House Maintenance Checklist

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ossibly change out HVAC filters

Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC filters

Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC

sink disposal

Clean kitchen sink disposal

Clean kitchen sink disposal

ood filters

Clean range hood filters

Clean range hood filters

re extinguisher(s)

Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)

Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)












arbon monoxide detectors

Regularly check for ice dams and icicles

oor auto-reverse feature

Test your electricity to the extent that you can

d flush toilets in unused spaces

Tighten any handles, knobs, racks, etc.

oftener, add salt if needed

Check all locks and deadbolts on your doors and windows


Check caulking around showers and bathtubs; repair as needed


Remove showerheads and clean sediment


Deep clean and inspect the basement

se a deep clean


refrigerator coils






ossibly change out HVAC filters

Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC filters

Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC

sink disposal

Clean kitchen sink disposal

Clean kitchen sink disposal

ood filters

Clean range hood filters

Clean range hood filters

re extinguisher(s)

Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)

Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)












arbon monoxide detectors

Check the exterior drainage

oor auto-reverse feature

Clean out gutters

d flush toilets in unused spaces

Inspect the exterior of your home

oftener, add salt if needed

Get your air conditioning system ready for summer; consider servic


Repair/replace damaged window screens


Clear dead plants/shrubs from the house


Check trees for interference with electric lines

er heaters pressure relief valve


ries in smoke/carbon monoxide detectors




Inspect roofing for damage, leaks, etc.



ossibly change out HVAC filters

Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC filters

Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC

sink disposal

Clean kitchen sink disposal

Clean kitchen sink disposal

ood filters

Clean range hood filters

Clean range hood filters

re extinguisher(s)

Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)

Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)












arbon monoxide detectors

Check grout in bathrooms, kitchen, etc.; repair as needed

oor auto-reverse feature

Inspect plumbing for leaks, clean aerators on faucets

d flush toilets in unused spaces

Take care of any insect problems you may have

oftener, add salt if needed

Clean and repair deck/patio as needed


Clean out window wells of debris


Check and clean dryer vent, other exhaust vents to exterior of hom


Clean garage

se a deep clean


refrigerator coils







ossibly change out HVAC filters

Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC filters

Inspect, and possibly change out HVAC

sink disposal

Clean kitchen sink disposal

Clean kitchen sink disposal

ood filters

Clean range hood filters

Clean range hood filters

re extinguisher(s)

Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)

Inspect your fire extinguisher(s)












arbon monoxide detectors

Flush hot water heater and remove sediment

oor auto-reverse feature

Winterize air conditioning system

d flush toilets in unused spaces

Get heating system ready for winter

oftener, add salt if needed

Turn off and flush outdoor water faucets


Get chimney cleaned


Test sump pump


Check driveway/pavement for cracks

er heaters pressure relief valve


ries in smoke/carbon monoxide detectors




Buy winter gear

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