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Dynamic Knowledge

Nitin Badjatia has

been a technology
consultant, banker
and business
strategist for the last

Management 18 years. At KNOVA,

he’s responsible for
constructing tailored
service resolution
Key to Better Web Self-Service management
solutions for KNOVA
Nitin Badjatia customers. Badjatia
joined KNOVA in
By Nitin Badjatia, Enterprise Solutions Architect, KNOVA 2004 through a merger with ServiceWare
Technologies. Read more from him at his weblog
“Thought Stream”
W e’ve all experienced it—a product that
we’ve come to rely on suddenly malfunctions.
conversational knowledge. While this may
require a significant “rewiring” of how your
After attempting to troubleshoot the issue our- call center agents handle customer calls, a
selves, our next instinct is to search for a solu- robust knowledge infrastructure will
tion on the product’s website. If we’re lucky, empower them to accomplish this without that enables knowledge vitality, or freshness,
we’ll arrive at a resolution, successfully additional overhead. through deeply integrated processes. Know-
“deflecting” a call into the product company’s 2. Understand your knowledge cover- ledge is ever-evolving. Unlike product
call center. All too often, however, the web- age ratio. Knowledge coverage is another manuals, which are typically tailored to a
site fails to get us to that resolution. We may factor to consider when planning to roll out static state, your customers’ experiences
try searching the site again, maybe with a dif- self-service. Simply stated, how many of the are dynamic and ever-changing. Your self-
ferent set of keywords, but we probably won’t known issues with your products have well- service knowledge should reflect the best
try a third time. documented solutions? As noted in the resolutions of this cumulative set of customer
At that point the product company faces example above, most customers may search experiences.
two residual problems. First, we may head off twice on your self-service website, but each The best way to capture these experi-
“onto the cloud” to see if an Internet search can attempted search that fails will reduce their ences is through integrating systems and
produce a solution, one that is outside the con- confidence in self-resolving their issue. processes throughout your customer lifecy-
trol of the product company. Or, we’ll call the cle management approach. The right know-
company, thereby creating an exponential ledge management infrastructure will enable
increase in the cost of handling that issue. Both
suboptimal directions are often the result of
“Self-service this content vitality by empowering both
your customers and employees to participate
inadequate knowledge availability for self-
service users. technology can only in real-time knowledge improvements. Your
empowered employees should be able to
Many companies struggle to understand modify knowledge on issues as they evolve,
that self-service technology can only
achieve its optimal benefits when it enables
achieve its optimal giving your organization the ability to
present the best knowledge options to your
a dynamic ecosystem of knowledge man-
agement. We can’t find knowledge if it is benefits when it customers in real time.
out of context, out of date or just not avail-
able. To get the most out of your knowledge enables a dynamic A Dynamic Environment is the
infrastructure, all three of these issues need Ultimate Goal
to be addressed:
1. Build knowledge that is in the context
ecosystem of When considering self-service, it is
of your customer. Many organizations important to remember that customer-cen-
incorrectly assume that publishing product knowledge tric knowledge is not created just by your
manuals, and similar formal descriptive docu- organization. It intimately involves your
mentation, to the Web will enable their cus-
tomers to solve their own problems. While this
management.” customer in a constantly evolving ecosys-
tem. To improve your customers’ chances of
may work in some instances, most product finding the right knowledge, at the right
manuals aren’t constructed to resolve customer By studying coverage closely, you’ll time, the three focus areas above should
issues. In other words, the context of the increase the chance that your customers will serve as foundation blocks for your knowl-
knowledge is incorrect. succeed in resolving their issues via self-serv- edge management solution. ❚
Building knowledge in the context of the ice. With a robust knowledge management KNOVA, a Consona CRM solution, maximizes the value
customer starts by understanding the ques- infrastructure, your organization can become of every interaction throughout the customer lifecycle.
tions they ask and keywords they use when proactive in closing those gaps by analyzing Built on an adaptive search and knowledge management
they search for solutions. This process starts reports that identify areas where customers platform, KNOVA’s suite of applications integrates with
in your call center and extends to your web- were not successful in finding a resolution. CRM implementations to help companies increase rev-
site. In your call center, customer queries Understanding this coverage ratio, and proac- enues, reduce service costs and improve customer satis-
need to be captured in the actual “voice of tively developing knowledge to cover more res- faction. Industry leaders including AOL, Ford, HP, Novell,
olutions, will substantially increase success McAfee and H&R Block rely on KNOVA’s award-winning
the customer.” This point of contact is where
service resolution management applications to power an
“conversational knowledge” is created. rates on self-service. intelligent customer experience on their websites and
Much of your success with self-service will 3. Enable content vitality. A final factor within their contact centers. For more information, visit
be your organization’s ability to develop is putting in place a knowledge infrastructure

