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Our Lady Of Lebanon Parish - Toronto

Maronite Catholic Church - Served by the Antonine Maronite Order

fhQdG ffG fgdG eJ ,fhQJ - d IS YQ

Pastor: Fr. Youssef Chedid OAM Associate Pastor: Fr. Elie Abou Assaf OAM
JK design Group, Inc
Joe Khalil, Tel: 416-939-2961

this % with

Granite-Quartz counter top, Tile & hardwood
29 Hardwood Ave. South, Ajax, Ontario

Opening of the Liturgical Year sdG dG aG

Zee Designs
Diamond manufacture

Expert in special order:

engagement Rings,
Wedding Bands,
Diamond Earings.

Sunday, November 9th, 2014

Dedication of the Church

Norma: Cell: 647 608 3143

2014 dG jJ 9 MG
dG j MGC
Marriage Banns

Mass Intentions
(416) 590-0059

Third Banns: Fadi Eid & Imane Nassar

Sunday, November 9th, 2014

Tony Jaja
Mutual Funds Representative
9200 Bathrust Street, Unit 29
Thornhill, ON L4J 8W1
Phone: 905-882-9600 Fax: 905-882-9601
Toll Free: 1-866-996-2111 SFISCC Call Centre: 1-866-814-6597


Assumption cemetery (905) 670-8801

Holy Cross cemetery (905) 889-7467

Global Logistics Management Inc.

Air Freight, Ocean freight,
Custom clearance

Dedication of the Church

2014 fdG jJ 9 MG
dG j MGC

10:30am, 12:30pm & 7:00pm: For the intentions of Our Lady of

Lebanon parishioners

Dina Bakhit
151 Brunel Road Units # 18 & 19,
Mississauga, L4Z 2H6

Collection, $2258.00

Donation, $1900.00

Grand Total, $4158.00

OLOL parish thanks all the families for their annual donation of $300 CND.

Beirut, Dubai, Jordan,

Saudi-Arabia, Doha
Tel : 905-501-9958. Cell : 416-300-5025

Church Income (October 19th, 2014)

.d IS d QhO 300 H jdG gdG f

Saturday, November 15th, 2014 2014 fdG jJ 15 dG

6:30pm: 40 Days Memorial mass for the late Georges Skaf
offered by his wife Georgettes and her children Najwa, Tony, Laba,
Marlo, Joe and their families

Sunday, November 16th, 2014

Announcement to Zechariah

2014 fdG jJ 16 MG

10:30am, 12:30pm & 7:00pm: For the intentions of Our Lady of

Lebanon parishioners

Keep in touch!
Dear parishioners, if your address has recently changed, please contact the
office of the parish to update our records.

Contact us
Please contact the office of the parish to arrange for any sacrament of the
Office hours: Mon thru Fri from 10:00am to 3:00pm
Marriage: A marriage preparation course is necessary. Please call the Priest
one year before the planned wedding date and before arranging the hall.
Baptism: Please make an appointment one month in advance.
Ministry of the Sick: Inform the priest for assistance.
Confession: By appointment or before the Mass.

December 6th

Dr. Raymond G. Fayad


Mass Schedule: Saturdays at 6:30 pm, Sundays at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm at OLOL church (1515 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON)
Sundays at 7:00pm at Holy Redeemer Church (796 Eyer Dr., Pickering, ON)
1515 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario M6R 1A5 Phone: 416-534-7070. Fax: 416-530-4103.

A reading from the Letter to the Hebrews (9: 11-15)

Your blessings Father

Gospel (John 10: 22-42)

Brothers and sisters, But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that have
come to be, passing through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by
hands, that is, not belonging to this creation, he entered once for all into the sanctuary,
not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal
redemption. For if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of a heifer's ashes can
sanctify those who are defiled so that their flesh is cleansed, how much more will the
blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to God,
cleanse our consciences from dead works to worship the living God. For this reason he
is mediator of a new covenant: since a death has taken place for deliverance from
transgressions under the first covenant, those who are called may receive the promised
eternal inheritance. Praise be to God always.

