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Frank, I have to show you some manila folders. Scared about doing anything with
them. NASA.

1. I am Flat Broke. I have maybe $300, and about $400 in credit card debt.
a. My identity is fucked up. I know I have money I dont know where.
b. Social Security #?
c. Settlement with Apple/Google?
d. What stocks, commodities do I own?
e. Perry Woodward is he on top of real estate?
i. Do I have a problem in NY or is a HUGE problem in NY?
f. When can I get a hold of some of this?
2. Existing Problems
a. Was there a show called the Big Al show?
i. Who let this happen? I want to be paid, and sue.
b. I am - Case work? I know something
happened with this.
c. Lawsuits pending?
d. Identity Theft problems?

3. Business Opportunity Overview What documents beyond evernote can be
made available for immediate review?
a. Strictly Method Productions
i. Rob Redford
ii. Dwayne Johnson
iii. Yorks? Schmidt?
iv. Existing Productions for Al Gray and Three love Status?
1. I am sure someone stole it, Cooley?
2. Do we put a lis pendens on something like this? I want
to slow things down these are IMPORTANT works of
mine. It is Art.
3. Snoop Dogg Son Someone is making this movie, I am
sure they ripped it off of me.
4. Swedish Mafia This is MY story in TV form.
b. Strictly Method Recruiting (Training)
i. Rob Lauer Contact Alex
c. Oneboard what progress have your heard about Frank
i. Are these people involved or ripping me off?
1. Jeff Cherniss??
2. Rob Stump
3. Spencer Sells
4. Is Bill Gates really interested?
5. Is there an existing company in my portfolio that I need
to provide an advanced look?

6. Bethesda low priority

7. Advice?
d. Strictly Method Music Productions and Publishing
i. Dr. Dre, Too Short
ii. What have you heard?
iii. Hip Hop and Art of Zen Did Mathers steal this too?
iv. Filoli by Busta Rhymes
e. American Express Nameless Black Card
i. Did Scott Bauer get this done? Alex

f. Santa Cruz Pyrory Mike Allen

i. Low priority
ii. Paul Eidesmore? Technology?
1. He needs to secure that patent so we can sell this to
Chevron, ASAP.
4. Consulting Work
a. Apple I have existing rough drafts, a letter for Tim Cook, Apple CEO
with a USB drive and an SSD. I need to hand deliver directly.
b. Southwest I have a couple ideas I want to get in front of them ASAP.
i. Specifically follow up on AMX financial modeling and progress.
c. Trump
i. Did we get the airline patented I want to hand it to him, how
much do you think we can hit him for?
1. The value is in the symbol.
ii. I want to do a reality tv show with Trump about thieves that
live the playboy lifestyle in New York. We round them up,
embarrass them, offer them jail or the reality tv show.
iii. Serious: Can he help us in NY?
d. I have a schitt ton of stuff in Evernote to dig through, has anyone been
5. The Last year
a. What has happened at Stanford?
b. When can I have a formal meeting arranged with Stanford?
c. I have sexual complications, I want to be well and I do not want go to
d. County Case? I need to meet with Dan Portman
i. Sentencing for Gil commnets/concerns
e. what is the True Life Game? Joe Dachiendt?
6. The Next year
a. I want to do Quality and Creativity Consulting
b. I want to handle New York and identity issues, ASAP
c. I need a vacation (2-3 weeks)

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