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Iranian Journal of Health and Physical Activity (2011) 2 (2), 1-8

Six Consecutive Days of Anaerobic Interval Exercise Training

and Its Hormonal Effects in Young Females
Mahnaz Manshouri1, Abbass Ghanbari-Niaki 2*

Physical Education Center, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Exercise Biochemistry Division, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Baboulsar, Iran
Received 15 May 2011

Accepted 11 August 2011

Introduction: Ghrelin and Obestatin are orexigenic/anorexigenic peptides secreted from the gastrointestinal
tract. Obestatin, a 23-amino acid peptide, has been recently discovered and isolated from rat stomach.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate how an anaerobic interval exercise would affect plasma
Obestatin and hormonal responses.
Material and Methods: Twenty-five young female college students were assigned into either a control
group (19.5 0.27 yr, 163.250.62 cm, 58.811.96kg, 22.050.67 BMI, 39.072.8 ml/kg.min, n= 10) or a
Running-based anaerobic sprint test (RAST) group (200.4yr, 161.880.78cm, 54.221.80kg, 20.660.58
BMI, 42.631.23 ml/kg.min, n=15). Individuals in the training group performed 5 sets of Running-based
Anaerobic Sprint Tests (RAST), each set consisting 635 meter sprints. Intervals between each 35 meter sprint
and between sets of 6 sprints were, 10 seconds and 5 minutes respectively. Blood samples from overnight fast
and luteal phase individuals from both groups were obtained pre-, and at specified intervals, post- 6
consecutive days of RAST exercise training. Plasma levels of Obestatin, Glucose, Growth hormone, Insulin,
Cortisol, Testosterone, and DHEA-S were determined.
Results: No significant changes in plasma Obestatin levels were observed (P<0.473). A significant
reduction in GH, and Testosterone plasma levels were noted in the RAST training groups (P<0.032, P<0.043).
Changes in lnsulin, Cortisol, and DHEA-S were not significant.
Discussion and Conclusion: Our results indicate that the effect of high intensity exercise on plasma Obestatin and other measured variables was attenuated by short- term fasting. Also a combination of Obestatin and
lactate changes together may lead to an anorexigenic condition in the RAST group.
Key Words: GH, Insulin, DHEA-S, Testosterone, Female College students


Ghrelin, a 28-amino acid peptide, was recently

isolated from human and rat stomach [1, 2]. This
novel peptide is synthesized in pancreatic
alpha-cells [2], and has been added to the list of
secretagogues involved in gut-brain regulation of
growth hormone and energy balance [3]. Ghrelin
stimulates an increase in blood glucose [4-6], and
plays a key role in the regulation of feeding [7].
Interestingly, ghrelin levels have been reported to
be significantly altered during acute and chronic
aberration in nutritional status. Hence, Ghrelin
levels are low in simple obesity but increase after
weight loss [9, 10]. Ghrelin plasma levels are
hypoglycemia, and leptin administration [11, 12].
Both Ghrelin and Obestatin are transcribed and
Coresponding author E-mail:

translated from the same gene. It has been

suggested that Obestatin stimulates growth
hormone release, while opposing food intake. The
distribution, biological activity, and role of
Obestatin in energy balance have been investigated
in rodents [1, 13]. In 2005, Zhang and colleagues,
using a bioinformatics approach, reported the
identification of an additional 23-amino acid
peptide within the proghrelin precursor sequence
[13]. This evolutionarily conserved peptide was
identified in the proghrelin sequences from 11
different mammalian species, and was named
Obestatin [13]. Obestatin is further characterized by
the presence of a flanking conserved glycine
residue at the C-terminal end [13]. Previous reports
indicate introduction of exogenous Obestatin in rats
suppressed food intake in a time and dosedependent manner [13, 14]. The distribution and
synthesis of Obestatin, as well as, its role in energy
balance, has been studied in rodents [14-19]. While
physical exercise and its effect on plasma Ghrelin

levels has been reported [20-24], the effects of six
consecutive days of a running-based anaerobic
sprint test (RAST) on plasma Obestatin, glucose
and hormonal responses has not been investigated.
Following our earlier work [25], we report here,
results of a study designed to examine the effects
of anaerobic interval exercise on Glucose, Insulin,
Dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), and
Testosterone (T) in young female college students.
Thus, this study was conducted to investigate the
effect of a highly energy demand activity with a
considerable energy deficiency situation on plasma
Obestatin and hormonal response in young female
college students.

