Commercialization of Health Care - Good or Bad - Group Discussion

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Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

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Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad?

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Monu said: (Thu, Jun 6, 2013 10:47:04 PM)

Commercialization is way to increase the profit of the one, so on applying the commercialization on the health
makes bed effect just because by applying the commercialization the doctor always thinks about their profit that
makes the poor guys in trouble those are unable to pay money for their cure many times the poor guys are
scarifies with their health just because of the high rate for the treatment this came due to doctor invest their
money in commercialization for increasing the profit and they recollect their money by the people that could make
the commercialization bad but it would be good when it will use in research process for finding the different way
for the disease.
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Prashanth said: (Mon, Jun 3, 2013 10:48:53 AM)



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

I have share my point of view pertaining to above topic.
Since every coin has two faces likewise commercialization of health care has good as well as bad aspects.
Good aspects, people who are in good position want them to be treated in good private hospitals as they expect
good facilities and proper care and the faculties in private hospitals are very attentive and the treatment they
provide will be best of the technology.
Bad aspects, people who are below poverty line can not afford such high amount to get treatment for them
government has to take care by providing good facilities with affordable price.

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Anonymous said: (Thu, May 30, 2013 04:54:25 PM)

Following the large scale macroeconomic reforms introduced in many countries since the 1990s, there has been a
shift in the provisions of public goods, including health and education. Certain Asian and Latin American countries
have opened up the medical care market for privatization and introduced the concept of user fees in public health
services. The concept of segmented medical care was given in the World Development Report itself- offering
private, market-oriented better quality care for the rich. By comparison, the public health facilities look woefully
inadequate. They were widely criticized, and the government expenditure on health declined sharply.
This change in the healthcare sector where private players have started treating it as a flourishing business is
premised on the view that the public sector is unable to act as a sole provider of those services within the
backdrop of shortage of resources. Even when there is no recession, the capital need to be deployed in several
other sectors mainly industry, agriculture and infrastructure so that health care falls short of funds. It is now being
realised that greater competition is the only option for better quality services and improvement in the overall
efficiency of these services.
The advocates of reform hold that the state should undertake only minimal interventions in the economy, and for
health service it should provide only the essential service. This view totally overlooks the issue of incompatibility
between public welfare and private provision. More importantly, this approach does not address the problems of
poverty, inequality among social classes, religious groups and gender aspects. The poor and socially backward
classes depend on public provision of health care almost entirely.
The system of health care as it is present in most of the developing countries is that while the poor would go for
the public care for essential clinical services, the rich would prefer high-tech private medical care. Consequently,
consumer choices of health services remain restricted to only those who can afford to pay for services in highly
expensive private hospitals and clinics. The 'willingness to pay' is often equated with 'ability to pay'. But some
studies have shown that in some family's highly expensive treatment of serious diseases like heart ailments,
cancer, nervous system disorders have lead to erosion of family assets, high indebtedness. Some families have
known to resort to inadequate diet, drop out of school children, especially girls.
This is known as medical poverty trap. This takes place so often and in every region of our country that we have
no reason to accept that the government should provide only the essential clinical services. They need medical
care against diseases like respiratory infections, renal problems, intestinal disorders, vitamin deficiencies, arsenic
poisoning, fatal accidents, mental disorders, etc. Under gross economic equalities, the application of market
system and sticking to the segmentation of health services will pass on the benefit only to the rich.
In India the post-reform era shows a gross neglect of the health scenario. Investment in health sector yields only
long-term gains which seem to be at odds with short term political gains which our politicians always tend to seek.
Under the Structural Adjustment Programme funded by IMF-World Bank, the government's share in total health
has not shown a commensurate rise with the increase in population. Due to poor access and quality of service, the
rate of utilization of public facilities has in fact shown a decline over the years as per report of the National Sample
Survey Organisation. It has also been observed that whatever public facilities are available they are utilized more
by the rich sections.
The share of richest 20 per cent for inpatient bed days is about 6 times more than that of the poor. In monetary
terms, less than 10.2 per cent of total government investment on health service goes to the poor and to 31 per
cent to the richest by comparison. It is clear that the poor spend disproportionately higher per cent of their
incomes on health service.
More than 30 per cent of their income goes for treatment for minor ailments, infections and communicable
diseases. The neglect of preventive health care in public health policy is the chief cause of this situation. Out of the
total government expenditure, only 13 per cent is spent on primary care, 25 per cent on public health research and
a hopping 60 per cent for the secondary and tertiary health care. Due to this, 55 per cent of rural primary care is
sought from the private practitioners, of whom many are unregistered and another about 24 per cent from private
clinics or nursing home. In this backdrop, the issues of traditional medical systems and their usage appears to be
of great importance in India.
Another unexpected trend needs to be mentioned. Although market-based reforms in health care are advocated in
almost all the developing countries, the state continues to play a major role in the delivery of health care services
in developed countries, especially in America, West Europe and Australia. However, the degree of
commercialization of health care services as measured by the spending of the private individuals varies from
country to country.
The results of commercialization of healthcare, considered generally, and not with specific reference to India have
not been very encouraging. The observations made in this regard show that countries with better health
outcomes, have significantly lower commercialization in health care services; better care at birth is associated with
more of GDP spent by the government on health, but not with more private health spending to GDP; higher
commercialization at primary health care is associated with greater exclusion of children from treatment when



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

commercialization at primary health care is associated with greater exclusion of children from treatment when
It is quite evident that the introduction of private competition and user charges in public health discriminates
against the sick and the poor. The condition of health care system in all big and small cities in India shows that the
poor have no or little access to health care facilities. The public hospitals are all full of patients; beds are not
available wherever we go. The medicines are always short in government hospitals. The situation in remote areas
of the country and most of the villages leaves much to be desired. On the other hand, the rich have access to the
health care everywhere. In cities, private clinics, hospitals and diagnostic centres are in every part. They welcome
patients who can afford expensive treatment.
Commercialisation of education is certainly against the policies of social equalities which India aims to bring. It has
also led to many undesirable practices. Private clinics often subject the patients to conduct many tests which are
not necessary. They admit patients who do not require admission. This is done to earn more money. Operations
are performed at times when they are not required or are bad for the patient's health. However, some hospitals
and clinics keep a strict code of conduct and do not adopt such unscrupulous practices. Their high charges are
justified because of high cost of inputs.
The fact cannot be denied that the commercialization of health care has supplemented the public facilities in this
regard. It has rather helped the government to maintain a high level of health care in the country. In all major and
small cities and towns, private health centres are open day and night and are ready for any emergency. They are
saving the lives of thousands every day. The private hospitals and clinics have provided employment to lakhs of
doctors, nurses and other staff across the country. The government is earning huge revenue in the form of taxes.
These clinics, diagnostic and treatment centres have also created a huge demand for health care products,
instruments and medicines. This industry has flourished to become the fourth largest health care industry in the
world. The economy owes a lot to this commercialization. Today, India has a strong and sophisticated tertiary
health sector where people from outside the country come for medical tourism. Given this situation, India can take
advantage of its indigenous medical system to ensure cheap, accessible and capable medical care for her
population, particularly the poor. India has many systems like Ayurveda, Unami, Siddha, etc. Which it has
developed since the ages. These systems need to be expanded and exploited for improvement of general health
of the people.

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S K S said: (Tue, May 28, 2013 02:42:03 PM)

Commercialisation of health care has become an obvious trend today. The direct outcome of it has naturally been
the increasing cost of healthcare incurred by people. Like any other matter this too has both merits and demerits.
The merits of this trend are,
1) Many choices have been available to the people now-a-days as regards check-ups by specialist healthcare
providers, admission to and/or other facilities provided by hospitals, types of diagnostic tests to be carried out,
methods of treatment, ranges of medicines and so on;.
2) Research and development of medical science has been tremendously booted up;.
3) Necessary investments required to achieve the aforesaid ends have been realised;.
4) Talents are being attracted to the various fields and sub-fields of the medical science;.
5) It has widely expanded the drug and healthcare industries ;.
6) It has thus contributed to the employment and economic growth in commendable manner.
However, the benefits of commercialisation of health care do coexist with many undesirable effects that are not at
all beneficial to the public. They can be described as under,
1) Escalating costs of healthcare have rendered it too dear for the poor and the disadvantaged sections of the
2) Continuous trend in this direction will cause healthcare to go beyond the reach of the common people;.
3) Too much greed for profit would create many a nefarious activities in the system so that the high morals of this
field will get contaminated;.
4) Commercialisation will lead to patentification inventions of drugs and other medical facilities rendering it too
costly and inimical to public interest;.
5) Health is a significant factor in private as well as public domains of life and is very crucial in formation of human
and social capital of a country for its progress and prosperity, so unbridled commercialisation must be kept under
6) Commercialisation does not necessarily ensure quality controls in healthcare, examples abound in this respect.
So care must be taken to curb any such tendency.
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Mehak Ratta said: (Thu, May 23, 2013 07:14:10 PM)



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

Its good to do commercialization of health as for a developing country like India its good to get advance medical
facilities and at the end of the day private hospitals are also spending lot of money to bring these advanced
facilities in India.
However, on the other hand government should help the people below poverty line who cannot afford these
expensive medical facilities.

