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Produced By: Jared Yantosik

Actors Needed

Narrator-explain evolution

Projected Budget

Modern Racecar
1950s race car
Safety equipment from 1950s and today


Commented [J2]: Overall, i do like your topic. I never

really thought about how NASCAR has gotten to where it
is today. Since Im not really a fan of NASCAR. But this
trailer and topic actually made me think about it. And I
would not mind learning more. (Victoria B.)


Props Needed

Commented [J1]: Overall I do like it, you had good ideas

for photos and videos. And I think mentioning Dale was
really good. Especially because that brings in the whole
safety of the sport now. Just tweak a few things and it will
be good. (Andrew Dahl)

Windows Moviemaker

Commented [J3]: One thing that definitely needs to be

added is music. Music will add so much to your trailer, and I
know it was discussed in class. Also something that would ...
Commented [J4]: You did a good job of bringing up the
issues that would be addressed in your trailer. It brought ...
Commented [J5]: I think it would be a good idea to find
some different pictures of videos for your trailer. The ones ...


Commented [J6]: I dont remember any music in your

video. Adding some dramatic music to your video could


Commented [J7]: I thought the videos were the most

interesting part of your video, especially the crash. They


1 hour 15 minutes

Type of Film: Action documentary film that shows how NASCAR has evolved regarding the cars
Rationale for the Type of Film: I think that a digital timeline will be the best way to depict the
transformation that NASCAR has undergone. The side by side visual comparison of modern cars and
older cars will provide viewers with a good understanding of what has actually changed and they will be
entertained while watching racing all the way from the beginning until now.

Commented [J8]: I think you could add some transitions

between clips and pictures. I really think this would make ...
Commented [J9]: The quality of some of your pictures
werent necessarily the best. If possible, you should try ...
Commented [J10]: You could improve your transitions
some. They were pretty good but could use a little
Commented [J11]: I dont remember hearing music in
your trailer. I think music could definitely add action and


Commented [J12]: The quality of some of your videos

and pictures were a little unclear. Some of them you


Commented [J13]: I think that you should add some

music. If possible, that is, I know that some of the trailer ...
Commented [J14]: You did a good job showing what kind
of film you are going to shooting. And I think it is the best ...
Commented [J15]: I would also like to be left with more
questions after watching your trailer. Leaving your viewer ...
Commented [J16]: The overall message of your trailer is
great. I think that you chose a really interesting topic and ...
Commented [J17]: I really like the topic of your
trailer. The point you raised was perfect with the images ...
Commented [J18]: I would like to see more pictures of
horrific crashes put into your video. This would add more ...
Commented [J19]: I think you should make the
viewers think a little more. In other words, instead of


Works Cited
2006. Largest Crash In NASCAR History. Directed by Jacob Hernandez.
NASCAR Media Group. 2014. NASCAR. July 16.
2013. Daytona Race Fan Hit by Tire! VIDEO - At least 30 Nascar Race Fans Injured - 2013 - HD. Directed
by Charles Waltoon.
Commented [J20]: I like all of the videos you had of
crashes. The videos were very interesting and helped to gain
interest in your topic. You did a good job of finding these
videos.(Zachary Darnell)

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