Beda Antara Verifikasi & Validasi

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Question by bhalchandra
Submitted on 4/27/2004
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what is the difference between verification &

validation in software testing?

Answer by Manish Agrawal

Submitted on 6/17/2004

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Verification means to check whether things are going on as per the given input and
Validation means to test the product whether it works correctly in functional
Answer by Nav Submitted on 6/22/2004 Rating:

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Verification - Are we doing the thing right? (Efficiency)

Validation - Are we doint the right thing? (Effectiveness)

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...difference between verification &

validation in...
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Question by bhalchandra
Submitted on 4/27/2004
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what is the difference between verification &

validation in software testing?

apa perbedaan antara verifikasi &

validasi dalam pengujian perangkat lunak?

Answer by imran
Submitted on 6/11/2004


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verification and validation

Answer by Manish Agrawal

Submitted on 6/17/2004

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Verification means to check whether things are going on as per the given input and
Validation means to test the product whether it works correctly in functional manner.

Verifikasi berarti untuk memeriksa apakah hal-hal yang terjadi sesuai masukan
yang diberikan dan spesifikasi.
Validasi berarti untuk menguji produk apakah semuanya berjalan dengan benar
dalam cara fungsional.
Answer by Nav
Submitted on 6/22/2004

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Verification - Are we doing the thing right?

Validation - Are we doing the right thing? (Effectiveness)

Verifikasi - Apakah kita melakukan sesuatu dengan benar?

Validasi - Apakah kita melakukan sesuatu yang benar? (Efektivitas)

Answer by Dhinakaran
Submitted on 6/23/2004

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verification is process of determining the degree to which the work product of given
phase is satisfy the prior phase.
validation is a process to verify that application is working properly according to the

verifikasi adalah proses penentuan sejauh mana produk kerja dari fase diberikan
memuaskan fase sebelumnya.
validasi adalah proses untuk memastikan bahwa aplikasi tersebut bekerja dengan
benar sesuai dengan persyaratan.
Answer by Chang
Submitted on 7/3/2004

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What comes first and Why???

Validation or Verification

Apa yang datang pertama dan Mengapa???

Validation or Verification Validasi atau Verifikasi
Answer by sangi
Submitted on 3/4/2005
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verification is conducted early in SDLC.It involves some reviews and meetings to

evaluate the req, code,documents and specifications, (are we building the right system).
validation is conducted at the end of development life cycle, It involves actual testing.
(did we build the right system).

verifikasi dilakukan pada awal SDLC.It melibatkan beberapa review dan

pertemuan untuk mengevaluasi req, kode, dokumen dan spesifikasi, (apakah kita
membangun sistem yang tepat).
validation is conducted at the end of development life cycle, It involves actual
testing. validasi dilakukan pada akhir siklus hidup pembangunan, sebenarnya ini
melibatkan pengujian. (did we build the right system). (apakah kita membangun
sistem yang tepat).
Answer by Buddy
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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Verification is the process of determining whether the system is in compliance with it's
Validation is the process of determining whether the system will work in the "Real World"

Verifikasi adalah proses untuk menentukan apakah sistem sudah sesuai dengan
spesifikasi itu.
Validation is the process of determining whether the system will work in the "Real
World" Validasi adalah proses penentuan apakah sistem akan bekerja di "Real
Answer by Mayank M.
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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Verification is to check software workability.

Validity is to get output from system for a valid input.

Verifikasi adalah perangkat lunak untuk memeriksa kemungkinan untuk

Validitas adalah untuk mendapatkan output dari sistem untuk input yang valid.
Answer by Venkat
Submitted on 8/24/2005
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Verification takes place before validation, and not vice versa. Verification evaluates
documents, plans, code, requirements and specifications. Validation evaluates the
product itself. The input of verification is checklists, issue lists, walkthroughs and
inspection meetings, reviews and meetings. The input of validation is the actual testing of
an actual product. The output of verification is a nearly perfect set of documents, plans,
specifications and requirements

