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The Word of God1 at the feast of the Assumption

(Translated by I.A.)
God proclaimed a work of a heavenly word upon the manger of His word, which came
down into Romania. The Word of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit comes down
and spreads a heavenly table. The Lord, Jesus Christ, has this heavenly table in the midst of His
people that have been fed for almost forty years in the land of Romania.
He who receives My word, receives Me, for behold, I have worked in the days of your
days and I still make a work which if someone hears it does not know to believe in it; he does not
know how to believe in it, but you know that I am this work and that I work by the Holy Spirit, as
I let a word when I went to My Father, as this is what I told My disciples at that time: Do not be
angry. It is necessary to go to My Father. And because I go, I will send the Comforter, the Holy
Spirit, Who will speak to you from what is Mine; Who will take from what is Mine and bring to
you, and He will let you know about the things to come. And if I went to My Father I declared
a word upon those that I have from the world, given by My Father; I sent them and told them: Go
into all the world and preach that the kingdom of the heaven has come near. Go and baptize
and work into My name upon those that believe in Me through you. Amen.
Oh, I have been working for two thousand years and cry out to My creature to come to My
table. I came two thousand years ago and I gave Myself to be the life, the food and the eternity
over My creature, which wants to believe in Me; and I have also been waiting for this long time
the birth of this work that is with you. This is the work of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity,
Who came to make the threefold work of the godly Trinity2 complete. All who are workers of
the holy heaven, who came for those that are from the holy heaven, all the heavenly hosts have
been waited for the birth of this work, which is called the Word of God. (Revelation, 19:13, r.n.3)
I have prepared a vessel of clay and I have worked to be a trumpet for Me, (See selection
topic: The apocalyptic trumpets4, r.n.) so that I may have how to speak, to leave My word to
you, to those that are written into the book of My Father; for you to be born again by this work.
And if you know from the Holy Spirit that I am, I have come to be always with you by the word
and for you to be My people. I shall be your God and you shall be My sons, as it is written: I

Gods Word in Holy Citadel New Jerusalem monastery, Glodeni Romania, redactor note.
Work threefold: From Adam to the first coming of the Son - the Father's. Since first coming to the second the work of the Son, for the salvation of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Since the second coming - the Word of
God (Rev: 19/13.) - The Holy Spirit, the sanctifying work of the creature, r.n.
Redactor (editor) note
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shall dwell in them and I shall walk and be their God, and they shall be My people, and God
Himself shall be with them and shall wipe out any tear on their cheek.
When I came in the flesh into the world to do My work that My Father sent Me with, I did
not have room with it in those from that time, as they did not know the time of the searching that
came with Me from the Father. And if all wanted to exterminate Me, I told them: You seek to kill
Me because My word finds no place in you, because you are not from My Father; for if you
were from the Father you would know that I came from the Father and that He sent Me.
Oh, children of Jerusalem that came down with Me by this work! Here I am with you by
the word. Blessed are those that have room for the birth of the word of Gods Son, Who works
from everlasting to everlasting by the word. Behold, I called and I took you from your places to
sit and dine together again. Peace to you! I am the Last Supper that you feed from together with
Me. I am the Bridegroom, and you are My true bride, with a kindled candle, the wise one, who
knows from Me how to watch, how to dress and who to clothe her. (See the selection topic: The
Wedding of the Lamb, r.n.)
Oh, My loved people, I called for you to come and sit in counsel with Me again, and to sit
at the table too, with Me and with My little Mother and with her feast in the midst of your people
that is loved by God; moreover, to sit with Verginica, people, as she is the one who gave you birth
for Me by this manger prepared for My word, which is coming and is let upon you so that you may
have life from My Spirit, the One that speaks over you.
I have been looking back for forty years and see Verginica giving herself over under the
burning of the Holy Spirit that I came With to ask for her hand, so that I may make her a trumpet
of Gods word and to lift up a lighted people into the middle of this people that God loves, and
that He prepares to be His throne and path of glory upon the nations. (See The Life of Saint
Virginia5 r.n.). I came from heaven into the way of a child that I had poor in her spirit, very poor
in rank, little and tiny poor child among people, and I let My Holy Spirit upon her that she might
know through Me, and to know Me and to give herself over under the heat of the Holy Spirit and
that I may speak with My word through her in order to give food from heaven to the people who
was written about that would be borne by My work with Verginica. Oh, and what a desolation was
that wilderness that I passed through with you, people called by the Lord at the wedding table!
(The time of the communist dictatorship, r.n.). As if I saw that those that were before you did not
want to come; if I saw that they were looking after their own business; if I saw that they got
entangled with those that were taken out today and that they went on doing their own things, then
I got out on the road and cried bitterly in front of My table full of the things from Me, and I said
to see the table full. And I started to cry and look to see the poor, the lame, the dumb, the wondered
away, and the lepers coming, but they did not know how to come; they did no longer know the
path, if those that were teaching them did no longer watch with God and did no longer know that