Material and Methods

Subjects and research design
The study was approved by the ethic committee
of the School of Medical Sciences of Tarbiat
Modares University and was conducted in
accordance with the policy statement of the
Declaration of the Iranian Ministry of health.
Twenty-five young female college students were
assigned into either a control group (19.5 0.27 yr,
163.250.62 cm, 58.811.96kg, 22.050.67 BMI,
39.072.8 ml/kg.min, n= 10) or a Running-based
anaerobic sprint test (RAST) group (200.4yr,
161.880.78cm, 54.221.80kg, 20.660.58 BMI,
42.631.23 ml/kg.min, n=15) groups. Subjects
were asked to go through a medical examination
and were examined for cardiac, respiratory, renal,
and metabolic diseases.They were not using any
Exercise testing procedures
Before the main trial, participants were taken to
gym two times, to perform anaerobic interval
exercise (RAST test) and to become familiar with
the procedure. The subjects were allowed to have as
much time as they needed to recover from each
attempt. On the third visit, the subjects completed a
practice session to ensure that each participant was
able to complete the entire exercise session. The
training sessions were held in the morning, between
08.30 to 11.00 AM, in order to avoid the effects of
circadian rhythm. The program consisted of
5-minute warm up, 5 sets of RAST-test (6 35
meters every 10 seconds) with 5-minute rest period
between sets, and a 5-min cool down period. The
duration of the whole program was 40 minutes. All
participants were in luteal phase. All exercises were
conducted after an overnight fast (at least 12h,
allowed to drink water only). The subjects were
instructed to follow a normal lifestyle, maintain
daily habits, avoid the consumption of any
medication, and refrain from exercise 3 days prior

Hormonal Effects of Anaerobic Training

to the experiment session.

Blood collection
Blood samples were collected into heparinzed
Vacutainer tubes (Becton Dickinson, NJ, USA)
from antecubital vein 24hrs before and 24hrs after
training program while subjects were overnight fast
for at least 12hrs. Plasma was separated by
centrifugation within 15min of collection and
aliquots were kept frozen at -80C for subsequent
analysis (within 2-3 weeks)
Hormonal Elisa assays
The samples were analyzed for Obestatin, GH,
lnsulin, DHEA-S, and Tstosterone. Plasma
Obestatin was measured using a kit (EIA, Peninsula
Laboratories LLC, CA, USA, Sensitivity 0.002
ng/mL). GH was determined by ELISA kit
(Diagnostic Biochem Canada Inc, London, Ontario,
Canada, Sensitivity 2 ng/mL). Plasma Insulin was
determined by ELISA kit (Mercodia, AB, Uppsala,
Sweden, Sensitivity 1mIU/L). Plasma Testosterone
and DHEAS were determined by Enzyme Immuno
Assay Method (EIA, Diagnostic Biochem Canada
Inc, London, Ontario, Canada, Sensitivity 0.022
ng/mL and 0.005g/dL, respectively). The
Intraassay coefficients of variation were 8.3%,
5.95, 4.1%, 7.5% and 7.85 % for Obestatin, GH,
insulin, testosterone and DHEA-S, respectively.
Hemoglobin and Hematocrit were also determined
using automated hematology analyzer (Sysmax
K-4500, Toa Medical Electric Co., Kobe Japan).
Plasma Glucose was measured by Glucose Oxidase
method. Lactate was obtained by kit (Randox, LOT
086904 UK BT294 QX) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was determined automatically (RA
1000 auto Analyzer) by kit (Pars Azmoun, Tehran,
Iran). The changes of plasma volume were
calculated based on hemoglobin and Hematocrit
estimation [26].
Statistical analysis
All results are expressed as the mean SEM.
Pre- and post-exercise results were compared using
Mann-Whitney non-parametric two-tailed t-test for
within and between group comparisons. All the
statistical analyss were performed using GraphPad
5.0, and differences were accepted at P<0.05 level.

