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Semiconductor Theory

The Course Outline

Fall 2014
Professor M K Moravvej-Farshi
Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Tarbiat Modares University
P. O. Box 14115-194
Tehran, Iran

Semiconductor Theory

Course Outline


An Overview
The Quantum Foundation
Carrier Scattering
The Boltzmann Transport
Low Field Transport
Balance Equations
Monte Carlo Simulation
High-Field Transport in Bulk
8. Carrier Transport in Devices
9. Transport in Mesoscopic

Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)

Faculty of ECE

An Overview
Until recently, Semiconductor devices were described well by
the drift and diffusion equation,

J n = q n E + qD n n .
n and Dn had been measured carefully.
n and Dn did not need to be calculated exactly.
A deep understanding of electron transport was not essential to
the device engineers.
Fall 2014

Semiconductor Theory

Course Outline

In the modern submicron devices: n and Dn are no longer

material- and field-dependent parameters.

n and Dn depend on microscopic physics, on the device

structure, and even on the applied bias.
Nowadays, we can engineer material properties, with modern
epitaxial technology.

Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)

Faculty of ECE

In this course, we begin at the microscopic level and progress

towards the macroscopic level of the devices.
The basic level: Electrons in semiconductors are quantum
mechanical waves propagating through the device under the
influence of the crystal, applied, and
scattering potentials, as shown in Fig. (a).

Fall 2014

Semiconductor Theory

Course Outline

In Chapter 1, we begin at this level and

show that when the device is large
enough, the electron can be treated as a
classical particle, as Shown in Fig. (b).
Electron scattering, however, is the result of short-range forces.
Therefore, scattering must be treated quantum mechanically.
Calculation of scattering probabilities per unit time, for

Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)

Faculty of ECE

perturbing potentials encountered in common semiconductors is

the subject of Chapter 2.
At the macroscopic level, equations such as the drift-diffusion
result by averaging a great number of nearly chaotic trajectories
like that shown in Fig. (b).
One may ask, "What is the probability of finding an electron at r
with momentum p?" The answer is the distribution function,
f(r, p, t), which defines the state of the device.
Fall 2014

Semiconductor Theory

Course Outline

As shown in Fig. (c), f(r, p, t) is a

probability density function. f(r, p, t)
completely defines the average state of
the system.
In chapter 3, we formulate and solve the Boltzmann transport
equation (BTE), an equation that determines f(r, p, t)
In chapter 4, a systematic treatment of low-field transport based
on solving the BTE is presented.
Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)

Faculty of ECE

A device engineer is mostly interested in quantities such as the

average carrier density, velocity, and energy.
These 3 quantities are the zeroth, first, and second moments of
the distribution function, respectively.
Chapter 5 presents a procedure for generating balance equations
for these quantities.
In the process, we will demonstrate how to derive drift-diffusion
equation from BTE.
Fall 2014

Semiconductor Theory

Course Outline

At the drift-diffusion level, the quantities

of interest are the position-dependent
carrier and velocity profiles as illustrated
in Fig. (d)
Another approach

for computing

macroscopic transport

properties is to use Monte Carlo simulation technique to

simulate a large number of trajectories, like that in Fig. (b) on a
computer to average the results [see chapter 6].
Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)

Faculty of ECE

In chapter 7, both the balance equation approach and the Monte

Carlo simulation are applied to the problem analyzing high-field
carrier transport in bulk semiconductors.
Chapter 8 presents several of transport effects that occur in
modern devices. Devices contain both low- and high-field
regions, but spatial variations are strong, so some qualitatively
new transport features arise.

Fall 2014


Semiconductor Theory

Course Outline

The course will be concluded by chapter 9, in which transport in

microscopic devices is examined.
Size of such devices lies between macroscopic and atomic

Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)


Faculty of ECE

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