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/* See COPYRIGHT for copyright information.


#include <inc/x86.h>
#include <inc/mmu.h>
#include <inc/error.h>
#include <inc/string.h>
#include <inc/assert.h>

#include <kern/pmap.h>
#include <kern/kclock.h>

// These variables are set by i386_detect_memory()

size_t npages;

// Amount of physical memory (in pages)

static size_t npages_basemem;

// Amount of base memory (in pages)

// These variables are set in mem_init()

pde_t *kern_pgdir;
struct PageInfo *pages;

// Kernel's initial page directory

// Physical page state array

static struct PageInfo *page_free_list;

// Free list of physical pages

// -------------------------------------------------------------// Detect machine's physical memory setup.

// --------------------------------------------------------------

static int
nvram_read(int r)

return mc146818_read(r) | (mc146818_read(r + 1) << 8);


static void
size_t npages_extmem;

// Use CMOS calls to measure available base & extended memory.

// (CMOS calls return results in kilobytes.)
npages_basemem = (nvram_read(NVRAM_BASELO) * 1024) / PGSIZE;
npages_extmem = (nvram_read(NVRAM_EXTLO) * 1024) / PGSIZE;

// Calculate the number of physical pages available in both base

// and extended memory.
if (npages_extmem)
npages = (EXTPHYSMEM / PGSIZE) + npages_extmem;
npages = npages_basemem;

cprintf("Physical memory: %uK available, base = %uK, extended = %uK\n",

npages * PGSIZE / 1024,
npages_basemem * PGSIZE / 1024,
npages_extmem * PGSIZE / 1024);

// --------------------------------------------------------------

// Set up memory mappings above UTOP.

// --------------------------------------------------------------

static void boot_map_region(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t va, size_t size, physaddr_t pa,
int perm);
static void check_page_free_list(bool only_low_memory);
static void check_page_alloc(void);
static void check_kern_pgdir(void);
static physaddr_t check_va2pa(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t va);
static void check_page(void);
static void check_page_installed_pgdir(void);

// This simple physical memory allocator is used only while JOS is setting
// up its virtual memory system. page_alloc() is the real allocator.
// If n>0, allocates enough pages of contiguous physical memory to hold 'n'
// bytes. Doesn't initialize the memory. Returns a kernel virtual address.
// If n==0, returns the address of the next free page without allocating
// anything.
// If we're out of memory, boot_alloc should panic.
// This function may ONLY be used during initialization,
// before the page_free_list list has been set up.
static void *
boot_alloc(uint32_t n)
static char *nextfree;

// virtual address of next byte of free memory

char *result;
size_t numPgs=0;

// Initialize nextfree if this is the first time.

// 'end' is a magic symbol automatically generated by the linker,
// which points to the end of the kernel's bss segment:
// the first virtual address that the linker did *not* assign
// to any kernel code or global variables.
if (!nextfree) {
extern char end[];
nextfree = ROUNDUP((char *) end, PGSIZE);

// Allocate a chunk large enough to hold 'n' bytes, then update

// nextfree. Make sure nextfree is kept aligned
// to a multiple of PGSIZE.
// LAB 2: Your code here.

if (n == 0) {

cprintf("boot_alloc memory at %x\n", nextfree);

cprintf("Next memory at %x\n", ROUNDUP((char *) (nextfree+n), PGSIZE));
if (n != 0) {
char *next = nextfree;
nextfree = ROUNDUP((char *) (nextfree+n), PGSIZE);

result = next;


return result;

// Set up a two-level page table:


kern_pgdir is its linear (virtual) address of the root

// This function only sets up the kernel part of the address space
// (ie. addresses >= UTOP). The user part of the address space
// will be setup later.
// From UTOP to ULIM, the user is allowed to read but not write.
// Above ULIM the user cannot read or write.
uint32_t cr0;
size_t n;

// Find out how much memory the machine has (npages & npages_basemem).

// Remove this line when you're ready to test this function.

//panic("mem_init: This function is not finished\n");

// create initial page directory.
kern_pgdir = (pde_t *) boot_alloc(PGSIZE);
memset(kern_pgdir, 0, PGSIZE);

// Recursively insert PD in itself as a page table, to form
// a virtual page table at virtual address UVPT.
// (For now, you don't have understand the greater purpose of the
// following line.)

