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Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 1

Bob Beck Protocol

by R. Webster Kehr,
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

The Bob Beck Protocol in Russian:

Bob Beck Protocol Article in Russian

Important Note:

EVERY cancer patient should use the Bob Beck Protocol at some point in
their treatment. The Bob Beck Protocol is the only way to supercharge the
immune system to its full potential!!

The equipment only needs to be purchased once, and can be reused. Every
cancer patient should go on the Bob Beck Protocol at least three times, for
28 days each time (except for certain kinds of cancer).

However, if you are going to use this equipment, it would be wise to read
this article twice each time you go on the treatment. First, just before you
start the treatment, and second, about 5 days after you have started using
the equipment. There are some very, very important concepts, which if you
do not understand, may make this equipment far less effective than it is
capable of delivering!!

Because this treatment (especially the Magnetic Pulser) is a major research

topic of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc., it is important
to read this article from time to time as it may be changed at any time.


The Bob Beck Protocol started out as an electromedicine treatment for AIDS
/ HIV, however, it has turned out to be a superb cancer treatment.

There is certainly no other electromedicine treatment for cancer that is

anywhere near as effective as the Bob Beck Protocol. It is far better than any 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 2

Rife Machine, far better than any Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO), far better
than anything Hulda Clark has out, and so on.

The reason the Bob Beck Protocol is so absolutely superior to other

electromedicine treatments is that it is the direct result of an incredible
discovery in medicine.

Two medical doctors, Dr. Kaali and Dr. Lyman, discovered, in 1990, that a
small electric current could disable microbes from being able to multiply,
thus rendering them harmless. It was, in fact, the greatest medical
discovery in the history of medicine because virtually all diseases are
caused by, or enhanced by, a microbe. Their discovery was a cure for
almost every disease known to mankind.

But unlike the discoveries of Dr. Royal Rife; the Dr. Kaali and Dr. Lyman
discoveries have not been lost to science. In fact, details of their discovery
are very, very well preserved and protected.

However, even though the technology is very well documented, orthodox

medicine is not interested in their discovery. Orthodox medicine is
interested in "treatments," not "cures," because "treating" a person is far,
far more profitable than "curing" them. As Dr. Bob Beck used to say: "a
patient cured is a customer lost."

Thus orthodox doctors are not allowed to use the discovery (though more
than a dozen patents have been issued which describe and use their

Dr. Beck, who held a PhD in physics and had 30 years of electromedicine
research behind him, found out about the discovery and found a non-
invasive way to use their discovery. His early research had to be done
outside of the United States to avoid persecution.

His first electromedicine machine is called the Blood Purifier or Blood

Electrifier. The Blood Electrifier creates a very small alternating electric
current (by "alternating" is meant that the polarity changes 4 times a
second). The electric current destroys a key enzyme on the surface of a
microbe (this is what Kaali and Lyman discovered), and prevents the
microbe from multiplying. The body safely excretes the disabled (i.e.
attenuated) microbes because they are not able to "hang on" to any cells.

However, Dr. Beck found out that in some cases the AIDS / HIV virus came
back. He concluded that some viruses were hiding in the body and were
dormant or colonized (e.g. with AIDS many of the viruses are colonized in
the gut), and thus were not circulating with the blood. He then developed
the Magnetic Pulser to disable those microbes. In other words, the
Magnetic Pulser, the second electromedicine product, was a product
designed to disable microbes which were not circulating in the blood. 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 3

Whether Dr. Beck knew about microbes hiding inside root canals is
unknown. The fact is that root canals are a safe-haven for microbes. It is
generally advised to have all root canals removed for this and other
reasons. More will be said about this in the Magnetic Pulser section.

In total, the Bob Beck Protocol consists of four parts. Two of the four parts
of the Bob Beck Protocol (the two electromedicine parts) disable microbes
from reproducing (at which point the body safely excretes them); one of
the four parts (colloidal silver) kills microbes and the other part (ozonated
water) either kills the microbes or the cancer cells (but this is the weakest
of the four parts, so its contribution is unknown, officially it is used to

Bob Beck died in 2002, but it is safe to predict that there will be a race
between orthodox medicine and alternative medicine, for years to come, as
to whether this alternative cancer treatment will survive. The technology
will survive, but at least one person has been thrown in jail for selling Bob
Beck Protocol equipment. That is why vendors are somewhat "gun shy"
about making claims about what the Bob Beck Protocol can do.

