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Jimmie roan (order #6500081)

ALIAS: Darius Khan










TRAITS: Academics 4d (Languages:
Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish, Parthian),
Athletics 8d (Martial Arts), Blast
(varies) 9d (Marksmanship: bows,
crossbows), Charm 4d, Ensnare 8d
(Charges 6 per day; Item: trick
arrows), Perception 4d, Riding 4d,
Stealth 4d, Technology 4d,
Toughness 4d, Willpower 4d
PERKS: Immortality, Wealth
GEAR: High-tech bow and arrows
(blunt and sharp damage), hightech tool kit, advanced body armor
(+2d Toughness) racing motorcycle
FLAWS: Amnesia (no memory of
anything before waking up in
ancient Parthia), Power Limits (he
sometimes runs out of arrows),
Secret (secret identity)
QUOTE: Id suggest reconsidering

this whole life of crime and instead

finding something youre good at.
ORIGIN: The first thing Darius Khan remembers is waking up on a battlefield in ancient Parthia over 2,000
years ago. Believing that a blow to the head had scrambled his memory, he took on a new name and began a
new life. However, as those around him began to grow old and die, Darius realized that he was different. He
was immortal, immune to the ravages of time. And to his fellow Parthians, that could only mean that he was
possessed. Darius fled his home and began wandering the ancient world. After literal lifetimes of travel,
Darius had met many peoples, received many kindnesses, and seen many injustices. One too many injustices,
in would seem. Somewhere along the line, Darius decided that if he had been gifted with immortality, it was
for some greater purpose. And so began his life of protecting others from the shadows, of fighting crime
and injustice from behind a mask, occasionally giving rise to legends of a noble archer in a hood. Although his
years have afforded him the opportunity to amass great wealth, learn new skills, and forge new tools, he
remains devoted to his original goal of serving and protecting his fellow man and woman.

Jimmie roan (order #6500081)

Academics: Your knowledge of all scholarly subjects. (Languages: You speak Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish and

Ancient Parthian as well as English; you dont know which if any is your native tongue).

Athletics: Agility and acrobatics; used for attacking with ranged weapons and for defense. (Martial Arts:

Use half your Athletics rank (round down) when attacking with your bare hands).

Blast: You are such an expert archer that you roll 9d (much more than normal) when using any kind of bow or
crossbow; in your hands, the particular weapons statistics dont really matter.
Charm: Your attractiveness, empathy, social skills, and force of personality.
Command: This is your ability to get others to do what you want.
Ensnare: You can use this trait to restrain a target. Use your 8d rank when doing so. Your target can use his
active defenses against this, or he can use a trait like Might that represents his attempt to break free.
Either way, your target will be restrained for 1 page for every 2 net successes you roll. (Charges: You have a

limited supply of these trick arrows, so can only use this ability 6 times per day; Item: this trait represents
itemstrick arrowsthat can be taken away from you).

Gear: You carry a top-of-the-line bow, a quiver full of arrows (blunted and standard, so you can choose to
inflict either blunt or edged damage when using your Blast trait), advanced composite body armor that
grants you a +2d bonus to your Toughness when using that trait to defend yourself against physical attacks,
and a high-tech tool kit. You also have racing bike that you use to get around as Parthian.
Immortality: You seem to be immortal and havent aged since the days of the Parthian empire.
Medical: This trait covers everything from basic first aid to neurosurgery.
Might: Your physical strength; its used when attacking with melee weapons or your bare hands and when
throwing heavy objects (use Athletics when throwing light objects); its also used when grappling; you can lift
up to 250 pounds.
Perception: Your physical senses, empathy, intuition, and general level of awareness.
Professional: Reflects what you know as a result of your career or profession.
Riding: Combines riding, caring for animals, and mounted combat.
Science: Your knowledge of all scientific topics.
Stealth: Your ability to do things like hide, move quietly, and follow people surreptitiously.
Streetwise: Your knowledge of the criminal underworld and your ability to interact with it.
Survival: Wilderness survival in all environments.
Technology: The use, repair, and even creation of mechanical and technological items.
Thievery: This trait concerns intrusion and theft.
Toughness: Your physical resilience; used as your passive defense against physical attacks and to resist
agents like diseases, drugs, and poisons.
Vehicles: Your ability to operate land vehicles. At 2d, you can only operate everyday vehicles.
Wealth: You are very wealthy; you either have or can easily buy any mundane thing you want.
Willpower: Your spirit; used as your passive defense against mental attacks and powers.

Jimmie roan (order #6500081)

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Jimmie roan (order #6500081)

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