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Chaya mansa or Tree spinach; the king of all Leafy


Chaya mansa-a wonderful spinach variety @ Keralaponics.

Keralaponics introduces Chaya mansa or tree spinach (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) which

is a large leafy perennial shrub from Mexico. It is also known as Mayan cheera or
Mexican cheera. Chaya mansa is a bush with succulent stems that exudes a milky sap
when cut. Chaya is the most popular leafy vegetable in Mexico and Central America.
The fast-growing chaya grows up to 6 meters tall. Chaya mansa is really the king of all
leafy vegetables because the quality and quantity of the leaves could be harvested from
it is much greater than all other spinach varieties.

Cultivation and Propagation

Chaya is an easy to grow spinach variety. Stem cuttings of 6 to 12 long are used as
cultivars. Usually prunes the plant for growing up to the height of 2meters for easy
harvesting. It is better to start harvesting leaves from chaya after one year because the
slow root establishing of the plant. The leaves can be collected continuously up to the
half of the total count. It grows well in Kerala.

Nutritional properties

Chaya leaves contain much greater amounts of nutrients than spinach leaves. The
major nutritional contents in Chaya leaves are very high in protein, calcium, iron,
carotene, vitamin A, B, C and a rich source of antioxidants. Nutrient levels of chaya
leaves are two to three folds greater than any other leafy green vegetables.
The chaya leaves must be cooked before being eaten, as the raw leaves contain a
glucoside with toxic cyanide. When cooked the cyanide is volatilized as Hydrogen
Cyanide (HCN) so Chaya can be safely consumed.

Health benefits from consuming Chaya leaves

The major health benefits from regular consumption of chaya leaves are as follows;
1. Improves blood circulation
2. Helps digestion
3. Improve vision
4. Prevents varicose veins and hemorrhoids
5. Lower cholesterol
6. Helps to reduce weight
7. Prevents cough
8. Augments calcium in the bones.
9. Decongests and disinfects the lungs
10. Prevents anemia
11. Improves memory and brain function
12. Combats arthritis and
13. Improves glucose metabolism and prevents diabetes.

Chaya recipes
Chaya leaf is a tasty vegetable having high nutritional properties. Non matured chaya
leaves with the tender stem tips are cut down and cooked as spinach at least 20
Grow this miracle spinach in every home and add it to your regular diet.

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