Assignment On: Construction Professional Studies

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Module Number 26-6700-00S






SHU STUDENT ID : 23048339

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management

Task 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Task 1-a Code of Conducts of Professional Bodies ....................................................................................... 1
Code of Professional Conducts PMI .............................................................................................................. 1
Code of Professional Conducts ICE .............................................................................................................. 2
Task 1-b Initial Development process (IDP) ....................................................................................................... 3
IDP of CIOB ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
IDP of RICS ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Task 1.c Achieving Corporate Membership in Professional Bodies. ...................................................... 6
a. Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors - RICS ....................................................................................... 6
b. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE ............................................................ 7
Task 1.d Continuing Professional; Development (CPD). ............................................................................. 8
TASK 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
TASK 2.a Organization Chart and the Responsibility Matrix ...................................................................... 9
Task 2.b Team Building ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Task 2.C Organizational Culture & Leadership styles ................................................................................ 14
References: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Annex: ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 1 RICS Graduate Route towards MRICS recognition.......................................................................... 6

Figure 2 Responsibility Matrix Pre Contract ..................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3Responsibility Matrix Post Contract .................................................................................................... 11

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Task 1
Task 1-a Code of Conducts of Professional Bodies
Code of Professional Conducts PMI
The Code of professional conducts of PMI has been delivered in following subheadings
a. Vision and applicability
The expected outcome from this is to establish a confidence among its practitioners about the
professional of Project Management can be advanced if the Code of conduct is strictly adhered
and these code will assist its practitioners to wise decisions at appropriate time.
This code further states to who it applies. These codes of conducts are bound on all PMI
members. Also those who are not Members, but holding a PMI certification or applied to
commence a PMI certification or a person who is a capacity to serve PMI voluntarily.
b. Responsibility
Responsibility is our duty to take ownership for the decisions we make or fail to make, the
actions we take or fail to take, and the consequences that result. (PMI, unknown)
Stakeholders who are covered under this Code, shall full fill the responsibilities that they
undertake, acknowledges the mistakes committed and correct them and they shall protect the
confidentiality of the information that has been entrusted on them. Furthermore, these
stakeholders shall not involve in any illegal activities and shall report unethical conducts only
with substantial facts.
c. Respect
According to PMI, Respect in the sense self, others and of those resources entrusted on. All
dealings shall be of in a professional manner while recognizing others rights and avoid
undermine the others reputation and respect.
d. Fairness & Honesty
Members and stakeholders shall act impartially, unbiased and take correct decisions
objectively. Being transparent, no acts of favourism or discrimination shall be practice
According to PMI, Honesty is our duty to understand the truth and act in a truthful manner both
in our communications and in our conduct. Prior to take any decisions, the practitioner shall
conclude that the information he bases is accurate and reliable. All commitments and promises
shall be honored and shall be made in good faith.

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Code of Professional Conducts ICE
a. All members shall discharge their professional duties with integrity and shall behave with
integrity in relation to all conduct bearing upon the standing, reputation and dignity of the
Institution and of the profession of civil engineering. (ICE, 2004)
Members are to act impartially and objectively and shall show their duty of care to their clients
without any discriminations and favourism. All commitments of engagement, fee etc. shall be in
b. All members shall only undertake work that they are competent to do. (ICE,2004)
Members shall be confident and competent enough of their involvement in each projects
regarding the extent of their involvement, nature and the knowledge of the subject an
experience keeping in mind the applicable law applicable and the limitations etc.
c. All members shall have full regard for the public interest, particularly in relation to matters of
health and safety, and in relation to the well-being of future generations. (ICE,2004)
Members shall take initiative in the best interest of the Health, safety of the Public and the
safety of the stakeholders of the Project throughout the life span of the project. Being aware of
the applicable laws and regulations, proper concern shall be given regarding all expected
hazards, while bidding executing new projects.
d. All members shall show due regard for the environment and for the sustainable
management of natural resources. (ICE,2004)
At any point of time, the members hall demonstrate that they have preliminary precautions in
concerns in Environmental sustainability and the management of resources. Proper plan shall
be implemented to preserve the Environment in its natural habitat and policies to be in place
with regard to Green Building Constructions by satisfying Authority requirements.

