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December, 2014

Of Faith
by Fr. Don Thimm

A New Year and

a New Beginning

Deer hunting, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday have

come and gone. We have begun the fast paced days
of December which usher in some very familiar
experiences Advent wreaths, darkness, cold, snow, red
kettles and bell ringers, baking, decorations outside and
inside our homes, gifts for family and for strangers, food
with family and friends and for the hungry, and year end
charitable giving. Will 2015 bring another Polar Vortex
or an El Nino winter? A new year brings many
questions, opportunities, hopes, and challenges.
One of my teachers used to tell us that if you dont
know where you are going, it doesnt really matter too
much how you get there. This is true for our personal
lives and for our parish. For the last year parish leaders and staff have been in discussions and prayer about
some basic and important questions, e.g. Where are we
going? What is our vision? What is our mission? Where
do we focus our resources and energy? What are we to
accomplish in clear and simple language that is readily
understood and able to be easily communicated? We
agreed upon this mission statement to give direction
and purpose to our parish:

As Disciples of Christ
We give thanks and praise to God
We study the Word of God
We serve God
As Disciples of Christ
We go and make disciples!
We also identified traits or characteristics of a disciple
that provide some greater clarity as to how we achieve
our mission. A disciple is one who:
Has an active prayer life
Participates in the sacraments
Reads, prays, and strives to understand the scriptures
Understands growing in faith is a lifelong habit/activity
Discerns the gifts given by God and how best to
use them
Engages in the work of justice and Catholic Social teaching
Is involved in service and the mission of the church
It is my hope this will enable us to better use the resources
we have and better serve you in the new year and beyond.
Thank you for the feedback many of you provided to
the master plan developed by our Worship Space Ministry over the past two years. They have handed on their
work to a Planning and Design Ministry who will incorporate the feedback we have received into the continued development of a plan that supports our mission
and resources. A Capital Campaign Ministry will also be
formed to hire a fundraising firm to assist us in developing a realistic financial budget for any remodeling or
new construction. I ask for your continued prayer for
the work of these groups as well as for all the individuals and groups that make Holy Apostles possible.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!, Fr. Don


St Luke Mass Schedule

Immaculate Conception Mass:

Monday, December 8 at 6:30pm
Christmas Eve Masses: 4:30pm and 10:30pm
Christmas Day Mass: 9:30am
New Years Day Mass: 9:00am

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Mass Schedule

Immaculate Conception Masses:

Monday, December 8 at 8:00am and 6:30pm
Christmas Eve Masses*: 4:00pm (Childrens & Teen Choir),
6:00pm and 11:00pm
Christmas Day Mass*: 10:00am
New Years Day Mass: 9:00am
* pre-service music 1/2 hour prior to each service

Walking Through Scripture

A dynamic and inspirational Bible Study that incorporates scholarly interactive lectures
with meaningful small group discussions hosted by Holy Apostles.
Walking Through Scripture, formerly known as Metro
Bible Study, is a Holy Apostles sponsored Bible Study that
integrates personal bible study with dynamic lectures,
and small group reflections on how scripture applies to
everyday life. Our members come to relationship with
God and one another. Our program has drawn together
those who have previously studied scripture in one form
or another, and those who are taking their first steps
delving into the riches of The Good News.
Walking Through Scripture is one of the few Bible Study
programs that does not rely on a video lecture or solely
on a commentary. For each study, we seek out a local
theologian well versed in the book that will be studied.
The lecturer for our upcoming study of the Gospel of
John is Dr. Michael Donahou, assistant professor of Religious Studies at Cardinal Stritch University. Mike will be
conducting 12 lectures throughout the course of our
24 week study that will run from September 17, 2014
to March 18, 2015. We would like to encourage new
members to join us anytime during our lecture series.
Our weekly small group discussions allow for a more

intimate reflection on how the Gospel should and does

impact our lives, and how to better relate to those
around us. Each small group is led by a facilitator who
helps to not only move the discussion along, but allows
for all voices to join in the discussion. Our primary goal
is for all to feel welcome and to know that each plays an
important role in the spiritual journey we all share.
I would like to extend a personal invitation to you to join
Walking Through Scripture as we study the life of Jesus
through the eyes of John. The first words of Jesus in the
Gospel of John raise the question: What are you looking
for? Some of us believe we already know the answer to
that question many of us are uncertain. Whether you
know, think you know or are tired of just guessing, come
and seek with us. Who knows you might just find what
you are looking for as we walk with Jesus. And what could
be better than that?
For additional information, please see the HA web site
under Adult and Family Faith Formation or contact:
Jo Ann Hagner at 262-785-9164 or
or Gloria Acker at 262-661-4662 or