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the Bridegroom has to come. I was crying over and over, and I was morning after My sheep, and
they did no longer know how the voice of the Shepherd was. And then I left from place to place,
at crossroads, and I called out from the tent of this child who let herself be used by God; and you
came to My holy table, you people that were written about to be for this work, and I have been
sitting with you at the table since then, and I have been teaching you to eat and how to eat and
what to eat and what not to eat, so that you may be alive in the valley of the death which is opening
its mouth to swallow Gods creatures. (See selection topic: What defiles a man, what enters or
what comes out of him?6, r.n.) Oh, and I saw you hungry again, and I saw you going down, as
the child who does not eat loses his strength and withers away, and you have to blossom and open
now, as the time that I spoke about is coming upon you, people waited for by God. As I raised
from you sons, and sons of your sons, and I go before you to bring you to Jordan and to bring you
into Canaan; to place you in the garden of Eden, so that it may have you, people of Jerusalem,
which is to appear upon you and from you.
Oh, I set the new beginning, which is coming with Me to you, but you should let yourself
be prepared; you should let yourself nourished until your full growth, until the great resurrection,
which is working upon you, for behold, I looked upon you, loved flock, and I chose out of your
midst healthy and clean sons for Me and I put them to work in front of you, and I put them before
Me for you and for your glory, people of My word. And I enclosed a little garden and I put
them into it; and I put on its borders the law of holiness, and I put life of Eden upon it and a
heaven coming down from what is Mine, and here is what I do: I displace them for a moment to
come into your way, loved flock, so that it may bring My voice upon you and to sit again at the
table of My word. I am; I and My messengers to you.
If you are lame, loved people, get up and walk; and walk into My ways so that you may
never limp. If you are weak, get up, be strong, take from My Spirit and stay with Me on the path,
for at the end of the path it is the celebration of the heaven on the earth. If you has lost your
sight and hearing, behold, My Spirit is ready to touch you and heal you. If your voice has grown
weak, and if your inner being does no longer speak about Me and about My kingdom in you, I
give a river to My word and you should also become a river of the word of life over My thirsty
creatures, as the time has come for you to be salt and to salt around you those that do not have Me.
I am in you, child of the new people. I am again as I was at that time. I am the One Who gives
sight to the blind and takes the sight of those that do not know to see God. I am the One Who gives
word to the mute and I wake up those from the death. I am the One Who brings the end of the
world and the beginning to My creature. I came to you to let you know ahead of time, as nothing
works without God; without His coming and announcing first, My people.

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During these days I have raised a stone of testimony into the name of My work with you,
and I fulfilled over the multitudes the annunciation of this work that I have secretly been accomplishing with you for forty years. I have raised the stone of testimony, but I came over you first,
people of this testimony. I have gone from town to town, where God has those that sat at the table
of this work, to announce the nourished people and to tell it to be watchful and have this little coat
clean, to have a heavenly light upon it, and to be ready for the new beginning, which comes with
me. I made a book of testimony over each town and I sat in a heavenly counsel with all the people
of this work and then I spread the word that a tower of testimony be raised, which may stand before
God, and which the Lord may look at; and from which the great salvation and the overcoming
reward that comes from Me, may work. And behold, I work at the helm of this ship and I stand
as on the mountain of the blessings, and I speak upon you to place you in the law of the
holiness and to have you after My image and My likeness for the celebration that is coming
with Me. I came to teach you again, to be after My image and after My likeness, as those that
came out today, want to catch you and to hide you from My face so that you may not stay before
Me, My people.
Oh, Jerusalem, do you know why I came to you and gathered you to speak to you about
those from the last? Open your heart Israel, and do not be little and tiny in your heart and faith,
son, for behold, the time has come to rely on My advice and only on it, so that you may not perish
under the weight of this day. I told you, loved people, that a bad weather is arising from the sunset.
I have always been telling you and I have not slept before you, and I have let you know ahead of
time in order for you to let yourself be dressed with the wedding garment and to enter the wedding
room, so that you may not perish on the outside, you child that are nourished from the table of the
heaven. I was with you on the way and I have always taught you and I told you little by little all
that you have to go through, but you were slow on the way with Me and did not work well enough,
hard enough, patiently enough, and behold, the fog of today enshrouded you from the sides, and
you are not accustomed to feel it and know it, as this fog has many skins, and they are taken one
by one so that you may not see the core, and to save you from the way in order to enter the room
and be housed under Gods tent.
Behold, Christian, you were watching inefficiently and you did not cry as the prophet Elijah
cried while mourning before God that there was no one on the Lords side and that he remained
alone in the wilderness of the faith. Elijah had nothing in him but the zeal for Israels coming back
to God. And if he, being on earth, let himself be consumed by the zeal for the salvation of the
elected people, what is he really now when he is from heaven? (See selection topic: Enoch and
Elijah7, r.n.)
My new people, you do not know son, what an example was Elijah when he was crying for
God to show Himself to him and to comfort his pain that came from his heavenly zeal. And he
went on the mountain and he went there not eating or drinking to see the Lord afterwards, and the

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Lord told him to come in under the cover of a cave, and a great and strong wind came, and then a
great earthquake came, and after the earthquake a fire, and these shook the mountain and the rocks,
and the Lord did not show Himself in all these. And after that a still and light breeze came, and
only then Elijah was to see the glory and the voice of the Lord. This is how you should understand the time before the appearance of the Lords glory, as a storm blows around you and
the mountains shake and the fire consumes everything around, and the Lord puts His hand on you
as He put it on Moses eyes while passing by with His glory before him. And then the Lord is
coming with His breeze to you and He will stay with you to have you always, but you should
be careful with those that surround you until the appearance of the Lords glory, which comes for
you without frightening; however, He comes with gentleness and with peace, if you know to be
careful and hidden from those that blow until after their passing. Be careful, as the Lord passes by
with His reward, with His glory, with His justice and with the separation of the good from the evil,
and He wants to take you out of the storm and out of the earthquake and fire, and He wants to set
you on His right and not on His left, as all His work is called His glory, as it is written: Praise
the Lord, you stars and light; praise the Lord, you fire and hail!.
Jerusalem, the people with a godly name! Open your wisdom to know how it is the time
which you are in, and to know its signs, you Romanian, so that I may crush with you the work
of antichrist, which has been working for a long time and has been standing in the way of My
overcoming, in the way of My victory with you, My people from the end. Antichrist has been
working at the same time with Me and has always been stealing My mystery for the preparation of the heavenly victory on the earth, and he has always been restless and sought to make
armor to escape with life his work without holiness, as he does not like the holiness; he does not
like it, as the holiness does not allow him to be in lusts, greatnesses and delights. (See the selection
topic: The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast8, r.n.9) Oh, and what the antichrists servants did
to Me! For behold, he covered the face of the earth with his soldiers and they work well trained
lest he loses the reign that he has over the earth, as he cannot understand that the earth was created
by Gods word and that the Lord is the master of the powers in heaven and on earth. And behold,
the work opposing to God stood up on the earth and united with those from the abyss, and the
Satans servants hid their faces well and made a hidden kingdom, and now he wants to come out
with those that he worked in secret setting himself as God so that every creature may follow him.
Oh, since the man of the evil spirit found out that I came near with the glory that I prepare
for a good while for My appearance, as it is written, he made hidings for himself in caves and
rocks and he made a kingdom on Gods earth, and works with cleverness and with human wisdom,