Characteristics of control and RAST study
The pre-study characteristics of all young female
volunteers are presented in Table 1. No significant
differences were observed between control and

Iranian Journal of Health and Physical Activity

RAST groups regarding age, height, weight, and

pre-physical conditioning. There was a significant
difference in post-training exercise values between
RAST and control groups. (Table 1 and Figure 1).
No changes in plasma volume were noted in either

groups, due to fasting, luteal phase, and exercise

routine, which reflects no association between
observed results and the hydration state of study
subjects (data not shown).

Table.1: physical characteristics of the participants (mean SEM).


Control Group

RAST Test Group

20.00 0.40

19.56 0.27

161.88 0.78

163.25 0.62

54.22 1.80

58.81 1.96

BMI (kg/m2 )

20.66 0.58

22.05 0.67

VO2max (ml/kg/min-1 )

42.63 1.37

39.09 2.81

Age (yr)
Height (cm
Weight (kg)


Difference from Day 0




Group 1
Group 2




Days After Last Exercise (Day 6)

Figure 1 :Plasma Obestatin concentrations in control and exercise groups 24h before and 24h after anaerobic interval
exercise training. Data was expressed as mean SEM.

Hormonal changes as a function of six

consecutive days RAST
No significant difference was observed in
pre- and post-RAST plasma Obestatin levels,
within and/or between the study groups. (Table 2
and Figure 1A). However, a marginal 24h increase
in plasma Obestatin levels was observed in the
RAST-group, followed by a decreasing trend 2 and
7 days post-exercise. (Table 3). Although these
results were not statistically significant, we
observed a suggestive trend which should be further
investigated useing a larger group of test subjects
where statistical power is ensured. A statistically
significant decrease was noted in the

RAST-training group, both inGH and Testosterone

plasma levels, P=0.032 and P=0.043 respectively.
(Table2). No significant differences were noted in
plasma insulin, Cortisol, and DHEAS levels within
or between study groups (Table 2). Further
hormones analysis, indicated a statistically
significant increase (P=0.03) in the ratio between
-adrenergic hormone DHEAS and the anabolic
hormone Testosterone in the RAST-group (Figure
Relationship between hormonal changes and
metabolic response
Lactate level was higher in training group

compared to the control group on days 1, 2, and 7
post-RAST exercises (Table 3). This difference,
however, is not considered statistically significant,
and is hypothesized to be a consequence of fasting
prior to blood collection. Furthermore, lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH) was significantly lower in
the plasma of the exercise group (P<0.005) on days
1, 2, and 7 post-RAST (Table 3). Lactate

Hormonal Effects of Anaerobic Training

accumulation in plasma is a consequence of

anaerobic exercise, and is slowly converted back to
glucose by gluconeogenesis in the liver. Since
determination of plasma lactate levels was
performed under fasting conditions, we concluded
that its, lower than expected levels, were due to its
increased transport to the liver for gluconeogenesis

Table.2 a: plasma glucose, insulin, cortisol, DHEAS, lactate, and LDH concentrations in control and exercise groups.
b) Baseline and post-exercise correlations between plasma Obestatin and other measured variables. c) Baseline and
post-exercise correlations between plasma growth hormone and lactate and LDH.

Iranian Journal of Health and Physical Activity

Figure 2: Plasma GH and Testosterone concentrations in control groups 24h before and 24h after anaerobic
exercise training. Data were expressed as mean SEM. * Pre vs. post (P<0.032, and P<0.043, respectively).

We did not observe any significant changes in the

levels of triglycerides (TG),
cholesterol, HDL,
and LDL (Table 3). An inverse correlation between
plasma levels of Cortisol and Obestatin can be
noted comparing control- and RAST-group (Figure
2A and B). Since Cortisol is a stress signal for low
blood glucose, and Obestatin is assumed to indicate the satiety state, the fasting condition in combination with the higher levels of lactate in the exercise group are speculated to be associated with
greater plasma glucose levels in this group.

