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FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. Free Version of On The Other Hand Written and Copyright by DEAN MONTALBANO This is for personal use only and can not be SOLD, printed, shared or published in any way shape or form. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. On The Other Hand A Palmistry Book By Dean Montalbano Introduction This booklet has been written as an introduction to the vast ocean of information that is Chiro- maney. Chiromancy? That is a fancy word for Palmistry, Palm Reading, or Hand Analysis. Palmistry can be a method of telling about a person’s personality type, past, future potentials, disposi- tion, current situation- even health and physical matters. It is an art, science, metaphysical discipline and psychology all rolled into one. Most palmistry books are complicated and disorganized. It is this complexity that has been the downfall of most would be palm readers, and so this text was born to take the intimidation away. ‘What you hold is not supposed to be a complete treatise on palm reading, itis a primer, which will start you on your study of hands and what they reveal. Each section is logically based on the sections which precede it; your knowledge will build on what you already know. It is vital therefore, that you know one section before going on to the next. ‘To make learning easier, | will frequently include Mnemonics (Memory Aides). These will a pear in parenthesis in italics. If you picture the memory aide while learning, you will find the information much easier to remember. This booklet will not be an ond, but rather a first stop. If you choose to continue reading hands, you will want to seek out other palmistry texts. A few technical notes: Most palmistry books, as with this one, illustrate your hand as seen from your perspective; this is backward from the normal position when reading for someone else. To make your study easier, | suggest you periodically turn the book upside down. All the illustrations wili be of a right hand, turned palm up; for the left hand, positions would be reversed. How Does Palmistry Work? Palmistry is based on ENERGY. Ancient Chiromancers believed that we were all made up of ‘energy which flowed completely through us. The energy mass within each person is like a ‘computer disk, storing all there is to know about that person. Any part of that energy can tell all we want to know about that person. The entire being of a person is reflected in their hand; as we read the hand, we read the person. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. ‘THE MOUNTAINS, ‘The Mountains are the fleshy lumps found on the palm. Many people with little knowledge of palmistry know of the Mountain of Venus- the largest mountain on the palm. Each of these Mountains has a name and/or ruling planet, and deals with a specific quality. The Mountains can be thought of as illustrating personality type, while the lines will more indicate past, present and future. The Mountains can be thought of as RESERVOIRS OF ENERGY. These are the reser- voirs you will draw on for specific purposes. | will generally use the abbreviated term “MT.” in lace of “Mountain.” Figure 1 The Mountains FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. In the large diagram (Figure 1) you will see all of the MT’s and their names. This will be the standard format for Mt s text: The heading will be the name of the MT., under the name will be what that MT. deals with. Below that will be a momory aide. Next will be a briof blurb of what it means if the MT. is Over Devel- ‘oped (0-), Under Developed (U-), or Well Developed (W-), followed by some discussion on gen- eral meanings and interpretations. ‘To determine if a MT. is Over, Well or Under developed, look at it, feel it, and compare it to the other MT’s on the hand. A MT. would be under developed only if it were very mushy, much ‘smaller than the others or if it possessed a dent. A MT. would be considered over developed if it Is VERY large, hard or callousad in relationship to the other MT’s. A welll developed MT is one which is not overly large, hard, small or soft in relationship to the other MT’s. WHAT IT ALL MEANS: ‘Awol developed MT. will indicate a good amount of whatever quality that MT. deals with. An under developed MT. shows a lack of that quality. An over developed MT. shows an over abun- dance of that quality, and whatever negative connotations that may imply. [The MT. Of VENUS Figure 2 Jeals with warmth, love and stamina. The energy needed to vercome life's difficulties. icture her smiling, as the arms broke off imagine the STAM- G Feta statue of VENUS- Goddess of LOVE with no arms. INA that it took to endure that DIFFICULTY.) Figure 2 | W-Warm, sympathetic, emotion is important. Has the stamina and energy needed to overcome most of life’s difficulties. 