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Task 1-b Initial Development process (IDP)
IDP is a management development programme that takes you from being a new graduate to a
recognized professional. It is possible to gain the PDP competence units through a wide variety
of industry roles, making it transferable between jobs and employers if necessary (CIOB,
Those who have the minimum academic requirements shall adopt this PDP to progress towards
the Chartered Membership of Professional Institutes.
In general, PDP is, after completing the minimum acadamic requirement, the process of
achieving set of criteria set by Professional institutes to gain the chartered membership of those
institutes. These processes differ from institutes to institutes.
According CIOB requirements (John Trill, 2011), following are the major competencies required
to be fulfilled in IDP
Decision Making - by having suitable knowledge and understanding supported by relevant
experience to take appropriate decisions at correct time.
Communication & Managing Information Proper communication mode conducted in a
professional way to express & absorb Ideas and information fro and to. And keep record of
all Communications to be able to track back in future.
Planning Work & Managing Resources
Identifying the works to be done and arranging them in a logical way and organizing resources
to execute the arrangement made flawlessly so that the optimized output is received.
Managing Work Quality, Health & Safety and Assess Environmental Constraints
Responsibilities such as quality control, Internal auditing, adopting international standards, safety
management and implementing world widely recognized norms.
Managing Cost and Valuation of Work
Proved competence in valuing the work done, material onsite costs, Provisional and Prime
costs, and proven track of Budgeting and estimating control
Personal Management at Work
Proving the commitment to codes of professional ethics and conducts and engaging in
continuing professional development
Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
The IDP related to RICS is little complex. The competencies are categorized into 3.
a. Mandatory Competency ( All shall be attained)
b. Core Competency (Primary skills for the sector selected)
c. Optional Competency
Furthermore, there are 3 levels, namely Level 1, 2 & 3.

Mandatory Competency (General)

1. Level 1 : consisting Accounting Principles, Business Planning, Conflict avoidance,

Management, Dispute resolution procedures, data management, sustainability and Team
2. Level 2 : Consisting Client Care, Communications & Negotiations, health & Safety.
3. Level 3: Consisting Conduct Rules, Ethics & Professional Practice.

Above is Common to all sectors. For Built Infrastructure, in addition to above, following shall
also be applicable to the candidates.
Core Competencies.
Level 3 : Engineering Science & Technology (Mandatory) with 3 optional from below list.

Analysis of Client Requirement

Contract Practice

Cost Prediction & Analysis

Procurement & Tendering

Programming & Planning

Project Controls

Risk Management

Optional Competencies.
Level 3 : In addition to above selected core competencies

Contract Practice

Programming & Planning

Quantification, Costing & Price Analysis

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Level 2 : Any two of below.

Analysis of Client requirement

Asset Management

BIM Management

Cross Cultural Awareness in Global Business

Project Audit

Project Funding & Finance

Risk Management

Stakeholder Management

Supplier Management


By attaining these Competencies throughout the PDP, the candidate is eligible for the final
review where there would be a panel viva to assess the candidates qualifications subject to the
Institutes criteria and in the event of successful performance, the candidate is given the
Corporate membership.

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Task 1.c Achieving Corporate Membership in Professional Bodies.
a. Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
RICS offers various routes to get the Corporate Membership (MRICS) status such as:
a. Academic Route : This for those who have Surveying related Teaching or research (3
years min.). Those with an accredited Degree or Surveying related higher- degree can
enroll. (RICS,2014)
b. Graduate Route : For those with RICS accredited Degree and Experience. This has 3
sectors, for those with No experience, for those with 5 years of relevant surveying
experience, for those with at least 10 years of relevant surveying experience can enroll.
c. Adaptation : For those who do not possess an accredited degree, but approved degree
level professional membership can enroll. (RICS,2014)
d. Direct Entry : Those who possess membership from certain professional Bodies
(Subject to ROCS approvals) can enroll. (RICS,2014)
e. Professional Experience route : Those who has a degree and min. 5 years experience
can enroll. (RICS,2014)
For elaboration of one selected route (Graduate route) , refer below diagram.