Discussion and Conclusion

As obesity is becoming a global problem great
interest has been directed to Obestatin
gastrointestinal hormone, which is involved in the
pathophysiology of obesity. Both Ghrelin and
originated from preproghrelin. Purified from the rat
stomach, the 23- amino acid Obestatin binds to the
orphan G.-protein coupled receptor (GPR39),
which is present in the brain. Obestatin decreases
food ingestion and body weight in rodents after
peripheral administration, opposing to Ghrelin,
which increases food intake and body weight. This
raised the possibility that Obestatin might be
involved in the energy balance and body weight.
This led us to investigate the role of Obestatin in
young females who performed six consecutive days
of RSAT. In our previous study we have examined
the role of a single circuit-resistance exercise on
plasma Obestatin level.
In the present study we examined whether a six
consecutive days of a running-based anaerobic
sprint test (RAST) as an anaerobic interval exercise
protocol would affect the plasma Obestatin level,
GH, insulin, DHEA-S, and testosterone. Our results
indicate no significant difference in pre- and
post-RAST plasma Obestatin levels within and/or
between the study groups (Table 2 and Figure 1A).


However, a marginal 24h increase in plasma

Obestatin levels, followed by a decreasing trend on
2 and 7 days post-exercise, was observed in the
RAST-group (Table 3). Although these results
were not statistically significant, this possible trend
should be further investigated useing of a larger
group of test subjects where statistical power is ensured. A statistically significant decrease in both,
GH and testosterone plasma levels, P=0.032 and
P=0.043 respectively, were noted in the
RAST-training group (Table 2). No significant
differences were noted in plasma insulin, Cortisol,
and DHEAS levels within or between the study
groups (Table 2). Further analysis of the hormones,
indicated a statistically significant increase
(P=0.03) in the ratio between -adrenergic hormone
DHEAS and the anabolic hormone Testosterone in
the RAST-group (Figure 2B).
We also observed statistically significant
differences between the study groups, regarding
their physical conditioning post-6 days exercise
that can be seen comparing pre- and post- MAXPO,
AVEPO, and VO2 values (Table 1 and Figure 1).
Previous report by Zhang et al. [13] has shown
that plasma Obestatin concentration was constant
in rats that were subjected to fasting followed by
re-feeding for 2 hours , allowing animals free
access to food and drinking water containing
dextrose. However Zizzari et al. [19] reported that
24hours of fasting significantly reduced Obestatin
levels while it increased Octanoyated ghrelin in
added libitum fed mice. In the current study we did
not measure plasma Ghrelin, but it might be
possible that plasma Obestatin response is
suppressed by an exercise-induced elevation in
plasma Ghrelin following the six consecutive days
of exercise [20-25]. An exercise -induced plasma
expansion is well documented [28-30]. It has been
suggested that the stress of exhaustive exercise
causes an initial volume contraction due to fluid

