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Nothing official about this!

About The
TAS Process

September 2011, Version 1.0

H.V., Joka, 2011

Executive Summary
Amongst all B school recruiters, TAS and the Aditya Birla Group have perhaps the most stretched out yet
comprehensive recruitment processes. Based on my two experiences with the TAS process for my
summers and finals at IIM C, I will use this document to somewhat demystify the selection processes for
one of the best General Management programs in India. One of the Best- because each program be it
the BLT program of HUL or the LEAP and LEAD Programs of ABG ,has its own merits- TAS I feel is unique
because of the most diverse profiles on offer within the Tata Group once you become a TAS Manager.

This document is divided into three parts.


The first part talks about the TAS Process, for summers and finals- explains what the dreaded 7
page form is all about and why it is not so bad after all, the multi-stage selection process and the
dos and donts ( not comprehensive and based on experience) for each stage.
The second part talks about what a General Management career at TAS is all about- again based
on what I have heard and experienced in the past few months. ( to be completed)
The third part tries to dispel some myths about the process and TAS in general. This again is
based on what I have heard- better thing is you get into TAS to experience the whole of it. ( to
be completed)

What this document cant do is guarantee you an offer. As is the case with as all such globe
documents, please use it to only gain a perspective on how the process works.


Form based shortlist

Chairman's GD (
Elimination Round)
Directors' Round

Internship Offer
Intern Project Ppt
round ( elimination)

Final Directors' Round


The initial shortlist is based on the 7 page form. The form itself is divided into two parts

The first 4 pages-largely factual, profile based- acads, extra-currics and co-currics go in here
The psychometric, qualitative section which looks for fit with the Tata values ( refer to the
Group website) and TAS based leadership qualities


From experience it has been seen that the initial shortlist is largely based on the first 4 pages of the form
which are related to academic, co-curricular, extra-curricular and leadership based achievements. This
part of the form is essentially your 1 page CV expanded- however take care to use the space wisely to
highlight only your most relevant achievements/ PORs. For people with work-ex, there isnt much spaceyou can fill in max 3 bullet points each for each work ex/year of work ex. Try and fill in those points
where you have had maximum organizational impact- such as leading teams, cost reduction, crosscultural work-ex and multi-tasking. TAS is looking to increase diversity in terms of educational
background and work-ex background, so if there are any experiences-academic, extra-curricular or
otherwise which would make you stand out, please do clearly mention this in your form.
In IIM C at least, TAS does NOT shortlist on the basis of academic grades- speaking purely on the basis of
personal experience. It looks for all round ability- if you have strong PORs, extra-curricular/co-curricular
achievements or high quality work-ex; you are likely to make the cut. In campuses such as XLRI, SP Jain,

TAS is known to show a distinct preference for high performers in acads-however if this years SP Jain
shortlists are anything to go by, this may also be changing.
Please remember that space is at a premium in the form, like it is in your 1 page CV- highlight the most
relevant and impactful points ONLY. Crowding the form in small handwriting may not be too useful.
Additional tips:

There used to be a section for any other achievements- if there are achievements which need
specific highlighting, such as any social initiative or entrepreneurial achievements, you may fit
these here. However in case of entrepreneurial ventures, in case you get a shortlist, be prepared
to defend your position in the interview on why you would want to choose TAS over your own
o I used this section to fill in achievements which werent fitting in the relevant sections
due to paucity of space.
o It is not COMPULSORY to fill up this section. Use this space only if you have high quality
points which you couldnt fit in the space available.
Unlike the CV where we tend to ignore grammar to ensure space optimization and adherence to
format, please do pay attention to grammar in the content on the form- CXOs go through this
form during your Directors Interview round-you wouldnt want to make them feel that your
CAT VA score might have been a function of machine/software error: P.

The initial shortlist is usually announced two nights before Day 0, however since the TAS process itself
starts only around 6 pm on Day 0, additional shortlists are usually brought out.
The Chairmans GD
The most unique component of the TAS process, the GD tests you on leadership, values and adherence
to corporate etiquettes. Usually conducted in panel sizes ranging from 6-10 participants, it is perhaps
the most tiring part of the process.
At the outset, let me debunk some myths about the GD process in the IIM C campus- the relatively
lengthy GD process does NOT interfere with your other shortlists. You will be slotted by the placecomm
to ensure that you will get the best possible chance in other processes as well. The total GD time in the
TAS process in the recent past has not exceeded 50-60 minutes/ panel. In the finals process for 2011,
we had GD panels of 6 each, the GDs didnt go beyond 40 minutes in most cases and were conducted in
the evening of Slot 0, Day 0-the 1st day of the process.
The GD process involves a compulsory role for every member as the Chairman of the Group. The
Chairman is asked to pick up a paper containing a mini-case let (refer to DC++ for sample TAS
cases),he/she is given one minute to read the case, deposit the paper back and then proceeds to
present the case as he/she wishes to the group. Most cases are 100-120 words, have little factual data,
qualitative in nature and require multi-faceted thinking. This is where how the Chairman reads and
interprets the case is very important. A Chairman who doesnt grasp the case will more likely end up