Figure 1 RICS Graduate Route towards MRICS recognition.

Furthermore, refer Annexure-1 for further details.

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
b. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE
As requirement the applicant shall be an Engineer, Scientist, Educator, technical Executive or
originator in IEEE designated field (IEEE,2014)
Furthermore, the candidate shall have 10 years of professional experience out of which 3 years
can be substituted by a Bachelor degree or 4 years if Bachelors with a Master degree or 5 years
of with a Doctorate.
Further, the candidates shall demonstrate of 5 years of significant experience. The significant
experience means being responsible as a team leader, task supervisor, engineer in charge of a
program or project, engineer or scientist performing research with some measure of success
(papers), or faculty developing and teaching courses with research and publications, all are
indications of significant performance(IEEE,2014)
Also the Candidate shall provide 3 references of current IEEE members (Snr. Member, Fellow,
Honary Member grade)
Once the applicant meet/provide all above mentioned, then after reviewing, he will be provided
the Snr. Member Grade of IEEE.

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Task 1.d Continuing Professional; Development (CPD).
Continuing professional development (CPD) is a commitment by members to continually
update their skills and knowledge in order to remain professionally competent and achieve their
true potential. (RICS,2014)
The industry, Construction industry in particular, is evolving day by day with new inventions and
upgrades. Due to this, the industry expects more and upgraded services from the Professionals.
So it is vital necessary for the Professionals to keep them updated to the latest development to
be competent. Attending CPD events benefits not only the individual, but also the Company
Certain Professional Bodies have made mandatory for its members to record CPD hours (as
per Institute requirement) every year.
As per RICS(2014), all members shall record of 20 hour CPD every year wherein out of 20
hours, 10 hours shall be a formal CPD and the rest can be informal. At the same time AIQS
requires 40 hours of CPD in every 3 year of the membership (AIQS,2012)
As individual and being a member of a Professional benefits

Positive learning approach to coop up with constantly upgrading new technologies


In depth subject knowledge will be gained and simultaneously the standard of the
Professional Institute will be maintained.


Increases self confidence and subject knowledge leading to expertise level.


Compliance with Professional Institutes Requirement in retaining the membership.


Increases productivity of day to day works and


Personal career level is strengthen. The employers will give higher preference to those
who continuously updates their knowledge data base.

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management

TASK 2.a Organization Chart and the Responsibility Matrix
Organization Chart
An organization chart is a diagram that represents the positions and the relationships within an
organization (William Pride, Robert Hughes, Jack Kapoor, 2011)
A typical Organization chart of a medium sized construction company is given below:

Semester -01

Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
The workers expect, as minimum basic/fundamental requirement from the Employer, the

Job Security

On-time salary

No over burden

Better standard of living

This is attainable only if the Company has enough running projects that generates income so
that the Company can make sure that the workers such requirements are met.
Below diagram explains the responsible matrix of the Company in Securing a Job order.

Figure 2 Responsibility Matrix Pre Contract

Semester -01


Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
As illustrated in above diagram, the responsibility of each department is explained from getting
a job order till beginning of executing them.
Also during executing and closeout, the continues help/interference of these departments are
yet required. These interference, as an ultimate result, this corporation will ensure the stability of
the workers employment. Below Diagram illustrates how the interference during execution as
well as in closeout.