The Theory of the Bob Beck Protocol and Cancer

What the Bob Beck Protocol does is disable from multiplying, every microbe
in your body. When a microbe that is in the bloodstream is disabled, the
body will remove it. For many diseases that is all that is required for a cure.
For cancer, it is a little more complicated than that.

There are many things that can start the chain reaction that leads to
cancer, but no matter what starts the chain reaction, the final step in the
process is that a microbe gets inside a normal cell, thus breaking the Krebs
Cycle and Electron Transport Chain (ETC). This makes the once normal cell
anaerobic, and an anaerobic cell is defined to be cancerous.

Only the presence of a microbe inside a cell can maintain the cell's inability
to restore its Krebs Cycle and ETC. See "The Theory of Cancer" article for
more information about how cancer forms and the large amount of
research that relates cancer and microbes.
The Theory of Cancer

If the Bob Beck Protocol removes all of the microbes from the body, except
the ones inside of cancer cells, how does the Bob Beck Protocol cure

The Bob Beck Protocol, because it removes all of the microbes from the
body (except the microbes inside the cancer cells), allows the person's
immune system to be supercharged. 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 4

Consider this analogy:

Suppose there was a large pond that was filled with all sorts of algae, and
other single cell plants, plus microbes and slime. In fact, there are so many
algae, etc. that the fish in this pond are very sick, plus they cannot see each
other and rarely are able to reproduce.

What shall we do to save the fish? We could design new fish food for the
fish. After much research we could design foods that might allow them to
live longer. Or perhaps we could figure out some way to do surgery on the
fish that may extend their lives.

Obviously, the best solution would be to get rid of the algae, slime,
microbes, etc. Once the fish were living in pure and clean water, they would
return to health.

In this example, the fish represent our immune system. The algae,
microbes, slime, etc. represent the microbes in our body. The best solution
to fixing our immune system might not be pills, but getting rid of the
microbes in our body. That is exactly what the Bob Beck Protocol does!

It has been known for many decades that the immune system
communicates with electrical signals. It is as if each white blood cell has a
radio transmitter and receiver. However, microbes also are electrical in
nature and it is possible that it is the electrical nature of microbes that
interfere with the abilities of the immune system to communicate with

Bob Beck believed that his treatment, which clearly removes every type of
microbe from the body of a person, is a potent way to restore the immune
system of that person. He felt that that was a large reason his treatment
had been so successful on cancer patients.

Removing all microbes may allow the immune system to restore in quantity
many of the 2,000 neuropeptides (nerve proteins), among which are the
well-known interleukin and interferon, which are known cancer-fighters.

The bottom line is that with the Bob Beck Protocol it is the immune system
which kills the cancer cells. The Bob Beck Protocol supercharges the
immune system.

The Diet To Use During This Treatment [Very Important]

Attenuating microbes is only half of the story of getting rid of the

microbes. Consider this example: 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 5

Suppose you are in a row boat many miles from shore. Suddenly there is a
hole in the boat. You have one bucket to scoop up the water and throw it
overboard. Will you get to shore before the boat sinks?

The answer depends on the relationship between the size of the hole and
the size of the bucket. In this analogy, the size of the hole is the
environment inside your body (i.e. your "inner terrain"). The size of the
bucket is the Bob Beck Protocol.

Microbes, under ideal conditions, can multiply unbelievably fast.

Fortunately, the inside of your body is not an ideal place for microbes to
breed. However, the inside of your body can be a very good place for them
to multiply or a very bad place for them to multiply.

For example, if you live on soda pop (regular or diet), the acidity of the
soda pop will create a superb environment for the microbes to breed
quickly. Many other foods, such as sugar, meat, white flour, etc. also are
very acidic and can create an ideal place for microbes to breed. (Note: AIDS
patients using the Beck equipment should eat meat, but cancer patients,
who are not very weak, should not eat meat.)

The bottom line to all of this is that during the Bob Beck Protocol the
person should have a very alkaline diet. A person should follow this cancer
diet at least 80%. The other 20% should be vegetables, which are high in
glucose, or fruits:
The Cancer Diet

It is also recommended that you eat as much whole, raw foods as possible,
in other words, as much "live" food as possible, especially via juicing. The
reason is that live foods provide electrons to the body which are important
for the Magnetic Pulser.

As always, do not eat too many green vegetables because they contain
vitamin K, and can cause blood clots in some people.