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and this is what I spoke when I said that I take Verginica (The sixth trumpet, by the Lord spoke to
the people, r.n.) into those that are in heaven. This is what I said: What will you do, My people,
when I take My word from your midst and leave you for a while? As you will call the evil good
and say that the man is God. And behold, this time is coming and it is has already arrived before
you, as the men of the evil spirit took from My teaching and put it above their work so that
it may not be seen, and they stole the work of the heavenly mysteries from everywhere, because
the lovers of God did not have skilled teachers upon them. And why have they not got? They did
not have, as all those that sat over Gods flock made an agreement with those that are Caesars and
let the Caesar to come over all that are the Lords until he destroyed the cleanness and the holiness
in the church; until he replaced all that was well established by the fathers, and Gods servants let
themselves be bought by those from the earth, and then they let themselves be swallowed by everything that is being worked today, and they deceived God as the bride deceives the bridegroom
before and after the wedding, and there is no longer a true and clean garment. This is how the
servants of the church are today, who cover the shame of treason, (Cooperating with the Security
of the communist dictatorship, r.n.), wrapping with the wedding garment and deceiving a great
people who gathers together at the wedding. Likewise, those that are hidden under the church
garment deceive the numerous people and this is how it arrived the time of the blind that falls into
the pit relying on a blind guide. And as the outside garment covers the one that is dirty, likewise it
is with the work of the antichrist, which laid hold on everything, which touched and put Gods
teaching over his stain, so that his deceitfulness may not be seen, and that the one that walks in
Gods way may be drawn away from the path, that he may not know that he spirit of the antichrist,
with his face covered, entices him. And behold that he caught you into great temptations, and God
cries above you; and He comes and reminds you of those that He spoke to you ahead of time, that
the Lord foresees and comes to let you know so that you may not fall into temptation, you children
of the heavenly works.
Well Christian, this is what I said; I spoke it beforehand: You child that are nourished
from heaven, take heed and do not forget, as it comes the day to be tempted by those that are
taken out today, but I say to you to be good and to stay into Gods courtyard and not stretch
to take and eat from the fruits of other garden, which are foreign to the teaching that you
know, as the evil spirit comes over you and makes the foreign garment sweet for you, and
you go and leave me without you, child nourished from heaven. And behold, I see children
from My people who took and ate the poisoned mixture, (Teaching from the world church, r.n.)
which comes from the work of the hell, and I see them withered and depressed and touched by the
liquor with a hidden face, which kills little by little the soul of the righteous that takes from another
garden. And if you, loved people, do not wake up now to believe and to listen to what I tell you
from heaven, you should know that the people of the evil spirit, who walk now to poison you with
a hidden face teaching, will not have what to do with you and cast you away, as in a little while I
will let My sign be discovered, and the evil man will see this sign that you were marked and blessed
with by Me. (See the selection topic: The sign of the Son of man, r.n.) I told you this: I told you
that you would not have any chance to sneak from the work of My word, as if not many times at
least once you were marked by the heavenly sign of the blessing which came down with Me every
time I came and spoke upon you, and I blessed the one who sat at the heavenly table with Me. I
still have little time to make out the work of My word and it will come for Me to show you My
sign above you, child that are nourished by God. And if you are not found under My tent, you will
be asked by the angels that stand up to gather the fruit of My work and they will ask you: Soul,


when did you lie to God? Then or now? And you will be found written into this book when the
angels will open it and speak from it, and you will not understand how this work will be when it
is spoken from the roofs about the mystery that is worked with you by God; and the roofs will bow
down to the earth and you will be under them and they will catch you under them like a traitor,
and you will not come out from there until you pay the last penny, for the Lord does not forget
anything from those that are worked with you, people of My word.
I came from heaven with this work of word and I gathered under My mantle the one that
is poor in his spirit, the one that is poor in rank and greatness, the one that is clean in his heart;
however, it was to speak My teaching to a small people, humble in his heart, humble under the
stone of the time and departed from the work of the antichrist, which is with a blind emptiness and
out of the body. I have sought to the one poor in his spirit, to the one who knows to let oneself
under Gods protecting hand, and it was to speak to the humble who knows how to receive from
God, as behold, the spirit of self-greatness and the fleshly wisdom became master upon the man
and the whole earth is full of bodies. And the evil spirit came and found ravaged houses and entered
and sat and worked out wisdom from hell, and the wandering from the end is greater than the
one in all ages. And God is looking at you, people, nourished by the heavenly manna and watered
by the water of the river of life; He looks and stretches out His hand after you to set you aside, to
know you and to bless you, and that the work of the antichrist may reject you when he works to
put the dreadful seal over the whole body. It is for this that I came and I called you and then I chose
you to sit at the table with Me, so that I might put the living sign upon you, that the power of the
evil one may be crushed through you.
Oh, you, opposing spirit, what you have done with your wicked stretching! But what a
crush I prepare for you, and what a victory will come down from heaven upon you and upon
your servants, who did not have rest to fulfill your blind work! Behold, the hour is coming
and it has already come to put you with your face down and to uncover your dirty plan,
which you stay hidden with, as you worked a false kingdom. I am He, Who made your first
being, but you became conceited upon your Creator and fell into defilement. But look, those that
are without God will not remain, and the Lords kingdom will be established and I will redeem the
creature. (See the selection topic: About the kingdom of God10, r.n.)
You, Israel that are nourished by God, you are My tool that I will work with; and I
will harrow and seed again, as in the beginning, and the new and holy and clean and not
perishable Eden will appear again. But be faithful and great Israel, as those that are today are
not those that will be tomorrow. Do not let yourself be caught by the power of the

