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Toader Florina Ramona

SNSPA, Comunicare si Relatii Publice

Upper intermediate 2
Ignorance is the curse of God. Knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to

Knowledge is considered by most of people the essential and most important value in one
mans life. The most important difference between humans and animals and also the fact that
makes us able to call ourselves humans is the superiority of our brains. Unlike the other
living beings, we are capable of speaking, thinking, resolving problems and also of learning.
We were empowered with such abilities that make us unique, so we must not let them go to
The quote given highlights the importance of knowledge, not only while we are alive, but
also during our journey to the afterlife. This quote is taken from Shakespeares Henry IV
and it is divided into two opposite statements. The fact that the quote is split into two
opposite sentences can underline a conflict between the two keywords of the text, ignorance
and knowledge.
On the first hand, it is underlined through a biblical metaphor the fact that ignorance is the
worst thing that could ever happen to us. Therefore, in order to transmit this dreadful idea,
Shakespeare compares ignorance with a curse of God. The focus on the biblical image has the
purpose to emphasize the powerful, but negative roles and effects that ingnorance can lead to.
On the other hand, we have knowledge, which is seen as the opposite of ignorance. While
the first term is compared to a curse, the second one is put on a brighter light. With
knowledge, we gain wings, which take us to heaven. The flight to heaven could reffer to the
image of climbing the path of our higher potential. The biblical refference has the same goal
here, in the second sentence, as it has in the first one, that of emphasizing the power of
We learn something new everyday, even if we do not realize it, since the day we are born
and till the day we die. Both the things we learn unconsciously and those which are planned
help us develop and improve ourselves. Knowledge is so important in our lives, because it
always helps us make better decisions and understand the world we live in. The biblical
refferences of the quote can lead the fact that knowledge and learning make us behave better
with the world around us. Improving our behavior and becoming better people are the wings
that ensure us a safe journey to heaven.

Toader Florina Ramona

SNSPA, Comunicare si Relatii Publice
Upper intermediate 2

The conflict between ignorance and knowledge, as it is emphasize in the quote, can also be
seen in the well known and appreciated novel Fahrenheit 451, where owning and reading
books is illegal. Throughout the novel, the reader is presented with a conflict between the
beliefs that ignorance is bliss, while knowledge devides people, on one side, and the true
happiness provided by knowledge and learning, on the other side. The fireman's
responsibility is to burn books, and therefore destroy knowledge. Through these actions, the
firemen promote ignorance to maintain the sameness of society. But, in the end, Montag, the
main character of the novel, realizes that life is more complete, true and satisfying when
knowledge is welcomed into it.
In conclusion, the quote given focuses on the idea that knowledge is the most powerful
tool that we were blessed to receive. To underline the power of learning, Shakespeare used
the opposition and conflict between knowledge and ignorace. While learning helps you
improve yourself and become a better person, ignorance is the worse flaw, which can be
compared to the most dreadful curse.

Toader Florina Ramona

SNSPA, Comunicare si Relatii Publice
Upper intermediate 2

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