by Natalie Cahlamer
On Saturday, October 25th, the School Marketing Ministry, with
the help of Faith Formation, held the second annual Fall Fun Fest.
This event was open to all parish and school families, as well as
the New Berlin community. Kids were encouraged to come in
costume and participate in a Trunk or Treat. In addition to this
there were games, crafts, prizes,
photos, and treats available to
enjoy. There were around 130
children who attended the Fest
along with parents and grandparents.There was no admission
fee and children were given free
tickets to play games. We hope
to welcome even more families
next year!

Spaghetti Dinner Held For New Members

by Terri Engsberg
On Saturday, September 27th, the Holy Apostles New
Member Welcome Ministry held a dinner to welcome
those who have recently become members of the
parish. Existing members and staff were also invited to
Johnson hall to enjoy a homemade spaghetti dinner
with all the fixins. The staff shared information
about exciting things happening at Holy
Apostles, but the main goal was for
everyone to share hospitality with new
faces. It was a great success.
The next dinner will be on Saturday,
January 31, 2015, after the 4:30pm Mass.
Soup, bread and desserts will be served
to warm us up on a chilly winter evening.
Please mark your calendars whether you
are new to the parish or a seasoned
member. New members will receive
an invitation and there will be bulletin
announcements closer to the date, so
keep an eye out.
If you want more information or want to become involved in the
New Member Welcome Ministry, please contact Jennifer Flanagan at
262-786-4086 or e-mail

Welcome Our New Members

Ms. Marjorie Kennedy & Family
Sergio & Anna Carini & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dillett & Family
Ronald & Jacqueline Nickolett
& Family
Paul & Ashley Dillett & Family
Mr. Jospeh Poshepny
Joe & Kelly Meyer & Family
Daniel & Sara Engel & Family
Mrs. Susan Wieczorek
Dan & Monica Walden & Family
Lee & Bridget Spude & Family
John & Laura Bradway & Family
Chad & Debbi Dassow & Family
Gordon & Patricia Fischer
Bryan & Amber Rush & Family
Terrence & Catherine Skelding
& Family

Eric & Kimberly Kulju & Family

Gary & Lisa Pipik & Family
Paul & Jill Mascari & Family
Ryan & Pamela Peplinski & Family
Bo Kitelinger & Kim Tarpinian-Kitelinger
& Family
Robert & Katie McDonald & Family
Paul & Mary Byrne
Matthew & Eva-Marie Nitka & Family
Ms. Kathleen Casey
Mrs. Rebecca Derks & Family
Mr. Alex Dich & Family
Ms. Diana Hornak
Christopher & Augustina Parr
& Family
Katie Doyne
Miss Shannon Alberti
Emil & Anna Bowmil

Jeffrey & Lisa Griffith & Family

Mark & Brenda Narvaez & Family
Brandon & Kristina Erdmann & Family
Stephen & Tricia Zimmel & Family
Adam & Courtney Morris & Family
Travis & Kelly Brabec
Mr. Edwen Reagh
James & Kathleen Bathie & Family
Jim & Char Bach
James & Lorriane Clarey & Family
Mark & Kristin Janecek
Matthew & Rebecca Mueller & Family
Brian & Colleen Watson & Family
Mr. Jeremy Gill
John & Kelly OReilly & Family
Miss Jennifer Leising
Mr. Jim Mittelbrun

Ministry Fair Opportunities

by Don Evans
On October 18-19, the Ministry Fair 2014 again afforded
the congregation the tremendous opportunity to see all
the different ways they can participate more fully in Holy
Apostles parish. We all see these different activities and
ways to serve described weekly in the church bulletin as
places, dates and times, but those facts are viewed from a
distance. It takes a lot of imagination to see how we might
fit into a group much less how to join. An opportunity, like
the Ministry Fair, to find out from others first-hand what
they give to and how they benefit from the
particular ministry
could be just the
we all could
use to join. But
before all that
could happen,
there was more.
Organized to
coordinate with
the Commitment
to Parish Life
materials sent out
in early October,
the Ministry Fair
was broken down
into three broad
directions that a
person could commit to the parish in their journey as
a faithful steward: giving praise & thanks, learning &
growing, and serving. The Ministry Directory included in
those materials also divided the different ministries along
these broad categories, giving all of us a preview of what
the Ministry Fair had in store. The
directory gave short descriptions of
each program laying out the basic
things that each group does and how
much commitment is involved. Another
tool in the packet to help us decide
on the right ministry was the short
interest assessment called the Personal
Discernment of Gifts. If we ever needed a good way to figure out which
ministry or ministries to join at Ministry
Fair 2014 or anytime, this was it.
The response to the last Ministry Fair,
over a year ago, was great but was
surpassed by this one. Around 225
people signed up at the fair, selecting from 79 different groups to serve