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money, for the money is the only tool that the antichrist, the man of lawlessness,
is working with from all sides.
What will you do when you see with your eyes of the spirit the sign of perdition that
antichrist uses? What will you do, Christian that have the sign of the Lord on your head? You
will be terrified and want to run and you will want to throw away from you the purse and the coat
of today, of the reign of today. Oh, but you will be seen running, because you will have to run
then, as anyhow you will be thrown away because of the sing that is on you, son. And how will
this be? It will be that the antichrists sign will not be able to work upon you and everyone
will ask: What is it with this? Why our scepter is not set upon him?
Oh, My invisible angels will fulfill the great overthrow of the antichrist, but I have to speak
to you, people with a heavenly seal, to hurry up, hour by hour, to get out in due time, and to enter
with Me the ark of the holiness of the spirit and of the body and to be wise, as I gave you the
occasion to be able to work; and I made for you a way and a place to sit with Me and to work for
My kingdom, you people hired for the new vineyard and for the new wine. Flee from the love of
silver and do not walk in the fair of the evil spirit, as the evil spirit got out a new teaching and
threw it on the roads so that you may bow down to take it and to eat it. But do not take; be wise
and do not pollute your eyes, your hearing, your mind and your food, and get to work and do your
duty and get used to straggle from the enemies of the Holy Spirit. (It is the consumer society, the
gratification even loan money, so it gets to be a slave labor to pay the craved, r.n.)
I told you beforehand to get used to it, loved people, and to know to do it by yourself and
to know the gifts of God, and to have all the skills into your midst, so that you may have time to
cleanse yourself from under the hand of master with dirty hands, dirty of blood and death, and
dead to Me. I want to raise him to life through you. This is My work with you, but get up over
the evil, get up for it is late and there is no more time, and you have to be clean, clean and washed
from those that are not worked by Me and by you. It has never been too early, but it is late, far too
late Christian. Satan accomplished his work, and look how early his evil fulfillment came, and you
did not understand as God did. There is not much time for the evil ones. The wickedness has
accomplished its work and its cup, but I was still slow in coming, sons, in order to put you under
a cover, either willingly or fearfully, and to get you under My mantle, so that I may then
release the storm, the earthquake and the fire over those that think that they are masters
over the work of their hands, over the wicked thing prepared against God. (See selection
topic: The apocalyptic fire11, r.n.)
Oh, My people, how many things I have taught you, son! I have sat in counsel with you as
a father is teaching his sons, and I have spoken to you about what is coming and I have always
told you what to do to be prepared. I stayed with you during the red time, (Of the communist
dictatorship, r.n.), and I exhorted you step by step and I told you beforehand, and I said that you

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should be after My image and My likeness, so that the evil spirit may not open his mouth wide to
frighten you and to make you grow weak and then to swallow you. When I saw you weak and
fearful and tried by temptations, I stretched My hand out and I did not let you this way, and you
knew the arm of salvation that was stretched upon you. This is how I was for you, little and tiny
people, the people of this time, because it was not you that chose Me, but I chose you. And if I
chose you to be Mine, you should also choose now, son; choose Me and remain in those that are
Mine, for if you do this, I will send My angels and they will bring you heavenly and angelic
food after the antichrist will no longer give you anything and will not take from you anything
during a little while for My trial for Me.
During the time of the tyrant and pagan kings it was given once a commandment that the
food from the marked should be defiled with the blood of the idol sacrifices, and those that were
Jesus Christs were also going and buying. And I gave the spirit of revelation and I told to My
Christians not to take anything from the pagans because of those that spoiled the food that was for
selling, and I told them to soak the corn and eat it and not touch the defiled food, and they listened
to the Lords messenger and saved their lives and their lifes cleanness. You should also do this,
people of this day. Do what you can and work with your own hands; plough, seed and pray
and give to the Lord your work, and the Lord will give you the fruit of your work and you
will have cleanness and a spirit of holiness upon you. I have always come and asked you. Oh,
and how much I have asked you, and how many things I have told you to leave and not to take
them and not to do them any longer! And now, look, they all take you by surprise, as you did not
want to listen and fulfill even starting with the time I spoke you about, so that you might be accustomed to the obedience and to the reward of the obedience. I have come now and gathered you to
tell you to listen to me and to get you out from under the accusation of the evil spirit and to rise
you against the antichrist and work with those that I teach you, for I come to your help and I take
care of the one that listens to Me in this time.
Take out from you the carelessness and watch, and I also say: watch well, Christian,
as the time is foggy and its face is hidden, and you have to be found cleaned and not interfered.
Do not worry; the day has enough of its trouble, and I will work out miracles with you, Christian
people. If you are worried what do I still have to do? I am the One Who takes care of you,
Israel, but get used to talk with Me so that you may know how to feed yourself on those from
heaven, and to believe that the other things will be added to you. Behold, the work of Lucifer
has entered into every body and where it is not possible more, he makes the weak ones to worry;
however, the man cannot add anything more to his stature.
My child, who has got Me as God, that one gives his life, his wakefulness and his care
to Me. Get together, son; hold together in one thought, in one will and have the same likeness to
one another in Christ. Look at two twin brothers, as sometimes they are hard to distinguish from
each other. You shall resemble each other in Christ, in holiness and in wakefulness. Be after My
image and after My likeness. I have been speaking from heaven for such a long time, to you to
raise you to those that are from heaven upon you!
I have come from heaven on earth and I placed the work of the word over the multitudes
to the work of good annunciation. Oh, but the world does not know as much as you know about
Me! The time is coming for the world to ask from you bread and water from heaven. The


