VOCA w.7

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1) Abate / beit/ (verb)

= Become less; decrease; diminish - (Gim bt; tr nn t i; st gim )
Ex: The water shortage in abating, but it is still a matter of some concern.
(S khan him nc gim bt nhng vn cn l mt vn phi lo u )
= Make less; reduce; moderate -(Lm cho t i; st gim; iu ho khi phi thi qu )
Ex: Mikes close defeat in the tennis tournament has not abated his zeal for the game.
(Vic Mike thua st nt trong vng u tennis khng lm gim bt nhit tnh ca anh i
vi tr chi ny )

2) Accord /k : d / (noun; verb)

= Agreement; understanding - (Tho hip; s hiu bit )
Ex: If both sides to the dispute can be brought to the conference table, perhaps they can come
to an accord.
(Nu hai bn trong cuc tranh chp c th c mang n bn hi ngh, c l h c th i n
mt tho hip )
= Agree; correspond - (ng ; ph hp; tng ng )
Ex: Check to see if your definition accords with the one in the dictionary.
(Bn hy sot li xem nh ngha ca bn c ph hp vi nh ngha trong t in khng )

3) Aggravate /grveit/ (verb)

= Make worse; intensify - (Lm cho ti t hn; trm trng hn; gia tng cng )

Ex: If your sunburn itches, dont scratch; that will only aggravated it.
(Nu nh lp da b nng n lm anh nga kh chu, anh ch nn gi; v gi ch lm cho n
tr nn trm trng hn )

4) Belligerent /bi'lidrnt/ (adjective; noun)

= Fond of fighting; warlike; combative - (Hiu chin; thch chin tranh; c tinh thn chin
u )
Ex: Bert still likes to settle his arguments with his fists. When will he learn that its childish
to be so belligerent?
(Bert vn thch gii quyt cc vn tranh lun ca anh ta bng qu m. Bao gi ng ta mi
hiu rng tht l u tr khi t ra hiu chin nh th? )

5) Conspicuous / kn'spikjus/ (adjective)

= Noticeable; easily seen; prominent; striking -(ng lu ; d thy; ni bt ln; p vo mt
Ex: Among of Manhattans skyscrapers, the Empire State Building is conspicuous for its
superior height.
(Trong s cc to nh chc tri khu Manhattan cao c Empire State Building ni bt do
chiu cao vt tri ca n )
6) Craft / kr:ft/ (noun)
= Skill; art - (K nng; ti ngh)
Ex: The weavers of Oriental rugs are famous for their superior craft.
(Nhng ngi dt loi thm ng Phng ni danh v ti ngh siu vit ca h)

= Skill or art in a bad sense; cunning; guile

(K nng hoc ti ngh hiu theo ngha xu; mu m; th on )
Ex: The Greeks took Troy by craft; they use the trick of the wooden horse.
(NgI Hy Lp chim thy Troy bng mu mo; h s dng con nga g nh la )

7) Craven / 'kreivn/ (adjective; noun)

= Cowardly - (Nht gan)
Ex: Henry Flemming thought he would be a hero, but as the fighting began he fled from the
field in craven fear.
(Henry Flemming ngh mnh l mt k anh hng, nhng khi cuc chin bt u th anh ta b
chy khi trn a trong s s hi hn nht )
Currency / 'krnsi/ (noun)
= Something in circulation as a medium of exchange; money; coin; bank notes
(Vt trung gian trong lu thong dng lm phng tin trao i; tin; tin xu; giy bc
ngn hng )
Ex: The Indians of New England used beads as currency.
(Nhng ngI da vng New England dng nhng ht chui lm tin )

9) Deter / di't: / (verb)

= Turn aside through fear; discourage; hinder; keep back
(Lm cho i v s; lm nn ch; lm tr ngi; gi li )

Ex: The heavy rain did not deter people from coming to the school play. Nearly every seat
was occupied.
(Cn ma to khng lm cn tr ngi ta n u trng xem din kch. Hu nh tt c ch
ngi u c ngi )

10) Duplicate /'djulikit/ (noun; adjective; verb)

= One of two things exactly alike; copy (Mt trong 2 vt ging ht nhau; phin bn; bn sao)
Ex: If I had had carbon paper, I could have made a duplicate of my history notes for my
friend who was absent.
(Nu ti c giy carbon ti c th thc hin mt bn th nh bi ghi lch s cho bn ti v
anh ta vng mt trong bui hc )

11) Fictitious /fik'tis/ (adjective)

= Made up; imaginary; not real - (Ba ra; c tnh cch tng tng; khng tht )
Ex: In JOHNNY TREMAIN, there are fictitious characters like Johnny and Rad, as well as
real ones, like Samuel Adams and Paul Revere.
(Tron Johnny Tremain, c nhng nhn vt tng tng nh Johnny v Rad, cng nh c
nhng nhn vt c tht nh Samuel Adams v Paul Revere )
= False; pretended; assumed for the purpose of deceiving
(Gi; gi v; cho nh vy nhm mc tiu nh la[ngha l: ra v/ gi to mt iu g
nh la ngi khc])

Ex: The suspect said he lived at 423 Green Street, but he later admitted it was a fictitious
(Nghi can ni rng ng ta sg a ch 423 Green Street, nhng sau ng ta th nhn l
mt a ch gi )

12) Immaculate /i'mkjulit/ (adjective)

= Spotless; without a stain; absolutely clean
(Khng vy bn; khng mt vt d; tuyt i sch )
Ex: The curtains were spotless; the tablecloth was immaculate, too.
(Nhng bc mn khng mt vt bn; tm khn tri bn cng hon ton sch )

13) Intervene /,int'vi:n/ (verb)

= Occur between; be between; come between - (Xy ra gia; xen vo gia; can thip )
Ex: More than two months intervene between a Presidents election and the day he takes
(T khi tng thng c bu n ngy ng nhn chc l khong thi gian trn 2 thng )
= Come between to help settle a quarrel; intercede
(Xen vo dn xp mt v ci v; xen vo gip ; can thip )
Ex: Ralph is unhappy that I stopped the fight between him and his brother. He did not want
me to intervene.
(Ralph khng hi lng khi ti can cuc nh nhau gia hn v em hn. Hn khng mun ti
can thip )

14) Miniature /'mint/ (noun; adjective)

= Small; tiny - (Nh; nh nhn )
Ex: Joan has a miniature stapler in her purse. It takes up very little room.
(Joan c mt ng tp nhtrong ti. N chim rt t ch)

15) Quintet /kwin'tet/ (noun)

= Group of five - (nhm 5 ngi )
Ex: Because it has five players, a basketball team is often called a quintet

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