with and share. The surprising thing is that this number

didnt include the more than
70 kids from the Confirmation class that were also
there to find and sign up for
a yearlong apprenticeship in
a ministry to fulfill the
Confirmation requirement.
And, of course, a part of
that number who signed
up at the fair were already
involved in different ministries. By wandering around
visiting with the other ministries, they too were intrigued
to sign up for yet another way to serve.
All in all, Ministry Fair 2014 was a success.

Dont miss the next one!

New Staff
Angie Wegner

I am excited
to serve as the
Marketing and
Manager for Holy
Apostles School.
I work to promote the mission of the
school to our current families, parish
members and the larger community
through strategic communications,
special events and marketing outreach efforts. My husband and I have
two children, Nick and Emma, who
attend Catholic school and we are
members of St. Dominic School in
Brookfield. In my spare time, I enjoy
traveling, reading and volunteering.

Karly Gaulke

Haley Schreiner

I am privileged
to have joined
the Holy Apostles
family this year.
It is wonderful to
come back to the
school that I attended and to work
alongside the phenomenal staff.
Catholic education has been the
crux of my life, having gone on to attend Catholic Memorial High School
after HA. I was able to coach volleyball this year with Melissa Trepte and
it was great to volunteer my time in
helping the 7th grade girls improve
their skills. I received my teaching
education from Carroll University.

Hello! My
name is Karly
Gaulke and
I am the bookkeeper here at
Holy Apostles.
I began in March 2014 and look
forward to supporting the many
financial functions of the parish. I have my Bachelors degree
in Accounting. Currently, I live in
Milwaukee with my husband and
our two young children.

My family and I are both members

of the parish. In my free time, I enjoy
staying active through running, biking,
playing softball, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

Operation Christmas Child 2014

by Teresa Tobin

Samaritans Purse is an International Relief Organization that

shares the Good News of Gods Love to hurting children in
over 100 countries around the world.This starts with shoe
box gifts filled by children and families in the United States
that participate in Operation Christmas Child.
Holy Apostles Childrens Ministry along with the HA Girl
Scouts sponsored the first annual Operation Christmas
Child Packing
Party on Sunday
November 16th.
Over 70 people
attended the
packing party and
filled boxes with
wonderful donations that so many
people from our
parish donated.
We are so grate-

ful to have such a generous

parish. We filled over 150
boxes and each box contained a special note from
the person who filled it.
These boxes were sent to
the central warehouse in
Boone, North
Carolina where
they will be
shipped to
over 100 countries around the world and
shared with children who dont know Jesus.
We prayed for the children receiving these
gifts that they might come to know the
power of Gods love.
Thank you to everyone who donated items
this year. Your gifts were much appreciated.
For more information about this outreach

Many parishioners have served in our Military Services in past years.

Now, some of our sons and daughters are doing the same.
We pray for them frequently.

A Young Mans Story

becoming a soldier to defend our country along with our freedom.

Christmas season is approaching and filled with nostalgia.
For me, a time of nostalgia came in August of 2010.
Finishing High School, not certain what course in life
I wanted to follow, a friend and I went to a Recruiting
Office for Armed Services and listened to an officer
speak on what service life would entail. Being of age, we
decided Yes. Things moved quickly and we were sworn
into the Army. My parents, knowing what this meant, had
mixed emotions with my decision, as I had never been
away from home.
Weeks after induction moved fast. Physical exams,
immunizations, forms to complete. My Basic training
would be at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Day before
departure, August 23rd we said our good-byes to family
and then were taken to a hotel near the airport to fly
out early next morn.
Arriving in MO at a USO Center, we boarded buses for
a long ride to the Base Reception Area where we were
fitted for uniforms, had more blood tests, and exams. Onward to a giant barracks where we received instructions
as to next day routine. I felt so alone as I didnt know
anyone in our Unit; but God was beside me. I was always
an early riser, so physical training beginning at 4:30am did
not bother me. After an hour, we marched in formation
to a big Dining Hall. Hungry as we were, it was good to
see a variety of foods offered. Biscuits and sausage gravy
fast became a favorite. All kitchen duties were done by
civilians off-base no KP like guys once knew.
Six weeks of training were spent in much the same way.
Intensity of various training exercises increased daily
leaving you exhausted and hungry at days end. Evenings,
there be no TV or radio; just Ping-Pong, cards and reading.
Hardest days through the weeks were field work,
training on the artillery Range. I rated this requirement