Comments About What Can Be Taken With the Protocol

In a moment there will be a long list of foods and other things that cannot
be used with the Bob Beck Protocol. Dr. Dao, who has had a lot of
experience with the Bob Beck Protocol, feels that many supplements and
herbs, and even some mild drugs, can be taken with the Bob Beck Protocol
as long as they are taken soon after the electromedicine treatments are
finished for the day. In other words, by taking them after the
electromedicine treatment is finished for the day, there are many hours for
the body to use them before the next electromedicine treatment begins,
which will be on the next day. 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 6

What he is saying is that the electroporation (which will be discussed

below, but in short electroporation allows many substances to be grabbed
by healthy cells) dies down very quickly after the treatment is over,
allowing a patient to take herbs or some mild drugs soon after the
electromedicine treatment is finished for the day (e.g. 15 minutes after).
Because it will be at least 20 hours before the next electromedicine
treatment begins (and electroporation begins), the herbs and mild drugs
should have left the bloodstream. The rule of thumb is that at least 95%
of the items should be out of the blood stream before the next days
electromedicine treatment begins.

If you feel there are things you must take during the Bob Beck Protocol, you
can experiment to see if they will conflict with the Bob Beck Protocol. For
example, 15 minutes after the end of the Bob Beck Protocol for the day,
take a small dose (i.e. 1/10th of a normal dose) of the substance you need
to take. If you do not feel ill on the next day during the Bob Beck Protocol,
you can increase the dose slightly (by another tenth). This constitutes a
buildup to see what dose you can tolerate during the Bob Beck Protocol. A
gradual buildup will provide a safe early warning system that this
substance should not be taken with the Bob Beck Protocol.

Highly potent drugs, such as chemotherapy, absolutely should NOT be

experimented with. They simply should not be taken during the Bob Beck
Protocol. Only fairly mild drugs, supplements and herbs should be
experimented with.

Those who have been on the Budwig Diet (i.e. cottage cheese and flaxseed
oil) should continue the Budwig Diet during the Bob Beck Protocol. It is
considered food, so it doesn't matter when you take it.

Because the Bob Beck Protocol does not rebuild the cell walls of a cancer
patient, cancer patients who go into remission should go on a one-year
"Remission" treatment after the Bob Beck Protocol. See:
Remission Article

Why Some Patients Cannot Use This Treatment

Unfortunately, not every cancer patient can use the Bob Beck Protocol.
There are many restrictions to using the Bob Beck Protocol, but the main
restriction, in almost all cases, that cannot easily be overcome, is that no
one using any type of strong prescription drug can go on the Bob Beck
Protocol until they are able to safely get off of their strong
prescription drugs before they start their treatment.

Virtually everyone who has been under the "care" of orthodox medicine is
on many prescription drugs, most of which are to treat the symptoms of
the main prescription drug. This is by definition, because that is what 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 7

medical doctors are taught to do - sell things for the pharmaceutical


In most cases, by doing your homework, within a few days or few weeks, it
is possible to get off of your strong prescription drugs. However, there are
some cases where this is virtually impossible to do. If you cannot figure out
a way to get off of your strong prescription drugs, with your doctor's
permission, then you will not be able to go on the Bob Beck Protocol. It is
that simple.

As mentioned above, only mild prescription drugs can be experimented

with. If during the experimentation you have a dangerous or very painful
reaction, you must stop the Bob Beck Protocol immediately. Do not resume
the Bob Beck Protocol unless you have waited at least 48 hours after
getting completely off the drugs.

There is a fine line between which drugs are totally forbidden and
which ones can be experimented with. This is up to the patient, family
and their doctor. More will be said about this issue later.

The Rules For Using the Bob Beck Protocol

Generally speaking: NO OTHER alternative cancer treatment or

orthodox cancer treatment can be used with the Bob Beck Protocol. All
other cancer treatments must be STOPPED at least 2 days prior to starting
the Bob Beck protocol. The cesium chloride protocol should be stopped at
least 2 weeks before starting the Bob Beck Protocol.

The reason for this rule is detox. The Bob Beck Protocol by itself will create
a great deal of detox symptoms. To add more debris from another cancer
treatment may create far more detox than the liver and other organs of the
body can handle.

However, because the Bob Beck equipment may not all arrive at the same
time, you should wait until all of the equipment arrives before stopping
your current cancer treatment(s). Then wait at least 2 whole days before
starting the Bob Beck Protocol.

The Bob Beck Protocol must be used by itself. No prescription drugs, no

herbs, etc. etc., except as mentioned above.