confusing the panel and lead the group in the wrong direction. Sometimes, the Chairman may choose to
not reveal all the info during the case intro, bringing in the relevant inputs whenever required rather
than repeating the case verbatim.

Three important things a Chairman should do

1. Read the case carefully and GRASP all the key aspects; you dont get extra points for being the
quickest to hand the case booklet back to the judging panel.
2. Control group behavior and direct it towards a solution, make sure the discussion is heading
towards a solution. The Chairman plays a vital role in structuring the case or facilitating those
who are helping to structure the case better
3. Contribute not only as a group moderator but also by bring fresh perspectives to the discussion.
Good Chairmen will also have good control over the group through the power of the ideas they
bring to the table. However do not block other ideas to push yours, be receptive to others. Take
the best ideas on the table and facilitate discussions on the same. Try and Summarize whenever
you feel the need to move on to the next issue within the case
Most panels expect the Chairman to summarize the discussion in the last minute- therefore
make sure you are jotting down the major discussion points also to help in your summary. You
need to be a good LISTENER to be an effective Chairman.
Participation as a Group Member
The key to success in the Chairmans GD is how you maintain your participation throughout the GD- in
terms of quality as well as quantity. You need to be smart in your participation, voice modulation and in
your etiquettes. There are some hygiene factors that are specific to the Chairmans GD
- Respect the Chairman and any diversity (e.g. female members) in the panel- it is common
sense, however in a tense & competitive GD situation, we tend to be ignorant of such things
which are very important in the Corporate World. Imagine yourself to be in a Board Meetingwould you interrupt the Chairman of the Board while he is speaking? Usually it is a good idea to
ask the Chairmans permission to start speaking standard interrupt sequence being Chairman
Sir/Maam, with your kind permission, I would like to say that . . Dont be repetitive with
this phrase, there are multiple ways of leveraging the Chairperson to enter the GD. Be
respectful- the Chairperson will usually be obliging enough to let you speak.
- Be aggressive when you need to speak-shows leadership, dont shout though- shows disrespect
for the panel. This is something you know from CAT GD/PI prep days.
- Listen carefully to what the others have to say- use those inputs when you speak-standard GD
- Use your throat wisely-you dont get to drink water during the GD. You need to have enough
stamina in your throat to last the whole process. Some simple tips for this


You dont have to start the GD every time; you can choose your GD entry points wisely
to preserve your energy and thoughts. Remember it is not just about how much you
talk, it is also about what you talk. In both my successful attempts at the GD, I used the
strategy of entering the GD every alternate speaker (for my finals GD- 6 in the panel)
and every third time in the Summers (10 member panel). My summers panel was
perhaps the most competitive amongst all TAS Panels where we had 3-4 of us who are
very good in a GD situation. It really helped in that situation to choose the GD entry
point strategically. It was very clear by the 6th round that most people had run out of
energy. The three of us who had been good with our entry points had the rest of the GD
literally to ourselves as the others were struggling with their voices. Needless to say, the
3 of us were shortlisted for the Directors Round.
Dont try and outshout any fellow member- saves a lot of energy ( & reputation).
Minimize physical movement- again another factor contributing to fatigue. Sit as still as
As the Chairman, optimize your volume-remember you have to be respected
Have a Red Bull before the process- dont drink too much water. You dont want to be
caught in an emergency situation during the GD!