day is coming for you to be the light in the darkness. Wanting or not, deserving or not, this
work of godly word will discover the hidden sons under its wing, and they will be the sharers of
those that come for the renewal of the creature and for the raising from the dead. The work that
includes you into its mystery is great. The light which works in its inside is great, for the godly
signs will accompany it and any word delivered by it will become a visible action.
I have come, Israel, to bring you those that you have to work for and fulfill; to tell you
to engage in those that you must be found when My wrath will come over those that are
without God. The time has come to put on you the shirt of holiness, which will not burn on
you, and you will not burn in it when My wrath will pass over the earth to cleanse it from
the world and from the spirit of the world and of lawlessness. (See the selection topic: The
great tribulation, r.n.) Do not be deceived to go to someone to save you and to feed you on
another false hope, for behold, the bishops and the priest did not open to Me to see Who knocks,
and they said that it was not I, and they said that I was a demon. They said now as they said then,
for they have nothing else to say, since they do not love My ways and the law of holiness, which
a servant of the holy heaven has to stay in. (See the selection topic: The true church12, r.n.)
The hard time has arrived when the abomination of desolation reached on the chair, which
was supposed to be holy, and look what a row of servants God endures, as they trade in the Holy
Spirit and buy chairs, and today there are no longer established the servants after the heavenly
revelation as the order in the church was, and there is no one to search out and judge the behavior
of such a servant; there is no one, Christian, as they take after each other, from the smallest to the
one that is established at the head of the flock, and the flock is falling down to the ground under
the deterioration of the weather, and only the Lord is taking care of the lonely flock. I do no longer
have shepherds to seek for My flock and to feed it from the spirit of the heavenly revelations, as
the order in the middle of My church was, and behold, the antichrist rejoices and unfolds his stake
and his spoiled teaching, which even My Christians take and taste from, and there is no greater
pain in heaven.
Oh, Christian, after what is one of My messengers to be known? After what do you know
the one who speaks from Me or speaks into his name? Ask the law son, and with those that are in
it look upon the one who speaks about God, as it is written: do not take to eat or chew without
knowing the food, and seek to know the false teaching, for it is nothing else but the dead to be
risen and to do the last signs, those that are written that will be done. Do not ask for signs,
child, and do not believe in another god beside Me. As a big sifting and a temptation worked out
with much toil will come; they will come and say that they are sent to take you and to protect you,

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and they will promise you life, food and salvation, but you shall not be taken by surprise, and you
will know the one who comes before Me, if you are found in the spirit of the holiness, in the shirt
of the holiness. (See selection topic: Resurrection of the dead13, r.n.)
Keep away from the love of the silver and put away from you as much as you can all the
lusts however small they may be. Love the poverty and humility as much as you can son, and be
like your forefathers from the beginning, so that the temptations that come to try you on and to
draw you out from God may not deceive you. As a spirit of carelessness will come upon the
people, but I say that it has already come, and the world does not know the face of this spirit,
and the man will sell himself as a slave to the spirit from the end and the world and the spirit
of the world do not know the one from the end as it will be over forever. I have no place into
the world with My word, as My word does not have any room in them. I go neither to the kings,
nor to the scribes, nor to the wise of the earth, nor the rich of this age and nor to the bishops. I do
not go, but rather stay with you and teach you and give you light and keep you away from the
wolves and from the Judases if you take care of your steps to follow Me. I feed you on those things
from the last, and I will show My glory upon you, and upon those that do not even then want to
know Me, I will work to put them away from the way of My glory, and I will overcome with My
kingdom that will be seen from you. You are My people that I will be glorified through in front
of this disbelief on the earth, so that the unbelievers may know that I am God; so that they
may know that there is no other God besides Me; and the wise of this age will see his nothingness and his race for emptiness.
Oh, those from heaven are marveled at the Christian who still has God today, but the heaven
is rejoicing over the strong Christians, and from everywhere the host of those from heaven is coming near and works; called or not called. Oh, call the saints and the angels, call them, as the
heavenly host is working with you and all the saints make a chain around My children and
fight for them. But My little Mother stays with her arms, with her work and wakefulness
and with the miracles over Romania chosen by God, and when she sees you, people chosen and
fed by Me, she lifts up her hands before the Godly Trinity and always asks, and she receives for
you and for Romania.
Behold a feasting in heaven and on earth in the name of the Most Holy Birth Giver of God,
in the name of her day of ascension, when she went from earth into heaven. It is a holy feast in
your midst, people loved by God. Oh, the world trampled the heavenly feasts, as the antichrist
worked out corruption over the church, and God was long enduring and listened to the mourning of the forefathers and of the saints who always cry: Until when, Lord?