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Mayank said: (Thu, May 16, 2013 01:56:00 AM)

Hi we are talking about the commercialisation of health sector. I don't think so that commercialization is a good
option in health as well as in education because if we commercialise these two big sectors n we know that india's
35 to 38 percent population is below poverty line and afford high fee for hospital is very difficult. These two big
sectors should be in the hands of government which can be more benefited for people of our nation.
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Abhishek Rai said: (Fri, Apr 26, 2013 07:40:20 PM)

In my point of view commercialization of health care is not at all good, curing people should have humanity, money
should not come in between curing of poor people, specially in India. As we know approximately 75% of Indian
family is middle class family so they can not afford high charge of hospitals. And approximately 40% of people can
not effort hospital charge at all because they live in below poverty line, and those 75% of people generally need
more health care than rich people just because of their standard of life. They consumes less quality product due to
their low income which directly affect their health and number of those people is very high in India. So
commercialization of health care is not good, that's all.
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Poonam said: (Tue, Apr 23, 2013 09:13:20 AM)

Hi Friends, I would like present my views on this interesting topic. According to me Everything has pros and cons.
Same with this. In private hospitals who can afford will get very good treatment and facility. For them they are
very good for them they will get all facility on single place. They don't have wander here and there to get things
prescribed by doctor. Even doctor will give full attention to the patients.

Similarly on the other hand India is developing country more than 40% people are living below poverty line. They
can't afford private hospital and their facility. In short we should make balance between two although poor will
also get benefit from private hospital. Only government can do help in this case.
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Sonam said: (Fri, Apr 12, 2013 01:03:45 AM)

Hi Friends. ! According to me Commercialization of health is not a welcoming act. Because due to this the prices of
Doctor's will increase and this will affect the poor people. Who are unable to pay the fee of such high paid doctors
and they will not get proper medical facility what they need. Also by commercialization of health attract
government doctors to their private medical hospital this will harm government hospital.
Education and medical facility are two most important and basic need of any human life. Any decrement on these
two will lead our society toward down stair.
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Kripa Sharma said: (Thu, Mar 28, 2013 10:02:09 AM)

Commercialization is definitely bad in health care as well as Education sector since it means to compromises with
quality, services etc. For profit making. Since the main reason for this is privatization, I am strongly against
privatization of such sectors providing with these important services to the citizens of a country. Privatization in
aviation, tourism, leisure etc. Is bearable but not in health-care and education. It has lead to a situation where we
are at the verge of reaching a stage when perhaps middle class and poor people will not really have the right to
quality education and health-care services since private institutions and hospitals are willing to cater to the needs
of the rich only.
Such basic facilities must be in the hands of the government only and it should strive to provide quality in these
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Yogesh said: (Tue, Mar 26, 2013 01:38:20 AM)

First of all its my pleasure to throw light on this topic.



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

Ya commercialization of health care is good because through commercialization people will get good facilities easy
as well as good treatment will be available to the people.
Conclusion for this is that the government should commercialize government hospitals by paying a handsome
amount of salary to doctors and should provide with latest equipment's to treat the patients so the doctors as
well as patients should be satisfied and this will automatically help in commercialization of health care without so
much loosing anything.

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Neeraj Kumar said: (Mon, Mar 18, 2013 08:39:28 PM)

Commercialization is a good method for every developing country because if there will be not any govt sector is
working with all the facilities which patients want then at that time commercialization method will work better than
govt hospitals in other hand we can say that if there will be any particular profit will be there then the persons
which is including they will work hard for more profit.
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Chandan Singh said: (Sun, Mar 17, 2013 10:35:23 PM)

Hi friend I am Chandan singh I want to discuss above topic.

Commercialization of health care good or bad so firstly I want to shows what the reason? why the.
Commercialization so important because in gov hospital doctors are not properly work because they become lazy
they doesn't care about rule they all have their private hospital also there they work properly and In Private
hospital rules are very strict and all doctors follows the rule properly.
And In private hospital they used advanced technology equipment's which is not gov hospital.
But other views gov hospital are low pricing but in private hospital pricing is not low.
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Ryan said: (Wed, Mar 6, 2013 04:45:08 PM)

Every thing some pros and con, commercialization of medical services in a country like India according me is good
to a certain extent as we are getting better medical facilities, better care in most of the private hospitals. Patient
are not required to wander here and there for tests prescribed by the doctors and thereby saving time and money
at one point we all will have to agree that if we need best treatment then we will have to go through the tests
prescribed by the doctors so that the disease is cured completely. Secondly as compared to other commercialized
hospitals around the globe India provides very cheap service.
Well it has some bad effects also the more we go through privatization of the medical services the more will the
the doctors attracted to money and there are doctors in India also whose main motto is profit they spend very
less time in the government hospital and want to attract patients to their private clinics the greedy doctors are the
main virus of many diseases.
So the conclusion is that the govt hospitals should be well maintained both apparatus wise and level of doctors
should also be present government Should take care of that. Infact we the people of India we only make the
government The largest democratic country. Why can't we help in developing the govt hospitals we should take
care that if the doctors are spending the time allotted to them at the hospital or not whether the stuffs needed for
treatments are available or not there are complain no. Available in every government Hospitals we can complain
this cannot be done by single people we all will have to work for it. Lets hope something better comes out.
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Raj said: (Sun, Mar 3, 2013 07:08:11 PM)

Commercialization help for health because few year in India have no better technology for better treatment but
now have good facility and more and more technology use solve any type of problem related to health.
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Ronald Peter said: (Wed, Feb 13, 2013 12:45:05 AM)

The government should improve the quality of treatment in govt hospitals. So, those people who are not having
enough money can take good treatment. The people can have a choice to choose between private hospitals and
govt hospitals as per their comfort.

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B.Gayathri said: (Wed, Feb 6, 2013 03:28:40 PM)

I can hopefully say that commercialization is one of the better way to develop the country in terms of economy,
technology and growth rate in terms of health. As there is a boon for the new technology and well equipment's



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

technology and growth rate in terms of health. As there is a boon for the new technology and well equipment's
used in the new emerging private hospitals, of-course we need to pay but this is better when compared with
going to the foreign countries. On the other hand to serve the poor the government is developing the hospitals in
its best. Finally what I would like to say is if we start these kind of processes looking at the poor the status of the
country will be same saying INDIA will always be a developing and poor country.

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Winnner said: (Wed, Feb 6, 2013 02:33:00 AM)

God has never discriminated anybody in the matter of their life and death. Nobody whether rich or poor has no
control on his birth and death then why do we try to create a gap when it comes to health. When the price of life
of equal for everybody then why do poor have to suffer when it comes to health?
I believe the commercialization of health is wrong in this respect when a person could not be cured on financial
grounds. I agree that medical procedures, tests and operations are very costly but it could over-weigh a persons
To solve this I think government could do something and it has already done few things like free medical help to
poor people. But the problem is how many of the people are benefited by this help?
I think there is a need to re think on this problem. Government should either make appropriate infrastructure and
facilities so that the poor people do not have to suffer on their health or should make some provisions so that high
specialty hospitals private hospitals do provide some help to them.
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Shalin said: (Wed, Feb 6, 2013 02:02:19 AM)

Commercialization of health care is good in the context of India but there is a need of regulation on private
hospitals. Positive points of commercialization.
1. Introduction of new technology - our private hospitals are so much technological advance that a lot of foreigners
come here for their operations.
2. All the government hospitals are flooded with patients and if there were no private hospitals in India one
cannot even dare to think about the condition of health system in India.
3. Availability of large no of technological advance ambulance which can increase the chances of survival of a
There are various cons of commercialization of health system but these all can be eliminated with stricter
regulation. Some areas where regulation is required are-.
1. Nowadays anyone can open a nursing home anywhere even in residential colonies, this increases the chances
of medical waste being dumped in residential areas which is extremely dangerous.
2. Private hospitals are provided various incentives by the government like subsidized loans, tax exemption etc. ,
but instead of charging nominal fee for their services they charge so much that only rich people can afford them.
This system of incentives should be immediately ended.
3. There is no price mechanism; any hospital can charge anything for their services as they want. There should be
a pricing system which should be followed by all the hospitals.
4. Nowadays it is believed that due to commercialization profession of doctors have become the second most
corrupt business after politics. In my opinion it is somewhat true also. Doctors today are lured by private hospitals
and nursing homes for commissions on sending the patients to them for medical tests and surgeries. Even they
are given commission by medical companies. Many a times they advice patients of irrelevant tests and put on
unnecessary medication just only to fill their pockets. There is a great need in here for tighter regulation and
bringing of doctors under the jurisdiction of states rather than MCI.
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Shilpa said: (Tue, Jan 1, 2013 12:39:06 PM)

I think commercialization is good since as we all know it provides better facilities, etc etc. Yes we all know they
charge high for their services and poor people cannot afford it but why to deprive rich and middle class than can
afford these facilities. If poor people cannot afford that doesn't mean we should stop developing our country. For
poor people govt should develop their hospitals to provide better amenities and govt should keep a check on
privately owned hospitals as well as govt so that no corruption takes place.
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Sathiesh said: (Sun, Dec 23, 2012 10:16:47 PM)

Health Care is one crucial field where casualness or any sort of nonchalance attitude can by any chance be
unaccepted. But, to the saddest part, the world we live today is poised with scars of corruption even in this
sanctuary field.



