Nmla News Jan

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Liber t y Repor t January, 2010


Northern Michigan’s Home To Liberty Thought In Action

Freedom Today
by Chad Stevens

T he state of the freedom move-

ment today. . . . who are we, what
do we stand for, and where are we

F reedom is something that you

can only have yourself, if you are
willing to grant it to others.  Do we in
the Tea Party movement really stand
for freedom, or are we just upset
because Obama is in power.  Would
we in the Tea Party movement have
been pleased if McCain was office
imposing the Republican brand of
socialism on the nation instead of
the democratic brand of socialism? 

M any in our movement voiced

little opposition when Bush
was violating his oath of office.   Now
that we have a new president people
are asking where in the Constitu-
tion does the federal government
get the authority to regulate health
care.  Good question.  Here’s another,
where in the Constitution does the
federal government get the author-
ity to wage its war on drugs?  Or to
impose a prescription drug benefit
“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain in the county?  Or form a mandated

a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” ponzi scheme called Social Secu-
rity?  Or force the states to adopt the
-Benjamin Franklin drinking ages the federal govern-
ment thinks they should have?  Or
to form a “federal” reserve bank?  Or
What We Believe: Mission Statement : regulate and/or spend money on
education?  Or energy? 
Natural Rights To inform and educate
Limited Government our fellow citizens on the
Free Markets supreme law of the land, the Cont. on Page 3


Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance

A Plan For Liberty by Eric Cadeau
Strength does not come and God willing, do them. anews.com" www.theal- must not be under-
from physical capacity. It penanews.com stated. The population
comes from an indomitable Step One: Set the tone of receives too much pro-
will. your community. Step Two: The Tea Party paganda and it is in great
Organizations will orga- need of sound principled
-Mahatma Gandhi Write a letter to the editor nize.
of your local newspaper. arguments to change the
In 2009 we found our Organize your efforts so Now that each community priorities of this country.
voice, we practiced civil that you may take turns, has organized, the entire By our writing we will es-
disobedience, and we or- with each member writing 1st Congressional District tablish the correct frame
ganized our communities. weekly, which will relieve (31 Counties) is organiz- of mind of the population
And although our efforts you of constant burden ing the Tea Party groups to want, and to need the
made only a small impres- and yet still constantly to ally under a common change that our candi-
sion on our detached rep- remind the citizens of cause. On January 30th of date effects. Write, write,
resentatives in Congress, your community of the this month, every known and write, so that those of
this movement has begun principles of limited gov- Tea Party organization in us who are writing are not
to energize the nation. ernment, sound monetary Michigan’s 1st Congres- seen as isolated radicals.
policy, personal liberties, sional District will convene Beyond this, please use
We must continue our and a strict constitutional upon St. Ignace to prepare your imagination- get on
endeavor with the knowl- adherence. for the upcoming election the radio, hold marches,
edge that the principles year. The meeting will be meet with college politi-
of liberty and freedom are This is the single most held at the Quality Inn cal organizations, meet
rising in the esteem of the important thing that (located near the Big Boy with community orga-
common individual, and you can do. Bart Stupak restaurant) at 2:00 P.M. All nizations (like the Lions,
that the reckless spend- has repeatedly replied members of the public Kiwanis, Eagles, Elks,
thrift ways of our gifting to letters to the editor in are welcome, no political American Legion, etcet-
representatives are now his district. Use his own party or candidate solicita- era), spread our message
being related to moral and words and unprincipled tions will be allowed. far and wide and make it
financial bankruptcy. arguments against him. as public as you can.
Do this continuously until I urge you to become as
Let us seize this opportu- November 2010. deeply involved in your lo- Become involved in your
nity in 2010, recalling the cal Tea Party group as pos- local political party. It
words of Edward Everett Note: My local newspaper sible this year. And when doesn’t matter which
Hale. would not publish some you are not putting on a party you choose, both
of my efforts; therefore rally in your community, severely need ideas and
“I am the only one, but I am I found it useful and leadership friendly to-
one. I cannot do every- please travel to adjacent
rewarding to submit to communities and support wards liberty.
thing, but I can do some- the following newspaper’s
thing. And because I can- their rallies. The job of civil resis-
not do everything, I will not Step Three: Identify and tance is to force a reac-
refuse to do the something http://www.miningjour- support liberty candi- tion. We must provoke,
that I can do. What I can nal.net" www.miningjour- dates. All of our grievanc- provoke and provoke
do, I should do and what I nal.net (Look under the es would dissolve rapidly until we force the reac-
should do, by the Grace of header “Submit News”) if we had good represen- tion we are seeking
God, I will do.” tation in Washington. from this government.
Remember that our zette.com" www.mining- Therefore all of our efforts Do this in 2010.
founding fathers ex- gazette.com should be placed behind
hausted their time, their a good candidate once we
talents, and their energies; http://www.dailypress. find that the spirit of our
they risked their fortunes net" www.dailypress.net movement resides within
and their lives to ensure one of them.
subsequent generations’ taindailynews.com" www. Step Four: Do all that you
freedom and prosperity. ironmountaindailynews. can. I have listed only the
Know that we go forth com barest of essential tasks
with a plan, identify the that we must accomplish
http://www.thealpen- this next year. Writing
things that you can do,
January, 2010
Cont. From Page 1 he Tea Parties should stand I believe they are the key to re-
storing the Republic.  The states
Words of Wisdom
for Natural Rights, limited-
government and free-markets.  have the authority and ability “In questions of power then, let

