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Name of the Shop:

1. Fultola Flower Shop

2. Bismillah Flower Shop

Submitted to:

Mashruha Zabeen
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Submitted by:


Submission date: 23th July 2012

Md. Nazimuddaula Niloy

Md. Sahidul Islam
Md. Imam Hossain
Afsana Akther Peu
Mumtahana Tabassum Mumu


Mashruha Zabeen
Department of
East west university

Report title :A study on Flower Business.

Dear Madam,
We have the privilege to present our group study work set by your permission and guidance. We are
obliged to you for giving us such an opportunity to make a study on the topic named Flower shop in

We are thankful to you for giving us the challenging opportunity .This will help us to prove our
capability. This opportunity has also allowed us to have more knowledge about this study.

Finally, we seek your favorable consideration as for permitting us to submit this report and
present it before you.

Youre sincerely,
Md. Nazimuddaula Niloy

(On behalf of the group)

The study is the outcome of a project work undertaken by the course Principal of Marketing by
Mashruha Zabeen , Department of Business Administration EAST WEST UNIVERSITY. Summer
2012 semesters student to experience and gather knowledge on Flower Business.
We are grateful to them who have spontaneously assisted us in conducting the study. Specially
we are thankful to our honorable teacher Mashruha Zabeen who helped us in every step, of
starting and completing our report promptly.
We are gratified to all those people who helped us to complete this report directly or indirectly.
We are also gratified to the owner of two shops. We also pay our indebtedness to those
websites that helped us by providing fruitful information without these help support and
cooperation we would not be able to complete our study successfully.

Table of Content
SL. No.


Page no.

Main Body
History of Flower Business in Bangladesh:
Humans are always attracted to beautiful things. By the change of time and technology, human
attraction shifts from items to items. But the beautiful things are constant. When we are talking
about beauty and attraction first thing comes in our mind is Flower. Its a question to all, when
exactly the business of flower started. In Bangladesh perspective there is no exact history of
flower business. It seems it just started simply with human needs and wants.
With time and changing of taste human used to use flower in their occasion of marriage, birth,
death and wedding anniversaries or in fact, on big or small occasions, flowers are replacing
other items as gift, which was not in practice even a decade back. People in the past used to
take sweets packet or other items as gift. But now days the trend is changing. Many people are
taking flower baskets instead of sweets to their relatives or friends' house. As to say, day by day
the demand of flower is rising. So, some people around the country started to cultivate flowers.
Based on that, some people started flower shops in different places around the country. Day by
day the variety and color changed with research and also started the export and import job.
And that is how the business of flower started in Bangladesh.

Flower shops are spread around the country. There is no exact number how many of them are.
According to our survey the largest flower market in Dhaka is Savar Flower Market. That is a
whole sell market, where farmers from around the country comes with their flower and sell
them according to the rules of their Flower Co Operative Society. There is also a flower market
at Shabagh. Shabagh market is a retailer market. There are so many shops there. According to
our given assignment we choose two flower shops from there.
1) Fultola Flower Shop
2) Bismillah Flower Shop

Organization Profile:

Name of the Organization: Fultola Flower Shop.

Owner: M. M. Belait Hossain.
Year of establishment: 2001
Location: 10 Vashani Road, Shabagh, Dhaka 1000.
Ownership: Sole Proprietor.
Number of staff: 8.
Object of starting business: Profit motivation.

Pic: Fultola Flower Shop

Name of the Organization: Bismillah Flower Shop.

Owner: Md. Farukh Hossain Chowdhuri.
Year of establishment: 2006
Location: Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Shabagh, Dhaka 1000.
Ownership: Sole Proprietor.
Number of staff: 3.
Object of starting business: Profit motivation.

Pic: Bismillah Flowre Shop.

Fultola Flower Shop

Marketing Strategy:
Segmentation and Targeting:
All classes of people buys flower. Fultola Flower Shop targets the buyers who buy huge or large
numbers of flower. Their major targets are Occasion, Seminar, Party, Marriage Ceremony,
Birthday, Official decoration, wedding anniversaries, Death, Special days, Political issues and so
on. Their maximum profit comes from those sectors. Still they sell single flowers to the

Segments according to use

Occasional use
Seminar decoration
Political use
Official use
Daily home decoration
Interested people

Segment according to age

13 to 19
20 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50

Differentiation and Positioning: Actually differentiation the market offering to create

superior customer value, and the positioning is, arranging for a market offering to
occupy a clear distinctive and desirable place related to competing products in the
minds of targeted consumer.