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

sanctuary field.

Following are the problems if it is under the governmental control:.

1. Corruption (of course prominent in a country with EXPERTS).
2. Lethargic attitude towards patients.
3. Poor infrastructure and equipment.
These further end up in providing a least care for the patients.
As brought out in earlier discussion points, commercialization would lead to opening up the sector to private
player, who, by virtue of their existence, would try to exploit and make the best profit out of business. But there
are many other advantages that these private organizations could bring in:

Better infrastructure and technology.

Health and clean environment.
Better Logistics (ambulance and emergency services).
Better Management and effective utilization of resources (Doctors, facilities).
Cost effective & quality solutions due to health competition.

Based on the locality requirement.

However, nothing comes as free and there is a considerable risk. Either the cost effectiveness may cut a hole on
the quality of service or the quality service can be rendered at a higher price. This problem of money laundering
can be reduced through proper Government control. The Government can implement guidelines on the standards
and pricing. Also, this has to be systemized by period audit by a transparent external agency. Various NGOs and
private organizations like Manipal, Aravind are currently doing well in the health care sector. With many MNC's
showing interested toward the CSI activities the controlled commercialization will certainly be a boon for our
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Wamika Saksena said: (Fri, Dec 14, 2012 01:01:47 AM)

No doubt, commercialization is creating more awareness among the people and therefore, people are attracted
towards those medical centers which are providing better health facilities.
Of course there is a price rise in this field too but if there's price rise then there are better facilities too which is
helping to cure a number of serious cases.
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Atul said: (Tue, Dec 4, 2012 04:35:36 PM)

Commercialization of healthcare if of course not such a good idea given we can enhance our govt aided medical
schools and hospitals. There is such deep routed corruption in this country that given the current status and
numbers of our Govt Medical schools and hospitals, a lot of needy are not getting the treatment they deserve and
expertise are being sold at higher prices to the ones who can either afford it or have contacts in the ministry.
On the other hand, if we can have proper regulations on the healthcare treatments, prices, pharma companies. It
is not that bad an idea to commercialize healthcare because this will attract more investors to open hospitals and
medical college thus reducing our dependence on a few big names who charge a fortune and exploit the
So in the end, given our current scenario. It'll not really be beneficial to commercialize healthcare.
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Qein said: (Thu, Nov 15, 2012 11:14:01 PM)

Commercialization begins right from the root of system i.e a doctor who spend lakes of rupee would obviously
think his profession more like commercialization to get return of his investment. Firstly government should charge
nominal fees for medical students and this means only merit and deserving students should be given the chance
to serve the society. Government should take the initiative to bring trust of the patients by committing better
treatment at affordable price and only hire good doctors and deploy necessarily equipment for testing at
affordable price. If thinking in commercial way economically if the price is nominal more of the customers will seek
the service and definitely this will increase the revenue similarly government should give some concession card to
the patients where they would get some discount in the treatment. This way government can be blessed by the
happy recovered patient as well as government can earn some profit too.
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Sourav said: (Wed, Nov 14, 2012 07:22:28 PM)

Commercialization of health care is not at all acceptable as it leads to money laundering through doctors and
makes the wealth concentrated in the hands of the branded health care service providers. It hones the skills to
tap the unlimited opportunities it gets by providing health care for higher rates thus making these institutions the
"money foxes." Privatization can lead to dominate the health care sector by showing its monopoly nature and
makes the service of health care availability for poorer a mirage. It squeezes the money for their wealth hunger
from the poor. Though quality is a positive side of commercialization of health care; it doesn't mean it will always



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

from the poor. Though quality is a positive side of commercialization of health care; it doesn't mean it will always
deliver the right service for the innocent people. It may further lead to black marketing of blood, organs and other
medically valuable parts from the patients who cannot raise their voice if anything happens against them. Medical
scams are a possibility if the health care commercialization takes place, leaving no space for poorer to avail the
opportunity of getting best health care services.
Commercialization of health care with proper involvement of government in fixing the costs and administering the
facilities, services offered with periodic monitoring can be a conclusion that can be achieved on commercialization
of health care.

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Umesh said: (Sun, Nov 11, 2012 05:35:13 PM)

There is nothing to be effect due to commercialization of health care. As there are two streams of people one is
Rich and other is Poor. The Rich people always affordable the cost of private sector service where as Poor can not.
Here government is one has to come forward and make the policy that costs are bearable to all streams of people
also they can upgrade or increase the government hospitals.
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Ankush said: (Wed, Nov 7, 2012 11:21:46 PM)

I'm agree with you my friends that commercialization leads to better health care but on the other part it is very
costly specially for economical challenged people. Also some private hospital taking more money by fooling peoples
like I have read n news paper that a hospital has admitted a patient but during which he was actually dead but
the doctors of that hospital declare him dead after doing false operation to snatch money from there families hand.
So we have to improve our government hospital condition so people will b secure of there health and also poor
one will get proper health care.
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Deepak said: (Sat, Nov 3, 2012 07:21:32 PM)

Commercialization means goods hospital with having better facilities, nursing care and technology, provide better
accessible, for people. But in India more than 80% of population is below poverty line these people cannot think
for private hospital for treatment they are depend on government Hospital, in these hospital bed ratio to
population of city is not satisfactory and facilities is not up to a marked level, govt should take step to invest in
these hospital for better health care provider according to nature of hospital, and also make policies to give
discount for serious disease and patient referral to higher private hospital, make a system for implementation and
supervision of these policies, the motive of commercialization is for human welfare not for owner profit.
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Sahil Patel said: (Wed, Oct 31, 2012 11:59:25 PM)

Commercialization of Health care can make it more cost-effective, more accessible and can improve quality of
service. WHO reports show that most of the civil hospitals/government hospitals in the country do not have proper
equipment and facilities and the ratio of number of beds to population of that city is very low for each of them.
Increased accessibility is the major benefit of Commercialization.
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Neelam said: (Tue, Oct 30, 2012 06:01:25 PM)

I am agree with all the points mentioned above that commercialization is good because it lead to good health care
facility but the main problem is that it leads to increase in cost and poor people can not afford. AS we know
Government is spending money on hospitals but the money is not able to utilize properly so in my opinion that
money should be utilize properly so that poor people can also have better health care facilities. Some strict rules
should be made so that money can be spend on right thing not on self benefit. This will lead to proper facilities in
government hospital also.
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Sindhu said: (Sat, Oct 27, 2012 11:03:33 PM)

I strongly believe that the flaw if any lies in the individual and not in commercialization. If the doctor understands
the sanctity of his profession and the trust people have on him he would never get commercialized.
Commercialization is a great idea as long as it applies to the system and not to the individual.
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Abhimanyu said: (Sun, Oct 21, 2012 03:29:58 PM)

According to me commercialization of health care is right till some extend because in India, if we talk about our
government hospitals they can make a healthy person sick.



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

We need good hospitals, doctors, nurses and new technology, which the commercial hospitals provide us. Plus
they have the best surgeons (specialist) , not like the government hospitals or defense hospitals which have
mediocre s.
I agree the cost of surgeries are high but I think the government should have some bond with these hospitals in
order to improve the conditions of people staying in India, which will help poorer people to get their treatment
done in these hospitals.
It will ultimately lead to well fair of the people and decrease the people who die from wrong surgeries or lenient
Thank You.

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Rajdeep said: (Sat, Oct 20, 2012 02:12:09 PM)

Hello everyone,
I ve read opinions regarding commercialization of health care. First of all what is commercialization? It means
private owned hospitals. Commercialization is good as in private hospitals good infrastructure, update tech. ,
better nursing facilities, qualified doctors are there but the thing is their expenses are high and poor people
cannot afford it. Govt should take care of it, some concessions will be provide to poor people and their motive
should be welfare of people not the profit oriented.
Thank you.
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Radha said: (Mon, Oct 15, 2012 09:37:21 PM)

Commercialization of health is bad, so we want to our government they make best hospitals where all people will
treat with humanity because as I know a patient is 5% cure by love and care. So I request to all doctors they are
behaves of all people to love and care and after the patient will cure they gives the many blessings of doctors so it
is the profit of doctors.
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Chandrasekhar.Meruvu said: (Tue, Oct 9, 2012 06:54:52 PM)

In this world nothing is good/bad, thinking makes the difference.

