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Freak the Mighty Journal Assignments Chapters 1-10

Chapter 1

Quotable: choose your favorite part, quote it, include parenthetical notation and write
why you chose it.

Vocabulary: unvanquished- “The unvanquished truth is how Freak would say it…”

Chapter 2


Vocabulary: vacant- “My brain is vacant, okay?” (pg. 6)

Chapter 3

Vocabulary: propulsion- “We’ll schedule installation of a new propulsion unit…” (pg.


Q & A: In your own words, describe Max’s appearance and personality.

Why do you think Max acts the way he does?

Chapter 4

Vocabulary: sobriquet-“Grim would be, I suppose a sobriquet for your grandfather,

based on his demeanor.” (pg. 15)

Q & A: In your own words, describe Freak’s appearance and personality.

Why do you think Freak acts the way he does?

Chapter 5

Vocabulary: expel- “Expel the object, ‘Freak shouts.”’ (pg. 27)


Figurative Language: Quote 2 similes and write what they mean to you. Make sure to
include parenthetical notation.

Q & A: At the end of Chapter 5, Max states “…and I’m crying like a baby. And the
really weird thing is, I’m happy.” What do you think about this statement? Why would
he cry if he was happy?
Chapter 6

Vocabulary: deficiency- “Freak says, ‘Cretin. C-R-E-T-I-N. Defined as one who suffers
from mental deficiency.” (pg. 31)


Q & A: Why do you think Blade chooses Max and Freak to pick on in chapter 6? What
kind of guy is Blade?

Chapter 7

Vocabulary: converge- “They’ve locked onto us. Their trajectory is converging.” (pg.

Q & A: Make a venn diagram that compares and contrasts Max and Freak.

Chapter 8

Vocabulary: evasive- “He’s not running away.’ Grim says, real impatient. ‘He’s taking
evasive action.”’ (pg. 43)


Q & A: How do Gram and Grim treat Max differently after Max “saves” Freak from
Tony D? Why do you think they change how they treat him because of the incident?
What does the coffee Grim offers Max symbolize?

Chapter 9

Vocabulary: divulged- “Now swear on your heart that the data you are about to receive
will be divulged to no one.” (pg. 51)

Q & A: Why do you think Freak takes Max to the hospital? Why was is so important to

Chapter 10

Vocabulary: confirm- “This has been confirmed by visual observation.” (pg. 56)


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