Verifikasi terjadi sebelum validasi, dan bukan sebaliknya. Verification evaluates

documents, plans, code, requirements and specifications. Mengevaluasi verifikasi
dokumen, rencana, kode, persyaratan dan spesifikasi. Validation evaluates the
product itself. Validasi mengevaluasi produk itu sendiri. The input of verification
is checklists, issue lists, walkthroughs and inspection meetings, reviews and
meetings. Masukan dari verifikasi adalah daftar periksa, masalah daftar, dan
inspeksi Walkthroughs pertemuan, tinjauan dan pertemuan. The input of
validation is the actual testing of an actual product. Masukan dari validasi adalah
pengujian yang sebenarnya produk yang sebenarnya. The output of verification is
a nearly perfect set of documents, plans, specifications and requirements Output
dari verifikasi adalah yang hampir sempurna kumpulan dokumen, rencana,
spesifikasi dan persyaratan
Answer by ajayporwal
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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Validation is done at development site and verification is done at client site

Validasi dilakukan pada pengembangan situs dan verifikasi dilakukan pada situs

Answer by uday kumar

Submitted on 10/9/2005
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verification means whether the system is right or wrong.

validation means whether this system is right system or wrong with respect to customer

verifikasi berarti apakah sistem benar atau salah.

validation means whether this system is right system or wrong with respect to
customer expectations. validasi berarti apakah sistem ini adalah sistem benar
atau salah terhadap harapan pelanggan.
Answer by Preeti
Submitted on 12/1/2005
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Verification ensures the product is designed to deliver all functionality to the customer.
Validation ensures that functionality, as defined in requirements, is the intended behavior
of the product; validation typically involves actual testing and takes place after
verifications are completed.

Verifikasi memastikan produk ini dirancang untuk memberikan semua fungsi

kepada pelanggan.
Validation ensures that functionality, as defined in requirements, is the intended
behavior of the product; validation typically involves actual testing and takes
place after verifications are completed. Validasi memastikan bahwa fungsi,
sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam persyaratan, adalah perilaku dimaksudkan
produk; validasi aktual biasanya melibatkan pengujian dan berlangsung setelah
verifikasi selesai
Answer by beans

Submitted on 12/1/2005
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verification because it is beans to beans to beans

Answer by ivan
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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Verification:- It is doing Unit Testing on the product during initial or intermediate or final
Validation:- It is doing product testing where the entire product is ready and running and
you are checking the entire functionality of the Product application.

Verifikasi: - Ini adalah melakukan Unit Testing pada produk selama awal atau
menengah atau tahap akhir.
Validation:- It is doing product testing where the entire product is ready and
running and you are checking the entire functionality of the Product application.
Validasi: - Ini adalah melakukan pengujian produk di mana seluruh produk sudah
siap dan berjalan dan anda memeriksa seluruh fungsionalitas dari aplikasi
Answer by RAQ
Submitted on 1/4/2006
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Verification: checking that the system/component (any work product) works in

conformance to the requirements.
Validation: checking that the system/component works in conformance to the
requirements in its intended environment.

Both are related to requirements, but validation focuses on the environment in which the
system will be working.

Verifikasi: memeriksa bahwa sistem / komponen (semua produk kerja) bekerja di

kesesuaian dengan persyaratan.
Validation: checking that the system/component works in conformance to the
requirements in its intended environment. Validasi: memeriksa bahwa sistem /
komponen bekerja di kesesuaian dengan persyaratan dalam lingkungan
Both are related to requirements, but validation focuses on the environment in
which the system will be working. Keduanya terkait dengan persyaratan, tetapi
validasi berfokus pada lingkungan di mana sistem akan bekerja.
Answer by Aruna
Submitted on 1/11/2006
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first verification comes then validation

we can justify like this
Verification is one which we test or verify during the Application is running
Application means here Module
Validation is one which we follows after the product is completed
Product according to this collection of modules

verifikasi pertama datang kemudian validasi

we can justify like this kita dapat membenarkan seperti ini
Verification is one which we test or verify during the Application is running
Verifikasi adalah salah satu yang kita menguji atau memverifikasi selama Aplikasi
sedang berjalan
Application means here Module Aplikasi berarti di sini Modul

Validation is one which we follows after the product is completed Validasi adalah
salah satu yang kita mengikuti setelah produk selesai
Product according to this collection of modules Produk sesuai dengan modul
koleksi ini
Answer by abd
Submitted on 3/16/2006
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Verification is done upon the documents like F.S., R.S., CM Plan, Security Plan, Risk Plan,
Validation is done upon the actual product/software so as to check the running of it
according to the requirements.
Now you can tell which one is done first.. rite?