Figure 3Responsibility Matrix Post Contract

Semester -01


Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Task 2.b Team Building
The basic steps to be followed to build an effective team is given below:
1. Crew Selection
According to Dyer, W.G., Dyer, W.G. & Dyer, J.H (2007), High performance of team can be
obtained only if
a. skilled and motivated members are selected
b. establishing the process to develop the technical & interpersonal skills of the members
c. right sized team is set (not too small or not too large)
2. Set the Goal / target
Instruct and explain the goal of the team and explain the plan and the strategy to achieve the
goal to the members. The goals shall be practically achievable. This will bring a confidence
among the members.
3. Define role & responsibilities
Set each members role & responsibility (contribution to the groups goal). These assignments
shall be assigned to person who has the competence to do it. For this, the member can be
encouraged to attend special training to develop those skills. For example CPD events,
workshops etc. can be arranged.
4. Proper planning / implementation of planning
Effective decisions shall be taken regarding the implementation of the plan, resource usage,
time schedules etc. demission shall be taken after agreement with the members.
5. Encouraging, Accountability of performance.
Team members to hold accountable for fellow members for performance. once individual
assignments are made, the team needs for a process for periodically checking up on team
members and holding accountable for fulfilling their assignments in a way that is acceptable to
the team (Dyer, W.G., Dyer, W.G. & Dyer, J.H, 2007)
Appraise and reward members / team for their performance and encourage/motivate them to
3. Conduct frequent meetings
Daft the agenda and circulate to members prior to the meeting so that they can come prepared.
Also discuss all issues in a sequential manner and minute the meeting.
These meetings shall be an open communication and shall be conducted in a manner to build
the trust among the members leading towards achieving the goals. Members shall be
Semester -01


Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
encouraged to put their personal inputs in the meeting about the subject discussed.
The language shall be professional and no member shall be allowed to use foul language,
mockery or hinting.
4. Conflict management, Settlements
Its usual to encounter conflicts in a group to arise when People of different nature work in
groups. These conflicts should be managed effectively and in its absence, it can detoriate the
moral and confidence/faith of the members.
All issues arising shall be discussed openly and an amicable settlement shall be obtained to
move forwards, for which all members shall agree upon. All members shall be given equal
chance to explain their stand and the solution shall be impartial, binding upon all members.
Encourage members to solve the disputes by discussing openly with others so that this will not
demoralize others.
Mutual respect & collaboration shall be endorsed. The requirement of being as a team shall be
conveyed to members in a convincing manner so that they will keep a strong faith on it.
Employees flexibility on how they meet their work goals.

Semester -01


Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Task 2.C Organizational Culture & Leadership styles
According to Fros et al.(1985), Definition of organizational culture is Talking about
organizational culture seems to mean talking about the importance for people of symbolism of
rituals, myths, stories and legends and about the interpretation of events , ideas, and
experiences that are influenced and shaped by the groups within they live
Types of Organizational Behavior
According to Don Hellriegel, John Slocum(2008), there are four major categories, namely:
a. Bureaucratic Culture
b. Clan Culture
c. Entrepreneurial Culture
d. Market Culture
Bureaucratic Culture
According to Don Hellriegel, John Slocum(2008), this applies to an Organization that follows
rules, standard operating procedures and hierarchical coordination. Long-term concerns are
predictability, efficiency, and stability and the stakeholders recognize standardized goods and
services. Managers view their roles as being good coordinators, organizers, and enforcers of
written rules and standard. Tasks, responsibilities, authority, rules, and processes are clearly
Clan Culture
Tradition, loyalty , personal commitment , extensive socialization, teamwork, self-management
and social influence are attributes of a Clan Culture Don Hellriegel, John Slocum(2008).
Here members consider their commitment to the company is higher than the contractual
agreement. Here the unity is achieved easily. Members recognizes them as an integral part of
the company.
Entrepreneurial Culture
High level of risk taking and creativity characterize an Entrepreneurial Culture (Don Hellriegel,
John Slocum,2008). Furthermore, Don Hellriegel, John Slocum(2008) say that members are
committed to experimentation and innovation. This is very much suitable to IT companies.

Semester -01


Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
Leadership styles and its effect on Construction Organizations performance
According to Kurt Lewin, leadership styles are mainly divided into 3 parts, namely:
a. Democratic
b. Authoritarian
c. Free Rein
Under Democratic Leadership, the leader involves the members in taking the decision. He gives
chance to all members by consulting their views and finalizes the decision.(Robert N. Lussier,
Christopher F. Achua 2009)
Authoritarian style is simply the dictatorship. The leader himself takes the decision and implies
on others. Here the leader does a close supervision.
Free Rein style is a different one where the leader does not lead, rather let the members come
to a conclusion. The leader does a passive role in group affairs. (Phillip Sadler 2003)
These leadership styles will obviously have an impact on the employee where the employee is
the particle the object The Organization. The leadership style will definitely have an impact on
the morale of the employee. Of the morale of the employee is affected, the overall production
will decline thus, the companys competitive position on the market will decline. Also the
Customer satisfaction is also subject to the Organizations adopted leadership style. Some
Clients may not work with Authoritarian Styles whereas Democratic style is widely accepted.