0- Grabs life with gusto. Active. Lots of energy. Maybe be decadent. Can be excessive in many of the VENUS aspects, such as love, lust otc. May not know when to call something “quits” or allow others around them to rest. U- Weakened onergy. May have just come through a trying period. Lets things get to a crisis situation. May be cold. Others don’t understand the way these people show love. ‘Comments: Remember that VENUS is bordered by the Life Line. This is why VENUS is thought cof as having direct bearing on the energy the person has to cope with life. The shape and po: n of this MT. have much to do with how it is read. Use your intuition, look FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. at the shape, and comment accordingly. ir of MARS UPPER Figure 3 als with aggressions, and how one fibhts for one’s SELF hink of making an AGGRESSIVE fist, and looking at the thumb side. u will be looking at that MT of MARS. Think of squishing a candy bar of Je same name, and it getting all over YOURSELF.) Figure 3 W- This is a person who will stick up for themselves, but will also listen to reason. May like the ‘out-doors. Not usually a doormat. 0- A Fighter! Probably has a strong temper. Won't let go of a situation. U-A doormat. Will complain about problems rather than doing anything about them. “WHY MEI” ‘Comments: Use great caution when reading Mars as Over or Under Developed, and be VERY diplomatic in how you bring these points out. MARS Is a MT. which is not always visible as a soparate MT., often it is part of the large MT. noxt to it. Read it as well developed. A very over developed MT. of Vonus, combined with a very un- der developed MT. of MARS UPPER would usually conflict, or cancel each other out. For read- ing purposes, consider it well developed In palmistry it is important to relate each MT. and Line to the rest of the hand, it is an art which requires that you learn to synthesize all the elements you are looking at within the hand. ‘The MT. of MARS UPPER has a sister MT., called “Lower” which you will see below. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. of MARS LOWER Figure 4 als with aggressions- how one fights for OTHERS. ‘ou can use similar memory aide as for Mars Upper. Just put the candy| ron the pinky side, and rub it AGGRESSIVELY on OTHERS.) Figure 4 W- Stands up for loved one’s, others, and ‘what is right.’ Often willtry to show others how to fight for themsolves, doing it for thom. A cause fighter. 0- Aggressive, hostile and a fighter. Do not hurt a friend of this person, they will tear your head off! May often stick their nose in where it doesn’t belong, but only because they care. A poten- tial radical activist. U- Thinks that others just need to deal with their own problems. Watches out for self more than others, ‘Comments: In general, this MT. is how one helps one’s fellow man. Again, you will read it in rela- tionship to the MT’S around it. IT. of JUPITER Figure 5 eals with success, will power, ambition and drive. (Picture yourself holding your finger lip in an “I ‘in Number ne “pose, showing off your AMBITION, DRIVE and SUC- ESS. Use that finger to exert your WILL by poking someone. ‘ook at the base of that first finger. and there you will find ur MT of JUPITER. If you make a dotted line outlining this IT, itis a backward * shape... “J"for JUPITER. } Figure 5 W- Proud of self, but not arrogant. Ambitious, but not self centered or ruthless. A dynamic per- son. Has direction and desire. Note these desires may be unfulfilled which may lead to frustra- tion. 0- Ruthloss! Often solf contered (Can be balanced out by a large Mars Lower.) and very narrow in foresight. Often puts all cise aside when in pursuit of a desire or goal. In pursuit of perfection, and displeased when it is not found. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. U- Lacks a lot of drive and direction. Can't stay on task. Can’t stick to a diet. Procrastinator. May have many wants and desires, but does little to accomplish them. This may be because of discouragement from others in the past. ‘Comments: This is very much a MT. dealing with one’s self-actualization, This is the MT. that ‘shows whether one is the type to take control and make things happen, or just sit and wait. A very over developed MT. of JUPITER in a housewife for instance, may show someone who is VERY self fulfilled and accomplished in her role and detailed oriented; or she may have other goals and dreams that are not being realized right now- leading to frustration. People with over developed JUPITER MT’s can also become frustrated and displeased when ‘others don’t live up to their perfect view, or if their life doesn’t follow the “plan” they have for themselves. OF SATURN Figure 6 als with balance, order, harmony @ \d reason. icture making a certain impolite gesture with your middle finger ex- snded. Imagine the planet SA TURN BALANCED on the 14 At the base ‘the finger rests that MT. of SATURN.) Figure 6 W- Practical and well rounded in most things. A prudent person who seeks and often finds har- mony and balance. It is rare to find a perfect, well developed MT. of SATURN. Usually the MT. is bisected, off to one side, indented or very large. 0- Very concerned with balance and order. Anal retentive. If they don’t get their way, it may lead to depression. Dirty dishes in sink drive them crazy! U-A very whimsical person. Not concerned if things are in the right place or not. May have a very unstable life condition, Often will feo! restricted if things are too orderly or set. Thoy may DESIRE order very much. Not usually the military type. ‘Comments: Those who have over or under developed MT’s of SATURN usually still have some degree of balance in their life. The MT. tends to deal with what one wants, seeks, or causes to ‘come about in their life. Often, those who have little balance or stability prefer it that way; they ‘equate balance with stagnation. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. IMT. of The SUN, or APOLLO Figure 7 [Deals with emotion, relationships, O facsthetics, etiquette and creativity. imagine a wedding band on your ring finger sign a RELATION- ISHIP. imagine that you CREATED that ring and you wear it be- [cause of your appreciation of ETIQUETTE and its AESTHETIC Figure 7 lbeauty. itis in ‘he shape of the SUN.) W- Relationship oriented. Appreciates finer things. Love of family and “chosen family.” (le. Cir- cle of true friends.) 0- May show vanity. Obsession with loved ones and relationships. May idealize loved ones or decide how they should behave and becomes displeased when they don’t live up to that expec- tation, U- Considers self to be very practical and not a ‘time waster’ when it comes to artistic pursuits. Not necessarily unloving, but may put work and such before loved ones without realizing it. ‘Comments: As always, you must carefully read this MT. against the others, and see how they all relate and interact. When you look at the palm, you are not looking at disconnected compo- nents, but rather an entire personality, or entity. Each of these components relate to and effect ‘cach other, just as the roots of a tree effect the leaves, branches, fruit. When that fruit is con- ‘sumed, it also effects the life around it. MT. of MERCURY Figure 8 [Deals with communication imagine that your Pinky is a thermometer, filled with MERCURY. anced on the lip is a Ittle telephone, used for COMMUNICA- TION) Figure 8 FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. W- A good communicator in speech, writing and! or numbers. Able to communicate thoughts or feclings well, but not always both. 0- Very well developed communication skills. Vory persuasive; needs to be careful when deal- ing with others. Can unknowingly talk other peopie into things or persuade them to do things. not normally within their own nature. Usually very intelligent. Can use these skills as a sales- man, politician, con artist, used car dealer or motivational speaker. Can be used for positive or negative uses, so this person should be careful! U- Shy. Has great difficulty communicating well. Often misunderstood. Doesn’t often speak what's on his or her mind. ‘Comments: If the MT.’s of Jupiter (Success), Venus (General stamina) and Saturn (Balance) are ‘over or welll developed, and they are met with a severely UNDER developed MT. of MERCURY, this person may find themselves frustratingly crippled by an inability to communicate. Note that the qualities in most or all of the MT’s can be changed by effort on the part of the indi- vidual! IMT. of the MOON, or LUNA Figure 9 Jeals with the subconscious, imagination and fantasy. (Think about the MOON being seen nly at night. Night-time is when DREAMS, FANTASY and IMAGINATION are most active.) Figure 9 W- Creative. Has a good imagination, but it doesn’t dominate reality. 0- Very imaginative. Imagination may dominate reality. Day-dreamer. May live a fantasy life. U- Feels they are unimaginative. Lacks confidence in own creative abilities, or has become too used to these creative abilities and takes them for granted. Avoids a lot of “silliness.” Thinks of themselves as a “practical person.” ‘Comments: itis from this MT. that most real creativity stoms. It balances out the MT. of Vonus ‘on the other side of the palm. Venus is the awake, active, physical, conscious side; LUNA is the ‘subconscious, sleeping, conceiving and thinking side. For the two to get together requires a bridge, which takes us to the last MT. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. |The MT. of NEPTUNE figure 10 [This mountain is the bridge between the conscious and subcon- cious, the creative and actualizing. ae (Think of NEPTUNE, the God ofthe Sea, and picture a BRIDGE Wik eee gee) Figure 10 W-Is able to take ideas and make them happen. 0- Often has too many irons in the fire. Too many things trying to cross bridge. If MT’s on each side are out of balance, (le- if one is weak and the other strong.) this person may feel like they can’t accomplish anything; their bridge very big, yet either nothing is being sent across, or when it gets across it dies. U- Again, frustration. Often can’t seem to make ideas into reality. The ideas can’t get across the bridge. ‘Comments: This MT., combined with the others, is the completion of a circle. Imagine that en- ergy flow, going from one reservoir to another; it begins with the large pool of energy that is Venus. As that energy begins to move around the hand, it is modified with each reservoir it passes through, finally reaching the bridge of NEPTUNE; to make the circle complete, it needs a path. NEPTUNE, like the Mars MT’s is not usually as large or perceivable as the others, so read it ac- cordingly. Anything short of an actual dip is usually at least a well developed MT. of NEPTUNE. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. Figure 11 THE LINES Ifthe MT.’s are reservoirs or energy, the lines are ROADS of energy. Itis the condition, direc- tion and origin of that road which will indicate what it means, what the travel on it will be like, and where one will end up if one doesn’t alter the road along the way. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. Figure 12 e_— Dots —_— Forks oN Islands eae tee Spots + Le p £7 A ae Very Fine cet Strong, Deep JLine Quality and Types. Figure 12 JA tong, doop, continuous straight line would be like a newly ppaved Figure 12 super highway. It would have few unexpected lurns and surprises-a steady flow of energy. Abrupt turns, side roads, deforming bends, pot holes (Dots or pots), Forks rough pavement, breaks, bridges, forks and clover joafs can all load to delays, new directions and change of plans. nore these things occur on Islands the line will also show hen in life they are most likely to occur or have occurred. “Y" in the line, is a fork in the road, it shows choices and new Possible cirections. Very Fine islands, or tle boxes are circle inthe road that show lelay or concerns. A fine wispy line is like a one lane road, it restricts travel and progress. JA tine which, by diraction shows positive things, may be re- pleted ithe tine Is vary fine or weak. The potentials ara sti here, but the current path is too narrow and the energy ots or spots are Potholes, they suck the energy out and show a soncern, low that we have explored the road metaphor, let us go on to he lines themselves. in an earlier page is a diagram of the major lines, and their di- .ction of flow. (le, where they START from, and where they go to.) Flow direction is subject to debate, depending on what }00ks or readers you consult, so later you will decide for your- elf. | find the directions included here to be accurate FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. |The LIFE LINE Figure 13 [This tine is concomed with the QUALITY of life, not the quantity It ins in the area between the thumb and first finger, and outlines the MT. of Venus. It may also include the MT. of Mars Upper. — Figure 13 ifthe LIFE LINE is connected to the Head Lino, it shows one’s intol- ject and stamina being connected. State of mind will dictate health| ind vice versa; if he or she is happy, they will also be can’t get through. jealthy and vital. Wony makes this person ill, and they should void it as much as possible. Figure 14 the LIFE LINE and Head Lines are separate, this person is an in- lopendent thinker. They always needed to know “Why?” as a child, ind were rather head strong. They often don’t understand why hers react the way they do to a situation, nor do other's thoughts Fr reactions change the way this person thinks. They make up heir own mind! Figure 15 & if the LIFE LINE bogins on the MT. of Jupiter, it rolates to Jupiter valities of success, career, drive, ambition and perfection. This 1rson idealizes life, sets grand goals, and has pre-conceived ideas about how things must turn out. Success, in what ever way they define that word, is what brings meaning to this person’s life. ifthe LIFE LINE itself is fine and restricted, or rough, this person .n has a difficult time obtaining this perfection and achieving heir goals. Figure 16 1s [The origin and direction of the line indicate temperament, and the Jay one is directing the resources of the MT’s. The depth and rength of the line shows the effectiveness of those efforts. To ‘ontinue the road analogy, a curved super highway from Los An- Figurent4,t% & 16 jeles to New York would get you there faster than a pot hole‘flled irt road that was a straight line. Since the LIFE LINE also shows stamina, a short LIFE LINE coming from Jupiter may also show a lack of stamina to achieve his or her goals. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. ALIFE LINE that begins below Jupiter and is long would belong to a person who is physically vital, loving and caring. \n overly large and round LIFE LINE, outlining a big MT. of Venus, sould show someone fill of love, sensuality, life and caring. They lay be TOO caring at times! Figure 17 “Cat’s Cradle” effect near the beginning shows all the troubles /outh, unhappiness with school and such; the further out the Cat's radle continues, the further into adulthood these troubles influ- ince their life, The point at which the Head and LIFE LINE’s totally separate is the point in time when they broke free, gained mental 1nd spiritual independence and became their own person. Figure 8. My ffort lines are the small wispy lines that come off the LIFE LINE. hese show some sort of effort, work or struggle and their place- ent gives an indication as to when. A LIFE LINE riddled with of- fort lines shows a person who has aways been filled with stress ind emotional trauma, much of which is probably self created or elf worsened. Ifthe lines are faded, the stress has passed, or n controlled. Figure 19. Figures 17, 18 & 19 FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. i [ ‘complete break in the LIFE LINE shows a dramatic trauma or hap-| ning in the past or future. NEVER upset someone you are reading for by pronouncing a break as some impending disaster!! This ould be highly unethical! A better way to mention it would be as an| 