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Sigma Society Chapter Meeting

December 1, 2014 at 5:30pm

Colden Hall 3500
Last Weeks Riddle:
Where do you find a turkey with no legs?
Exactly where you left it
Roll Call: What did you do over thanksgiving break?
Exec Reports:
o $19.98 for the S-XL
o $22.14 for XXL
o Money is due tonight
Meeting Room
o Next semester will be in the union ballroom at 5:30
o February 23rd and April 6th it will be in towerview room
Comment Box
o If you have any comments or suggestions about how the semester
went, please let us know
Stress Less Fest
o Baked good or 3 2L sodas
o Let Meaghan know by Friday at 5 if you are planning on doing this
o You will take these to the 3rd floor of the union Monday the 8th between
4 and 6
o These will count for next semesters hours
o November 22-December 21st -Sagittarius
o Brittaney Billinger
o Bethany Aluise
o Tina Chickering
o Jeannie Schleip
o Ally Stewart
o Sam Olsen
o Mariah Zamarrippa
o Sarah Campo
o Sam Kates
o Megan Knott
o Breanna Sorensen
Vice President:

Recognition Box
o Rachel Weinberg
o Tanner Lewey
o Jessica Cathey
o Brittany Billinger
o Iris Mansfield
o Beth Wilson
o Becca Nowakowski
o Mary Beth Elliott
o Lucy King
o Kelly Woods
o Winner: Becca Nowakowski
Secret Sister
o Yeah! This is today!
o During the party
Senior Recognition
o At the end of the meeting!
No Report
o $2,057.60
Service Journals
o Due tonight at midnight
o Must be in a folder, binder, or notebook or they wont be accepted
o You need 20 hours for the semester and you can take 7 from summer
Adopt a family
o Money is due tonight.
o $10 for an hour, cap of 3 hours
o Shopping for this will be December 4th around 5:30 pm
o Meeting in the Valk parking lot to leave for this
Door Decs
o Due tonight
o 4 for an hour, cap of 2 hours
o We will be hanging these up on Decemeber 4th at 4:30
o Meeting in Valk at 4:15 to head over there
o Sign up here:!/show
o The pledge project got a thankyou! How nice
Humane society
o There is no cap on items or money donations
o Drop them off directly at the shelter or give them to Alexis

o Have someone at the shelter or Alexis sign your journal

No Report
No Report
No Report
No Report
Bridal Show:
No Report
o She has these! Come get them!
Public Relations:
o If you havent gotten your org. shirt, please let Alli know this week!
o Rachael Hetzel is taking Alis place next semester as public relations
-Katelyn Schumacher
-Rebecca Trivette
-Bethany Aluise
-Tori Cantrell
-Alyssa Graham
-Allison Liebhart
-Alli Abernathy
-Marcie Webber
-Rachel Weinberg
Thank you seniors for everything you have done for Sigma Society!
-Margaret Guss: Her grandpa is down 70 pounds
Rachel Weinberg: Her step mom is having a daughter.
Jeannie Schleip: Last week she had some tests done and all came back negative!
Lily White: The pledge shirts are still at student body
Mikaela Campbell: Martina McBrides head touched her head
Alex Parrish: She got promoted
Mary: She is still selling scarves and towels
Katileyn McGuffin: Cousin is about to have a baby

Mary Beth Elliott: Two of her cousins are going to have a baby
Margaret Eliason: Having a sigma spa day this Saturday at her duplex!
No riddle this week! Have a good break!
Sigma Society website:

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