Semester -01


Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management
William Pride, Robert Hughes, Jack Kapoor, 2011,Business, 11th Ed, Mason,-Usa, Engage
Dyer, W.G., Dyer, W.G. & Dyer, J.H. 2007, Team building: proven strategies for improving team
performance, Jossey-Bass, Chichester; San Francisco, Calif.

Frost, P.J. et al.(eds) (1985), Organizational Culture, Newbury Oark: Sage

Lewin, K., Lippit, R. and White, R.K. (1939). Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally
created social climates. Journal of Social Psychology
Continuing professional development (CPD),2011, [0nline] last accessed 03 September 2014 at

Project Management Institute, Unknown, [online, Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, last
accessed 03 September 2014 at

Institution of Civil Engineers,2004,[online], ICE CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT, last

accessed 03 September 2014 at
RICS, 2014, [online],Members (MRICS) last accessed 03 September 2014 at
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014, [online], Senior Member Grade,last
accessed 04 September 2014 at


RULES, last accessed 01 September 2014 at

Semester -01


Construction Professional Studies

BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying & Construction Management

Semester -01


August 2014

RICS Routes to Membership

Graduate Routes
Graduate 1
RICS-accredited degree
Part-time students may enrol on
to the APC during the final year
of study. Placement year
students must enrol on the APC
after graduation. At least 12 of
the 23 months structured
training must be completed after
graduating. Placement
experience can be backdated.
(see note)

Relevant prior

Graduate 2
RICS-accredited degree

At least 5 years
before starting
APC. Pre-degree
experience can
At least 10 years
before starting
APC. Pre-degree
experience can

The 12 months structured

training must be completed after
graduating. (see note)
Graduate 3
RICS-accredited degree

Structured training
24 months structured
training to meet
regular meetings with
96 hours of professional
development over
structured training period

12 months structured

regular meetings with


48 hours professional
development over the
structured training period
not required

Final assessment submissions

Final assessment interview

confirmed mandatory and technical

achievement records
logbook/progress record
professional development record over
last 24 months
critical analysis (3,000 words)

60 minute interview
including 10 minute
presentation on critical
testing on professional

confirmed mandatory and technical

achievement records
logbook/progress record
professional development record over
last 12 months
critical analysis (3,000 words)
confirmed mandatory and technical
achievement records
professional development record for
the previous 12 months, consistent
with the RICS Rules of Conduct
critical analysis (3,000 words)
record detailing the relevant technical
and mandatory skills required by the
APC pathway (submitted to RICS at

Note: Those undertaking an accredited postgraduate degree part-time may enrol on to the APC and complete the structured training concurrently. They must have
graduated from their degree course before being eligible to take final assessment.

Professional Experience Route

Minimum of

Minimum of

Bachelors degree

5 years experience post-qualification

professional body

Relevant prior experience

Preliminary assessment
Summary of experience
against technical pathway
competencies (2,000
3,000 words) mandatory
competencies (1,000 words)
Case study (2,000 words)
professional development
record (20 hours over the
previous 12 months)
organisation chart

Final assessment interview

60 minute interview including 10 minute

presentation on one case study

testing on professional practice/ethics

Academic Route
RICS-accredited degree

Relevant higher degree

Relevant prior
undertaken academic
activities relevant to the
profession over a 3 year
period. (The three years
can be a total, not
necessarily continuous,
i.e. in one block)
undertaken academic
activities relevant to the
profession over a 3 year
period on a course that is
now accredited. (The three
years can be a total, not
necessarily continuous,
i.e. in one block)

Final assessment submission

four items to be evidenced from the list of options below (see note).
At least one must be from each of the three lists and at least one of
the four must be to level 3 in a core competency from the chosen
APC pathway
Teaching options at least one from this list
o Post graduate teaching qualification
o Successful mentoring of research students
o Course leadership and development
Research options at least one from this list
o Peer group refereed research paper / report
o Book
o Book chapter
o Conference paper
o Patent
o Consultancy report
External Engagement at least one from this list
o Engagement with employers
o Consultancy activities
o Engagement with professional organisation