The feast of the Dedication was then

taking place in Jerusalem. It was winter.
And Jesus walked about in the temple
area on the Portico of Solomon. So the
Jews gathered around him and said to
him, "How long are you going to keep us
in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell
us plainly." Jesus answered them, "I told
you and you do not believe. The works I
do in my Father's name testify to me.
But you do not believe, because you are
not among my sheep. My sheep hear my
voice; I know them, and they follow me. I
give them eternal life, and they shall
never perish. No one can take them out
of my hand. My Father, who has given
them to me, is greater than all, and no
one can take them out of the Father's
hand. The Father and I are one." The
Jews again picked up rocks to stone
him. Jesus answered them, "I have
shown you many good works from my
Father. For which of these are you trying
to stone me?" The Jews answered him,
"We are not stoning you for a good work
but for blasphemy. You, a man, are
making yourself God." Jesus answered
them, "Is it not written in your law, 'I
said, "You are gods"'? If it calls them
gods to whom the word of God came,
and scripture cannot be set aside, can
you say that the one whom the Father
has consecrated and sent into the world
blasphemes because I said, 'I am the
Son of God'? If I do not perform my
Father's works, do not believe me; but if
I perform them, even if you do not
believe me, believe the works, so that
you may realize (and understand) that
the Father is in me and I am in the
Father." (Then) they tried again to arrest
him; but he escaped from their power.
He went back across the Jordan to the
place where John first baptized, and
there he remained. Many came to him
and said, "John performed no sign, but
everything John said about this man was
true." And many there began to believe
in him.
This is the truth. Peace be with you.

(15 -11 :9 Y) fGdG GE dSdG rep lra

uS j QHh
,ncrCnGh nnYrCnG nprn`dG RnnLrGh ,nJpBG pGnrn`dG QpnMrGCn npYn nnXn rnan opn`dG esGCn ,JnNpGE j
pnHp ,InMpGh Iksen pSGnbrCnG pSrbo pGE nNnnan ,nn`dG pp`g ep nrdn rGCn ,pjrCnHpp orn`dG
n Zn
pOenQnh pGnrudGh pSot`dG pOn tTQn nc GPpEa .jvpHnGCn AkGnap nd nsnan ,ngo ppenHp rHn ,oodGh pSot`dG
onrfn nsbn dsG ,pnrdG oOn inMrCnHp nan ,goounoan goOnnLrGCn oSunoj ,psno`dG Y pnrpdG
! qn`dG ndG norndp ,nrn`dGp nYrCnG ne fn
n pnV ounoj ,ap nrYn fkHnrbo updRnCnG phtdHp pd
ppH nnjn snM ,hsnCG prndG pjnunnpd AkGnap ooJen QnnU rbnh ,jpLn mrnpd
o pSndG noan
n pdpdh
.kpFGO pd ondGh . HCG pGnrpdrG nYrhn nhtYorn`dG
Novena for the construction of our new church
Third Sunday
God, almighty Father, from the creation of the universe, you guide humanity towards
yourself in loving care. In your son Jesus you call us to be brothers and sisters, to serve
you and to witness your love in our daily life. Through the Holy Spirit you gather us in one
church as a community of faith in the image of the Holy Family of Nazareth to love you,
adore you and give you thanks. We entrust you with the entire endeavor of the
construction of our new church, the one in flesh and the one in stone. Through the
example of Jesus Christ, make us generous donors and strong builders of your Kingdom,
so that we can be united, and hand in hand, build in Toronto, a new and holy church, a
temple of your presence among us and a home for each of our families. We ask you this,
through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Lebanon, and all the saints. Amen.
Neuvaine pour la construction de notre nouvelle glise
Troisime Dimanche
Dieu le Pre tout puissant, depuis la cration de lunivers tu guides lhumanit vers toi
avec bienveillance et amour. En Jsus, ton fils, tu nous appelles tre frres et surs,
pour te servir et tmoigner de ton amour dans nos vies quotidiennes. Par lEsprit Saint tu
nous rassembles en glise, tu fais de nous une communaut de foi limage de la Sainte
Famille de Nazareth pour taimer, tadorer et te rendre grce. Nous te confions toutes nos
dmarches pour le projet de la construction de notre nouvelle glise, celle de la chair et
de la pierre. A lexemple de Jsus-Christ, fais de nous des donateurs gnreux et des
btisseurs forts de ton Royaume, afin que nous puissions tre solidaires et, mains en
mains, nous btissions, Toronto, une glise nouvelle et sainte, temple de ta prsence
parmi nous et maison pour chacune de nos familles. Nous te le demandons par
lintercession de la Vierge Marie, Notre Dame du Liban et de tous les saints. Amen