In my opinion commercialization of health care is must.
Assume that we went to a doctor for simple problem: Doctors prescribes lot of tests and medicine.
In our opinion:He was utilizing the chance of making money for a simple problem.
In doctors opinion:It may be a serious issue. "God gives us life but doctors saves us from death".
Actually Present Situation:We (human beings) are very selfish, as to fulfill our needs we attempting deforestration, we are using plastics, we are polluting air water.
As a result so many wild animals are becoming homeless and finally lifeless. They enters in to our cities and the
diseases passes from that wild animals.
So many people are dying with the simple diseases like cold, fever, headache.
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Swarnendu Samanta said: (Tue, Oct 2, 2012 03:16:23 PM)

Hi friends,
Regarding this topic I just want to say that Commercialization of health is necessary but it has also some negative
aspects. Yeah, We all agree that commercialization gives better health service to the urban area as well as rural
area. But recent tradition of health is in very bad condition. The health system is breaking down in point of view
treatment. I think, owners of this such commercial institute gives more importance in earning money than
treatment. For example now a days we see doctors want very types of tests before knowing any problem of the
patient, OK its a very good habit to give better treatment. But in past we used to see that doctors asked them to
test after understanding the problem. So I think either efficiency of the doctor is getting reduce or they are running
behind money which is earned as extra from such tests clinics. It does not effect to the upper class people but
effects a large amount of poor people who are not able to arrange at-least 2 meal in a day. We all agree that
doctors are the 2nd who can save our life after almighty GOD but if they run for money is very sad for us.
So I conclude that commercial of health is necessary but it should be kept in mind that we all want to live.
Minimum, keeping all the treatment within the range of middle-lower class highly commercialization is required for
the better health of our nation because HEALTH IS THE MOST VALUABLE than everything in life.



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

Thank you all a lot.

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Sharique Aman said: (Mon, Sep 10, 2012 02:34:48 AM)

Every coin has two sides. It have both positive and negative aspects. Health is wealth we all know well, every
people wants to be healthy. If our health goes down, then a problem create, where we should go, who can do
well treatment at minimize cost. One is private and another is government hospitals, from the name of government
hospital one things comes in our mind, that the, lack of equipment, quality and quantity of staffs, irregularity of
doctors inadequate of medicines and many other causes ones does not want to go, but money is a very important
Treatment is being done at lower cost. But if we look at private hospitals, it is well equipped, good infrastructure,
good quality of doctors, also he give service hours, but the cost is high general people can not afford it.
Commercialization is good because its provide better treatment. Government should give subsidy to poor in an
indirectly way. One thing I would like to add here that, government expense money to improve the quality of
hospitals but anti social element is also responsible for this. Dedication should be present in every human, thus we
can improve well. If we think from a different angle where there a lack of government hospitals people goes to
private for saving their life, by private mortality rate of India has gone increased.
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Arun said: (Mon, Aug 27, 2012 10:05:49 AM)

Commercialization of health care has both positive and negative aspects. In a country like India where there are
no prime facilities for health care in government hospitals people prefer to visit private hospitals, where they are
treated very gently, but even collect a huge sum as bill. They are equipped with sophisticated equipment also. And
people who cannot afford to spend money in private hospitals?What about them?
In government hospitals, the doctors appointed are definitely very skilled, but the doctors do not give their 100%.
They are opening private clinics and advising their patients to meet them in their clinic. And even the medicines
given are not also efficient to cure the diseases. So it is essential for the people to migrate to private hospitals.
The Government should take immediate action and provide genuine medicines and also increase the working
hours of the doctors so that they are available to the patients all the time, and also equip the hospitals with the
so called equipment available in private hospitals !
Even the people are not safe after going to private hospitals, because many tests are conducted simply in private
hospitals which are not at all necessary !
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Sahil said: (Sat, Aug 18, 2012 01:23:48 AM)

According to me, it is quite evident that commercialization has provided a lot of support to the health care facilities
in India. A lot of points have been discussed in favor of commercialization.
Now considering whether commercialization is bad or not. Although poor people cant afford treatment in
private hospitals but still these hospitals are not doing any bad to them if not good. Whether they exist or not is
the same for them. Moreover, the revenue generated from the Private Hospitals can be used to improve the
facilities at the Govt. Hospitals.There are a lot of private hospitals that have affordable treatment charges.
Moreover, commercialization puts pressure on the govt. and urges it to improve the pathetic condition of the govt.
So even if we imagine our India without the private hospitals, the condition of the people remains the same if not
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Atrayi said: (Wed, Aug 15, 2012 11:49:32 AM)

Commercialism of health care can be done in many ways,but the net result should be the availability of quality
health care at reasonable prices. With the advent of new devices,detection of many diseases can be done at
lightning speed. With the production of new and improved medicines, many diseases can be curbed before they
unleash their attack. But taking exorbitant prices for these medicines is not right. The doctors who prescribe these
medicines are sent to overseas tours, in multi-star hotels, even sometimes get an SUV as an gift if they facilitate
the sale of huge amount of a medicine of a particular pharma company. This 'gifts' raise the price of medicines.
This culture needs to be stopped immediately, and the use of medicines with generic names should be prescribed
and sold. In this way comman man will be able to make use of the medical advancement,without thinking much
about the cost.
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Ramya Shree said: (Sat, Aug 4, 2012 08:30:40 PM)

Commercialization in hospitals is not fair. Hospitalization is a service and not business. When people go to



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

Commercialization in hospitals is not fair. Hospitalization is a service and not business. When people go to
hospitals they believe that doctors will take care and their life is in doctors hand. They are considered as gods to
some extent. We respect them and their knowledge. They should serve the country and not killing people just for
money. Money is not everything. Life is very precious.

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Mld said: (Tue, Jul 24, 2012 04:52:15 PM)

I think we missed one important point of discussion.

We are looking only commercial side and missing the benefits of better health facility.
I remember that before commercialization of the health care people need to travel to mega city for city scan and
MRI test. Patient have to travel @600 km in the ill condition.
I have seen that now you will find nice hospitals in the medium size city and you will find all the instrument in good
It help us to improve our health services.
Yes I do agree that cost of treatment has gone up which is not suitable for all, but if you think about the value of
the life of the person you will find that after commercialization if health services our it helps the people also.
I do agree that government also take positive action to improve the standard of government hospitals and also
should force the private institute to help poor people also.
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Vishal Jagtap said: (Tue, Jul 24, 2012 05:14:51 AM)

Hello Friends,
Commercialization of Healthcare in Bad or Good? Is it not a topic where we can give a 100% right opinion. Like
every coin has two side the same scenario is here commercialization of health care is not so far good because if
we check INDIA is the country of poor people, so every policy and changes are made considering poor people. If
privatization is made then poor people has to face financial problem, they don't have sufficient money to get the
treatment done, And other hand if government gives us a good services with minimum cost and if they reduce the
paper work which require before admit to any person in hospital it will be benefited to all. Now as I say coin has
two side, yes privatization is good up to certain level because we can increase our standard of level, advance
techniques can be used. I have one solution like if government can paid the charges of people then privatization
will be really good. Govt only looking after finance all other things will be done by private.
Thank you so much for giving me time to share my thoughts.
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Nipul said: (Sun, Jul 15, 2012 05:29:19 PM)

Commercialization of health care mainly harm the poor section patients because they have no money for better
treatment otherwise health care concept applicable only economically sound people. Then treatment becomes
expensive and poor patients can not touch hospital/doctor treatment. Private sector will start to earn according to
their wish and health care becomes monopoly market. So, Government try to establish regional base some
hospitals by providing those facilities like private hospital have. If Government Does not work for public welfare
then what functions remain for for government Every man can not meet their expense from insurance & TPA, lot of
people unable to pay their minimum insurance premium.
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Neeraja said: (Tue, Jul 10, 2012 02:00:20 AM)

Commercialization of health care has both positive and negative aspects. In a country like India where there are
no prime facilities for health care in government hospitals people prefer to visit private hospitals, where they are
treated very gently, but even collect a huge sum as bill. They are equipped with sophisticated equipment also. And
people who cannot afford to spend money in private hospitals?What about them?
In government hospitals, the doctors appointed are definitely very skilled, but the doctors do not give their 100%.
They are opening private clinics and advising their patients to meet them in their clinic. And even the medicines
given are not also efficient to cure the diseases. So it is essential for the people to migrate to private hospitals.
The Government should take immediate action and provide genuine medicines and also increase the working
hours of the doctors so that they are available to the patients all the time, and also equip the hospitals with the
so called equipment available in private hospitals.

