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Ozone Ear Insufflation

Insufflation in the ear is excellent for ear infections, mastoiditis;

hearing problems caused by candida; tinnitus and beyond the ear to
sinusitis; macular degeneration; retinitis pigmentosa; head colds; flu;
bronchitis, asthma, Alzheimer's; parkinsons and even brain cancer.
Absorption of O3 through the mucous membrane is profuse. This is
used in ear insufflation by which we are able to infuse the ear, inner
ear and the brain with ozone which inturn attacks cancer cells, virus,
bacteria and resistant fungi.

Ear insufflation is the best treatment for retinitis pigmentosa and macular
degeneration, which are problems with the internal area of the eye.
There are some people that speculate that the root cause of CFS are toxins in
the brain. That is why the HPA axis doesn't work correctly. Can ear
insufflations clear out this toxins? Does the ozone actually reach the brain?
Yes, that is why we use it for brain cancer.
A lot of the toxins are coming from candida in the middle ear.
I did my first two ear insufflations over the past weekend. They definitely
felt like they hit my brain in a different way than saunas or vaginal
insufflations so I'm excited about the potential it could have in helping my
neuro Lyme. I started very slow- 30sec in each ear at 1/32 lpm which was
plenty to give me a herx and severe brain fog, headache, etc. Ever since, my
ears have felt plugged up deep inside and I am not having any fluid come out
at all. I had tubes put in my ears from age 5 to 9 because I had fluid trapped
behind my ear drums that wouldn't drain which led to many infections and
poor hearing. The tubes helped immensely. I'm wondering if that's what is
happening now and I'm hesitant to proceed with ear insufflations if it might
make this worse.
Would you please provide any insight you have on this?
Is it normal for some people to not have any fluid drain out?
Would holding ozonated water in my mouth be another way to treat my
The problem is caused by the Eustachian tube being blocked, which is
usually caused by candida in the middle ear. The Eustachian tube drains
from the middle ear to the throat.
If the fluid (lymph with toxins in it) pools and cannot get out, you will have
grief from ear insufflation. Since you got the reaction with 30 seconds of
insufflation, you have a mondo colony there.

Find someone locally who does ear candling and get as much out as possible
that way. That should clear the boards for ear insufflation.
Do you any recommendations for maintaining or improving eyesight?
1) Ear insufflation, Blueberries, Eyebright, Bilberry.
I've heard with ear insufflation you're not supposed to seal your ears, but
have some room for ozone to escape. I pump ozone through a stethoscope
into my ears, which is a pretty tight fit.
The eardrum is semi-permeable, and it requires a certain amount of pressure
to push the gas through. If you do not have a good seal, you are probably
getting nothing useful.
If you smell ozone in the air when you are doing your ears, you are doing it
If you are using a stethoscope, make sure you do not fall asleep with ozone
running into your ears. The pressure provided by the stethoscope spring will
prevent the ends from coming out of your ears. Blistering will occur and you
will not like it.
Ear insufflation supplies ozone to the ears, eyes, sinuses, upper jaw and
brain and is very effective. The proof is the detox reaction you are going
through right now. The discharge is lymph with oxidized toxins in it. The
soreness and the discharge will abate once the toxins are gone. It is a long
slow process, and it is made longer if you have mercury fillings.
Ear insufflation allows you to clear the candida out of the middle ear.
Nothing else is going to touch it. It is uncomfortable, to be sure, so reduce
the time down to 30 seconds per ear per day. Keep at it and eventually you
will overcome it.
Yes, ear insufflation is the way to treat tinnitus.
My right Eustachian tube is showing signs of a partial blockage. Would a
light application of ozone ear insufflation or maybe hydrogen peroxide drops
be useful?
Yes, but not together.
Have you tried tugging gently on your ear lobe?
I have TERRIBLE tinnitus, will ear insufflation will help?
Yes ear insufflation is the way to go.

1/8 l/m is way too fast a flow rate for ears.

1/32 is usual or 1/16 l/m tops.
Back off for a few days and let the fluid drain a bit. Then start again.
This problem continues until the Eustachian tubes open up.
But eventually, it does normalize.
It just takes persistence.
The dryness that results is because ozone reacts with lipids (fats)
so it is not 'water' dryness, it is 'oil' dryness.
The solution is to take EFAs daily. If you are under 50, then fish oil or flax
oil will work. If you are over 50, better go with krill, since it doesn't require
the processing by the liver that the other oils do.
This is an attempt to reduce the dryness that comes from ear insufflation.
Ozone reacts with lipids, though, so it is not a 'water' dryness, it is an 'oil'
If you have dry hands, what do you do...wash them? No, that makes them
drier. You put on an emollient of some kind, a hand cream, an oil.
Same with ears. But, apply the oil internally. Which means to take as a
dietary supplement some source of essential fatty acids (fish oil, flax oil,
krill oil, etc.) so that you are not short of EFAs. Most people are short of
specific EFAs, like Omega 3. These sources are high in Omega 3s.
When you bubble ozone through water, half of the ozone stays behind in the
water. So your ears get only half of what they would. Maybe you want that.
But maybe not.
I am just beginning to do ozone therapy for chronic lyme. What would you
suggest as far as times of vaginal and ear insufflations for a newbie? Also,
how many times a day should I be doing this?
Start off with 5 minutes per ear once a day and
15 minutes vaginal insufflation once per day.
Both at 1/32 l/m, 30 - 60 ug/ml (gamma).
Once you have these protocols mastered in a couple of weeks,
you can increase to 10 minutes per ear and 20 minutes vaginal insufflation.
Then, in a couple of more weeks, go to 15 minutes per ear
and 30 minutes vaginal insufflation.

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