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West Africa Advanced School of

5 December 2014

Intercede with Us for the


for the Muslims of

Africa and beyond

Muslim World!

Our acquittal is not based on our good deeds. It is based on our faithwe are made right with God through faith and not by
obeying the law (Rom. 3:27-28, NLT).
Muslims consider themselves the most favored people of God. They believe it is their good deeds, not a humble faith, that
brings God's acceptance and ultimately life in Paradise. Jesus and the Cross are rejected as the Way. Let's pray that striving,
seeking Muslims will find freedom in the grace God offers.*

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries

NORTHERN GHANA: An alumnus serving here writes of their recent evangelistic campaign in a village said to be
100% Muslim: Jesus Christ showed Himself strong when we showed the Jesus film...and also preached the gospel of
Jesus Christ. More than 134 people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and denounced their Muslim faith. The tent
was packed each night of the crusade. The campaign was also crowned with signs and wonders. A dumb person spoke,
an elderly lady with stroke received her healing and an insane girl was touched by the power of God. Please pray for
these new believers, that they may stand firm, grow in their faith, and lead others to salvation. Pray for the pastor who
is leading this new church, and for great favor in the community.
SIERRA LEONE: A U.S. missionary helping with the Ebola crisis reports:
Rev. Tommy Bangura (AG General Superintendent) reports of record attendance in our churches as many are
coming to Christ during this deep tragedy.
Our first shipments of medical supplies from Health Care Ministries have arrived and been distributed.
Convoy of Hope has sent four 40-foot containers of food and medical supplies. The first two are due to arrive
on December 24th.
Continue to pray that Muslims (60% of the population) would respond to expressions of love as they receive needed
supplies and the Good News of God's love for them through believers. Pray for favor at the port as the containers
arrive and that the distribution of goods would run smoothly and effectively.

World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**

Niger, a landlocked nation in West Africa, is home to nearly 18 million Muslims95% of the population. Its people
have been mainly moderate and its government secular, but this is changing as several radical groups are making their
presence felt. However, most persecution against believers, particularly those who are former Muslims, comes from
family members and communities. The Assemblies of God counts about 90 churches, and a WAAST extension center
has been active in the past. Please pray (1) for Muslim converts who face persecution, that their lives and testimonies
would reach others; (2) for the AG as they reach out through churches, social helps, and schools; (3) that the WAAST
center, on hold for 2 years, can reopen in the coming year. More trained pastors are needed!

For Muslim Women***

Pray that Gods favor and anointing would rest on Christian women in restricted-access nations who are planning for
outreach to Muslim neighbors during the Christmas season.

Prayer Resources
*Praying for Muslims: A Guide for Effective Intercession offers many insights concerning Islam and a different prayer subject
each Friday. This week we pray Muslims will see the futility of good works and accept God's grace:
**Open Doors publishes an annual list ranking the 50 nations where persecution against Christians is most severe. See the full
2014 World Watch List at Click on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer requests.
***Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at
For suggestions on starting a prayer group, see
For a list of resources for prayer groups, see
Find information and prayer requests concerning Muslims around the world at
How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faith? Read
For news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit and

For prayer requests, visit and

To help you answer Muslims' questions about Jesus and the Bible, explore

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