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5 Example 5: TCP/IP Connection between an Allen Bradley Control Logix 5000 and an S7-400
6.5.1 Task
An Allen Bradley Control Logix 5000 is to communicate via Ethernet with a Siemens S7-400. For communication via Ethernet, the EterNet/IP protocol which is supported by the Control Logix 5000 series is selected
on the CLX. An Ethernet interface (e.g. 1756-ENET) is required. This makes it possible to process data via
Message Instructions (MSG).

Chapter 6: Examples

[ Echochange Manual / Chapter 6: Examples ]

Allen Bradley




6.5.2 Operation
EtherNet/IP data are forwarded by setting parameters for a simple transport connection to a partner station.
The partner station processes these user data and can send data requests itself to the CLX via echochange. Symbolic names (tags) are used by the CLX for addressing. These must be parameterized on

6.5.3 Procedure
Parameterize and program Allen Bradley Control Logix 5000
Set up connection in echochange Setting Parameters and Programming Allen Bradley Control Logix 5000
The following settings must be made on the CLX 5000 so that data communication can be started via the
CIP protocol.


Select CIP Generic MSG if you want to send data from a CLX to a partner station.

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[ Echochange Manual / Chapter 6: Examples ]

Chapter 6: Examples
Select service type Set Attribute Single. Use the standard specified values for Class, Instance and Attribute.
For the tag from which the data to be sent are generated, select only Controller Tags. Only data type INT is
supported by echochange. 1-dimensional arrays can be used as well.

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Chapter 6: Examples

[ Echochange Manual / Chapter 6: Examples ]

For communication, the path has to be entered. The path is consisting of I/O configuration in which the IP
address and the Subnet mask are entered, the Ethernet port (always 2, see description below), the target IP
address and the port number.



Backplane from any 1756 controller or module


DF1 port from a Logix5000 controller

ControlNet port from a 1756-CNB module
DH+ port over channel A from a 1756-DHRIO module
DH+ port over channel B from a 1756-DHRIO module

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[ Echochange Manual / Chapter 6: Examples ]

Chapter 6: Examples Set up connection in echochange
Symbolic names are stored on echochange for writing values to the CLX. These are required to specify the
data supplied by the partner station by amount, type and corresponding target tag on the AB.
In addition, the connection parameters of the partner station are entered. These consist of the IP address
and the port number of the connection.
When communication is initiated by the AB, echochange attempts to open the applicable connection to the
partner station. When the connection is established, data can be exchanged. If no connection is established,
an appropriate status is sent to the AB.
Please establish a new connection.


As network select TCP/IP <-> TCP/IP

Protocol left: Allen Bradley, protocol right: none

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Chapter 6: Examples

[ Echochange Manual / Chapter 6: Examples ]

Note: The connection name corresponds to the controller tag on the CLX which is
to be write-accessed

Please enter the slot of your Control Logix CPU here.

The connection is now parameterized. Socket interface on the partner station
The partner station may be a PC or any controller which is equipped with a TCP/IP socket interface. To
receive the data from the CLX, a receive (socket,...) is called. To send the data, a send (socket,...) is called.
Care must be taken that no more user data is sent than the Allen Bradley is able to receive in one frame.

Only 16-bit integer values can be processed on echochange.


With an S5 or S7, select the applicable Send/Receive blocks and parameterize a suitable transport connection. This may be both an ISO connection and an ISO on TCP connection. Pure SEND/REC connections
without data consistency protocols can also be used. However, it must be ensured that the station does not
distribute the user data over several frames and send these individually since data consistency would no
longer be guaranteed.

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