Health Care
Health Education
Health Clinics

Even the people are not safe after going to private hospitals, because many tests are conducted simply in private
hospitals which are not at all necessary.
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Narayanan said: (Sun, Jul 1, 2012 12:22:42 PM)



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

Commercialization of healthcare has both positive and negative implications. On the one side, the Government is
not in a position to provide dependable, quality healthcare that is within everybody'reach. So private hospitals are
needed to compliment the efforts of the Government. But on the other hand many private hospitals have no
qualms in fleecing people in distress by forcing them to go through processes which are not really necessary and
charging them exorbitantly.
The solution probably lies in having a regulatory body which can oversee the activities of hospitals and draw up
guidelines for their functioning. It would be better if a body of reputed doctors known for their integrity are given
charge of this regulatory organisation. Dialog also may be initiated with providers of private healthcare whether
the expenditure on things like ambiance can be reduced. Is there really any need for hospitals to look like five star
hotels? Are all the expensive lab tests often prescribed really necessary? The regulators may look into these

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Anjali said: (Sun, Jun 17, 2012 10:03:38 AM)

I think that commercialization of healthcare has both positive and negative consequences. At the moment none of
the government hospitals seem to function properly. They are not adequately provided and also not hygienic. In
such a situation we definitely need more private hospitals which are well equipped. However the problem is that
these hospitals are quite expensive and are therefore out of the reach of the poor. In a country like India where
more than half the population is below the poverty line, private hospitals are like an unimaginable dream.
Therefore I think that instead of commercializing healthcare, the government should take steps to improve the
quality of government hospitals and ensure that they are adequately provided. Moreover doctors working in
government hospitals should be paid well as very often such doctors tend to open personal clinics and charge
higher fees from poor patients.
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Ashish Kumar said: (Fri, Jun 15, 2012 02:17:15 PM)

Hi friends, according to me commercialization in health is not good for all over country because if everybody
thought to make the profit in health care then health of people (means health of country) should down. So it is
affected the grow of country. Every type of health product should be best. If health product company provide his
best product for health then he thought about profit that is their responsibility about nation because health is
wealth. So, its conclusion is first thought about health then thought about profit. So, commercialization is good but
after the health.
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Saroj Behera said: (Sun, Jun 3, 2012 01:01:27 AM)

Commercialization of healthcare is good for our country, it is fully depends up on our system. But our system is fully
corrupted. There are many rule & regulation made by our government for looking or investigating of private clinic's
working process. But it cannot implemented properly. That's why a poor people, a middle class people or may be
reach people suffers in cost problem, many fake operations, high cost medicines & injections without any need etc.
On the other hand in our government hospital, staffs & doctors are not coming regularly, not very high-fy facilities,
rough behaviour of doctors & staffs,
Irregularities of ambulance services, oldest equipment's are enough for killing a patient who is in good condition.
So definitely a people must go to the door of private clinics to save his life, he may be poor or rich, not a matter.
Commercialization of healthcare is running in a very smooth process in most of the developed countries, because
their system is not fully corrupted like India. So we cannot said that commercialization of health care is bad.
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Meenakshi said: (Sat, Jun 2, 2012 06:47:04 PM)

I read mukesh jhas views about this topic. I am really impressed. But here is my one question. If a rule is made
that the doctors have to work in rural areas firstly for certain years, what is the guarantee that they will do their
duty properly? in maximum government hospitals doctors will not be available at time. Our governments main
motto is to make higher and higher buildings. There will not be rather good infrastructure nor machinery. What will
a doctor be do at that time if will be available. He has to transfer the case to certain well known institute. Some
times the patient will not be able to reach there due to more critical condition. And if the patient reaches there,
with out any known person at that place, formalities of that institute makes the people depressed.
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Chaitri Parikh said: (Sat, May 19, 2012 06:13:44 PM)

Like their are two sides of every coin her also it is like this. Commercialization is good in one way as it has all good
facilities there doctors are good and responsible everything is managed well and patient is looked after very well
which is very important on other way private hospitals are too costly for poor people and government hospitals
are not very well managed as compared to private hospitals.



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

are not very well managed as compared to private hospitals.
The solution for this is that government hospitals has to be made better with all the facilities and good doctors
and all the things that they lack as compared to private hospitals should be made available only then every person
poor or rich will trust government hospitals for their treatment.

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Nayan1623 said: (Thu, May 10, 2012 01:33:38 AM)

Commercialization of healthcare is definitely good for our country. Being a developing country, the advanced level
of treatment methods need to be adopted which will require higher investment. Thus there will be vision to gain
profit too. This will provide great opportunities to the doctors who start their own personal clinics and take hefty
amounts. This will also stop brain drain.
However I agree that a major section will not be able to utilize these facilities at the private hospitals but there
are always government hospitals in the country which should be improved in terms of services like infrastructure,
hygiene, quality of treatment and other logistics.
Why only hospitals, if you take examples of multiple pharma companies who are producing similar drugs have good
competition and this increases the sectoral growth in terms of medicine.
If we take the leading brand in supplements i.e. Amway, it is definitely for an upper class of people who can afford
it. So no doctor writes on the prescription about Amway supplements. Thus there are sectors in healthcare where
commercialization is definitely going to improve the current scenario of society but it needs to be regulated with
proper guidelines developed by government.
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Anil Sharma said: (Wed, May 9, 2012 02:56:53 PM)

Commercialization of health will good for the rich people but it will definitely affect the poorest section in country
because after the commercialization of health system computation will also be high for providing the just good
facilities in hospitals but those facilities will far far away from the poor peoples.
Commercialization of health is bad for our country because it will affect the poorest section of peoples, so
government have to providing facilities in civil hospitals despite the commercialization of health care. The Richest
section of peoples already having high profile private hospitals like PGI etc but poorest section having only civil
hospitals. Commercialization of health will badly affect on poor peoples only but no affect will have taken by richest
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Vinay said: (Mon, Apr 30, 2012 03:49:21 PM)

I am not at all in favor of commercialization work in any perspective ! commercialization words itself shows the
inability or impotence of our government !1 Whether its in retail or its on Medical sector, If we have such a huge
market why not our government is exploring it, Why they are not maintaining the standard of our present
government hospitals who are lacking basic facilities! we can't say that our doctors are less trained or they are not
having sufficient experience you can check out the statistics that still in US there are many Indian doctors who
have contributed effectively to their society ! Last not but not the least its been seen that commercialization world
used many times by the politician not by the economist reason being they want to hide their wrongdoings or
impotence through world commercialization.
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Khushi said: (Wed, Apr 18, 2012 12:11:33 AM)

Commercialization is boon for only rich one, and curse for poor one. As due to this we can say that poor have no
right to get ill, otherwise they have to pay for this. Rich people are becoming too richer and poor one are becoming
too poorer. In govt hospitals poor people are facing a lot, as no one bother if any machine doesn't work. People
are coming from far places and doesn't get treatment. Ultimately rich people in commercialized hospitals are
treated like god while in govt hospital poor one are not even treated like a human being.
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Inder said: (Tue, Apr 17, 2012 09:13:09 PM)

Hello friend.
My point of view is that health care not be commercialization because
1. Poor people not get treatment because private health care charge are high.
2. Some facility provide by govt. Like pulse polio, bcg injection etc. Not get by poor people.
3. Population increases because government provide free facility of vasectomy after that people do not take
advantage. So if it will do for paying money than poor people not do vasectomy.
4. If health care are private than it is not a human service but it will be just business.
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Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

Khem said: (Tue, Apr 17, 2012 09:28:21 AM)

I respect your opinion but for the general benefit health care system should be commercialize! we must
understand that not all poor are sick. In fact, they are healthier when compared to riches. Well, somebody should
die to make others live. Privatization has more benefits than what we see as a drawbacks. People will be
concerned about the sensation, they will have a sense of responsibility when the cost is involved. In fact, people
will care less about themselves when the medication is free.
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Mukesh Jha said: (Tue, Apr 10, 2012 12:59:13 AM)

As we all know that health is wealth. If one has better health then after he can think of better earning. So it is
directly related with our sustenance. So in my point of view commercialization of health care system should strictly
prohibited. Commercialization means providing services for one's own sake and benefit. And since our's is a
developing country, more than 80% population are still earning less than a dollar so in these situation even
imagination of commercialization may make ill to any poor. Now a days became very difficult for a common man to
knock the door of pvt hospitals for their treatment. Most of the poor person when heard about going to pvt
hospitals their resistive power to fight with the diseases drop down to half especially in metro cities.
It is true that pvt hospitals are providing better medical facilities but the ? is how many population of our country
has access to there. A poor man does need a air condition room in hospital, does not ever have desire to be
surrounded with beautiful nurses. He has only one dream how early he get rid of his disease so that he can earn
bread and butter for their dependent.

