Report No. 4: From: 16.06.2014 To: 21.06.2014

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No. 4

From: 16.06.2014

To: 21.06.2014

Name: Lipika Kanojia

course of studies: Mechanical Engineering







Today we started our week of hydraulics and pneumatics. Today we studied hydraulics.
First, we gained theoretical knowledge about the machine and parts following which we
started with the practical. We made different connections of the hydraulics pipes in such a
way so that different pumps would function when a different connection is made. The
directions of the motion of the pump piston could also be reversed.

Today,we started with the theory of pneumatics, after which Herr Keer illustrated one
example and then he gave us different parts and we were supposed to make a connection
with all the parts such that the piston would move on command. We did a practical
exercise using computer software to design a circuit.

Today we continued with the exercise from Tuesday. following which we built a circuit
on a board where we were given the components and we were supposed to connect them
with small pipes. We used different number of pumps and switches to control the
movements of the pumps.

Today there was no internship due to a public holiday.

Today we had a holiday due to our summer party.

No internships on Saturdays.








Weekly report: 4
Date: 21.06.2014
Name: Lipika Kanojia

Pneumatics is an area of technology that deals with the study and application of pressurized
gas to produce mechanical motion.
Pneumatic systems that are used extensively in industry, and factories, are commonly
plumbed with compressed air or compressed inert gases. This is because a centrally-located
and electrically powered compressor, that powers cylinders and other pneumatic devices
through solenoid valves, can often provide motive power in a cheaper, safer, more flexible,
and more reliable way than a large number of electric motors and actuators.

There are many parts in a pneumatic system. We made various setups to obtain a number of
results. We were asked to create circuits on the computer and do certain operations. There
was a set program for performing these activities, where all tools and parts were available.
We could manipulate our setup to obtain different results. The next step was to create a
circuit on the board, like the one illustrated below. Our main aim was to create a motion in
the pump(s) in the correct manner. The motion could be one way or two way. One way
motion worked with a single handle whereas, a two way with two handles. The connection
pipes were fexible plastic tubes which had high sustainability. We made 4 circuits with
different pump motion and different aims.

The information in the report has been referred from the following source(s):






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