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Tasia Bynes

December 3, 2014
Radio Actuality- Police Brutality
TRT: 1:

Intro: Police Brutality has been one of the most controversial issues since the beginning of the
Civil Rights Movement. The police beatings of Rodney King in Los Angeles, California and
most recently the Michael Brown killing in Ferguson, Missouri have gain national news
coverage, sparked riots, and have caused outrage all over America. Many have argued that these
individuals were targeted because of the color of their skin. Whether race was a factor or not, in
light of recent events many have questioned if police have gone a little too far. Dr. Emily
Filardo, a professor at Kean University thinks that police brutality is a serious issue that needs
more awareness and support from people against it.
Cue In: I think police brutality is a very serious issue...
Cue Out: Its a serious issue and the more people fight to bring it to light and to address
policies and procedures the more likely we are to get some change.
Kean student, Maria Soldi however, believes that all police should not get a rap because of these
unfortunate incidents that have occurred.
Cue In: Police brutality is definitely something relevant
Cue OutYou know the police are there to help us and they are good people.
Outro: When it comes to the topic of police brutality it appears that there will always be
opposing sides on the matter. However, despite personal views, Americans will continue to have
open discussion about this issue because it is a real problem facing many Americans today.

For WKNJ-FM, 90.3, Union, New Jersey the NEW sound of Kean University, Im Tasia

Emily Filadro
I think police brutality is a very serious issue and Im really glad that now with some of the
recent awful cases that have gotten more publicity more and more people are speaking up about
and protesting and its a serious issue and the more people fight to bring it to light and to address
policies and procedures the more likely we are to get some change.
Maria Soldi
Police brutality is definitely something relevant but I dont think to rule out all policeman as bad
people is fair either you know because with anything there are those select few that give bad rep
to everyone else you know the police are there to help us and they are good people
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Name: ___Tasia Bynes____ Date: __December 3, 2014_

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