(42-22 /10 Mj) G

oran ncnh ,pnTQnho GC pjprndG oYp nMn
,nrn`dG snnjn oojn ncnh .AnpdG
n MnCnan .nrnoS pGhnQp
GhoNnGCnh oOondG pHp
rpEG ? InpFMn nnSoof proJ nen pGE' :odn ndoojn
oHnLnGCn .'knMGnnU ndn oroan ,pn`dG
n frGCn
n rco
onYrCnGCn .operDoJ osp`d ,odn oorbo' :ojn
.pd onrJn ngp HpGCn prSHp fnGCn no nYrnGC pdsG
.apGnNp rpe ordn ofsCn ,operDoJ osp`d
gph ,naopYrGCn fnGCnh ,JprnU onrJn apGnNp

n prJn rnan ,jspHnnGC IknMn npYro GC fnGCnh .ponrJn

dsG HpGCn .pjn rpe lMnnGC nnnrjn rdnhn ,GkHnGCn
Qoprjn h ,qodG npe onYrGCn ngo gnjspGE fpnYrGCn
oBGh fnGCn .BG pjn rep nnnrjn rGCn lMnGCn
IkQnnMp ,mjpLn rpe ,oOondG nNnCnan .'MpGhn
n pcn knnMn knYrGCn' :ojn odn nbn .oLornpd
nrpe mnYn u
Cn an ,BG prYp rpe oojrQnGCn
mnMn mnndp ' :OondG oHnLnGCn .?' pfnoLorJn
n fsCn .jprnpd rHn ,
n oLorfn
n frGCnhn ,
nco enGC' :ojn oHnLnGC .'k`dpGE
n nrfn orJn
pfncn GPnpEan ? ndpGB ofspGE
o rbo fnGCn :oJpGQnrJn
prdnpGE rQnnU njpdsG
n p`dho GC kndpGB YorJn IoGQnrsdG
,npdG nnroj rGCn oproj h ,dG onpcn
oBG onSsbn dsG fnGCn ,pd ndooJn
n rnan
o rbo ufC ;unoJ
n frGC :dnndG pGE onnSQrGCnh
,HpGCn nnYrGCn onYrGCn
o rco rpGE ? dG orHG fnGCn
rpGEh ,no nYrGCn
o rco GPnpGE esGCn ,pfnbounoJ a
,nYrCnG pp`g Gbounan ,fpbounoJ orco
fuGCnhn sap nBG sGCn GoperDoJh GaoprJn npd
pGE ,qoOQro CG prYp pGE oojn OnYnh ...
' BG
.ngo nbnCnan ,orbn r`pe runoj sMnoj ncn
o rMn
rnrjn rdn' :doojn Gofcnh nh
o cn rdnpGE JnGCnh
Gn`g odnbn en tco ,rp`dh ,jnGB snGC sMnoj
o pcn nngo pHp nenBa .'vMn ncn pLosdG
. oeCGh vM

