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Unlocking the creative space between
complex eco-systems

Unlock the creative space

between complex eco-systems
Todays societal issues are highly complex and more than ever before require
highly interdependent policy that delivers optimal solutions. Our work helps
different departments and delivery partners learn to work innovatively
together so they can break through the complexities and entanglements that
often get in the way of the successful development and delivery of government
and cabinet government policy. This in turn leads to greater innovation,
entrepreneurship and learning at all levels.
This work generated a new era of collaboration across departments
A clients view of the value

Working in Home Groups

Signing up for Themed Dialogues

Mapping the insights

This work generated a new

era of collaboration across
A clients view of the value of Across Government Innovation

An evocative story

Across Government Innovation

In 2002-2004 nowhere supported me, the CEO of the Small Business

Service (which was then part of the Department for Trade and Industry in
the UK Government) to generate a truly cross government strategy, and
subsequent action plan, to help make the UK the best place to start and
grow a small business.

Because of the complex nature of effective policy creation across

departments, we design and choreograph sequences of creative meetings,
workshops and gatherings that generate innovative pathways forward. Our
co-creative approach enables complex stakeholder groups to move from
transactional and competitive relationships to more sustainable and
creative partnerships.

Through a highly choreographed transformation journey, we not only cocreated a breakthrough strategy The Way Forward, the first strategy
signed off by Tony Blair (Prime Minister), Gordon Brown (Chancellor of the
Exchequer) and Patricia Hewitt (Secretary of State for the Department for
Trade and Industry) but a new era of collaboration was catalysed across
departments, and between policy and delivery units. The legacy of this
period included:
the Governments first enterprise policy in 2003 and published Action
Plan in 2004, which achieved international respect for its coherence,
breadth and strong evidence base. Five years later, all key economic
performance indicators were up
turning around performance of the national Business Link service and
then transferring management to the nine Regional Development
Agencies. Successfully built brand and market position (within flat cash
budget) quadrupled customer usage and increased customer satisfaction
from 81% to 91% in three years
developing the award-winning web portal ,
which was built with over 50 partners across government. It achieved a
50% market share and 7m unique visitors a year within four years from a
standing start
initiating and developing the groundbreaking youth marketing campaign
Make Your Mark to inspire more young people in the UK to take up
entrepreneurship, then persuading 60 countries to build it into Global
Entrepreneurship Week, which was launched by the British Prime
Minister in November 2008
One of the testaments to the quality of the work undertaken is that the
seven pillars of the original strategy still underpin todays approach across

Some of the building blocks of our approach include:

identifying cross-cutting needs and focus areas
preparing a core team to lead this type of work through individual and
team coaching
using systemic mapping to reveal new opportunities and hidden
working with different stakeholder groups to identify key insights, gaps
and opportunities
designing bespoke innovation workshops that bring key stakeholders
together in creative partnership
co-creating action plans that support momentum and cut-through
which can sometimes lead to work-place redesign
supporting the development of brandware, materials and other collateral
needed to reposition and deliver on new policy
establishing spaces and environments that facilitate ongoing learning,
partnership and innovation

To learn more about Across Government Innovation email us at
Or visit

Copyright nowhere 2012

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