// Permissions: kernel R, user R

kern_pgdir[PDX(UVPT)] = PADDR(kern_pgdir) | PTE_U | PTE_P;

// Allocate an array of npages 'struct PageInfo's and store it in 'pages'.
// The kernel uses this array to keep track of physical pages: for
// each physical page, there is a corresponding struct PageInfo in this
// array. 'npages' is the number of physical pages in memory. Use memset
// to initialize all fields of each struct PageInfo to 0.
// Your code goes here:

pages = (struct PageInfo *) boot_alloc(sizeof(struct PageInfo) * npages);

memset(pages, 0, sizeof(struct PageInfo)); //TODO


// Now that we've allocated the initial kernel data structures, we set
// up the list of free physical pages. Once we've done so, all further
// memory management will go through the page_* functions. In
// particular, we can now map memory using boot_map_region
// or page_insert


// Now we set up virtual memory

// Map 'pages' read-only by the user at linear address UPAGES
// Permissions:

- the new image at UPAGES -- kernel R, user R

(ie. perm = PTE_U | PTE_P)
- pages itself -- kernel RW, user NONE

// Your code goes here:

boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, UPAGES, PTSIZE, PADDR(pages), PTE_U);

// Use the physical memory that 'bootstack' refers to as the kernel
// stack. The kernel stack grows down from virtual address KSTACKTOP.
// We consider the entire range from [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP)

// to be the kernel stack, but break this into two pieces:


* [KSTACKTOP-KSTKSIZE, KSTACKTOP) -- backed by physical memory




the kernel overflows its stack, it will fault rather than


overwrite memory. Known as a "guard page".


Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE

// Your code goes here:

// Map all of physical memory at KERNBASE.
// Ie. the VA range [KERNBASE, 2^32) should map to

the PA range [0, 2^32 - KERNBASE)

// We might not have 2^32 - KERNBASE bytes of physical memory, but

// we just set up the mapping anyway.
// Permissions: kernel RW, user NONE
// Your code goes here:

// Check that the initial page directory has been set up correctly.

// Switch from the minimal entry page directory to the full kern_pgdir
// page table we just created.

Our instruction pointer should be

// somewhere between KERNBASE and KERNBASE+4MB right now, which is

// mapped the same way by both page tables.

// If the machine reboots at this point, you've probably set up your
// kern_pgdir wrong.


// entry.S set the really important flags in cr0 (including enabling

// paging). Here we configure the rest of the flags that we care about.
cr0 = rcr0();
cr0 |= CR0_PE|CR0_PG|CR0_AM|CR0_WP|CR0_NE|CR0_MP;
cr0 &= ~(CR0_TS|CR0_EM);

// Some more checks, only possible after kern_pgdir is installed.


// -------------------------------------------------------------// Tracking of physical pages.

// The 'pages' array has one 'struct PageInfo' entry per physical page.
// Pages are reference counted, and free pages are kept on a linked list.
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// Initialize page structure and memory free list.
// After this is done, NEVER use boot_alloc again. ONLY use the page

// allocator functions below to allocate and deallocate physical

// memory via the page_free_list.
// The example code here marks all physical pages as free.
// However this is not truly the case. What memory is free?
// 1) Mark physical page 0 as in use.

This way we preserve the real-mode IDT and BIOS structures


in case we ever need them. (Currently we don't, but...)

// 2) The rest of base memory, [PGSIZE, npages_basemem * PGSIZE)


is free.

// 3) Then comes the IO hole [IOPHYSMEM, EXTPHYSMEM), which must


never be allocated.

// 4) Then extended memory [EXTPHYSMEM, ...).


Some of it is in use, some is free. Where is the kernel


in physical memory? Which pages are already in use for


page tables and other data structures?

