................(be) much smaller than he ...................(think) at first.
4. While you ...................(play) the piano, I ...................(write) a letter.
5. Before you ...................(mention) him, I ................... (never / hear) of that author.
6. When he ...................(go) to see them last night, they ...................(play) cards. They ...................(say)
they ...................(play) since six o'clock.
7. My friends ...................(sing) when I ...................(come) into the room.
8. The little girl ...................(ask) what ...................(happen) to her ice-cream.
9. He ...................(eat) dinner when I ...................(go) to see him.
10. George ...................(wait) for an hour before the bus ...................(come).
11. Maria ...................(enter) the university after she ...................(graduate) from the community college.
12. When the teacher ...................(come) into the room, the students were talking.
13. Uncle Ho ................... (write) the "Prison Diary".
14. They ................... (walk) along the street when they ................... (see) an accident.
15. I ................... (walk) along Piccadilly when I ................... (realize) that a man with a black beard, whom
I ................... (see) three times already that afternoon, ................... (follow) me. I ................... (be) very
annoyed, and at last I ................... (stop) him and ................... (ask) him why he ................... (follow) me.
The man ................... (apologise) and ................... (tell) me he ................... (mistake) me for one of his

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