India have better reputed medical institutions but this seems very absurd that despite of providing medical
education to them govt hospitals have to look for the substandard doctors on contract basis. Govt doctors absent
their duty in govt hospitals and always found on working either with bigger pvt hospitals or working in their own
money factory i.e. their own clinic.
In my view govt should come up with a regulation that whichever student study in the reputed organisation will
have to work for at least 10 years for the govt hospitals and esp in the rural areas where the medical facilities are
not up to the standards. And in between they can involve with any kind of pvt hospitals and if they find involved
then their medical license will be cancelled.
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Ishupreet Singh said: (Fri, Apr 6, 2012 11:31:25 PM)

According to me commercialization of health care is acceptable. I know there are many poor people out there so
for them we can have quota system for example : for every 20 people a doctor treats, he should treat at least 1
person belonging to the poor strata either for free or some nominal fee.
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Priya said: (Thu, Apr 5, 2012 02:17:07 PM)

In my view privatization is not good. As in India more than 42% of the people lie below poverty line which can't
afford the bills of private hospitals. Private hospitals provide good facilities but their main motive is to earn money.
Even if a person is suffering from common cold or flu they ask them to do n no of test just to make money. If a
person have money to pay only he can get a good treatment.
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Shamim Arora said: (Mon, Mar 26, 2012 01:44:15 PM)

As per the discussion, we have to consider the fact that most of the indian population is below poverty line, they
are not having enough income for even food for two time a day, so if the commercialization of the hospitals is
done, then it is quite difficult for those people to get medical treatment, but again on the other side, it is fact that
facilities in private sectors are more in comparison of the govt. sector. Actually employees(doctors also)which are
working in private sectors they are having pressure to do they duty. So that's why private hospitals are
performing well.
So finally what we can do:
We can concentrate that the doctor's in govt. hospitals work with full dedication.
we can increase their perks so that they will not think twice while doing their duty,Dedication comes only when
person is full oriented in one particular direction. So if doctors are concentrating on making money, they will not be
able to concentrate on their duty. That thing must also be in our mind while considering all the facts.
Also if the people which are having enough money for their treatment, they are not bothered about the
commercialization of the hospitals, they can get good treatment any where. Commercialization affects only the
'AAM ADMI' badly.
So there should not be commercialization of health care goods.
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Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

Simran said: (Sat, Mar 24, 2012 08:01:28 PM)

Hello friends, I would like to share my views on the topic discussed above. According to a common dictionary
commercialize means to Exploit for maximal profit, usually by sacrificing quality. As we get a clear picture of what
commercialize is we can make out that the motive behind commercialization is profit and sometimes it could be
sacrificing quality. As a matter of fact 'health is the wealth of a country'.
But why do we need health for a lump sum of money and of inferior quality? In my view commercialization can
prove to be good only when there is a section for the poor and the government keeps a regular check on the
products and equipment. If controlled properly commercialization of health will prove to be a boon for people of
India. And soon we would able to trace India on the top of the list of healthy countries.
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Shreejith said: (Wed, Mar 21, 2012 03:19:54 PM)

Commercialization of Health Care should be promoted as it results in better services as India has been prone to
many diseases which has led to huge number of deaths. Private hospitals provide excellent facilities along with
highly qualified and experienced Doctors. Hence a proper treatment is possible at a high success rate. Moreover, a
person does not have to run to different health care centers or labs for different tests, all those requirements are
fulfilled here.
The class of people that are affected by this are the lower middle class or the poor. The poor prefer Government
Hospitals due to the free treatment provided. Hence the revenue earned by taxing the private health care firms,
should be used in renovating the present Govt. Hospitals. This will help the poor in a big way. Sanitation rounds
should be introduced in Govt. Hospitals.
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Priyanka said: (Tue, Mar 20, 2012 07:22:35 PM)

According to me health centers should be commercialized because if it is commercialized then it can provide facilites
like better equipment which we cannot imagine in india, best consultants, doctors of the world. Yes this is true that
poor people cannot afford the heavy bills but yes if there is commercialization of health centres then we have
double benefits:.
1) we get treatment of all deceases cured in India itself.
2) Specified percentage of profit can be spent on treatment of poor people who cannot afford. Like for example
reserving beds in these hospitals, or proving subsidary, etc.
Therefore, I would like to conclude that with commercialization we can look at poor in better ways rather by
expecting better environment in government hospitals because that can only be a dream in India.
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Tanutanu said: (Sat, Mar 17, 2012 10:39:26 PM)

Due to Commercialisation of health care in india, a large number of private hospitals, private clinics, pharmacies
have shot up in urban and suburban areas which cater to our needs in a better way by providing better facilities
like:easy access to doctors, great infrastructure and 24 hrs services etc. But, obviously, all this comes at a price.
Sometimes, a very heavy price.
Since, commercialisation means that the main motive is profit, we should not be surprised when we are asked to
pay hefty private hospital bills. Rather, the question that should be asked is what about the that section of
population which cannot afford tp pay such huge amount. For them, commercialisation os of no use. They are
dependent on the government hospitals but unfortunately these cannot provide the desired services and which
are responsible for the reason why commercialisation of health care has come up.
In sum, I would like to say that we have to admit that the benefits of commercialisation are plenty but some steps
need to be taken for the poor who cannot afford the fees of private hospitals. Some of the measures could be
reservation of some beds in the private hospitals for the poor, private hospitals having a free opd for the bpl
population. If such things come up, then we can see the benefits of commercisalisation reaching everybody.
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Vernon said: (Tue, Mar 13, 2012 01:21:09 PM)

Commercialization of health care will, no doubt, improve the facilities and ensure that hospitals and other health
centers maintain good hygienic standards. On the flip side, the poorer sections of society may not be afford such
costly facilities but they will still have the Government and municipal hospitals.
Given that medical tourism is booming in India and a lot of foreigners are coming to India just for treatment, it is
important that we have the best facilities in place. Commercialization will bring in more investment which in the
long run, will encourage competition and force hospitals/clinics to charge affordable prices so as to retain their



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

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Ratika said: (Sun, Mar 11, 2012 05:52:46 PM)

Commercialization of hospitals has both its pros & cons

pros1. better hygiene, better medical facilities, standarised medical treatment.
2. corporate hospitals play a pivotal role in attracting medical tourists indirectly helping our economy as Most of
them take medical packages which includes tourism in india, so adding up taxes.
Cons1. Poor people cant afford their treatment because of high charges.
2. Govt. neglecting the condition of Govt hospitals, doing little or say nothing in improving them.
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Dennis said: (Sun, Mar 11, 2012 10:14:14 AM)

I believe that commercialization of hospitals could be allowed with some strings attached. Hospitals are
institutions that need to make money to develop their facilities, ensure a good supply of staff and hire well
qualified doctors. Hence they will have to function on a business plan and hence commercialization is already a
part of setting up a hospital.
However the ill effects of commercialization are high hospital charges, consultation fees, equipment usage charges
and so on. This in turn affects the poor. Hence the government should pass a law/act requiring the private
hospitals to dedicate a certain amount of their revenue to offering free healthcare to the poor.
The only resort for the poor in India, comprising of about 30-35% of the population are government hospitals.
Government hospitals are known for their lack of sanitation and basic infrastructure like beds, qualified doctors,
sufficient medicines, inadequate quantity and quality of staff, underpaid and unhappy staff and so on. Current
events point to the huge child deaths in West Bengal.
An important step in the direction of progress would be refurbishment of government hospitals by increasing the
expenditure on healthcare.
Commercialization in healthcare should be regulated by encouraging health centres to diverting their revenues in
the direction of the poor rather than spending tons of rupees on advertisings and promotions.
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Mahesh said: (Sun, Mar 4, 2012 03:12:59 PM)

I think commercilisation of healthcare system in India, where recent stastics shows that 50% of our children are
under nourished, will be a crime. All the arguements regarding advanced technology, medicine R & D etc. cannot be
considered on the fact India is a country where 28% of people live below poverty line and 26% people are still
illiterate. Commercialisation leads to a stage where MNCs are having major role in healthcare and common people
find it unaffordable. What India need is well developed Public Healthcare system wilth good infrastructures and
qualified proffessionals.
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Sabarish said: (Sun, Mar 4, 2012 12:37:22 PM)

Hi ! Friends commercalization of health care is very bad. If the rates of medicines and fee of doctors is high poor
people cannot afford that much of amount. Mostly in private hospitals they keep hospitals more hygenic and keep
necessary medical equipments. But there is lack of hygenic and medical equipments in govt hospitals. People who
afford more money goto private hospitals. What about poor people in remote areas and who live faraway from
cities. Govt hospitals in remote areas have only minimum facilities. Govt doctors also commercalized. Some govt
doctors are unavailable in govt hospitals. They run private clinics to earn more money. It should be regularly
checked by medical superendant. Also some business man to earn more money manufactures fake medicines
ointments face creams etc. Goverment should take responsibility and arrange necessary facilities in govt hospitals.
Thank you for giving me this oppurtunity.
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Priyanka V said: (Sun, Feb 19, 2012 03:50:47 PM)

I think the scheme about commerciallization of helth care is wronge at some those conditions where the poor
people can not capable to efforde the facilities which are very costly in abounce their conditions because here in
India most of the population is poor. The India is a developing country and the poor people like baggers, private
employees & workers can not go to the private clinics and hospitals to get high cost treatment ever.
commertiallization of helth care is profit matter only for private clinics & hospitals. Gov. hospitals can't afforde these
cost for public becaus ,if gov. would provide these facilitise for every people so it will definately increase taxes on
each and every products like,income taxes,food, petrol,vehicles and also on madicines and it will also bad for poor
people.that's why i am not agree with commertiallization of helth care.