The FINE Line [Very Important]

It should be understood that the Bob Beck Protocol should NEVER be

mixed with any other alternative cancer treatment (except food-based
treatments such as the Budwig Diet) unless the patient is an 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 8

advanced cancer patient and the family feels that taking some risks is
worth the extra speed gained by mixing the treatments!!

Indeed, that is the cardinal rule about using the Bob Beck Protocol. The Bob
Beck Protocol creates a lot of debris, but it does not cure cancer quickly
because it does not kill cancer cells directly. By allowing the body to rid
itself of microbes, the immune system will be able to supercharge itself.
But this takes time, and many cancer patients don't have much time to live,
thus they have no choice except to take some risks.

Thus, for a cancer patient who has months to live without any treatment,
they should not take any risks and they should not take any other
supplements, prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, other alternative
cancer treatments, etc. with the Bob Beck Protocol. The exception is the
Budwig Diet and other food-based treatments.

The more advanced a cancer patient is, the more important time becomes,
and the more risks should be taken. But the risks should not be done
blindly. The concepts in this article should be followed.

Study This Standard List of Forbidden Substances VERY Carefully

1) NO orthodox cancer treatments - NONE,

2) NO other alternative cancer treatments (see above),
3) NO prescription drugs (see above),
4) NO pain killers,
5) NO blood thinners (e.g. Coumadin),
6) NO herbs (including NO seasonings),
7) NO garlic or anything closely related to garlic!! (especially no garlic)
8) NO strong over-the-counter medications (e.g. no aspirin, no Tylenol),
9) NO vitamins (especially no vitamin A),
10) NO supplements, including NO enzymes,
11) NO alcohol, "recreational" drugs, coffee, tea, etc.,
12) NO smoking,
13) NOT for pregnant women,
14) NOT for those with pacemakers,
15) etc. etc.

Only healthy foods can be used with this treatment (but no garlic, no
onions, and no spices, etc.). You should drink a lot of water (this includes
the ozonated water) to help rid the body of deactivated microbes. It is not
advised to drink soda pop. Soda pop dehydrates the body and taking it
would require that you drink more water (obviously, do not drink anything
with aspartame - e.g. NutraSweet, Equal, etc.). Soda pop is also very acidic. 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 9

To make sure you understand this: This treatment CANNOT be used

with chemotherapy or radiation!!

Here is a quote from Bob Beck on this issue:

"First, for several days prior to starting this program, you must avoid
ingesting anything containing medicinal herbs, foreign or domestic, or
potentially toxic medication, nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs,
laxatives, tonics, garlic and certain potentially toxic vitamins, because
blood electrification will cause electroporation, ..., which is lethal. You
can read "Electroporation, A General Phenomenon for Manipulating
Cells and Tissues," by J.C. Weaver, Journal of Cellular Biology, Book 51,
page 426 (1993), Harvard/MIT. Both the magnetic pulser and the
blood purifier [i.e. blood electrifier] can cause electroporation."
[Interview with Dr. Beck, 1997]

Electroporation will allow substances to enter cells at a rate 20 to 30 times

HIGHER than they normally do. This is why so many things are absolutely
forbidden. For example, taking 2 aspirin during the treatment is really
the equivalent of taking 40 to 60 aspirin, as just one example!!!

These severe restrictions have no room for error because of

electroporation. These rules should be enforced for at least two days prior
to starting the Bob Beck Protocol.

The rules do not apply to the colloidal silver or ozonated water. However,
the colloidal silver should be taken after the two electromedicine
treatments are finished for the day.

If you skip a day (using the electromedicine equipment) in the middle of

your treatment, you still need to follow the strict rules.

If you have a health problem, such as a brain seizure, and have to take
medication, then you need to immediately stop all use of the Blood
Electrifier and Magnetic Pulse Generator until you can go two days without
any medications and begin the treatment again.

The Bob Beck Protocol

The Bob Beck Protocol includes four independent treatments, all of which
are designed to do one thing - disable microbes in the body (i.e. stop
their ability to reproduce) or kill them (in the case of colloidal silver
and to a lesser degree ozonated water). 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 10

Details on each of the four treatments will be given below (actually in

different articles), but for now here is an overview of the treatment:

Blood Electrification

This treatment disables microbes as they float through the bloodstream.

This is an important part of the protocol, even though most cancer cells,
which contain many of the microbes that need to be disabled, do not float
around in the blood.