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Oh, My children, I come with My glory and I will give the appearance of the heaven on
earth again, and I will put an end to the spirit of the world, as the world came to an end. Take care
son; take care so that you may not have the spirit of the world in you, lest when I touch, the
tool of cleaning may come to you. Take care so that you may not have into your house any ounce
of death, and if you have, cry out to God incessantly; cry out with your crushed heart and take
away the spirit of the world from your house, as behold, I have houses among you where two are
against three and three against two.
Oh, Christian, it hurts Me when I see that you go on the way of holiness and your child gets
out and loves the world, works the lawlessness and stands against Me and you, and some of them
sell your life and My life and go to the people of the world and feast with them, and they come
and go from you, and then come again and stay with the world close to you and near your roof,
Christian. And I ask you: What shall I do with you so that I may keep you clean and not touched
by the lawless one and that you may not be found near the one who tramples the holiness required
now for My childrens salvation? Did you look at Israel when it was scattered among those from
Egypt that I went and I put a mark over his house, and when I sent the angel of the death, Israel
was passed over? But now, how shall I mark your place and your courtyard to put them under
cover? As the son of your house and your daughter get out and go into the world and do what the
world does and wear the clothes that the world does and your child does not love God. Behold, I
tell you, as I told you before: put away from you the harmful mercy and separate from the one who
does not want to be with Me and like you, and do not take part into the sin of indulgence, and clean
your courtyard of death. Do not take your sinful child into your arms, who wears away his soul
into iniquities, as the evil spirit also writes you down, Christian, and finds your house dirty, and
there is no more time to get dirty. And it will be as in the days of Noah and you and your entire
house should be like Noah, as behold, then the people were eating and drinking, marrying
and getting into marriage and did not believe Noah; the same is today, and it will happen
likewise, but get your house used to be found as Noahs house was, under cleanness and obedience
and full of faith and heavenly light. (See selection topic: As in the days of Noah14, r.n.) Be like
Job, do not be careless and pray to the Lord for those from your house that do not obey, as if the
Lord sees that they do not stand up for holiness and for coming out from the spirit of the world,
the hour of election is coming and each one will be drawn there where he is inclined, and I will
work through your prayer and I will get out from you the one who does not listen to the law of the
holiness, which prepares Gods glory, as the time is as written: Let he who is holy be holy still,
and he who is filthy, let him be filthy still.
If today you child does not want to get out of the world and from the things of the world,
tomorrow he will not be able to get out, Christian, for he remains stuck there where he is drawn
and will be found there. Get up and gather your house together and tell it from God and see what
your house chooses, and make a new beginning, clean and secret, in your courtyard; and split the
good from the evil to your right and to your left and watch with Me on your right, son, and to not

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bow down to the one who is on My left. Stand on My right until I bring the adversary under My
power. When you clean your house, cast out the dust, the dirt and what is spoiled and damaged
that spreads a bad odor, and shake, brush and wash the dirtiness. This is how you are to do for the
Lord too and for His place in your house, in your courtyard, and let the myrrh and incense smell
into your house, child of the Eden that comes to Me.
I sent a heavenly word upon My people and I told to the Christian to come back to the
food from Eden so that he may stay alive and to sanctify himself. This is how I have been
working with you, people gathered from the world, and I have been speaking to you, one by one,
little by little, so that it may not seem hard to you. And when the way was wider, I called out and
told you that the time is coming for the door to be narrowed, when it may come for you to
enter the room of Gods glory that will come before you to welcome you in the great tribulation. I know like Me and not like you. I know, son, why I also ask this step from you. I do not
want to let it be hard for you when no one will give you anything, and I want you to be well
prepared and ahead of time, so that God may know you and send you then heavenly food, as he
gave it to Israel in the wilderness, as then I expressly wanted to clean the one that were blessed,
but he lusted after the earthly things and fell down from heaven and did not enjoy the manna that
was coming from heaven. It is likewise now; the Christian does not enjoy to learn how to come
back home, and wants it as on earth, but I will make heaven on earth and it will be as in heaven
so on earth.
Receive My annunciation son, and feed on those that were given at the beginning to be the
food of My creatures, as I want to put an end to the spirit of the flesh, with the world spirit in
you. (See selection topic: What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?15, r.n.).
You see well that the Spirit lusts against the flesh, and the flesh lusts against the Spirit. Let
the Spirit overcome, Christian; let your spirit be stronger than your flesh, as what comes out of the
flesh is flesh and what comes out of the spirit is spirit. I blessed as you said, and I said to be eaten
if the man ate, but in the beginning it was not so. In the beginning I made the man and I breathed
the breath of life without death, and the man did not listen to Me and knew death and died. But I
want to give him back his life without death and youth without old age, and this is the work
that the Lord wants to accomplish.
I chose you, people gathered from the death, and I raised you step by step to bring you to
My holiness, to be My tool and to work with you the great resurrection that is waited for by all
holy heaven. Behold, I revealed to the world the work of My word, which accompanied you from
heaven, and then I set a new beginning, clean and holy, in the midst of the people and I set a
heavenly living, and I will still establish all that is to be established, and then I will glorify
Myself before the people on earth, and the creatures will understand the mystery of the New


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Jerusalem, which comes from heaven on earth, which comes down little by little and which
is made out by the word of God.
Oh, Romanian people, you gave an example from you, which came made out from the
Holy Spirit. No people on the earth gave it any longer; only you gave it, and a prophecy was written
out of your spirit, people of the glory, which comes with Me to you according to you word that
came out from the Holy Spirit. I was with My disciples and I was going from place to place and I
was giving them parables saying: How will we liken the Kingdom of God? And I gave them
many parables for learning and doing, as all the word, which comes out from God, which comes
out from the Holy Spirit, is a deed even from its deliverance. Oh, Romanian people, you gave
from you the parable with the king who has youth without old age and life without death,
and if you spoke like this, behold, I came out with this work to welcome you, and I chose
from you and I started the work of this kingdom of the King, Who has those things that are
spoken from you. I am the King Who has this kingdom and I want to come with it upon you
and to let it in you and to start with you the coming back to the beginning in which there was
no death. And any science will come to an end and it will be a heavenly kingdom as it was in the
beginning. Come back to your first situation; come back to those without death and drink from the
fruit of life and do, Christian, what God teaches you, for all will come to an end, but the Lord will
remain with His inheritance and with Its sons.
Behold, Verginica16 is with Me and she rejoices in her spirit; she is blessed and loved and
helped by all the saints until her. She has the passing of these days and is alive, and her spirit is
working and living. She has a great favor, son, as she had been carrying Me for twenty-five years
by the word, and now, behold, I am her word, as she had been My word, and there has never
been a greater work than that, which was and is through Verginica. For I took her; here is
why I took her: to be able to send her back to you to bring you to those that were from the beginning
so that they may also be.
Verginica, loved daughter, I, the Lord, command your spirit to give voice upon the manger
of the word that comes from heaven with God and with His messengers. Amen.
Truly, truly, I speak, that Verginica works from beside Me; Verginica works from those
that are in heaven upon her people.
Verginica, release a word, daughter, I in you and you in Me, as this is the reward of the
great workers of the heaven, as it was for Moses and for Elijah, who came from heaven and sat by
Me in the day when I changed before the glory in the eyes of My disciples. Peace to you, heavenly
daughter! My peace and My word through you! Amen, amen, amen.
Verginica has a heavenly commandment to let a voice and word upon the manger of the
heavenly word.
Peace to you sons! If there is here a son of the world, he can also say as other sons of
the world said, who spoke about you that you speak with the dead.

Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet - See selection topic: The apocalyptic trumpets, r.n.



Peace to you, those that are alive, who believe in Gods miracles coming down during this
time! As the Lord, Who is alive and works over all the ages, I am alive and work as well, as I was
a godly tool, made out by God, and I did not do what I wanted, as the people without God did, and
I stayed under the will of the One Who made me, to be His tool, trumpet and tabernacle, and to
raise sons from sons, to come then within those from heaven, and to feed and give water from
heaven to the one borne from the word of God who spoke to you from me.
Peace to you sons! Peace to you, those who know me in the flesh! Peace to you, those who
know me in the spirit! If the saint martyr Mina, got out into the way of the one who called and
accompanied him on the way of the danger, so are you to believe in my walking with you, but the
world does not know how this work comes. Oh, and the church of the Lord stands on such testimonies, if it stands, for those that are alive worked after their passing from the body, and they
truly worked, and their work remained at the foundation of the faith of the Christian church.
If the Lord worked so many miracles through me while I was with you, how shall this work
not be from me when I am now from heaven? Rather a greater work from the Lord starts now
through me and through my spirit and through my appearance among you.
I came into your way, people loved and nourished by God through me. That is why I went;
I went to be able to come from heaven to you and to come with a heavenly power. I am with you
to help you. When you lift up a weight I find you under it and I come under it beside you. When
you get in through the thorns and get your feet and arms bleeding, I come there after you too, and
I take you out and I put you on the path and urge you to stay on the path. Oh, and you do not want
to get under cover when the Lord comes and tells you that all these will be shaken. I am above you
watching and look to see you watching too, but you always labor for your pile. Oh, my child, seek
to gather only what God likes, only what takes after the new and heavenly law, which remains to
rule over all the new ones who come from the Father. The Lord is coming again, and He comes
with the law of the holiness, and He does not come with another law as you want to say; for
besides the law of the holiness there will be no other law. The old ones are passing away and
are wiped out and the new heaven and the new earth are coming back to their places, and nothing
unclean, nothing old, nothing human will remain among the new ones. And there shall be angelic
food as it was in the beginning, and the end is going to come near to the first beginning. Look,
those that are stolen by the beauty of today and by the wicked miracles of today, will never be able
to know the truth, as the face of the world covered those that are from the world and the world hid
from the truth.
People with a new name; stay close to me and to my spirit, which is working in you the
things from heaven. Stand by me for I am a lamp, which warms you up and keeps you awake, son.
Seek to be like me and then you will see afterwards who you take after and you will rejoice. I reveal
myself, but if you do not resemble me, who will you be able to endure that moment sons?
I came towards you, son, who departed from my work, and I speak upon the one who departed and ask him: Why did you leave me? As I want to hear your voice that tells me: Oh, if it
is not too late, receive me again, as a lost one! I have always come to you and told you to leave
your burdens, as your burdens turn you into clay and you do no longer know to get up for the


heavenly table. My dear, if you are Christs in order to resemble the Lord, then you should also
resemble each other; you should take after each other.
I call the trumpet throughout my people. I called and I gathered; I gathered it from everywhere to tell it to use the wakefulness an hour earlier. The Lord is calling you for those that remain; He calls you, loved people, and tells you to crush your idols, your lust and your lawlessness
from your way, for the Lord stays with love; He stays with the time stopped to put you under His
shelter and to release the cleanness of the way of His glory afterwards.
I came with the Lord into your way, people of Jerusalem, and behold, I offer you to walk
carefully and to withdraw from the way of the wrath that is coming. Sound this way too, as I
sounded and I gathered you into your house and my house, as your house is the work of God Who
nourished you and brought you up through me. Sound too and get your house together and make
a counsel of revival. Do your duty and I do mine, and get out from death, you and your entire
house. Oh, here is what I advise you: do no longer stretch out your hand to eat from the world
table, as you are a people chosen by God and special for God. Satan stands on all crossroads, on
all corners, to take from him, to eat and to drink so that you may not be clean any longer. He gets
into your way to entice your lust and to draw you to take from him, but he is dirty and filthy and
he is a slave and is doing a wicked work on earth to get into your way and to entice you. And if
you do not want to come in and stay quietly in your courtyard, in your garden, at least you should
do this; do not take from the hand of those without God. Get used beforehand son, and get used
to have your own hands, as the people eat people, they eat corpse and make liquor from hell and
put filth into it to touch you by it and to make your mind, your faith and your love grow weak.
Oh, do no longer take, Christian, teaching from the way, as what you learn from what is
taken from the way is not good for you. You are the son of God and you should not get into the
confusing of the languages of those that are foreign to God. I look at you how you go on the way
and gather science (At School of Theology, r.n.) and confuse your mind with those that are written
by the servants of antichrist, as all that are come out today are sprinkled with poison from the hell
to make you no longer understand God, to make you stand aloof from those that come from heaven,
those that spring from the word of God, and that you may no longer understand the Lord then.
I said to my children that are put to watch at the manger of my word; I let them know not
to touch anything with their hand from what has come out today; not to search out the confused
languages that came to entice and confuse the way to Gods heaven.
Do no longer put your hand, Christian, to read the teaching which comes from the man
with a hidden face. Do no longer seek something else than those that I bring to you, as I know
what to bring to you, but you do not know what to take so that you may learn. You do not know
those that sneak with a teaching that has a hidden face. They are the servants of the hell, my child.
Ask yourself where do these things come from, and stay well, to distinguish the evil spirit that
comes with its hidden face for you to take from it and then to blame you before God. You are a
blessed people and you have food and clear water from me. You have from me what you need, but
do no longer stretch your hand into another bowl, as I stand before you with God and I told you
what to do during this time.