Verifikasi dilakukan atas dokumen-dokumen seperti FS, RS, CM Plan, Keamanan

Plan, Risk Plan, dll
Validation is done upon the actual product/software so as to check the running of
it according to the requirements. Validasi dilakukan atas produk sebenarnya /
perangkat lunak sehingga dapat memeriksa menjalankan sesuai dengan
Now you can tell which one is done first.. Sekarang Anda dapat mengatakan
mana yang dilakukan terlebih dahulu .. rite? ritual?
Answer by ritu
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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Answer by Mohanasarat

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Submitted on 5/11/2006
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Validation & Verification

Answer by asdf
Submitted on 5/30/2006
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the best definition i've seen is that verification makes sure product works as advertised
to outside public; while validation makes sure product meets company's internal

definisi terbaik yang pernah kulihat adalah bahwa verifikasi memastikan produk
bekerja sebagai diiklankan ke publik di luar, sedangkan validasi memastikan
produk memenuhi spesifikasi internal perusahaan.
Answer by Bex
Submitted on 7/9/2006
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Does this mean that, if I am doing ICT GCSE coursework on a website, my verification
checks would be if what I have done agrees with the objectives prior to making it and the
validation checks would be things like spell/grammar checks?
(I need to know NOW!?!)

Does this mean that, if I am doing ICT GCSE coursework on a website, my
verification checks would be if what I have done agrees with the objectives prior
to making it and the validation checks would be things like spell/grammar
checks? Apakah ini berarti bahwa, jika saya melakukan GCSE ICT kursus di situs

Web, saya cek akan verifikasi jika apa yang saya lakukan setuju dengan tujuan
sebelum melakukan itu dan validasi akan memeriksa hal-hal seperti spell /
grammar check?
(I need to know NOW!?!) (Aku perlu tahu SEKARANG!?!)
Answer by Churchill
Submitted on 9/6/2006
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Verification is the process to confirm whether or not the final product fulfills all the initial
requirements for it.
Validation is the process to confirm that the final product works right or wrong.

Verifikasi adalah proses untuk mengkonfirmasi apakah produk akhir memenuhi

semua persyaratan awal untuk itu.
Validation is the process to confirm that the final product works right or wrong.
Validasi adalah proses untuk memastikan bahwa produk akhir bekerja benar atau
Answer by rekha
Submitted on 10/5/2006
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Are we building the product right
Are we building the right product

Answer by Anupam
Submitted on 11/20/2006

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Most Of people Say's,that,validation comes First,But my thinking is ,Verification Comes

First and Then Validation,Because Until and unless i will Not Make Right Thing How We
Can Use,That'sWhy Verification Comes First..

Kebanyakan Dari orang Katakanlah's, bahwa, validasi datang Pertama, Tapi

pemikiran saya adalah, Verifikasi Comes Pertama dan Lalu Validasi, Karena
Sampai dan kecuali saya akan Tidak Membuat Right Thing Bagaimana Kami
Dapat Menggunakan, That'sWhy Verifikasi Comes First ..
Answer by laxfaq
Submitted on 12/28/2006
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Verification - Checking the Credentials we have or not ( Check Employee have ID Card )
Validation - Checking the credentials that we have are right or wrong (Employee Scan ID
Card and if right door opens )

Verifikasi - Memeriksa Kredensial kita atau tidak (Periksa Karyawan memiliki ID

Validation - Checking the credentials that we have are right or wrong (Employee
Scan ID Card and if right door opens ) Validasi - Memeriksa kepercayaan yang kita
miliki adalah benar atau salah (Employee Scan ID Card dan jika kanan pintu
Answer by VERIVAL
Submitted on 12/28/2006
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Q: What is the difference between verification and validation?

A: Verification takes place before validation, and not vice versa.

Verification evaluates documents, plans, code, requirements, and specifications.

Validation, on the other hand, evaluates the product itself.
The inputs of verification are checklists, issues lists, walkthroughs and inspection
meetings, reviews and meetings. The input of validation, on the other hand, is the actual
testing of an actual product.
The output of verification is a nearly perfect set of documents, plans, specifications, and
requirements document. The output of validation, on the other hand, is a nearly perfect,
actual product

Q: Apa perbedaan antara verifikasi dan validasi?