Once the microbes are disabled, they are harmless and the body will
eventually excrete them.

Pulsed Magnetic Fields (i.e. Magnetic Pulser)

The purpose of this treatment is to disable microbes that are not floating
around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph
system, the stomach area, etc. This is a very important part of the protocol
for cancer patients, because to supercharge the immune system all of the
microbes outside of the cancer cells need to be attenuated!!

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is an antimicrobial nutrient and is perfectly safe for

humans, pets and plants. If the colloidal silver is absorbed by a cancer cell,
it will probably kill the microbe inside the cell, thus allowing the cell to
revert back into a normal cell. However, its main purpose is to kill the
microbes in the blood and most of those in hiding.

Drinking Ozonated Water or Ozonated Water

Ozone is well-known for killing microbes and killing cancer cells. The only
thing that is not known is whether there is enough ozone in the water to
kill the cancer cells or the microbes inside the cancer cells. However, like
the colloidal silver, it is designed to kill the microbes in the blood and
those in hiding.

If you have root canals, it is important to let some of the ozonated water sit
inside the mouth. In other words, fill the mouth with ozonated water two or
three times per treatment, then let it sit in the mouth covering your root
canal teeth (for a couple of minutes each time). In this way some of the
ozonated water will get inside the root canal teeth and kill some microbes
inside the root canal teeth and be a catalyst for the Magnetic Pulser inside
the teeth. 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 11

Since killing cancer cells can create inflammation, swelling and congestion,
if you start to get inflammation, swelling or congestion during this
treatment (which becomes dangerous), stop using the ozonated water and
continue with the other items which cannot kill cancer cells.

The official main purpose of the ozonated water is to detoxify the body.

The Order of Taking These Things

It is important NOT to use the Magnetic Pulser at the same time as the
Blood Electrification equipment. The Magnetic Pulser could damage the
Blood Electrification equipment.

It would be best to use the Magnetic Pulser before using the Blood
Electrification equipment. The reason is that the Magnetic Pulser may break
apart colonies of microbes and release them into the bloodstream where
the Blood Electrification equipment can disable them.

The Blood Electrification treatment should be started about 15 to 30

minutes after the end of the Magnetic Pulser. Again, they should NOT be
used at the same time.

When to take the ozonated water is discussed later in this article.

It would be wise to take the colloidal silver about 15 minutes after finishing
the two electromedicine treatments. The reason is that the electromedicine
items will "open up" the cells and any colloidal silver in the bloodstream
may go inside of non-cancerous cells. This will not create any kind of
danger, but it is best to maximize the amount of colloidal silver available
to go inside of cancer cells.

In the links at the bottom of this web page, there is a link to a VHS tape
called: "Beck Video Part 2 - VHS." It is critical you buy and watch this video
because the lecture will include a demonstration on how to use the
equipment and will discuss many of the safety issues. See the links below.

The Side-Effects

If you follow all of the safety precautions, the only side-effects you will
have will be related to the detoxification. The "build-up" is designed
specifically to minimize the detoxification side-effects. The descriptions
below include a "build-up" for all four of the treatments.

There may be a lot of toxins in your body that need to get out of your body,
and no matter what you do they will need to find a way to get out.

Perhaps the most distressful symptom is when a puss oozes out of your
body. It can ooze out of your body anywhere. It can happen on the top of 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 12

the head or the face, or anywhere else. THIS IS A GOOD SIGN!! It is a sign
the treatment is working!! These toxins and disabled microbes have to get
out of your body, and it is a good thing when they do get out of your body.
Let them come out, don't try to stop them from leaving your body, they
need to leave the body!! It is better that the disabled microbes exit your
body through your skin than pass through your liver.

There might even be some swelling caused by puss which has not yet
found a way out of the body. In most cases, this too is a good sign.
However, if it is swelling caused by your diet killing cancer cells (and the
immune system attacking the dying cancer cells), then it may not be a good

However, when any serious side-effects are noticed, the treatment should
be stopped immediately and started over again from the beginning,
using a "smaller and slower buildup" (i.e. the build-up doses should
be smaller and the build-up times should be longer). The reason for
stopping the treatment and starting over has to do with your key
organs, especially your liver and kidney.

Another important issue is the "friendly" bacteria in the digestive tract.

These are important for food digestion. It is quite possible the Bob Beck
Protocol will kill them. Be prepared to add some probiotics, or other
digestion products, to your diet to replenish the "friendly" bacteria.