l ittle of what our current

imperial government does
is legally authorized under the
It is our duty to educate
not just the public as a
whole, but ourselves
to nullify illegal edicts and laws
coming out from Washing-
ton DC.  We must
no more be heard of confidence
in man, but bind him down from
mischief by the chains of the
Constitution.  Everything that to the moral supe- elect Constitution.” 
our Congress may regulate is riority of freedom
enumerated in Article 1, Section over tyranny.  We - Thomas Jefferson 
8 of the Constitution.  The Bill must work hard
“America is at that awkward
of Rights further limits what the to ensure that
stage. It’s too late to work within
federal government may legally we oppose
the system, but too early to
do; even to support its enumer- violations of
shoot the bastards.”
ated powers.  the Constitution

no matter which party is in - Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do
o if our government has no
power.  Our critics will claim we ‘Til the Revolution
legal authority to do what
are merely partisan politics as freedom
it does, what sort of govern-
usual, we must prove they are minded individuals “If the federal government has
ment do we truly have?  And
wrong.  to all levels of state govern- the exclusive right to judge the
if our government ignores the
ment.  Not waste time and effort extent of its own powers, warned
Constitution, how likely are we
to effect change working within
a system that ignores its own
W e must recruit more
people to the Tea Party
movement.  Only by educating
electing Republicans who only
violate our rights at a slower
the Kentucky and Virginia resolu-
tions’ authors (James Madison
pace than the Democrats.   Only and Thomas Jefferson, respec-
laws and rules by force?  our fellow citizens to the ben-
when the states realize that tively), it will continue to grow

efits and righteousness of our
think the Tea Party movement they have the support of their – regardless of elections, the
cause will we prevail.   We must
is made up of people who citizens will they begin to assert separation of powers, and other
find effective ways to wrestle
are tired of a government that the rights, stand up for freedom much-touted limits on govern-
the federal government back to
pays lip service to limited-gov- and return the federal govern- ment power.”
its lawful place,: as servant, not
ernment and the Constitution, ment to its rightful place and
as master of the people.   –Thomas E. Woods
while violating our rights, steal- size. 
ing our wealth and controlling
our lives.  T he sovereign states created
the Federal Government and

scar to bear. Thank-you, for bowing before tyrants and

Living Under the Thumb of the Man God: dictators, it is difficult to be so humble. Thank-you for also, ac-
Rants By R.K. Duff cepting awards on behalf of the people for whatever it is you
haven’t done, you could have declined but its good to see

M y mother always taught me to write thank-you notes. such a righteous man step-up to the plate and say “yes, yes
Notes of gratitude after receiving something to I DO deserve this.” Thank-you for being
be grateful for, like—and most so unsure and taking your sweet time in
importantly—a gift. My favorite, making decisions as well, as President,
of course, being money. After I’m sure you should be indecisive. But,
awhile, you just get into thank- and take this as advice, the less resolute
you-note mode, and you just you are the easiest it is for you to play
rewrite the same letter time-after- the “not-me” card. How can you be
time only changing the recipient’s blamed for something, you really
name. Seriously, how much fun is didn’t take a concrete stand on? You
going through all those cards from keep dodging the finger-pointing.
your open house? An awesome It’s good to see you love yourself, as
time—purely awesome. This year, I well. I think it’s wonderful when the
thought it would be beautifully kind most important figure in the United
to write a thank-you to my Com- States takes time out of his busy-inherited-
mander-in-Chief, my Muslim-Loving- President, burdening-tasks, and reads an article on himself and watches
that just-like-you-and-me-guy in the oval office, Mr. Barack HBO specials about his life. You are quite the man, Barack
Obama. Obama, and you sir are my president. How much more can I
express my thanks, to such a laid-back-apologetic-indecisive-

I would hit certain notes: Thank-you, Mr. President, for taking

the inherited load and bearing it so gracefully. Thank-you
for apologizing for being a U.S. citizen, it is, in fact, a tough
smug-aloof-and, quite-frankly, passive American? I digress
but, I simply cannot.