Differentiation: Fultola is different than its competitors. When we are talking about a huge
order one thing comes in our mind and that is reliability. Fultala has their own decorated shop
with a set of workers. They have different facilities for their customers. Such as:
1. Good quality product
2. Affordability
3. Variety of choice
4. Custom design for customers
5. Reliable service
6. Order on phone or E-mail
7. Own decoration and designer
8. Also provide photographer for any occasion
9. 24/7 service
10. Image

Differentiation by Product: Fultola Flower Shop provides good quality product compare to
their competitors. They have variety of flower and flower related services.
Differentiation by Price: They provide their flowers at an affordable price. They always try to
keep the price much low as possible compare to their competitors.
Differentiation by Service: Fultola Flower Shop provides variety of flower as well as they
provide custom designed flower decoration for their customers. They also provide workers to
decorate any car, bus, seminar, party, weeding and so on. They also provide photographer for
the party.
Differentiation by People: They have experienced staff, designer, and labor as well as delivery
Differentiation by Image: Fultola Flower Shop is a renowned flower shop in Dhaka. They are
serving the people since 2001. Goodwill is their asset.

Positioning: Fultola flower shop always provides good quality product with good services.
They always try to serve the customer with higher benefit and charge higher price to cover their
higher costs. Sometimes they try to serve the customer higher benefit but they charge low
price. Compare to the other flower shop in the area Fultola flower shop have the goodwill of
best product service. That is why they have a place in the minds of the customers.

Product: Product means goods and services combination the company offers to the target

Variety of Product: Fultola flower shop provides 12 to 15 different types of flower. Home
delivery service, decoration service and labor service.
1. Rose
2. Gladiolus
3. Durberra
4. Orchid
5. China Lily
6. China Belly
7. Mam
8. Hanthurium
9. Stoma
10. Rajonigondha
11. Gada
12. Kaat belli
13. Callifon
14. Flower ornaments
15. Different show pieces made by flowers.

Packaging: There is actually no packaging system in flower business. But for the customers
benefit and ease of carry they use raping paper, basket, different color ribbon, mud and some
other items.

Pic: Packaging

Logo: Fultola flower shop is one of the largest stores in Shabagh area. But they do not have
any special logo or sign for their business. Their mane is their only identity in the business.

Slogan: Fultola flower shop does not have any slogan. Actually their aim is to maximize their
profit. So they dont have any slogan.

Price: The amount of money customers must pay to obtain the product. Fultola calculates
suggested retail prices. When they select price they follow a strategy. At first they select the
cost of the product and add additional service charge and add profit and then they charge price.
Fultola charge minimum price for Rose 5.00 taka piece. Maximum price for Lily 300 taka piece.
Price is high in the winter season. During the winter season the demand of flower is high.

Price list of flowers:

Sl. No.

Flower Name




3-5 taka



7-50 taka



50-250 taka


China Lily

270-300 taka


China Belly

250-300 taka














10-50 taka

Place: Includes company activities that make the products available to target customers.
Fultola flower shop collects the flower from different places around the country as well as
import from different countries. In Bangladesh they collect flowers from Jessor, Narayangang,
Savar, Tangail and other places, Import from China, India, Thailand and Malaysia. They also
collect flower from their own garden. In Jessor, Narayangang, Savar and Tangail they collect
rose, merrygold, rajanigondha, belly, orchids, and the common flowers of our country. From
China, India, Thailand and Malaysia they collect chaina belly, chaina lily, mam, Durberra,
Gladiolus, different orchids etc.

Profit: As a leading flower shop in Shahbagh area Fultola flower shops monthly profit is
around 1,00,000 taka. They have two outlets in shahbagh named Rajanigondha flower shop.

Pic: Imported flowers

Transportation: Fultola flower shop has their transport service. The farmers provide the
transportation to the flower shops. Sometimes they use public transportation to transport their
flower to the customers in time.

Pic: Transportation system

Pic: Our member discussing about their transportation system.

Flower Preservation: Actually flowers cant preserve for long time. The flowers those are not
sold they store them to their store house. Some flowers those are very rare and expensive they
keep those flowers in cold place. Maximum flowers rotten for our weather, but in the winter
season maximum flower stayed for a long time, only a 10% flower rotten.

Pic: Preserved Flower

Order System: Customer can order for the flowers for any occasion, party, seminar, death,
official decoration, and home decoration by phone, e-mail or by own. Fultola flower shop has
their transportation system, workers, designers, and labors. They can decorate or serve you
according to your need.

Promotion: Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the product and
persuade target consumers to buy it. Fultola flower shop promotes them to event management
organizations, decorators, catering services, sound system services by giving their visiting card.

Advertising: Fultola flower shop does not have any type of promotional activities. Their main
promotion is their good service and unique design with photographer service. Sometimes they
use to visit their client occasions and they try to solve their existing problems.