1pcoming emotional test-a need for courage. Bigger {the break is in the past, notice how the line continues. If it contin- 10s but is BIGGER, then tho upheaval of the break made their life ttor- in ffect it increased the size of the MT. of Venus. Ifthe LIFE INE continues smaller, then the trouble drained this person. {1a break is “patched” by a small line over the hole, this shows ;omeone who has had a vely dualistic life; to use an example- a for- 1er drug dealer who becomes a minister. It is almost as ifthey have Smaller lived two totally different lives. double LIFE LINE Is equivalent to a cats nine lives, oa safety net- ‘shows that this person ultimately can and always will come out on ‘op. Other lines and MT’s may show that the person doesn’t per- ive it that way, but this person is a survivor. ( atched J Dotble FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. HE HEAD LINE Figure 20 his line shows how one uses their intellect, schooling and career knowled yne’s thought processes work. Figure 20 FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. Figures 21 & 22 Figures 23, 24 & 25 {A gap between the HEAD LINE and Life Line shows an independent thinke if the HEAD LINE starts from the MT. of Mars upper, this person will tend t hive, quarrelsome and unbending in opinions and such. Figure 21 raight, this person may be very one tracked and ruthless in their pursuit bes LINE from Jupiter shows a mind set dominated by success; if very jure 22 The direction of this line also tells much: if the HEAD LINE runs straight across to the MT. of Mars Lower, this perso land logical, and probably doesn’t use their imagination very much. If their [Moon is very big, this lack of imaginative outlet may frustrate them. Figure if tho HEAD LINE bogins straight, and then curves toward the MT. of tho 100d use of intellect and imagination. Figure 24 HEAD L which takes a sharp dramatic turn downward, toward the MT. o hows a person who is dominated by imagination. They may be unrealistic sions and day dreamer. Figure 25 very short HEAD LINE may show a narrow mindedness and, depending t IT. it stops, it can also show where one’s mental strengths lic. if @ HEAD LINE and Heart Line are very close, the emotions and intellect o loud each other, whichever line is deeper and smoother is the one that w [A lot of rough effort lines stemming from a rough HEAD LiNE show tension faraine problems. 4 THE OTHE sold in any way HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- partially ot entirely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. Figure 26 Figure 27 Figures 28 & 29 he HEART LINE Figure 26 his line tells about a person’s emotional state, love, sensuality ind romance. Branches on this line tend to be positive, showing a sharing and taking in of many emotional experiences. The only ime branches may become a problem is if the HEART LINE is vory rough; this shows a lot of emotional distress. All the branches add 100 much to this already emotionally challenged individual the LINE of the HEART ends on the MT. of Jupiter, this person has| 1n They put their romantic interests on a pedestal and become dis-| satisfied when others can't live up to their standards. Figure 27 HEART LINE ending between Jupiter and Saturn shows strong motion, due to its length, and an ability to strike a good balance i the emotional aspects of life. This person usually makes wise deci- ions about matters of the heart. idealistic view of love. the HEART LINE ends on the MT. of Saturn, this person may see love and sex as the same thing (Saturn puts equal weight on both.) nd may seem cold at times. the HEART LINE is straight, heading toward the Head Line or ralleling it, this person is a more intellectual type of lover. Figure| 8 very short HEART LINE shows a person who has probably not jot found true love, or dosn't feel themselves worthy of it. hains or a “Cat's Cradle” mass on the HEART LINE show troubles| ‘the heart. A Double HEART LINE shows a very loving, loyal and ithful person. the Head Line and HEART LINE join, forming a single, straight i is 13 called a “SIMIAN LINE.” Fi no possess this lino see things in a very puro, simple and often hild/-like way. Thoy have the ability to see ultimate truths. Many xxts will indicate that this is a single minded or stupid person’s line, but | have found this to NOT be the case. These people simply ce situations in an uncluttered way. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. The three lines just mentioned are the MAJOR lines of the hand; they are present in most ‘every hand, almost without fail. The following lines are minor lines and may not be present. Thoy will be mentioned only briefly |The FATE LINE Figure 30 [This is sometimes called the Saturn Line because, generally peaking, it more or less runs from wrist to the MT. of Saturn, Figure 30 |The FATE LINE can be thought of as a rudder, or steering wheel, biiving a person’s life direction and purpose. [Those whose FATE LINE has not yet developed may find them- elves lacking direction or purpose. When FATE LINE and Life ine collide, the energy flow of these lines is going in opposite irections, and thus may cause a situation which needs to be vercome. It will however, be part of a new direction and