This article has become so long, that the detailed articles of this protocol
have been put on their own web pages.

It is important to read all of these articles!! Here they are:

Article #1: Blood Purifier or Blood Electrification - Detailed Article

Article #2: Magnetic Pulser - Detailed Article

Article #3: Colloidal Silver - Detailed Article

Article #4: Ozonated Water - Detailed Article

A Sample Daily Schedule

This would be a typical daily schedule for someone who could start the
treatment at 5:00 PM. Remember that all distilled water should have one or
two teaspoons of sea salt put in them to add the necessary electrolytes,
which are needed by the Magnetic Pulser. The exception, of course, is
when making colloidal silver, where only pure distilled water is used (i.e.
nothing is added to it). 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 13

5:00 PM - Drink ozonated water (e.g. 1/2 gallon or less), must have
electrolytes (e.g. sea salt),
5:30 PM - Drink more water, must have electrolytes (e.g. sea salt),
6:00 PM - Start Magnetic Pulser (this begins the electromedicine part of the
8:00 PM - Finish Magnetic Pulser (some time is lost because of the
Magnetic Pulser being turned off because of heat) and then Start Blood
10:00 PM - Finish Blood Purifier (this ends the electromedicine part of the
10:15 PM - Drink Colloidal Silver and take all other supplements

It is important to wait until after the two electromedicine treatments are

completed to take supplements and colloidal silver. These are
concentrated items and need as much time as possible to get absorbed by
your body before starting the Bob Beck electromedicine treatments (which
would start at 6:00 PM on the next day). This provides about a 19.75 hour
time period for your body to absorb the supplements and colloidal silver
before starting the electromedicine treatments.

While this treatment does take a lot of time, the fact is that you can
continue most of your activities during this schedule.

Support For Those Who Use the Treatment

The Bob Beck Protocol has been used very successfully against AIDS,
Hepatitis C, and many other virus related diseases. Its use against cancer is
not as well documented, but there is very strong anecdotal evidence for its
use on cancer because of the way it builds the immune system.

Support must come from the vendor. The recommended vendor of this
equipment was changed in May of 2007 so that a cancer expert would be
the vendor. The expert is Dr. Darrell Wolfe, PhD of The Wolfe Clinic. He will
provide telephone support, though there may be a one-time fee for that

WATCH THE TWO BOB BECK VIDEOS!! (They may take a minute to get

Vendors of Hardware, VHS and Books

The Blood Purifier (i.e. Sota Calls It The "Silver Pulser") [The Wolfe Clinic]
(Includes a weak colloidal silver maker)
The Magnetic Pulser [The Wolfe Clinic]
Nature Kleen Water Ozonator
Vendor where Blood Purifier can be purchased [New Zealand, will ship
anywhere] 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 14

A More Powerful Colloidal Silver Maker (Make Your Own)

Beck Video Part 2 - How to Use The Products [MUST BUY!!!]
General Information
Article on AIDS and the Bob Beck Protocol - Mirror
Where to obtain more information on the Bob Beck Protocol
Where to obtain more information on the Bob Beck Protocol
Build Your Own Bob Beck Equipment
Build Your Own - Blood Purifier - Schematics of Bob Beck
Build Your Own - Magnetic Pulser - Technical Details [description]
Build Your Own - Magnetic Pulser - Technical Details [schematics]
Build Your Own - Magnetic Pulser - Technical Details
Build Your Own - Magnetic Pulser - Technical Details
Bob Beck Videos and Papers
Google Online Videos - Bob Beck - Ventura College 1996 [MUST WATCH]
Google Online Videos - Bob Beck - Granada Forum 1997 [MUST WATCH]
Bob Beck Lecture - Take Back Your Power (Adobe Acrobat File)
(Someone added a page to it, it wasn't me)

Home Page
List of Cancer Treatments

Important Notes:
There is a backup of EVERY web page linked to on this site. If you cannot
link to a web page for two consecutive days, please notify CancerTutor by
email. A similar site, or a mirror of the information on the original site, will
be substituted for the old URL.

Please email your friends about this site, and link to this site on your
web page!

Click here to read the FDA required disclaimer: FDA Required Disclaimer
and Discussion of Key Terms
Click here to read about the CancerTutor webmaster: About R. Webster
To contact CancerTutor, the email link is at the bottom of the Home Page 05/21/08 23:23:17

Bob Beck Protocol - Alternative Cancer Treatments 15 05/21/08 23:23:17

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