// Change the code to reflect this.
// NB: DO NOT actually touch the physical memory corresponding to
// free pages!
size_t i;
for (i = 1; i < npages; i++) {
pages[i].pp_ref = 0;
pages[i].pp_link = page_free_list;
page_free_list = &pages[i];

cprintf("(PADDR(boot_alloc(0)) %d\n", PADDR(boot_alloc(0)));
cprintf("PGNUM(PADDR(boot_alloc(0))) %d\n", PGNUM(PADDR(boot_alloc(0))));

for (i = PGNUM(PADDR(boot_alloc(0))); i < npages; i++) {

pages[i].pp_ref = 0;
pages[i].pp_link = page_free_list;
page_free_list = &pages[i];

// Allocates a physical page. If (alloc_flags & ALLOC_ZERO), fills the entire
// returned physical page with '\0' bytes. Does NOT increment the reference
// count of the page - the caller must do these if necessary (either explicitly
// or via page_insert).
// Be sure to set the pp_link field of the allocated page to NULL so
// page_free can check for double-free bugs.
// Returns NULL if out of free memory.
// Hint: use page2kva and memset
struct PageInfo *
page_alloc(int alloc_flags)

// Fill this function in

struct PageInfo *returnValue = page_free_list;
if (alloc_flags & ALLOC_ZERO)
return returnValue;
return 0;

// Return a page to the free list.
// (This function should only be called when pp->pp_ref reaches 0.)
page_free(struct PageInfo *pp)
// Fill this function in
// Hint: You may want to panic if pp->pp_ref is nonzero or
// pp->pp_link is not NULL.
panic("pp_ref is nonzero");
panic("pp_link is not NULL");


// Decrement the reference count on a page,
// freeing it if there are no more refs.
page_decref(struct PageInfo* pp)
if (--pp->pp_ref == 0)

// Given 'pgdir', a pointer to a page directory, pgdir_walk returns

// a pointer to the page table entry (PTE) for linear address 'va'.
// This requires walking the two-level page table structure.
// The relevant page table page might not exist yet.
// If this is true, and create == false, then pgdir_walk returns NULL.
// Otherwise, pgdir_walk allocates a new page table page with page_alloc.

- If the allocation fails, pgdir_walk returns NULL.


- Otherwise, the new page's reference count is incremented,


the page is cleared,


and pgdir_walk returns a pointer into the new page table page.


// Hint 1: you can turn a Page * into the physical address of the
// page it refers to with page2pa() from kern/pmap.h.
// Hint 2: the x86 MMU checks permission bits in both the page directory
// and the page table, so it's safe to leave permissions in the page
// directory more permissive than strictly necessary.
// Hint 3: look at inc/mmu.h for useful macros that mainipulate page
// table and page directory entries.
pte_t *
pgdir_walk(pde_t *pgdir, const void *va, int create)
pde_t * pde; //va(virtual address) point to pa(physical address)
pte_t * pgtable; //same as pde
struct Page *pp;

pde = &pgdir[PDX(va)]; // va->pgdir

if(*pde & PTE_P) {
pgtable = (KADDR(PTE_ADDR(*pde)));
} else {
//page table page not exist
if(!create ||
!(pp = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)) ||
!(pgtable = (pte_t*)page2kva(pp)))
return NULL;

*pde = PADDR(pgtable) | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U;

return &pgtable[PTX(va)];
// Fill this function in

// Map [va, va+size) of virtual address space to physical [pa, pa+size)
// in the page table rooted at pgdir. Size is a multiple of PGSIZE, and
// va and pa are both page-aligned.
// Use permission bits perm|PTE_P for the entries.
// This function is only intended to set up the ``static'' mappings
// above UTOP. As such, it should *not* change the pp_ref field on the
// mapped pages.
// Hint: the TA solution uses pgdir_walk
static void
boot_map_region(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t va, size_t size, physaddr_t pa, int perm)
//TODO ovo su provjere neke provjeriti da li radi sve i bez njih
assert(ROUNDDOWN(va, PGSIZE) == va);
assert(ROUNDDOWN(size, PGSIZE) == size);
assert(ROUNDDOWN(pa, PGSIZE) == pa);

while (size >= PGSIZE) {

// Find PTE of va.
pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, (void *)va, 1);

// Make it present and map to pa.

*pte = pa | perm | PTE_P;

// Next page.
va += PGSIZE;
pa += PGSIZE;
size -= PGSIZE;

// Fill this function in


// Map the physical page 'pp' at virtual address 'va'.
// The permissions (the low 12 bits) of the page table entry
// should be set to 'perm|PTE_P'.
// Requirements
// - If there is already a page mapped at 'va', it should be page_remove()d.
// - If necessary, on demand, a page table should be allocated and inserted

into 'pgdir'.

