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Inversion of the Subject

1 Retired people seldom protest or demonstrate.

Seldom do retired people
2 I hardly knew where I was.
Hardly did I know where.
3 He never intervened in the discussion and he was not asked to, either.
Never did he intervene and neither was he asked to.
4 If he had seen her, he would have recognized her.
Had he seen her, he .
5 She has never succeeded.
Never has she succeeded.
6 It has at no time been more difficult to fight forest fires than nowadays.
At no time has it been more
7 I rarely saw a doctor in the four years of captivity.
Rarely did I see a doctor..
8 If the government should take unpopular measures, the workers would radicalize their
Should the government take ..
9 If the couple should have died childless, their hometown would have been the beneficiary of
the estate.
Should the couple have died childless, ..
10 If all companies were to dismiss the women who work near their husbands, Im sure the
press wouldnt be silent about it.
Were all companies to dismiss the women

Passive Voice
1 I learn the school rules
2 He doesnt call the secretary.

3 Does she help the newcomers?

4 She consoled the children.
5 We didnt see the advertisement.
6 Did he give an interview?
7 I have followed his example.
8 He hasnt obeyed the instructions.
9 Has she published a new book?
10 They had collected all the exam papers.
11 He hadnt written that note.
12 Had the teacher praised her essay?
13 I am saving energy.
14 Clive is composing a new song.
15 These students are finishing their courses.
16 Is Howard expressing original viewpoints?
17 Are we economizing oil?
18 Is Mary employing the best strategies?
19 I was carrying out that survey.
20 The workers were receiving extra money.
21 Was Mr. Brown making any comparisons?
22 Jane and I will watch the scene.
23 He wont take the job.
24 Will the government explain the situation?
25 Allison is going to do something important.
26 These girls are going to find good jobs.
27 He isnt going to facilitate my task.
28 Are robots going to explore the ocean?
29 Polly had to leave the factory.

30 Teachers should encourage their pupils to use the dictionary.

31 Miss Massey couldnt repeat the questions.
32 You must decline the offer.
33 They might hide their disappointment.
34 They ought not to reject that fascinating idea.
35 Candidates may attempt all the questions.
36 The Council neednt repair the pavements.
37 They had to introduce new methods of energy production.
38 No one will discover a better source of energy.
39 He showed the child how to use the telephone.
40 They allowed him to leave the country.
41 They have promised Mary a new opportunity.
42 They asked her her name at the information desk.
43 Has anybody taught the pupils that kind of exercise?
44 They didnt pay the workers the due subsidy.
45 Next time well teach you how to operate the computer.
46 They say that he is an experienced surgeon.
It is said that he is an
He is said to be an
47 Everybody considers that the firm is going bankrupt.
It is considered that the firm is going ..
The firm is considered to be going
48 They now think that a large number of beaches is unsuitable for swimming.
It is thought that a large number
A large number of beaches is thought to be .
49 People understood that economic decline was inevitable in such circumstances.
It is understood that economic .

Economic decline is understood to have been inevitable in such

53 She wasnt given any introduction card.
They didnt give her .
54 Jane has been interviewed by a smartly dressed lady.
a smartly dressed lady has interviewed Jane
55 Jack should be told about the dangers of smoking.
Someone should tell Jack about
56 Has she been asked when she was available to begin working?
Have they asked her when she .
57 The raid was carried out like a military operation.
They carried out the raid like .

If clauses
Type 0 - If you go to the exhibition, advise me.
Type 1 - If you go to the exhibition, you will enjoy it.
Type 2 If you went to the exhibition, you would enjoy it.
Type 3 If you had gone to the exhibition, you would have enjoyed it.
58 You should have come before in order to get an autograph.
If you had come before, you would have got an
59 She only referred that because he was complaining.
If he hadnt complained, she wouldnt have referred that.
60 They should be flexible enough to allow workers the freedom to participate in the decisions
of the government.
If they were flexible enough, they would allow workers

Verb Tenses
Use Present Simple or Present Continuous; Past Simple or Past Continuous; Present Perfect
Simple or Continuous, Past Perfect simple or continuous.
We are very proud of our firms record. We have been making (make) biscuits since before
1815 and have gained (gain) many awards for our goods. My great-great-grandfather founded
(found) the firm. He had first worked (first/ work) as a bakers apprentice and when he had

learnt (learn) the trade, he went (go) into business on his own, with the help of some money a
kindly uncle lent (lend) him. This uncle has also given (also/ give) him and old family recipe for
making biscuits; this recipe was inherited (inherit) from ancestors who had left (leave) France
at the time of the religious persecutions there. My great-great-grandfather soon found (find)
that the biscuits sold very well, and when he had repaid (repay) his debt to his uncle, and had
made (make) enough money to buy better premises, he gave up (give up) baking bread
altogether and devoted (devote) all his energies to making biscuits. He had soon made (soon
/make) even more money and the reputation of the biscuits spread (spread) far and wide.
Since his days we have perfected/ have been perfecting (perfect) our methods of making
biscuits, but we havent been able (not be able) to find a better recipe than the original one.
We produce (produce) many different sorts of biscuits but none sells (sell) so well as The Old
Favourite, which is still heading (still / head) the list for all kinds of biscuits in this country.
Since the war we have built (build) up an efficient export sales organization, which introduced
(introduce) our biscuits into several countries that formerly had never imported (never/
import) any biscuits.

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