not to my liking. As training days came to an end, about

25 from our unit dropped out, or were sent to other
bases. Throughout all our training, Chaplaincy Service was
readily available and Sunday services were at a Chapel of
your choice.
Graduation Day came to find us marching from our
barracks, in full uniform, into the Auditorium with families
watching. Official ceremonies ensued with each of us
called by name, State, as we filed into position on stage.
Filming was shown to present all the maneuvers we had
gone through. Two day passes were given us and all enjoyed with families; then more good-byes.
Onward to five more weeks of Advanced Individual
Training as we separated into selective areas. Mine was
Transport Division where we learned how to handle
huge transport vehicles and needed repairs. At the end
of this training, graduation ceremonies were held. My
grandparents attended and drove me home for a ten day
Christmas break.
December 29th found me leaving home for Fort Carson,
CO. Here they placed us into two man small apartments
and TV was allowed. Could eat on Base or make our own
meals. Training days again with early morn PT. Harder on
ones breathing in higher altitudes. During time here, our
convoy of trucks drove to Wyoming to learn about spotting and searching for explosive devices. Later, a month
was spent on the Mojave Desert in CA. Heat intense,
slept in tents, daily training exercises. Back to Colorado
Base was welcomed.
The end of 2012 found me back home, Active Reserves,
monthly meetings, weekends at Camp McCoy and more
training. As I finish my story, our Unit is now on Inactive
Reserve status. I have completed four of my eight years.

Thank you all for your prayers please continue them and remember all those
who serve and defend our country.

Confirmation 2014
by Ben Rogalla
This year, our parish had
52 youth receive the sacrament of Confirmation on
October 5th, 2014. We also
had two receive the sacrament with St. Elizabeth Ann
Seton in May, 2014. They
have spent a year preparing
through growing in small
group communities, serving
our parish and community,
and developing themselves
on retreat. We ask you to
please keep them in your
prayers as they continue to
grow in their faith journeys
and continue Gods calling
in life. May they go out and
help make disciples!

[Dates To Remember]
Dec. 8 Feast of Immaculate Conception

7:15am, 1:15pm (school), 6:30pm

Dec. 13 Advent Communal Reconciliation
(Church) 10:30am
Dec. 17 School Christmas Concert
(Church) 6:30pm
Dec. 20 Christmas Ministry Food Pack
(Church) 8am
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Masses
4pm, 6pm and midnight*

Jan. 9
Fish Fry (Gym) 4-7pm
Jan. 25-30 Catholic Schools Week
Jan. 25 Fellowship Breakfast (Lofy Hall)

After all Sunday Masses

Jan. 31 New Member Welcoming and Parish
Dinner (Johnson Hall) after 4:30pm
Mass ** All are welcome **
Feb. 13, 27 Fish Fry (Gym) 4-7pm
Feb. 14-15 Renewal of Marriage Vows All Masses
* Adult Choir and handbells performing at 11:30pm Feb. 17 Volunteer Appreciation
(Lofy Hall) 6-8:30pm
Dec. 25 Christmas Day Masses 9:15am
Feb. 18 Ash Wednesday 7:15am,
and 11:15am (Contemporary Music
1:00pm (school), 6:30pm
Ministry with concert at 10:50am)
Feb. 21-22 Presentation of First Eucharist
Dec. 31
New Years Eve Mass 4:30pm
Candidates 4:30pm and 9:15am
Jan. 1, 2015 Mary Mother of God Mass 9:15am
Feb. 22 Fellowship Breakfast (Lofy Hall)
Jan. 3-4 Presentation of Engaged Couples
After all Sunday Masses
4:30pm and 11:15am
March 20-21 Haiti Food Pack (Gym)

16000 West National Avenue

New Berlin, WI 53151-5599

Permit No. 22
New Berlin, WI


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