loss, which is then followed by plasma volume
expansion. This expansion may be 6% to 25%
greater than baseline, occurs within 3 hours following acute exercise and persists for 3 to 5 days
following the cessation of training documented
[28,29].Although the effects of acute and chronic
(aerobic /anaerobic, endurance and resistance)
exercise training on plasma GH concentrations in
male and female subjects are well documented
[31-38], our findings indicate that plasma GH
concentration significantly decreased following the
anaerobic training. We are not aware of any studies
that have examined the effects of prospective six
consecutive days of anaerobic exercise training on
the release of GH at rest. According to Kanaley et
al. [39] treadmill runnings for 30min at three
different times of day (07.00, 19.00, 24.00h)
resulted in a transient suppression in GH release.
No change in GH levels following heavy- resistance training has been observed by Kreamer et al
[40]. Chwalbinska-Moneta et al. [41] reported that
resting plasma GH level was insignificantly lower
following one week of interval training and
significantly decreased at the end of first and third
weeks of aerobic exercise training at 75% of
VO2max. Fry et al. [42] demonstrated a reduction
in post-exercise concentrations of lactate and
growth hormone after 1 week of high-volume
weight-lifting training. The same results were also
reported by Kraemer et al. [43] after 3 consecutive
days of heavy resistance exercise. A suppression of
GH may reflect autonegative feedback of GH on its
own secretion, as suggested by Lanzi &
Tannenbaum [44]. A change in resting plasma
lactate post-anaerobic training could be an effective
factor in lowering GH concentration at rest. In the
present study lower GH levels were accompanied
with a reduction in plasma lactate and LDH
concentrations at rest. A stimulatory effect of
lactate on GH secretion was reported by Sutton et
al. [45] and other investigators [46, 41]. However, a
lower GH concentration in the present study can be
justified by an increased post-exercise training
plasma volume.
Testosterone is an endogenous anabolic hormone
which is believed to be involved in muscle tissue
growth and remodeling. The concentration of
plasma in male subjects is higher than females [35,
37]. The effect of acute and chronic exercise and
training (endurance and resistance type) on plasma
testosterone in male and female subjects well
documented [32, 35, 37, 47]. Slowinska-Lisowska
& Majad [48] reported a reduction in total and free
Testosterone concentrations after a 400m sprint in
male elite athletes. According to Fry et al. [49]
during the 24h of monitoring hormonal response of

Hormonal Effects of Anaerobic Training

14 subjects _with varying fitness levels of _ to an

intensive anaerobic exercise, a reduction in plasma
Testosterone has been observed. According to
Kraemer et al. [43] total serum Testosterone
significantly increased immediately after heavy
resistance exercise and declined to below resting
values on day 3 in placebo taking condition, and on
day 2, and 3 during supplementation. Flynn et al.
[50] observed a significant reduction during10-day
periods of increased training volume (200% of
individual normal training) in 11 well-trained
distance runners.
It has been suggested that calorie intake in the
form of carbohydrate and protein, has an acute
attenuating effect on circulating Testosterone concentrations [51, 52, 43]. In our study we did not
record the subjects food consumption and they
were overnight fast during the blood sampling. The
reduction in plasma Testosterone in the present
study might be due to the increased plasma volume.
A decline in post-exercise training Testosterone
level was accompanied with a modest increase
(1.72mU/L) in plasma Insulin level in trained
The Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS)
has a critical role in the maintenance of bone
density and overall health. Previous studies have
shown changes in plasma DHEAS level in respons
to short-term resistance and endurance exercise [35,
37, 47]. In the present study, our results indicate
that plasma DHEAS concentration remained
unchanged in response to six consecutive days of a
running-based anaerobic sprint test (RAST).
According to Aizawa et al. [53] plasma DHEAS
concentration significantly increased in females
who performed a resistance training program for 8
weeks. Flynn et al. [50] has shown a significant
reduction in DHEAS level during 10 days of
increased training volume. These diversities could
be the result of differences in procedures and
subjects characteristics such as gender (female vs.
male) age (young vs. old), type of exercise
performed (anaerobic vs. resistance and aerobic),
duration of exercise (six days vs. 3, 10 days or
8weeks), blood sampling time (immediately/less
than 12h vs.24h), and nutritional status (overnight
fasting vs. fed-condition). To summarize, our data
indicates that six consecutive days of anaerobic
interval exercise training, in our experimental
conditions increased plasma volume and decreased
resting plasma GH and Testosterone as signs of
early metabolic adaptations to high intensity
exercise. According to the present study, it could be
suggested that any exercise-induced changes in
plasma Obestatin levels might be mashed by
short-term fasting and elevated plasma volume. It

Iranian Journal of Health and Physical Activity

appears that plasma Obestatin does not contribute

to anaerobic exercise training-induced reduction of
Growth hormone. Further studies should be
conducted in order to investigate plasma Obestatin
and Ghrelin
communal response to different
conditions regarding mode of exercise, its intensity
and duration and nutritional interventions.

This work was supported by Mrs. Mahnaz
Manshouri. We wish to thank Professor Taghi
Manshouri, Dr Gholam-Ali Naderi for their kind
help and sincere cooperation. We also thank all
subjects for their participation in this study.

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