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

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Ritesh Yadav said: (Sun, Feb 19, 2012 10:13:21 AM)

Commercialization of hospitals is a good thing as it provides better services, proper hygiene and good care to the
patients but then not every patient in India can afford a treatment in the apollo and fortis. Also the government
should always be a regulatory about the cost so that the hospitals don't charge as they want. Secondly govt
should increase the services at the govt hospital rather than only seeking the private hospitals to do so. By giving
better services and hygiene at the govt hospital to needy people govt should ensure for the health and well bieng
of each individual of this country regardless of his economical class to which he/she belongs. Also the current
system should be changed and norms for govt doctors coming late, private practising, non efficient working should
be monitered by the medical supretendant. Once this happens than the choice for the treatment should be left on
the patients, but for that our govt needs to change the system and change it fast because peoples ife is worthy.
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Abc said: (Sat, Feb 18, 2012 07:15:50 PM)

I partially agree with commercialization because these days we can see that many products and medicines have
come into picture. Generally to manfacture a small product also requires large investment for the one who
manfactures it. He has to work hard to invent a new medicine for the diseases existing now. So he has to sell the
medicines and related products as per the requirements he used at the time of preparation. So people should also
agree with them because they are responsible for a hale and healthy life. But the manfacturers also should see
that the medicine is sold for reasonable rates so that they can be used by remote area people also. That reduces
the deathrate and health problems in our country.
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Neha said: (Wed, Feb 15, 2012 06:01:19 PM)

I think people didn't get the right meaning of the topic. Health care doesnt only include doctors, hospitals and
medicines. It includes a variety of products such as shampoos, soaps, conditioners, face creams, oils, moisturizers,
perfumes, deos etc. Many a times peoples' health get spoilt because of these products. People use advertising
techniques to promote a product. They even take help of some filmstars to promote products. Because of just the
effect of stars people think the product is pretty good and they pay higher amount even for a cheap product. If
product suits their body or hairs then its fine if not then money is gone. People actually risk their body, skin and
hairs to find suitable product. In this way people ruin their health.
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Aman said: (Wed, Feb 15, 2012 05:31:50 PM)

In my point of view commercialisation healthcare is bad in india because alots of duplicate medicines are made in
our country.And it is a major problem in india because duplicate medicines are injurious for us.A normal people
cannot justify which product is original or duplicate.In our country there are 40% to 45% people are below than
poverty level and our gov open hospitals for poor people.but in this hospitals there is a no doctors and by the way
there is a doctors but they donot come at proper time .It is the condition of india.
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Ca Manmohan Singh said: (Thu, Feb 9, 2012 12:03:51 AM)

I don't completely agree that commercialisation healthcare is good. Some of my friends has rightly pointed that it
brings advanced technology, better medicines etc. But this is only beneficial in case of creamy layer or upper
middle class. What about millions of poor people in our country? Dont they deserve better treatments or better
Govt has power n resources to bring better equipments n medicine in govt hospital too. It should take steps to
modernise govt hospitals enough to provide better facilties to poor. Atleast govt should see that poor man does
not die just because he has not got right n good treatment. India is said to be second fastest growing country in
the world but where the poor Indian is getting the benefit of this growth. So if the govt. Can give fuel subsidy,
fertilizer subsidy it should also subsidize medical facilities only for poor class n take step to modernise govt
hospitals and to earn the revenue for subsidy, it should widen tax base n make the tax laws more stringent for tax
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Gurjeet Chouhan said: (Sun, Feb 5, 2012 04:38:51 PM)

Yes commericilization is needed in case where government Hospital are not able to giving the facility to the public.
But point also support that the commericilization is not good bbecuse of poor people are not able to afford the bill
of the pvt hospital. And govt should have to take the step ofimproving the condition of the public health centre.
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Gurjeet Singh Chouhan said: (Sun, Feb 5, 2012 08:05:51 AM)



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

My all dear friends I have valuable agree with you but still I want to add my view I have expectation that my view
is valuble regarding the poor condithons of the Indian people commercialization of health care is not good
according my knowlege because our 40% of population are living below the poverty line it is a very serious
problem for those people. And also commerce mean that profit and loss. And privatization have no headche of the
your health they have only motive money. Poor people have not sufficient food to eat how they afford the bill of thf
private hospital. Private only extract the money. And the facility and technology provided by pvt. Hospital is useful
for richer and por and middle class people can take the benifit from the government Hospital. Government
should have take the step t to improve the condition of the public health.

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Shashank said: (Fri, Feb 3, 2012 12:13:42 PM)

In modern era it wont be justified to classify the commercialization of health care as good or bad. There are
several examples to prove it good as well as bad.
Ponints proving it right
1> In most of the government hospitals, the presence of doctors has become a joke. They can be on some strike.
Eg: Rajasthan doctors went on strike just a month ago which caused hundreds of life.
2> Government hospitals lack basic amenities like beds,blankets etc. Death of more than 250 children in Bengal is
a fair example supporting this point.
3> There are long queues in government hospitals. Humourous thing is that, we dont count no of people before
us. We count no of days before your operation. In AIIMS for a simple appendix operation we have prestigious 1
month queue. The patient will die before his turn comes.

Points proving it wrong

1> As many of you have suggested, doctors operate even though it not required for the sake of money.
2> Most of our country population being poor cannot take the advantages of these hospitals.
3> Recent AMRI hospital fire gives an example of irresponsibities of privatization of hospitals.
According to me, inspite of saying commercialization of health-care wrong we can make it right by making strong
laws regarding: medical expenses, regular inspection for safety. Guys in our country at this stage nothing is right
or wrong, we have to make things right.
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Saroj said: (Sat, Jan 28, 2012 08:58:19 PM)

Well on this point, I am puzzled. Friends do you know about health care system in US. There every citizen is
insured by the government. If you met with an accident, a van will come pick you treat you unless you get well and
can leave hospital on your own. I think this is the best system for evryone.

But here in India system is completely different. A huge population, less capital with government, less accuracy in
implementation. So such concept is of no use. But purely commercialization will create blunder for common people.
They charge so high charges without any reason even it that treatment can be done in less expense then too.
Even I want to add my personnel experience here, there are such doctors who do surgery of any patient even if it
is poosible by other means just to earn money. (is shouldn't use this word but they literally becomes jallad for
money) but I do agree with your points too that yes commercialization of it bring advance technology, better
medicine, better equipment and better doctors. This is good for those people who can afford. So my opinion is
there should be a mix type of system where private and govt both type of hospitals are there and both are
working well, dedicated to benefit customers rather creating profit.
As I am a bhu student I have seen medical colg and their hospitals, they are at very low cost and they are
providing good services. So i'll again say in indain market a mix of both will be good.
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Vijaykumar Pal said: (Tue, Dec 27, 2011 09:40:14 PM)

Hi freinds, according to my view, Commercialization of Health care is Bad in India. because already indian people
are mostly middle class people or poor. Their are lots of burden on indian people. In this situation
commercialization of healthcare is headache, and it is not good for indian people. Only some rich people can bare
commercialization of Healthcare, but not for everyone. Therefore Commercialization of Health care is not suitable in

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Vineetsingh said: (Sun, Dec 18, 2011 08:54:58 PM)

My all dear friends I honorable agree with your's opinion but still I want to add my view.
First of all we have to know the word commercialization, this word is comes from the commerce side where we talk
about majorly the profit and loss in terms of money, the sense is clear that services behalf of huge amount.



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

The commercialization of health care is bad for our country because 40% of the peoples of our country are BPL and
they did not getting the facilities of this and this is not a mobilized system that can not give his benefit to poor
areas people, in one hand this system is only beneficiary to richer person and in other hand not a suitable for
middle class or poor person, but in some other way it provides good and fast service and facility in compare to
government hospitals.

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Vineetsingh said: (Sun, Dec 18, 2011 08:36:04 PM)

My all dear friends i honorable agree with your's opinion but still i want to add my view, that the commercialization
of health care is bad for our country because 40% of the peoples are BPL and they did not getting the facilities of
this and this is not a mobilized system that can not give his benefit to poor areas people, in one hand this system
is only beneficiary to richer person and in other hand not a suitable for middle class or poor person, but in some
other way it provides good and fast service and facility in compare to government hospitals.
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Vineetsingh said: (Sun, Dec 18, 2011 08:29:08 PM)

My all dear friends i honorable agree with your's opinion but still i want to add my view, that the commercialization
of health care is bad for our country because 40% of the peoples are BPL and they did not getting the facilities of
this and this is not a mobilized system that can not give his benefit to poor areas people, in one hand this system
is only beneficiary to richer person and in other hand not a suitable for middle class or poor person, but in some
other way it provides good and fast service and facility in compare to government hospitals.
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Pintu Patro said: (Thu, Dec 15, 2011 05:23:11 PM)

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your valuable opinion and I would like add some point here as our country is posses the second potion
in the list of highst populated county.
Hence the health care service is enevitable and as far as the topic is corncern I would say making comercilaization
to health care servic is a good idea because the available of government hospital in our country very less to match
the requirment since most the rural people are not getting much need healthe service therefor keeping in mind the
avobe fact there is a need for it but oncontarary it also having some demarit like the antisocial element in country
is very keen to take advantages of it and they know very well how to generate much revunue by invasting less
money for example in recent time the incident of AMRI HOSPITAL in west bengal which took 100 valuabe lifes
therefor the government is accountable to make sure that no will able to take advantages of this admiring service
by setting some effective monitoring body who will keep a vigilent watch on all privat hospital than the
comercilization of health service.
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Pooja P Dandapat said: (Tue, Dec 13, 2011 11:41:36 PM)

