The Pros and Cons of Legalizing Prostitution

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The Pros and Cons of Legalizing

Prostitution may be the worlds oldest profession; however, it is still very
controversial. Let's review both the advantages and disadvantages of
legalizing prostitution.
Reasons For Legalizing Prostitution
1. Victimless Crime: Prostitution is considered a victimless crime as long
as the people involved are consenting adults and no one is hurt.
Prostitution does not imply there is always a victim.
2. Free Choice: Consenting adults should have freedom of choice as they
see fit, as long it is does not restrict the freedoms of others.
3. Free Sex is Legal: Having sex without a fee is legal, therefore charging
for something that is not illegal should not make that something illegal.
4. Acceptable Morality: Having sex with someone who you are not
married to is legal and morally acceptable in most cultures. Having sex
for entertainment purposes is also legal and morally acceptable in most
5. Less Violence, Rapes, and Human Trafficking: In countries and
states where prostitution is legal, it has been proven to be physically
and emotionally safer than where prostitution is illegal. Furthermore,
legalize prostitution even reduces crime rates, rapes, and human sex
trafficking. It is obvious that the number of rapes decreases when there
are legal alternatives that are more easily available. Furthermore,
human sex trafficking decreases because legalized prostitution
decreases the need for middle men or pimps and increases the number
of prostitutes.
6. Fewer Diseases: In countries and states where prostitution is legal, the
risk of sexual transmitted diseases is slower than where prostitution is
illegal. This is because prostitutes have better access to doctors,
medicines, sex education, and contraceptives that prevent and reduce
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as condoms. Furthermore,
countries that legalize prostitution and require periodic testing for STDs
have an even further lower rate of transmitting STDs.
7. Lowers unemployment: Without the illegality and stigmatism of
prostitution, more people work as prostitutions. And with fewer middle

men and pimps, prostitutes even earn more, thus increasing the number
of people willing to work as prostitutes.
8. Big Business and Taxation: Prostitution has always existed and has
been proven impossible to be completely eradicate. Therefore, the
obvious solution is to turn prostitution into a business that can be
regulated, monitored, and taxed (increase government revenue) like
every other business.
9. Other Employment: Without less stigmatism of prostitution, it would
make it much easier for prostitutes to transition to other lines of work
that are more respectable, better pay, and safer.

Reasons Against Legalizing Prostitution

1. Morally Wrong: Some (not all) cultures and religions believe
prostitution to be morally wrong. These cultures and religions typically
believe that people should only have sex with people that they are
married to. This belief is extremely controversial and inconsistent.
2. Degrading: Prostitution is considered degrading to everyone involved.
This belief is also inconsistent.
3. Forced Economic Reasons: Many prostitutes do not choose their
profession; but rather, some prostitutes are forced into the profession
because of economic needs with no or few alternatives.
4. Human Trafficking: Many prostitutes are forced into the profession by
others; and therefore, prostitution is not their freedom of choice.
5. Violence: Prostitution has a very high rate violence when compared to
other professions even where prostitution is legal.
6. Diseases: Prostitution promotes the spread of diseases, since not
everyone uses protections.
7. Social Instability: Legalized prostitution results with a higher rate of
unmarried men. Furthermore, legalized prostitution increases the rate of
husbands cheating on their wives.

Other advantages:

Women who work legally enjoy huge benefits: better access to health care, protection
from violent customers and protection from exploitation. Antwerp has apparently one of
the best bordellos in Europe, equipped with its own police station and high tech sensors.
If prostitution is legalized, society gains income tax revenue that would have been
otherwise lost.
Granted, legalizing the profession might make it attractive for sex traffickers but the
benefits outweigh this prospect.
By legalising prostitution, the government could provide a safe environment for women and men alike.
Those soliciting could be routinely health checked so all parties are kept free from disease. Sanctions
could be introduced so that women no longer feel threatened when they are doing their job.
As things stand, thousands of women are taking to the streets with no guaranteed safety, even
though the government acknowledges that such activities take place. Ignoring them will not make
them go away. Prohibiting them will only heighten the danger these women could be in.
Economically, if the government would recognise it as a real job, taxes could be collected, and this
would evidently go back into the community.


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