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Religious Zionism: Bridging the Gap

Session #2 - Rising From the Ashes, 1948-1967


Pashkevil, Edah ha-Haredit [1947]: Against Declaration of State of Israel


Announcement of Public Holiday Celebration for the Miracle of Independence by Poalei

Agudat Yisrael [1949]1


1. R. Shlomo Zalman Landau, Sefer Ohr la-Yesharim [Kovno: 1900]; introduction

When the Zionist movement began to trample on the heads of the Holy Nation, and capture
souls - sometimes through means of force, in ways known to us; sometimes through subterfuge
and seduction with the poisonous words and pen of the Zionists, up to the point where they
have already captured many holy communities, delivering false and corrupt Zionist derashot,
as they are well-known Such things publicly contradict our belief in redemption from God...

2. R. Hayyim Elazar Shapira [Minhat Elazar, Rebbe of Munkas; 1871-1937], Sefer
Divrei Torah (Mahadura Tshisaah); 9:10

And God said: Let the children of my nation be in the Land of Israel even though they defile
it, and behold it seems that the Zionist heretics (may their names rot) have appropriated
this saying and all it implies for their purposes of causing the Children of Israel to fail, to say as if
it was Gods will that these [sinners] should settle the land of Israel even though they defile
it, but in truth this is utter falsehood and simply completely mistaken

...and even if all the governments of the world agreed to allow us to go to the Holy Land before
the arrival of the Messiah, we would not go there prior to the heavenly call made by our

3. R. Yeshaya Asher Zelig Margolis (1873-1969), Sefer Ashrei ha-Ish [Jerusalem: 1923];
p. 29


{Invective against R. Kook}

4. Prof. Aviezer Ravitzky, Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Religious Radicalism

[Trans. Swirsky & Chipman; Chicago: 1996]; Appendix #1 pp. 212-3

5. R. Yoel Teitelbaum [Satmar Rebbe 1887-1979], va-Yoel Moshe; Preface pp. 5-7

6. R. Yerahmiel Domb, in ha-Homa (Neturei Karta Publication), 1975 [cited in Ravitzky]

7. ibid, in Kuntress Et Nisayon

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