// - pp->pp_ref should be incremented if the insertion succeeds.

// - The TLB must be invalidated if a page was formerly present at 'va'.

// Corner-case hint: Make sure to consider what happens when the same
// pp is re-inserted at the same virtual address in the same pgdir.
// However, try not to distinguish this case in your code, as this
// frequently leads to subtle bugs; there's an elegant way to handle
// everything in one code path.
// 0 on success
// -E_NO_MEM, if page table couldn't be allocated
// Hint: The TA solution is implemented using pgdir_walk, page_remove,
// and page2pa.
page_insert(pde_t *pgdir, struct PageInfo *pp, void *va, int perm)
// Fill this function in
return 0;

// Return the page mapped at virtual address 'va'.
// If pte_store is not zero, then we store in it the address
// of the pte for this page. This is used by page_remove and
// can be used to verify page permissions for syscall arguments,
// but should not be used by most callers.

// Return NULL if there is no page mapped at va.

// Hint: the TA solution uses pgdir_walk and pa2page.
struct PageInfo *
page_lookup(pde_t *pgdir, void *va, pte_t **pte_store)
// Fill this function in
return NULL;

// Unmaps the physical page at virtual address 'va'.
// If there is no physical page at that address, silently does nothing.
// Details:
// - The ref count on the physical page should decrement.
// - The physical page should be freed if the refcount reaches 0.
// - The pg table entry corresponding to 'va' should be set to 0.

(if such a PTE exists)

// - The TLB must be invalidated if you remove an entry from


the page table.

// Hint: The TA solution is implemented using page_lookup,

tlb_invalidate, and page_decref.

page_remove(pde_t *pgdir, void *va)

// Fill this function in

// Invalidate a TLB entry, but only if the page tables being
// edited are the ones currently in use by the processor.
tlb_invalidate(pde_t *pgdir, void *va)
// Flush the entry only if we're modifying the current address space.
// For now, there is only one address space, so always invalidate.

// -------------------------------------------------------------// Checking functions.

// --------------------------------------------------------------

// Check that the pages on the page_free_list are reasonable.
static void
check_page_free_list(bool only_low_memory)
struct PageInfo *pp;

unsigned pdx_limit = only_low_memory ? 1 : NPDENTRIES;

int nfree_basemem = 0, nfree_extmem = 0;
char *first_free_page;

if (!page_free_list)
panic("'page_free_list' is a null pointer!");

if (only_low_memory) {
// Move pages with lower addresses first in the free
// list, since entry_pgdir does not map all pages.
struct PageInfo *pp1, *pp2;
struct PageInfo **tp[2] = { &pp1, &pp2 };
for (pp = page_free_list; pp; pp = pp->pp_link) {
int pagetype = PDX(page2pa(pp)) >= pdx_limit;
*tp[pagetype] = pp;
tp[pagetype] = &pp->pp_link;
*tp[1] = 0;
*tp[0] = pp2;
page_free_list = pp1;

// if there's a page that shouldn't be on the free list,

// try to make sure it eventually causes trouble.
for (pp = page_free_list; pp; pp = pp->pp_link)
if (PDX(page2pa(pp)) < pdx_limit)
memset(page2kva(pp), 0x97, 128);

first_free_page = (char *) boot_alloc(0);

for (pp = page_free_list; pp; pp = pp->pp_link) {
// check that we didn't corrupt the free list itself
assert(pp >= pages);
assert(pp < pages + npages);
assert(((char *) pp - (char *) pages) % sizeof(*pp) == 0);

// check a few pages that shouldn't be on the free list

assert(page2pa(pp) != 0);
assert(page2pa(pp) != IOPHYSMEM);
assert(page2pa(pp) != EXTPHYSMEM - PGSIZE);
assert(page2pa(pp) != EXTPHYSMEM);
assert(page2pa(pp) < EXTPHYSMEM || (char *) page2kva(pp) >=

if (page2pa(pp) < EXTPHYSMEM)


assert(nfree_basemem > 0);

assert(nfree_extmem > 0);

// Check the physical page allocator (page_alloc(), page_free(),
// and page_init()).

static void
struct PageInfo *pp, *pp0, *pp1, *pp2;
int nfree;
struct PageInfo *fl;
char *c;
int i;

if (!pages)
panic("'pages' is a null pointer!");