dG j MGC
n Gp S Gp YCG pe fpFV pJnh JpGhP pjd OnGSG oHof MCG g
.jG pdG pHPh hqCG pdG pFHP H ndG fGdG GE pdSdG oJpc nsYn rGC nH
o M nALdG oojnh nGeCG oa npHo e ppenH oj oOuoj c ndG if
pXo e gQounoj jkY GkFb GhnfG OdG ?j T eGC Qof g qMj GE
fQnsM BG e oHG oenbGC dG njG ndG qGC ofn g ?j e of opbe g a ehdG
?Qf GPeh jsuG g ofn nc .QGdG jsM od mIcm KGC pe
2014 dG jJ 6 fa HdG Y
b fC U M Y M WG e jj
' j' GC e G G j '
MdG Y N fa HdG dG Y OT e Gg ,'MGC GC j GC jj dG dG
.FdG gQdGh dG hG e Y Y HdG cQ .JdG JQe jdG QGO e
QJ eh ICd j SG e hej Gfc jdG GC dH ec fa SG
GC d GJ' :kMR HdG a c J QeCG g fc bdG dP a ,e dG
!'M IOLe fc dG
dG b GC c if G jg eh ,dG Y J e c Y dG ,LGC e j JGC e Gg
e a d' j g ,OhG bGC G G Hj H e f Y bj dGh ,j
j jdG c .eCG G FGO j fGE H !c !'e dh e Gh ,SH
OdG g a f dj Gfc ,'jdG e bj' Gfc GC G
k c FGh HQCH
dG HGQ IQ d dG !dG Y Nj Gg' :HH Gkc HQ dh GG g GC
.dG `e g g jdG M UG Ie Sh BG g
,j dG H Y j dG SCG Y kSCe Y SbCG CG cGC dP fL G
j c .jN
B d H dGh hG IQhH b j dG G Yh
e jjGC G'Kj' GC hjj a ,dGh jdc M Y fCH j jdG dhG
g f ,ICN SdG ADg CH d c vf vM c GEh G CH hj Gfc a ICG
!!SdG hj Gfc
b GC Y j fC ,e g jdG e bj dG SCG GE HdG GCH
IQH j G YGdG GE .MGC GC j GC jj fC OhG bGC G gjh ,dG
fe j G Tjh ,gdG Y j M G ga jj j GC j ddh ,MGC
Y f GC dG e .dc Gfj GC j G ch ,ddG YGdG dh MGQh
G gj dG HG C dG HG hGC G T e d dP dh jdG a c jNBG
.jdG e bj h OhG bGC
IOdH dG G Ljh f e j dG g G YGdG GC Y HdG OT G
aQ j fGC Gj jdG ADg' .UG dSH jNBG d jh IdGh
g e Gj Dg...dG fe G H IOdGh H cCG Y hG
b e dG e JCj ,AdG g G dG dh g e kjJ j Gh...dG
.'..G BG

A reading from the Letter to the Hebrews (9: 11-15)

Your blessings Father

Gospel (John 10: 22-42)

Brothers and sisters, But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that have
come to be, passing through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by
hands, that is, not belonging to this creation, he entered once for all into the sanctuary,
not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal
redemption. For if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of a heifer's ashes can
sanctify those who are defiled so that their flesh is cleansed, how much more will the
blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to God,
cleanse our consciences from dead works to worship the living God. For this reason he
is mediator of a new covenant: since a death has taken place for deliverance from
transgressions under the first covenant, those who are called may receive the promised
eternal inheritance. Praise be to God always.

The feast of the Dedication was then

taking place in Jerusalem. It was winter.
And Jesus walked about in the temple
area on the Portico of Solomon. So the
Jews gathered around him and said to
him, "How long are you going to keep us
in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell
us plainly." Jesus answered them, "I told
you and you do not believe. The works I
do in my Father's name testify to me.
But you do not believe, because you are
not among my sheep. My sheep hear my
voice; I know them, and they follow me. I
give them eternal life, and they shall
never perish. No one can take them out
of my hand. My Father, who has given
them to me, is greater than all, and no
one can take them out of the Father's
hand. The Father and I are one." The
Jews again picked up rocks to stone
him. Jesus answered them, "I have
shown you many good works from my
Father. For which of these are you trying
to stone me?" The Jews answered him,
"We are not stoning you for a good work
but for blasphemy. You, a man, are
making yourself God." Jesus answered
them, "Is it not written in your law, 'I
said, "You are gods"'? If it calls them
gods to whom the word of God came,
and scripture cannot be set aside, can
you say that the one whom the Father
has consecrated and sent into the world
blasphemes because I said, 'I am the
Son of God'? If I do not perform my
Father's works, do not believe me; but if
I perform them, even if you do not
believe me, believe the works, so that
you may realize (and understand) that
the Father is in me and I am in the
Father." (Then) they tried again to arrest
him; but he escaped from their power.
He went back across the Jordan to the
place where John first baptized, and
there he remained. Many came to him
and said, "John performed no sign, but
everything John said about this man was
true." And many there began to believe
in him.
This is the truth. Peace be with you.

