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Labuhan Ceremony

Yogyakarta is famous for the numerous festivals and ceremonies dotting the
Indonesian calendar. Labuhan Ceremony among the other festivals is a very
important festival and the word is derived from Labuh meaning to throw away. The
Labuhan ceremony is a very auspicious ceremony and is actually a ritual meant to
commemorate the long relation between the Sultan of Yogyakarta and the Goddess of
the South Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul. The people of Yogyakarta also go on to see other
Labuhan ceremonies being celebrated. These events are celebrated at Kraton and
other places like Mt.Merapi, Mt. Lawu.
Details of the Labuhan Ceremony:
The Labuhan Ceremony is held one day the Commemoration of the Sultan's
coronation. The Labuhan Ceremony is held on the 30th of Javanese month.
Particularities of Labuhan Ceremony: The event is considered to be a very important
festival in the Yogyakarta calendar. The offering is very important ritual and the
offering is made to Kangjeng Ratu Kidul is considered to be a very important
Goddess in the Yogyakarta myths and legends. It is believed that she had promised to
guard the Senopati and the Mataram Kingdom in their troubled times. Thus the bond
got strengthened between the two Sultans simply because of this ritual. The ceremony
involves the following rituals:
- 2 cloths as lower garments are offered.
- 1 Green breast cloth in Gadung design.
- 1 breast cloth with motif bangun Tulak.
- 1 cup of perfume
- 1 packet of incense.
- Many other such interesting offerings are also made to the Goddess.
The ceremony along with the offerings also sees some special mantras being
pronounced. The atmosphere is very mystical and somber. The ceremony sees many
people flocking here to witness the rituals being performed and the ceremony is
considered to be very traditional. The people wait for the ceremony to begin in the
morning. In the evening there is a preparation followed by a prayer and around 4 o
clock in the morning. The offerings are an important part of the event and the
offerings seem to resemble the offerings made in the South Sea. The Labuhan
Ceremony is thus a very important festival.

August 25, 2009 by st . yelfi -vyFiled under Tema Umum

ayahanda tercinta
aku putrimu menangis kecewa
ayahanda,aku terdampar bukan main
di tepi murka padamu dan pada Tuhanku
ayahanda, rinduku kan ku tuang
jika malamku bertabur bintang

saat kau dekap aku dalam pangkuanmu

kau bisikan kalimat indah sang pujangga
ayahanda, ku titip cinta pada Tuhan
agar kau tahu kini diriku
tlah dewasa dalam meniti kehidupan
yang tercinta ayahanda di surga
Aku tak mampu mengantar kepergianmu
Langit mendung turut berduka
Orang-orang riuh rendah becerita
Tentang segala amal kebaikanmu
Aku datang kepadamu, ayah
Semilir di bawah kamboja dan nisanmu
Aku menangis dan berdoa
Mengenang segala salah dan dosaku kepadamu
Kepergianmu seketika mendewasakan aku
Mengajarkan aku betapa penting arti hidup
Untuk menjadi berguna bagi sesama
Kepergianmu mengajarku
Bagaimana harus mencintai dan menyayangi
Bagaimana harus tulus berkorban dan bersabar
Bagaimana harus berjuang demi anak-anaknya
Hingga saat terakhir hayatmu
Engkau terus berdoa demi kebahagiaan anak-anakmu
Hari ini aku menemuimu, ayah
Lewat sebait puisi untuk mengenangmu
Bila datang saatnya nanti
Kan kuceritakan segala kebesaran dan keagunganmu
Bersama embun fajar kemarau ku sertakan doa
Semoga engkau mendapatkan tempat terbaik di sisi-Nya
Kerut kulit mu lembut menyentuh kalbu
Rambut putihmu memancarkan sinar kedamaian
Keras suaramu memberi ku kekuatan
Lemah tubuhmu membangkitkan semangat untuk mengabdi
Kemarahanmu adalah jiwaku
Petuahmu adalah jalan lurusku
Kau adalah ilham dalam hidupku
Kau adalah pembimbing spiritualku
Jika mungkin ku terlahir kembali
Ku ingin kau jadi ayahku lagi.

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