A: Verification takes place before validation, and not vice versa. J: Verifikasi
terjadi sebelum validasi, dan bukan sebaliknya.
Verification evaluates documents, plans, code, requirements, and specifications.
Mengevaluasi verifikasi dokumen, rencana, kode, persyaratan, dan spesifikasi.
Validation, on the other hand, evaluates the product itself. Validasi, di sisi lain,
mengevaluasi produk itu sendiri.
The inputs of verification are checklists, issues lists, walkthroughs and
inspection meetings, reviews and meetings. Masukan-masukan dari verifikasi
adalah daftar periksa, masalah daftar, dan inspeksi Walkthroughs pertemuan,
tinjauan dan pertemuan. The input of validation, on the other hand, is the actual
testing of an actual product. Masukan dari validasi, di sisi lain, adalah pengujian
yang sebenarnya produk yang sebenarnya.
The output of verification is a nearly perfect set of documents, plans,
specifications, and requirements document. Output dari verifikasi adalah yang
hampir sempurna kumpulan dokumen, rencana, spesifikasi, dan persyaratan
dokumen. The output of validation, on the other hand, is a nearly perfect, actual
product Output validasi, di sisi lain, adalah yang hampir sempurna, produk
Answer by akshatha
Submitted on 3/29/2007
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Verification means set of activities that ensures the software that correctly implements
the function.

Validation means set of activities that ensures the software has been built is tracable to
customer requirement.

Verifikasi berarti serangkaian kegiatan yang memastikan perangkat lunak yang

benar mengimplementasikan fungsi.
Validation means set of activities that ensures the software has been built is
tracable to customer requirement. Validasi berarti serangkaian kegiatan yang
memastikan perangkat lunak telah dibangun adalah tracable kebutuhan
Answer by prasad_tavva
Submitted on 5/9/2007
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Verification comes first. Then the validation.

Verification is done at each level or step of the development process
Validation is done to your end product or code. [All kinds of testing]
[Sorry for keeping unit testing and some other testing under Verification in my earlier

Verifikasi lebih dulu. Then the validation. Kemudian validasi.

Verification is done at each level or step of the development process Verifikasi
dilakukan pada tiap tingkat atau langkah dalam proses pembangunan
[reviews] [ulasan]
Validation is done to your end product or code. Validasi dilakukan untuk produk
akhir Anda atau kode. [All kinds of testing] [Semua jenis pengujian]
Refer Lihat

[Sorry for keeping unit testing and some other testing under Verification in my
earlier note] [Maaf untuk menjaga pengujian unit dan pengujian lainnya di bawah
Verifikasi dalam catatan sebelumnya]
Answer by Mittar Bhardwaj
Submitted on 5/17/2007
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Verification comes before Validation because Verification evaluate Documents, plans,

code, requirements and specifications.
Validation evaluates the product. The product can be evaluated as per its specifications
and it is expected that the product will be validated rightly if requirements, specifications
are correct.

Verifikasi datang sebelum Validasi karena mengevaluasi Verifikasi Dokumen,

rencana, kode, persyaratan dan spesifikasi.
Validation evaluates the product. Validasi mengevaluasi produk. The product can
be evaluated as per its specifications and it is expected that the product will be
validated rightly if requirements, specifications are correct. Produk dapat
dievaluasi sesuai dengan spesifikasi dan diharapkan bahwa produk akan
divalidasi tepat jika persyaratan, spesifikasi sudah benar.
Answer by srini
Submitted on 5/18/2007
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Verification is the process of ensuring that the product(As a whole) which we are
developing is right.For Ex: Reviewing the Work Products(Functional Specs,high level
doc,Design Doc etc), reviewing the code(Static Methods)etc.....
Validation is the process of ensuring that the product which we have built(Completed) is
right and is as per the requirements and matches all the user requirements...

Verifikasi adalah proses untuk memastikan bahwa produk (Secara keseluruhan)

yang kami kembangkan adalah right.For Ex: Mereview Produk Kerja (Functional
Specs, tingkat tinggi doc, Desain Doc dll), memeriksa kode (Static Methods),
dll ....
Validation is the process of ensuring that the product which we have
built(Completed) is right and is as per the requirements and matches all the user
requirements... Validasi adalah proses untuk memastikan bahwa produk yang
kami telah membangun (Lengkap) yang benar dan sesuai dengan persyaratan
dan sesuai dengan semua persyaratan pengguna ...

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