(15 -11 :9 Y) fGdG GE dSdG rep lra

uS j QHh
,ncrCnGh nnYrCnG nprn`dG RnnLrGh ,nJpBG pGnrn`dG QpnMrGCn npYn nnXn rnan opn`dG esGCn ,JnNpGE j
pnHp ,InMpGh Iksen pSGnbrCnG pSrbo pGE nNnnan ,nn`dG pp`g ep nrdn rGCn ,pjrCnHpp orn`dG
n Zn
pOenQnh pGnrudGh pSot`dG pOn tTQn nc GPpEa .jvpHnGCn AkGnap nd nsnan ,ngo ppenHp rHn ,oodGh pSot`dG
onrfn nsbn dsG ,pnrdG oOn inMrCnHp nan ,goounoan goOnnLrGCn oSunoj ,psno`dG Y pnrpdG
! qn`dG ndG norndp ,nrn`dGp nYrCnG ne fn
n pnV ounoj ,ap nrYn fkHnrbo updRnCnG phtdHp pd
ppH nnjn snM ,hsnCG prndG pjnunnpd AkGnap ooJen QnnU rbnh ,jpLn mrnpd
o pSndG noan
n pdpdh
.kpFGO pd ondGh . HCG pGnrpdrG nYrhn nhtYorn`dG
Novena for the construction of our new church
Third Sunday
God, almighty Father, from the creation of the universe, you guide humanity towards
yourself in loving care. In your son Jesus you call us to be brothers and sisters, to serve
you and to witness your love in our daily life. Through the Holy Spirit you gather us in one
church as a community of faith in the image of the Holy Family of Nazareth to love you,
adore you and give you thanks. We entrust you with the entire endeavor of the
construction of our new church, the one in flesh and the one in stone. Through the
example of Jesus Christ, make us generous donors and strong builders of your Kingdom,
so that we can be united, and hand in hand, build in Toronto, a new and holy church, a
temple of your presence among us and a home for each of our families. We ask you this,
through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Lebanon, and all the saints. Amen.
Neuvaine pour la construction de notre nouvelle glise
Troisime Dimanche
Dieu le Pre tout puissant, depuis la cration de lunivers tu guides lhumanit vers toi
avec bienveillance et amour. En Jsus, ton fils, tu nous appelles tre frres et surs,
pour te servir et tmoigner de ton amour dans nos vies quotidiennes. Par lEsprit Saint tu
nous rassembles en glise, tu fais de nous une communaut de foi limage de la Sainte
Famille de Nazareth pour taimer, tadorer et te rendre grce. Nous te confions toutes nos
dmarches pour le projet de la construction de notre nouvelle glise, celle de la chair et
de la pierre. A lexemple de Jsus-Christ, fais de nous des donateurs gnreux et des
btisseurs forts de ton Royaume, afin que nous puissions tre solidaires et, mains en
mains, nous btissions, Toronto, une glise nouvelle et sainte, temple de ta prsence
parmi nous et maison pour chacune de nos familles. Nous te le demandons par
lintercession de la Vierge Marie, Notre Dame du Liban et de tous les saints. Amen

(42-22 /10 Mj) G

oran ncnh ,pnTQnho GC pjprndG oYp nMn
,nrn`dG snnjn oojn ncnh .AnpdG
n MnCnan .nrnoS pGhnQp
GhoNnGCnh oOondG pHp
rpEG ? InpFMn nnSoof proJ nen pGE' :odn ndoojn
oHnLnGCn .'knMGnnU ndn oroan ,pn`dG
n frGCn
n rco
onYrCnGCn .operDoJ osp`d ,odn oorbo' :ojn
.pd onrJn ngp HpGCn prSHp fnGCn no nYrnGC pdsG
.apGnNp rpe ordn ofsCn ,operDoJ osp`d
gph ,naopYrGCn fnGCnh ,JprnU onrJn apGnNp