January, 2010
Fun Sucker of the Month: so the anchor on the TV tells me
it is. Which is the very defini- Upcoming Events
Michigan House and Senate tionsof irony.
by Ben Duff Another argument I point out:
And what about the tax issue? Jan. 30th 2PM-5PM
Starting in May 1st 2010, pushers telling us what
Don’t we need the smokers
Michigan will become to do. Especially Tea Party Convention
sin tax? If we limit where they
the 38th state in the for health
can practice their habits, won’t Location: Quality Inn,
union to ban smoking reasons.
that stop them from buying. St. Ignace
indoors at restau- My health
Therefore less tax revenue. This
rants, clubs, bars, is my and
will result in the boys and gals Cost: Free
etc. The ban my families
in Lansing taxing other things;
does not effect concern, Feb. 6th 1PM-2:30 PM
perhaps bottled water, lots of
casinos, cigar no one else.
people drink bottle water. That Onaway Tea Party
bars, home offices What’s next
would be a good tax.
or motor vehicles. helmets in public
In closing isn’t it funny that the Location: Onaway High
This is ridiculous! I won’t argue for falling paint cans?
same tobacco that fueled the School, Onaway
the health benefits of smoking, Knee pads for falls on the side-
economy and produced great
because as far as know there walk. Hundreds die from falling Cost: Free
wealth for this country now is an
are none. I don’t even like the down stairs, maybe we should
enemy of the state. Feb.12th-5PM-9PM
smell of smoke. That stink never do away with stairs! I propose
Perhaps they should just
leaves your clothes, whatever we all wear NHL type padding.
remove the tobacco leaves Common Sense in
the detergent bottles says. I am Reinforced with kevlar.
decorating the rotunda in the Government ‘s Liberty
not a smoker. Also TV is bad for our health or
US Capitol and replace them Tour--”Government
What I can’t tolerate is pencil with images of solar panels. Exposed”

employees have benefits that are tants, nurses and chemists. They Location: TBA, Sault Ste.
Education Mythbusters, pro-
in line with private sector benefits, also make more per hour than Marie
vided by Common Sense in
including health care. police officers, computer pro-
Government (www.makelan- Cost: Free
singlisten.com) grammers, and office managers.
Fact: Michigan’s state and local
(salary.com) Feb. 20th 8AM-6PM
governments to provide em-
We all want quality education
ployee benefits whose annual Myth: If the schools don’t receive Consitution Seminar
for our kids. But what does that
cost exceeds private sector aver- more money, children will suffer.
mean? Is it enough to just throw
ages by $5.7 billion. (Mackinac Featuring: Speakers
more money at the schools and
Center) The average Michigan Fact: They only way children from the National Center
hope test scores go up? That
state employee receives a salary will suffer is if teachers stop Constitutional Studies
doesn’t make sense. In fact, we
and benefits package worth doing their job in protest during and Hillsdale College
already spend over 30% of our
nearly $75,000. The comparable contract negotiations. The MEA
entire State budget on educa-
is demanding raises for their Location: Lake State
figure for private sector work-
tion! Here are some other myths
members, even as many of you Univ., Sault Ste. Marie
ers is approximately $58,000.
that need busting:
(2006 figures from the Mackinac are taking pay cuts just to keep
Cost: TBA
Myth: Michigan teachers are not Center, your job. If teachers illegally
paid a fair wage. strike, or take out their frustra-
Myth: Teachers are overworked tion on students, then students
Fact: Michigan pays teachers and underpaid. will suffer. Districts are going Events Open to the
$5,713 more than the national to have to make some tough Public
Fact: Teachers work 2/3 of the
average – the nation’s seventh choices and look at things like
highest – even though Michi-
year. They are required to be
privatization, consolidation of Northern
in school about 7 hours a day, Michigan Liberty
gan has fallen to 27th place in services and cutting services
including a prep time and lunch.
per capita personal income. outside the scope of the mission Alliance
They are paid more than many
(U.S. Census Bureau figures) of public education. T-Shirts
other professions who work all
year long, including accoun-
Now Available!
Myth: Michigan public sector

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Contact us. All authors
WWW.UPLIBERTY.COM available for appearance.

January, 2010
The views and opinions expressed are that of the authors and the authors alone.

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