I yearn after you life, after your holiness, after your clean spirit. God is waiting for me with
you, people of the New Jerusalem. I call out the trumpet to gather you into those that are from
heaven, to blow the dust off you, to teach you to stay within the wedding garment and to sit with
the heaven at the table and to sit with me.
Blessed are the Christian houses, which have no son of the lawlessness under their roof,
as those will be under Gods shelter. I want to take the death out from you, to throw it away into
its arms and to burn it, so that it may no longer seek towards you. Take your own little hands and
put them to work for you, for your little hands are blessed by the Lord, and do no longer use foreign
hands. Start this work as much as you can and the heaven will come to your help.
Do not love luxury; do not love silver; do not love the lusts of this age. Save your children
from the hands of the antichrist as your hearts will get broken when you will see your children
without escape. The teaching from the outside is spoiled more than any time and it divests your
child of the holiness. Oh, if I came and asked you for a child to work with me, you would have
nothing to be afraid of and say that he is yours and that you do not give him. And because of your
opposing, I do not come to ask him, for your opposing would mean your childs perishing, as the
Lord showed what the reward of the opposing is. But you give your child into the arms of the
antichrist and let him at his teaching.
Oh, Christian, open your eyes and take a good look at what kind of weather is outside and
do no longer laugh the word of God off, which tells you to come under His roof and to make a
shelter for you as the Lord teaches you. The time is coming when you will no longer be able to
get on your wagon or on the Caesars camel, (Not travel with public transportation, r.n.) as he
will ask for his sign and if you do not have it, he will not receive you. The time is coming
when you will not be able to go by your little ship, (Private car, r.n.) as even there you need
Caesar, (Money on card or chip, for gasoline, r.n.) from whom you cannot take and to whom
you cannot give, if you did not say as he did. If you understand, the Lord will work through you
the crush of the antichrist and will tear down his plan and his power, but pull yourself together by
the work of the holiness, my child. Be wise, as the Lord came to your help for you to be able to
make yourself a shelter and to listen, as the crushing of the opposing work will spring from the
work of Gods obedience. The Lord has been crying for a long time and has been telling you for a
long time, son. Open the book of this work and you will no longer be able to tell that the Lord did
not ask you to get out of those that are today.
Oh, I look and my spirit is filling out with joy and love for you. And I look again and my
spirit is filling out again, but this time with pain for some of you. Woe sons, woe, as the teachings
of today and the immorality that they are born of touched you to the full. Let me teach you, Christian, as the time is too bad, son, and it is hidden from your face and you do not know to understand
it. Let me open your mind and your wisdom and let me stay into your way, as I look with heavenly
eyes around you and see wolves and foxes which try to draw you into their den and to tear you to
Well Christian, take care of your child if you say that it is yours; take care to have him and
give to him from those of the heaven. Give him as well, and take you too those from the Lord, to
have and to be, Christian. You are like gold for God, but you should be, my child. You are Gods


treasure, but you should be, and do not wear yourself away, as the Lord will redeem with you all
the creature, the one that was and is, and you will be the light from the Lord, and will stay over
the darkness and will give light forever.
I will also call out and I will gather you again to eat with God and to bring in due time
those that still are, but you pull yourself together from the road and come in, watch and pray. You
got angry on me, loved people, when I told you to stay into your little house and to work holiness
upon you, for there is no more time to get out and to pass through the dead. But I know, and I know
why I asked you not to come out, and not even now do you understand how this mystery comes and
why I have come to tell it to you. There is only death into the world, Christian. The hands and the
work of the world are dirty and filthy, and you are a blessed people with blessed hands. Teach
yourself to be a manager over yourself. Learn to be as those from the beginning were, for all
the earth will be taken out from under the sole of the antichrist, and you will be settled on a
new earth as the Lord promised you.
Let it be peace between you and God, and so you should live forever, as the Lord let only
peace upon you.
Peace to you, children of the heavenly things, which work on the earth! Peace and holy
patience! Holy peace upon you, sons! May the steps of your coming back to your things be blessed
by the Lord! The heaven brings gratitude to you, and you will feel the good reward because you
came to dine with God. May the myrrh of the Holy Spirit flow over you and fill you with the power,
which comes from the work of holiness. I give thanks to the Lord and say: Lord, I did as You told
me. Amen.
Peace to you Verginica! Peace to you, children of the New Jerusalem! May My holy
peace remain upon you! (See selection topic: Romania The New Jerusalem The New Canaan17, r.n.)
I am; I and My messengers, and he who receive them, receives Me, and he who does not
receive them, does not receive Me, and he will be received likewise. As I am received, so the one
who receives Me will be received.
Peace and New Jerusalem upon you, people of the glory, which comes from Me! Jerusalem,
be worthy of your new name, which comes to you from the heavens, as My glory will come with
you and the nations will know My blessed people.


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Amen, amen, I say to you, as the kingdom of God and the glory that comes with it came
down to you, and you, Jerusalem, will be the Lords people, as I am your God. Amen, amen, amen.
28-08-1993 (15-08-1993 Old style / after the Julian calendar)
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:
The second coming of Jesus Christ:!0I9BmR4Q!LuvjAa2tlXZXTW54hq0nOA
The word of God in Romania:!0N8RlJrB!yTwbJPdKo1mIC4Ob1L-edg
Prophecies about New Jerusalem:



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