Discount: Usually Fultola flower shop does not give any discount. Because flowers are very
sensitive and they always try to keep the flower fresh all the time. So they dont like to give
them for free. But sometimes when customers buy a lot of flowers they give some discount in
cash. They give discount in stage decoration, marriage decoration and long term official or
political occasion.

Pic: Serving Customer.

Bismillah Flower Shop

Marketing Strategy:
Segmentation and Targeting:
Bismillah flower shops main customers are the people who buyer a small lot of flower. This
shop is beside the road of Dhaka University. So their major customers are the students who buy
flowers for their beloved one. They sell single flower and small size buckets. They make a
remarkable profit by selling this type of flowers. Their sold items might be very small but they
charge a lot for that. Their business runs best in the occasion like 14 th February, 21st February,
16th December as to say the red marked days on the calendar. They really dont know about
segmentation or this kind of things. So we asked them for information and get this kind of

Segments according to use

Occasional use
Seminar decoration
Political use
Official use
Daily home decoration
Interested people

Segment according to age

13 to 19
20 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50

Differentiation: Bismillah flower shop is different than other flower shops. They sell a small
amount of flower and they are available in the place where customers gather. They know here
customers are only gather only for travel and gossip with friends and loved one. So their target
customer easily come by them and buys flowers. Their service is like bellow.

Good quality product

Variety of choice
Custom design for customers

Differentiation by Product: Bismillah Flower Shop provides good quality product compare to
their competitors. They have variety of flower.
Differentiation by Price: They provide their flowers at an affordable price. They always try to
keep the price much low as possible compare to their competitors.

Differentiation by Service: Bismillah Flower Shop provides variety of flower.

Differentiation by People: They dont need any experienced staff. They always try to sell their
products by calling customers.
Differentiation by Image: Bismillah Flower Shop is not a renowned flower shop. They are serving
the people since 2008. Still they dont have any permanent place or shop.

Positioning: Bismillah flower shop always provides good quality product. They always try to
serve the customer with higher benefit and charge higher price to cover their higher costs.
Sometimes they serve the customer high benefit but they charge low price. Compare to the
other flower shop in the area Bismillah flower shop have the good relationship with customers.
That is why they have a place in the minds of the customers.

Variety of Product: Bismillah flower shop provides 6-10 different types of flower.
1. Rose
2. Gladiolus
3. China Belly
4. Rajonigondha
5. Gada
6. Kaat belli
7. Alamenda
8. Orchid
9. Lily
10. Some local flowers.

Pic: Different flowers.

Packaging: There is actually no packaging system in flower business. But for the customers
benefit and ease of carry they use raping paper, basket, different color ribbon, mud and some
other items.

Pic: Packaging

Logo: Bismillah flower shop is a small store in Dhaka University area. They do not have any
special logo or sign for their business. Their mane is their only identity in the business.

Slogan: Bismillah flower shop does not have any slogan. Actually their aim is to survive in this
town anyhow. So they dont have any slogan.

Price: Bismillah flower shop charge high amount for their product. Because their item is small
in amount and they dont have any place to store flowers. So they have to sell any how their
products in a day.

Price list of flowers:

Sl. No.

Flower Name




5-30 taka



7-50 taka


China Belly

10-50 taka



10-50 taka



5-30 taka


Kaat belli

10-50 taka



5-50 taka



20-60 taka


Some local flowers.

5-60 taka

Place: Bismillah flower shop collects the flower from different places around the Shabhag area.
They also buy from their welfare society.

Profit: Their profit is around 5000 taka per month.

Transportation: Bismillah flower shop doesnt have any transportation service.
Flower Preservation: Actually flowers cant preserve for long time. They dont have any
storage system.

Order System: Bismillah flower shop doesnt take any order.

Promotion: Bismillah flower shop doesnt have any promotion because their business is so

Advertising: Bismillah flower shop does not have any type of promotional activities.
Discount: Bismillah flower shop doesnt give any discount.

Comparison between Fultola and Bismillah flower shop

Comparison Topic

Fultola Flower Shop

Bismillah Flower Shop

1. Size



2. Investment

Around 10,00,000 taka

Around 7,000 taka

3. Profit

Around 1,00,000 taka

Around 5,000 taka

4. Product Variety

15 types

7 types

5. Service

Sale and after sale


6. Motivation

Profit maximization

Make profit to survive

7. Staff

8. Own Shop

2 own outlets

Only one

9. Customer

Average all business class

Teen agers and passers by

10. Advertisement

Advertisement by visiting card

No advertisement

11. Reliability


Not reliable

12. Business experience

About 20 years

Only 6 years

13. Future plan

More outlet and different service

Establish own permanent flower


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