Please remember that this is an elimination round- be competitive, dont create a fish
market, standard GD rules apply in such cases!
Finals and the PPO Process)
The Directors Interview is the final round for selection in all processes. If you have made it thus far, you
have been through a lot of competition- a bit tired and of course a bit nervous about what next. A few
things before I try and summarize the details of the form and the Interview- Remember we all are human; we all have made mistakes at some point in our life. Learn to
accept that you have made mistakes. It is a very important leadership attribute.
- There was something damn good about you which is why you made it to IIM C- forget all the
CAT related issues, our Profs saw something really good and different in you which is why they
selected you to be a part of IIM-C . Always carry this confidence with you, but not arrogance.
There are many more deserving people who never got a chance to write the CAT or just had one
bad day at the exam center , are smarter than any of us at Joka and who will make it bigger than
most of us. Unless you have the humility to accept that there are others who are better, you will
always be arrogant. Be confident- not arrogant.
The two points above bring me to what I believe is shaping to be the central theme of TAS
recruitment- Leadership with Humility.
In most of our interactions with the Tata Group Leadership in the recent past, they have stressed a lot
on the need for TAS Managers to be Leaders-people who take initiatives, drive change and be dynamic

at their work; however they also have stressed the need for TAS Managers to be aware of ground
realities, rooted to Group values of integrity, ethics and a sense of giving back to the society in
multiples of what we take from it while running Businesses. They also wanted to see more people who
are potential nation-builders and thought leaders, than mere managers- this is a slight course
correction that they have started in the recruitment process.
Your form and your interview should reflect some of the above qualities if not all. It is easy to include
some of these qualities in some of your write-ups, unless these qualities come out genuinely in your
interviews and your internship, TAS selection becomes a difficult issue.
The last 3 pages of the form constitute an important input for your Directors Interview Round, hence
the content is very important.

In the form, there is a question related to having overcome obstacles to achieve something
significant. Please make sure that this something significant is really significant- it should have
impact, qualitative or quantitative. I am sure that there have been instances in your life when
you have had to encounter such a situation and come out on top- in my case, I wrote about how
I managed to successfully convince the entire sarkari machinery in my college to approve and
sanction money for new student initiatives and to bring about change in campus. Your example
should have clear impact- be it personal or professional and show hints of leadership qualities
without compromising on values. Please do not make up a story, you will most likely be quizzed
about this in your Interview. It doesnt take time to catch your bluff! The interviewers are CEOs/
Executive VPs who have interviewed thousands of people.
Regarding your short term and long term career goals, for your summers- you may not be very
specific. I had work ex, so I kinda knew what I wanted. For freshers, you can talk about being
able to get a flavor of everything from an organization as diverse as the Tata Group before
settling down with your choice of function,role and group company after 5 years which is when
the TAS period of your Tata Career ends ( more on that later). Short term can be as short as the
next 1 year when you want to do really well in your MBA and internship, get into a business
leadership role within an organization like the Tatas etc.

Please dont refer to TAS as a Gen Management program- they dont like this particular reference to
TAS. It is a Business Leadership program which prepares you for leadership roles in a general
management career. You can read about this on the TAS page in the Tata website.

If you want to be more specific, you may even identify 3-4 Tata companies and functions
that you would want to work for. In such a case, please do follow those companiesfinancials, M&A Deals, strategic reasons for those deals, business scenario for those sectors
etc. A colleague of mine was quizzed on what he thought about the NTT DoCoMo- Tata Tele
deal during his summers- strategic importance, financials, key people involved etc.

The next question on your Sense of Purpose as a leader should cover the qualities that I
have highlighted in Blue above. While it is necessary to include those qualities in your
answer, if you try and force-fit the same, it becomes obvious. If you really identify yourself
with the qualities I have listed above, the SOP answer is a piece of cake. Defending the same
in an interview is easier because you can tell them with lots of expression why you have
written what you have.

The Directors Round is usually conducted by 2-3 panelists, all senior Tata Group Executives, with
20-25 years of experience in the Group. They would have probably interviewed many budding TAS
Managers before and are well aware of the profile requirements.

It is usually never a Stress Interview- they put you at ease and share some light moments with you
during the interview. However be prepared for some questions which you never even thought of
the question which messed up my summers interview and made it nightmarish for the last 5
minutes was- What do you enjoy more- power or responsibility? I had never thought of it then,
spoilt what was till then a very good interview. I used the rest of my B school life to understand what
I really did enjoy more! Others have also had similar experiences where out of the blue questions
like this have damaged the rest of the interview. The stress in such a situation is self-induced
because there are areas of your personality where you need to explore more. The person sitting
across the table noticed something in you which triggered the question which you would have
probably never thought of.

Needless to say, etiquettes are important- remember to be formal in your conversation and
mannerisms without looking stiff. Very important!


Form based shortlist

Chairman's GD (
Elimination Round)

Project Presentation Round(



Directors' Round


To be continued..

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