senso f purpose. (Think of it as oncoming traffic in your lane- you may ‘ave to change directions to avoid a crash.) Ifthe FATE LINE stems from the Mt. of the Moon, then the fate will be guided by creativity. ‘Whimsy may play a big role in the directions of this person’s life. ‘The end of the FATE LINE, likewise, relates to where the person is directing his or her life; be It success and career goals (Toward Jupiter), achieving balance in work and love (Saturn), seeking relationships and beauty (Apollo), or communicating thoughts or ideas (Mercury). Multiple FATE LINES, forks off the main line, or a fragmented line all show many directions, and options open to this person. They need to be careful about having too many irons in the fire. Figure 31 FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. THE VENUS GIRDLE Figure 32 [This is a rathor uncommon line. If complete, it surrounds the IMT’s of jaturn and the Sun. This shows an EXTREMELY sensual and lov- ing person who is full of the emotional aspects of love. Figure 32 |The VIA LASCIVA Figure 33 [This is the mirror to the Venus Girdle, it surrounds the MT. of jeptune. This is the same fullness of love as the Venus Girdle, pst this is a person more obsessed with the physical and sexual sspects ofa relationship. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: HAND SHAPE ‘As you study other palmistry texts, you will find whole chapters written on hand and finger types and shapes but, | will leave the bulk of that information for the ft in a basic sort of way though, here is some information on the meaning of basic hand shapes. Allong slender hand is that of an artistic type person, also a very intuitive person. Aclaw-l c@ hand will be that of a colder person. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. Aspatulate hand, one which is proportionate but wide and firm, is a “do-er,” one who gets things done, and is not afraid to do work themselves. A Square hand with stubby fingors is that of a simple person. They may be not as concerned about things in the material world, nor overly concerned with details. FINGERS. The shape, length and strongth of the fingors is road in relation to the Mountain from which they begin. The finger is the conduit for the energy, or how itis directed out into the world, and effects the use of the energy within the MT. Hf, for instance, a large MT. of Jupiter leads to a short Jupiter finger, this person may have tre- mendous ambition, but it isn’t getting Out. Something is restricting it, probably the individual's self imposed limitations. Hone finger leans toward another, this too is significant. Let us suppose that the Jupiter fin- gor (success) bends sharply at the tip toward the Saturn finger (Balance). This person proba- bly has a lot of career goals, and is very success oriented, but strives greatly to balance these with other aspects of his or her life. In general, a normal length, straight finger, shows good use of the energy found in the MT. be- low. A proportionally short, or bent finger shows a restriction of some sort, or relates that en- ‘ergy toward the finger and MT it bonds toward. INTERPRETATION AND READING: Interpretation is the most important part of Chiromancy. This Is what brings the various ole- ments and meanings together into a cohesive, understandable reading. Palmistry, more than any other method of analyzing or divining, requires that you synthosize all the element you are looking at. You can not look at only one indicator on the hand without also looking at the other elements you see. The hand is a reflection of the whole person, not just one small aspect. The energy of one Mountain may be drained or strengthened by an- other. The lines may not be able to carry that energy about its course, or they may direct the energy against itself. Itis said that you are born with the lines in your left hand and you create the lines in your right. In other words, the left hand is your past and potentials; your right is your now and future; the meanings are reversed in left handed people. Those who are truly ambidextrous are read as if they are right handed. Hold the client’s hand and take a few moments to look at all the information you see. Their past, prosont and future are there before you. Then, begin working around the hand, as we have in this text, telling aloud about the Mountains first, and then the lines. Allow each new area to relate to those you have spoken of and those you will speak of, and lot thom blend to- gether and modify each other. If you come to a line which you have never seen before, use your common sense coupled with what you already know, and give your best possible interpretation. Let your intuition be your guide, and you will FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- TED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entiely. Psyehichourglass com FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely, FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely, FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely. FREE PDF FORMAT OF ON THE OTHER HAND- COPYRIGHT DEAN MONTALBANO NOT TO BE COP- IED, Printed, Distributed, or sold in any way partially or entirely,

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