// check number of free pages

for (pp = page_free_list, nfree = 0; pp; pp = pp->pp_link)

// should be able to allocate three pages

pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));

assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);
assert(page2pa(pp0) < npages*PGSIZE);
assert(page2pa(pp1) < npages*PGSIZE);

assert(page2pa(pp2) < npages*PGSIZE);

// temporarily steal the rest of the free pages

fl = page_free_list;
page_free_list = 0;

// should be no free memory


// free and re-allocate?

pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));
assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);

// test flags
memset(page2kva(pp0), 1, PGSIZE);
assert((pp = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)));
assert(pp && pp0 == pp);
c = page2kva(pp);

for (i = 0; i < PGSIZE; i++)

assert(c[i] == 0);

// give free list back

page_free_list = fl;

// free the pages we took


// number of free pages should be the same

for (pp = page_free_list; pp; pp = pp->pp_link)
assert(nfree == 0);

cprintf("check_page_alloc() succeeded!\n");

// Checks that the kernel part of virtual address space
// has been setup roughly correctly (by mem_init()).
// This function doesn't test every corner case,
// but it is a pretty good sanity check.

static void

uint32_t i, n;
pde_t *pgdir;

pgdir = kern_pgdir;

// check pages array

n = ROUNDUP(npages*sizeof(struct PageInfo), PGSIZE);
for (i = 0; i < n; i += PGSIZE)
assert(check_va2pa(pgdir, UPAGES + i) == PADDR(pages) + i);

// check phys mem

for (i = 0; i < npages * PGSIZE; i += PGSIZE)
assert(check_va2pa(pgdir, KERNBASE + i) == i);

// check kernel stack

for (i = 0; i < KSTKSIZE; i += PGSIZE)
assert(check_va2pa(pgdir, KSTACKTOP - KSTKSIZE + i) ==
PADDR(bootstack) + i);
assert(check_va2pa(pgdir, KSTACKTOP - PTSIZE) == ~0);

// check PDE permissions

for (i = 0; i < NPDENTRIES; i++) {
switch (i) {
case PDX(UVPT):

assert(pgdir[i] & PTE_P);
if (i >= PDX(KERNBASE)) {
assert(pgdir[i] & PTE_P);
assert(pgdir[i] & PTE_W);
} else
assert(pgdir[i] == 0);
cprintf("check_kern_pgdir() succeeded!\n");

// This function returns the physical address of the page containing 'va',
// defined by the page directory 'pgdir'. The hardware normally performs
// this functionality for us! We define our own version to help check
// the check_kern_pgdir() function; it shouldn't be used elsewhere.

static physaddr_t
check_va2pa(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t va)
pte_t *p;

pgdir = &pgdir[PDX(va)];
if (!(*pgdir & PTE_P))
return ~0;

p = (pte_t*) KADDR(PTE_ADDR(*pgdir));
if (!(p[PTX(va)] & PTE_P))
return ~0;
return PTE_ADDR(p[PTX(va)]);

// check page_insert, page_remove, &c

static void
struct PageInfo *pp, *pp0, *pp1, *pp2;
struct PageInfo *fl;
pte_t *ptep, *ptep1;
void *va;
int i;
extern pde_t entry_pgdir[];

// should be able to allocate three pages

pp0 = pp1 = pp2 = 0;
assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));

assert(pp1 && pp1 != pp0);
assert(pp2 && pp2 != pp1 && pp2 != pp0);

// temporarily steal the rest of the free pages

fl = page_free_list;
page_free_list = 0;

// should be no free memory


// there is no page allocated at address 0

assert(page_lookup(kern_pgdir, (void *) 0x0, &ptep) == NULL);

// there is no free memory, so we can't allocate a page table

assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, 0x0, PTE_W) < 0);

// free pp0 and try again: pp0 should be used for page table
assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, 0x0, PTE_W) == 0);
assert(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[0]) == page2pa(pp0));
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == page2pa(pp1));
assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
assert(pp0->pp_ref == 1);

// should be able to map pp2 at PGSIZE because pp0 is already allocated for
page table
assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);

// should be no free memory


// should be able to map pp2 at PGSIZE because it's already there

assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);