Commercialisation of health sectors should be limited to an extent. The facilities and advanced technologies being
provided by the private hospitala are only useful for the rich and middle class people. Poor people can only get
benifit from government hospitals. So govt should take steps to improve the conditions of public hospitals. !
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Tharini said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 07:39:24 PM)

Commercialization of health care is bad. My point of view is that the government has to allot some percentage of
money for the government hospitals. Suppose if there is a huge spread of the diseases, then the govt doctors
should be instructed to provide the prevention mechanisms irrespective of the money. It can be understood that
almost only the poor and the middle class people go to govt hospitals. So why don't the govt hospitals be
improved with the necessary facilities. If the govt is not ready to do this then only the people can do this by
providing funds to the govt hospitals by helping the needy.
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Sanyali said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 02:40:00 PM)

Its a very famous saying "money can buy anything".Even emotions, pleasures,joy etc. can be bought in this
materialistic world.But when it comes to health we cant deny the fact that it is completely dependent on the
money factor.A rich person gets every accommodation only because he can afford it but on the other hand poor
person starves even for a good diet and getting higher medical facilities is something what he cant even think of.
As far as commercialization of health sector is concerned ; without moving to the extreme yes or no some middle
ways are also there.for example,some of the hospitals in Delhi get privatized after 3 o' clock.and people have to
pay only 60% of the total fee and rest 40%are used as fund,medication,insurance etc.and hence through this way
poor get served in the similar way as the rich do......what i feel that this technique will not harm any of the



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

poor get served in the similar way as the rich do......what i feel that this technique will not harm any of the

Further lets have a look on the expenses made in the field.only 1.2%is spent on health sector.At least 2.5%
should be spent in this sector in order to make some fruitful change in the sector and to enhance the quality and
make it reasonable for every class.
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Chilimo said: (Tue, Dec 6, 2011 10:15:00 PM)

It is bad since
A. It do not reach the remote areas where the poor people are found, hence segregate those areas where
majority are poor, running away from loss.
B. It is inhuman as it cares cash more than humanity, no money no service.
C. Sources of corruption as medical officers sells the public belongs of the hospitals like medicines, bandages etc to
their own clinics and pharmacies.
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Makeshtvr said: (Fri, Nov 11, 2011 10:58:24 AM)

My opinion is commercialization of health is bad because nowadays 40% of population under poverty. They don't
have much money for treatment in government hospital. But everyone knows that public hospital will not provide
quality treatment. With the help of government we should over come the un necessary things in public hospital. If
you went private hospital before admitting a person we should 1000 of money for their treatment.
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Sirisha said: (Thu, Nov 3, 2011 05:50:12 PM)

Commercialism of medical is good only to some extent, providing the facilities are good in private hospitals
compared to the govt hospitals. But what about the charges after commercialization. A govt body is to be fixed to
observe all this. Govt should fix charges for every treatment. If any doctor taking extra money for any facilities we
have to keep aware of every poor people that if any takes extra money then call to a particular number which
should be work very effectively. Then even the doctors will get afraid to take extra money. Do you agree?
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Shainaz said: (Tue, Nov 1, 2011 04:33:11 PM)

According to my point of view commercialisation of health care is not good for people in india because most of them
are below the poverty line.the govt must introduce few strategies so that all the people can have best treatment
in less expenditure.
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Kundan said: (Sat, Oct 29, 2011 04:04:57 AM)

Looking at all the points mentioned above I do agree or support the view for commercialization of healthcare
sector to some extent as it will help to improve the quality of healthcare in entire country and along with this it will
also increase or promote the concept of medical tourism in India as it will contribute to the economy the country.
Meanwhile I just want to draw your attention to the facilities provided by the government hospitals are far low as
compared to the private hospitals but consider AIIMS, do you think it is at all of low standard as compared to
private hospitals. No I don't think so. So why can't government take an initiative to upgrade other governments
sectors to the standard of AIIMS. Because their is not enough budget allotted to healthcare segment in India.
So by commercialization government can make some money and invest those dollars for developing healthcare
segment in India.
So commercialization can indirectly help the poor people in India as money generated by commercialization can be
utilized for improving the quality of healthcare facilities provided at government hospitals.
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Syed said: (Wed, Oct 19, 2011 11:52:03 AM)

Well, according to me commercialization/privatization of health sector is good but commercialization doesn't mean
that the private hospital should be allowed to cut the pocket of common people on their own will. There should be
a regulatory authority governing their function and pricing of services as we have NPPA (National Pharmaceuticals
Pricing Authority) for governing the MRP of Medicine. There should be regular check by competent authority like
Medical Council of India (MCI). By commercialization people will get better health care and hygiene.
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Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

Ms Khan said: (Sat, Oct 15, 2011 01:08:47 PM)

According to me commercialisation of health care is a solution to the problem being faced by the govt hospital.
Commercialisation of helath care doesn't mean that Govt have no role to play. After commercialisation the funds
which are presently being allotted to the Ministy of Health for upliftment of helath care can be utilised as subsidy
to the poors. the infrastructure will be devolped by Govt and the facilities there will be provided by private
hospitals. thus the expenditure being done by govt on medicines and medical equipments can be utilised for
subsidy to poors. In addition the private hospital will also pay to govt authorities for hiring the bldgs. they will get
profit only as fees,operating charges and medicines. thus the private sector will also be in profit and govt sector
will also be happy. the patients will get proper treatment with care with due importance to hygiene and sanitation.
due to the subsidy provided by govt the medical treatment will be far cheaper than the charges being taken by the
private hosp presently. it is important to mention here that the person who got injures or fell ill don't look for
money. he gives his best bet to save his life.
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Sandeep Phadke said: (Fri, Sep 30, 2011 12:46:14 AM)

As per my knowledge after 80's the government decided not establish government hospitals and that made a way
to commercialization. Recent issue of Andra Pradesh, where in a government hospital new born baby dead
because of poor treatment. That shows there is a lack of man power in the health department. Many hospitals are
not having infrastructures. Even the doctors not worried about the fact. If the health care is
commercialized/privatized people will get assured health care. When the life is under danger money doesn't
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Harish said: (Mon, Sep 26, 2011 08:00:24 PM)

According in my view commerslization is good but it should be in some manner for middle and rich it shoudld be
good in cosederation of poor people it a bab part in order too consider to these aspects ha private hospitals are
to introduce a new schemes for these to help poor people and in order to these like we are finding many
organigations to help poor now-a-days. Like this we have to take responsble to help in some ways in this aspect.
Many organizations are coming forward to help poor in giving clothes, money and etc. , but in include this they can
help in this way also by collecting funds. And this way we can comerslize health aspects because hospitals cannot
compremize to help.
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Kriti said: (Sun, Sep 18, 2011 02:23:44 PM)

As India is a develpoing country, where 40-45% 0f total population is below poverty line, and rest are middle class
and rich people. For people those are above BPL generally likely to move to private hospitals because of the novel
tecnic and latest facility provided by them. But at the same time for the poor and middle class people govt hospital
acts as blessing and a place where they can afford for their treatment.
But because of unhygenic condition and pathetic condition of govt hospital, private hospitals are rising day by day.
So, goverment should take action regarding all the drawbacks of govt hospitals and put forward to overcome the
drawbacks. So, India is a country of rich and poor hence, commercialization of health care is good but govt
hospitals should always taken under consideration, because it is only the place for poor patients.
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Karthik said: (Tue, Sep 13, 2011 04:17:35 PM)

According to my view commercialisation results in two ways.

1. Rapid development in medical field.
2. Increase in the medical expenditure.
First view results in the development of our country in the medical field and medical equipments will be developed.
In second view, the country has to face a lot of problems, as being a developing country we have to pay a large
expenses for medical related ones.
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Souvik Mishra said: (Tue, Sep 13, 2011 12:08:33 AM)

Commercialisation in health care basically means setting up private owned hospitals which in turn are the ones set
on the business ethics of profit. But this does not mean that there is no proper treatment. Its true that the
charges are more and in India where there are so many poor people cannot afford such high charges. The govt
hospitals draw a lot of people as because the charges are reasonably low and has some fine experienced doctors
and not only that these hospitals cover many rural parts too. So its true that govt hospitals in India are the most
sought after hospitals in our country.



Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

But when we compare the facilities, hygenic conditions and hospitality then certainly private hospitals are ahead.
Basically these hospitals draw large number of high society people only because of these reasons. Also these
hsopitals have some finest doctors from around the globe, the Apollo group for example, which is considered are
as one of the finest hospitals in the country as far as treatment of patients is concerned. Not only that the era of
medical tourism has begun. People from round the globe are choosing India as there medical destination not
because of above facilities mentioned but because they are chaeper than other commercialised hospitals across
the world. For an instance, heart bypass surgery will cost around 6500$ in India whereas it will cost around
30000$ in the US. So this is not only giving proper treatment to people but also is drawing people from all around
and helping in boosting up the economy.
So finally the thing is that in a country like ours where there are poor and rich people side by side, there should
also be govt and commercialised hospitals sisde by side with the ultimate goal of proper treatment of patients.

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Commercialization of Health Care: Good or Bad? - Group Discussion

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