Final assessment
60 minute interview based
on portfolio of evidence with
a 10 minute presentation on
one item to demonstrate
knowledge and
understanding of the
mandatory, core and
optional competencies of
the chosen APC pathway in
the context of teaching and
research, as well as of
professional practice,
research ethics and
professional ethics

3,000 word statement that documents the relevance of the portfolio to

the profession and how this has been applied to the chosen APC
professional development records for the previous 12 months,
consistent with the RICS Rules of Conduct
Note: All published work presented must have been published/completed within the three years and prior to final assessment interview. It must be of a quality that is
recognised nationally in terms of its originality, significance, rigour and contribution to research and/or policy agendas.

Senior Professional Route

Academic / professional qualifications
and experience
10 years relevant experience, and now in
a senior industry position, either in terms
of management responsibility or
acknowledged expert specialist status
The experience requirement is reduced to
five years with 1) undergraduate degree
or equivalent professional qualification
and 2) a relevant post-graduate degree
(masters level or higher).

Management / Specialised
Expertise competencies
Managers must demonstrate
attainment in additional mandatory
competencies in leadership,
managing people and managing
Expert Specialists must demonstrate
the extent of specialist knowledge

Final assessment submission

rsum providing evidence of meeting the

relevant technical and mandatory skills
required by the chosen APC pathway
professional development records for the
previous 12 months, consistent with the
RICS rules of conduct
3 case studies (500 words each)
demonstrating competence one should
include demonstration of management and
leadership skills OR specialist expertise
depending on the case (with the option to
substitute a maximum of two of the case
studies with published articles or
presentations taken from the last three
years). At least one case study should be on
a project from the country the assessment is
taking place in.

Notes for senior professional academics

Experience and seniority the required surveying experience is interpreted as undertaking academic activities relevant to the profession
Final assessment submission in the case studies, evidence of consultancy work should be provided

Final assessment
60 minute interview
including 10 minute
personal introduction
based on rsum
testing on professional
practice/ethics and
leadership and
skill/specialist expertise

Adaptation Route
Adaptation 1

Relevant prior experience

At least 5 years relevant experience

RICS-approved professional body

membership OR degree

Final assessment submission

professional development records for the previous 12

months, consistent with the RICS rules of conduct
critical analysis (3,000 words)
record detailing the relevant technical and mandatory
skills required by the APC pathway (submitted to
RICS at application)

450 study hours from an RICS

accredited degree either at
postgraduate level or final year of an
undergraduate programme or from an
approved training provider (see note)
Adaptation 2

Final assessment
60 minute
including 10
presentation on
critical analysis
testing on

For EU applications covered by EU Directive

There is an EU Directive that ensures mutual recognition of professional qualification. RICS is a designated body under EU law for deciding whether or not
qualifications from other EU countries would permit an individual to practise as a chartered surveyor in the UK.
Candidates for RICS membership under the Directive must be members of a relevant professional body in their country of residence. RICS will assess whether or not
the requirements of any candidates professional body are equivalent to those of RICS. If there is a shortfall, RICS will identify the training and experience and/or
assessment of competence needed before the candidate can be admitted to membership.
Note: The 450 study hours must be undertaken specifically for the purpose of pursuing RICS membership.

Relevant prior experience
4 years relevant experience.

Final assessment submission

Summary of experience
3,000-word summary of recent experience demonstrating both the
technical (2,000 words) and mandatory (1,000 words) competency
requirements of the chosen pathway
Case study
2,000-word account of a recent project that demonstrates technical
ability, focusing mainly on the two technical competencies most
relevant to day-to-day work
Record of professional development
A log and evaluation of 24 hours of learning activities taken to build
up skills towards mandatory and technical competencies
Successful completion of RICS online ethics module

Online assessment of submission by
two assessors.

Direct Entry
Some approved professional bodies and other qualifications around the world can provide a streamlined route to RICS membership. For example, some
professional body memberships allow direct entry to RICS, while others may provide exemptions to the academic requirements. Please visit for details.


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