// pp2 should NOT be on the free list

// could happen in ref counts are handled sloppily in page_insert

// check that pgdir_walk returns a pointer to the pte

ptep = (pte_t *) KADDR(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[PDX(PGSIZE)]));
assert(pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*)PGSIZE, 0) == ptep+PTX(PGSIZE));

// should be able to change permissions too.

assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W|PTE_U) == 0);
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp2));
assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);
assert(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U);
assert(kern_pgdir[0] & PTE_U);

// should be able to remap with fewer permissions

assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
assert(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_W);
assert(!(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U));

// should not be able to map at PTSIZE because need free page for page table

assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp0, (void*) PTSIZE, PTE_W) < 0);

// insert pp1 at PGSIZE (replacing pp2)

assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
assert(!(*pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) & PTE_U));

// should have pp1 at both 0 and PGSIZE, pp2 nowhere, ...

assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0) == page2pa(pp1));
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp1));
// ... and ref counts should reflect this
assert(pp1->pp_ref == 2);
assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

// pp2 should be returned by page_alloc

assert((pp = page_alloc(0)) && pp == pp2);

// unmapping pp1 at 0 should keep pp1 at PGSIZE

page_remove(kern_pgdir, 0x0);
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == ~0);
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == page2pa(pp1));
assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

// test re-inserting pp1 at PGSIZE

assert(page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, (void*) PGSIZE, 0) == 0);
assert(pp1->pp_link == NULL);

// unmapping pp1 at PGSIZE should free it

page_remove(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE);
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, 0x0) == ~0);
assert(check_va2pa(kern_pgdir, PGSIZE) == ~0);
assert(pp1->pp_ref == 0);
assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

// so it should be returned by page_alloc

assert((pp = page_alloc(0)) && pp == pp1);

// should be no free memory


// forcibly take pp0 back

assert(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[0]) == page2pa(pp0));
kern_pgdir[0] = 0;
assert(pp0->pp_ref == 1);
pp0->pp_ref = 0;

// check pointer arithmetic in pgdir_walk

ptep = pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, va, 1);
ptep1 = (pte_t *) KADDR(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[PDX(va)]));
assert(ptep == ptep1 + PTX(va));
kern_pgdir[PDX(va)] = 0;
pp0->pp_ref = 0;

// check that new page tables get cleared

memset(page2kva(pp0), 0xFF, PGSIZE);
pgdir_walk(kern_pgdir, 0x0, 1);
ptep = (pte_t *) page2kva(pp0);
for(i=0; i<NPTENTRIES; i++)
assert((ptep[i] & PTE_P) == 0);
kern_pgdir[0] = 0;
pp0->pp_ref = 0;

// give free list back

page_free_list = fl;

// free the pages we took


cprintf("check_page() succeeded!\n");

// check page_insert, page_remove, &c, with an installed kern_pgdir

static void
struct PageInfo *pp, *pp0, *pp1, *pp2;
struct PageInfo *fl;
pte_t *ptep, *ptep1;

uintptr_t va;
int i;

// check that we can read and write installed pages

pp1 = pp2 = 0;
assert((pp0 = page_alloc(0)));
assert((pp1 = page_alloc(0)));
assert((pp2 = page_alloc(0)));
memset(page2kva(pp1), 1, PGSIZE);
memset(page2kva(pp2), 2, PGSIZE);
page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp1, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W);
assert(pp1->pp_ref == 1);
assert(*(uint32_t *)PGSIZE == 0x01010101U);
page_insert(kern_pgdir, pp2, (void*) PGSIZE, PTE_W);
assert(*(uint32_t *)PGSIZE == 0x02020202U);
assert(pp2->pp_ref == 1);
assert(pp1->pp_ref == 0);
*(uint32_t *)PGSIZE = 0x03030303U;
assert(*(uint32_t *)page2kva(pp2) == 0x03030303U);
page_remove(kern_pgdir, (void*) PGSIZE);
assert(pp2->pp_ref == 0);

// forcibly take pp0 back

assert(PTE_ADDR(kern_pgdir[0]) == page2pa(pp0));
kern_pgdir[0] = 0;
assert(pp0->pp_ref == 1);
pp0->pp_ref = 0;

// free the pages we took


cprintf("check_page_installed_pgdir() succeeded!\n");

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