n prJn rnan ,jspHnnGC IknMn npYro GC fnGCnh .ponrJn

dsG HpGCn .pjn rpe lMnnGC nnnrjn rdnhn ,GkHnGCn
Qoprjn h ,qodG npe onYrGCn ngo gnjspGE fpnYrGCn
oBGh fnGCn .BG pjn rep nnnrjn rGCn lMnGCn
IkQnnMp ,mjpLn rpe ,oOondG nNnCnan .'MpGhn
n pcn knnMn knYrGCn' :ojn odn nbn .oLornpd
nrpe mnYn u
Cn an ,BG prYp rpe oojrQnGCn
mnMn mnndp ' :OondG oHnLnGCn .?' pfnoLorJn
n fsCn .jprnpd rHn ,
n oLorfn
n frGCnhn ,
nco enGC' :ojn oHnLnGC .'k`dpGE
n nrfn orJn
pfncn GPnpEan ? ndpGB ofspGE
o rbo fnGCn :oJpGQnrJn
prdnpGE rQnnU njpdsG
n p`dho GC kndpGB YorJn IoGQnrsdG
,npdG nnroj rGCn oproj h ,dG onpcn
oBG onSsbn dsG fnGCn ,pd ndooJn
n rnan
o rbo ufC ;unoJ
n frGC :dnndG pGE onnSQrGCnh
,HpGCn nnYrGCn onYrGCn
o rco rpGE ? dG orHG fnGCn
rpGEh ,no nYrGCn
o rco GPnpGE esGCn ,pfnbounoJ a
,nYrCnG pp`g Gbounan ,fpbounoJ orco
fuGCnhn sap nBG sGCn GoperDoJh GaoprJn npd
pGE ,qoOQro CG prYp pGE oojn OnYnh ...
' BG
.ngo nbnCnan ,orbn r`pe runoj sMnoj ncn
o rMn
rnrjn rdn' :doojn Gofcnh nh
o cn rdnpGE JnGCnh
Gn`g odnbn en tco ,rp`dh ,jnGB snGC sMnoj
o pcn nngo pHp nenBa .'vMn ncn pLosdG
. oeCGh vM

dG j MGC
n Gp S Gp YCG pe fpFV pJnh JpGhP pjd OnGSG oHof MCG g
.jG pdG pHPh hqCG pdG pFHP H ndG fGdG GE pdSdG oJpc nsYn rGC nH
o M nALdG oojnh nGeCG oa npHo e ppenH oj oOuoj c ndG if
pXo e gQounoj jkY GkFb GhnfG OdG ?j T eGC Qof g qMj GE
fQnsM BG e oHG oenbGC dG njG ndG qGC ofn g ?j e of opbe g a ehdG
?Qf GPeh jsuG g ofn nc .QGdG jsM od mIcm KGC pe
2014 dG jJ 6 fa HdG Y
b fC U M Y M WG e jj
' j' GC e G G j '
MdG Y N fa HdG dG Y OT e Gg ,'MGC GC j GC jj dG dG
.FdG gQdGh dG hG e Y Y HdG cQ .JdG JQe jdG QGO e
QJ eh ICd j SG e hej Gfc jdG GC dH ec fa SG
GC d GJ' :kMR HdG a c J QeCG g fc bdG dP a ,e dG
!'M IOLe fc dG
dG b GC c if G jg eh ,dG Y J e c Y dG ,LGC e j JGC e Gg
e a d' j g ,OhG bGC G G Hj H e f Y bj dGh ,j
j jdG c .eCG G FGO j fGE H !c !'e dh e Gh ,SH
OdG g a f dj Gfc ,'jdG e bj' Gfc GC G
k c FGh HQCH
dG HGQ IQ d dG !dG Y Nj Gg' :HH Gkc HQ dh GG g GC
.dG `e g g jdG M UG Ie Sh BG g
,j dG H Y j dG SCG Y kSCe Y SbCG CG cGC dP fL G
j c .jN
B d H dGh hG IQhH b j dG G Yh
e jjGC G'Kj' GC hjj a ,dGh jdc M Y fCH j jdG dhG
g f ,ICN SdG ADg CH d c vf vM c GEh G CH hj Gfc a ICG
!!SdG hj Gfc
b GC Y j fC ,e g jdG e bj dG SCG GE HdG GCH
IQH j G YGdG GE .MGC GC j GC jj fC OhG bGC G gjh ,dG
fe j G Tjh ,gdG Y j M G ga jj j GC j ddh ,MGC
Y f GC dG e .dc Gfj GC j G ch ,ddG YGdG dh MGQh
G gj dG HG C dG HG hGC G T e d dP dh jdG a c jNBG
.jdG e bj h OhG bGC
IOdH dG G Ljh f e j dG g G YGdG GC Y HdG OT G
aQ j fGC Gj jdG ADg' .UG dSH jNBG d jh IdGh
g e Gj Dg...dG fe G H IOdGh H cCG Y hG
b e dG e JCj ,AdG g G dG dh g e kjJ j Gh...dG
.'..G BG

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