S10 KMWorld April 2008

Your Customers Can
Nitin Badjatia has
been a technology
consultant, banker
and business
strategist for the last

Search, But Do They Find? 18 years. At KNOVA,

he’s responsible for
constructing tailored
service resolution
By Nitin Badjatia, Enterprise Solutions Architect, KNOVA solutions for KNOVA
Nitin Badjatia customers. Badjatia
joined KNOVA in
2004 through a merger with ServiceWare
Technologies. Read more from him at his weblog,
“Thought Stream”,
O ftentimes when customers come to your
website, they are there to find an answer to
technology must be robust enough to inter-
pret the keywords and present results that
an issue—a resolution to a problem. Many contain similar terms or concepts. Such
companies seem to think that attaching a ro- contextualized results reflect a knowledge reduces the result set and improves the
bust search engine to a content source is management approach to enterprise search. speed to resolution.
enough to do the trick. By returning results that have concepts that
But companies that consider customer are common to the query, your customer’s Successful Search Depends on
self-service a strategic asset see that chances of a speedy resolution increase
inbound customer exception in a different
Robust Content
light. They realize that customers don’t want That search box must also understand Even the most dynamic search technol-
to search for the best result; rather they want that many queries are best answered by ogy is dependent on a robust set of content
to find a resolution, and find it quickly. It invoking a process, not just returning search sources. Your customers can’t find content
may state the obvious, but it is important to results. For example a customer may initi- that isn’t reachable. Often overlooked when
note that, while issue resolution must incor- ate a request that asks for “password reset.” considering search technology, content
porate a robust search technology, that tech- ultimately makes the search experience
nology must also be intelligent enough to dynamic and productive for your customers.
interpret the underlying meaning of the cus- Simply exposing product manuals, techni-
tomer query. Furthermore, a holistic view of “Customers cal notes and formally authored content to
issue resolution also considers the nature of a search engine is not sufficient. Dynamic
the content that customers are presented, content management involves an ongoing
and empowers your organization to proac- don’t want to analysis of customer queries to better under-
tively monitor and perfect the resolutions stand where content gaps exist and aligning
presented to customers. content management processes to help close
That simple text entry box, which usu- search for the best those gaps.
ally is prominently displayed on every page By enabling a true knowledge manage-
of your website, has a daunting task. When ment-driven search process, customer sup-
a customer enters a search term, typically result; rather they port administrators should be empowered to
no more than two to three words, that box analyze search query data and proactively
must launch a query into available content focus on developing new content, or improv-
sources to find the right answer as quickly want to find a ing existing content, to increase the number
and efficiently as possible. On a typical of successful resolutions for customers.
website, the underlying enterprise search The goal for your customers is finding
engine scours your content sources, and resolution, and find the right answer. The goal for your organi-
presents the best possible documents that zation should be providing that right answer
reflect the queried terms. This is not much in a fast, accurate and consistent manner
different than popular Web search tools. it quickly.” through a dynamic knowledge management
Customers are left to fend for themselves process. By integrating a robust enterprise
and interpret which query result actually search with a proactive content creation and
provides the best possible resolution to their Instead of returning a set of results, the maintenance process, you’ll be able to
request. In today’s competitive environ- search box should understand the purpose deliver on the customer’s expectation of
ment, leaving customers to fend for them- of that query, and spawn the password reset finding the right answers quickly.
selves is not enough. process, or resolution wizard. As with con- KNOVA, a Consona CRM solution, maximizes the value
textualized search, speed to resolution is the of every interaction throughout the customer lifecycle.
Understanding the real key to success. Built on an adaptive search and knowledge management
When the query submitted into the platform, KNOVA’s suite of applications integrates with
Customer’s Query CRM implementations to help companies increase rev-
search box is considered too broad, which
For leading customer-service organiza- is often the case with single-word queries, enues, reduce service costs and improve customer satis-
tions, that text entry box needs to be smart the underlying technology can improve faction. Industry leaders including AOL, Ford, HP, Novell,
McAfee and H&R Block rely on KNOVA’s award-winning
enough to interpret the purpose of the cus- speed to resolution by not only providing service resolution management applications to power an
tomer query. In some instances, query the best possible content, but also by topi- intelligent customer experience on their websites and
terms are not exact matches to terms within cal categorization of relevant content. Con- within their contact centers. For more information, visit
your content. In these cases, the underlying tent that is clustered, acting as a filter,

S22 KMWorld May 2008

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