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Instructor: Dr. Betty Edelman

GR 4.202C – Office hours – Monday 3:00pm to 4:00pm
TA: Min Wei, GR 4.404,
Office hours – Monday & Wednesday 11:00am to 12:00

• PSY 2317 – Statistics for Psychology or
• PSY 3390 – Strategies of Research or
• STAT 1342

Abstract: This course is designed to develop the student’s ability to apply basic statistical
methods to the design and analysis of experiments. Subject areas include: descriptive
statistics (e.g., mean, variance, standard deviation), simple probability, distributions (e.g.,
normal, F), simple correlation and regression, concepts of multiple regression, and
inferential statistics (e.g., hypothesis testing, criterion, sources of error, analysis of
variance between subjects and repeated measures, factorial designs, planned
comparisons, and intensity of an effect.) The relationship between regression and
analysis of variance is emphasized.

Course Requirements:
- Required textbooks
1. Experimental Design and Research Methods for Undergraduate
Students, Version 2, Abdi, Edelman, Dowling, Valentin,
2. PSY 3392 – Research Design and Analysis Student Workbook,
Version 3, Edelman, Valentin, Choi, Drege, Abdi, Dowling
- A simple pocket calculator.

Attendance is required for all classes. If tests are missed, no make-ups will be
provided unless you supply a medical certificate or other documentation for a
necessary absence. If you know ahead that you must be absent, supply a note in
advance and, if justified, necessary arrangements will be made. If a test is missed,
and the absence is not excused, the grade given will be 0. Homework will be
graded and assignments not turned in will also result in a grade of 0. Homework
must be turned in on time.

Experimental Credits: Because this is a core course you must complete 2

experimental credits by the last day of classes, April 25. If you do not turn in
your experimental credit sheet by this time you will receive an incomplete (X) for
the course. Your course grade will be posted when this requirement is satisfied.
Evaluation: – All tests are open book and open notes
• 5 tests (70%)
• Homework assignments (20%) – must be turned in on time
• Attendance (10%) – based on percentage of classes attended

The attendance grade is computed as the percent of classes attended. There are 28
classes. If you attend 26 classes (93% attendance) your attendance grade is 93.
Absences due to illness or other serious emergencies are excused. You must
supply a written note (or email) and documentation.

The homework assignments are all in the Student Workbook. Place your answers
on the forms provided. Remove the pages and staple together to turn in.
Homework will be graded and returned to you before the test on the material.

Grade Assignment Policy:

Grades will be assigned based on your numeric average computed from the three parts
listed above.
• 93 – 100 = A
• 90 – 92 = A-
• 88 – 89 = B+
• 83 – 87 = B
• 80 – 82 = B-
• 78 – 79 = C+
• 73 – 77 = C
• 70 – 72 = C-
• 68 – 69 = D+
• 63 – 67 = D
• 60 – 62 = D-
• Below 60 = F

I do not provide extra credit work.

Research Design and Analysis: Spring 2005


Date Lecture Homework Reading

01/10/05 Introduction Text Chapter 1
Descriptive Statistics

01/12/05 Intro to Probability Text Chapter 2

01/17/05 ------------ Holiday ------------- ------------------------ ------------------------

01/19/05 Elementary Probability HW due – Chap 1 Text Chapter 2

Bayes Theorem

01/24/05 Probability Distributions HW due – Chap 2 Text Chapter 3

01/26/05 Experimental Design HW due – Chap 3 Text Chapter 4

Workbook Chap 4
Summary and Exercise
01/31/05 Correlation Text Chapter 5

02/02/05 **TEST 1 (Chap 1, 2, 3, 4)** ------------------------ ------------------------

02/07/05 Statistical Test HW due – Chap 5 Text Chapter 6

02/09/05 Regression HW due – Chap 6 Text Chapter 7

02/14/05 Regression continued

02/16/05 One factor ANOVA S(A) HW due – Chap 7 Text Chapter 8

02/21/05 One factor ANOVA S(A) Text Chapter 9

02/23/05 **TEST 2 (Chap 5, 6, & 7)** ------------------------ ------------------------

02/28/05 One factor ANOVA S(A)

03/02/05 ANOVA Regression View HW due – Chap 8,9 Text Chapter 10

Date Lecture Homework Reading
03/07/05 Spring Break ------------------------ ------------------------

03/09/05 Spring Break ------------------------ ------------------------

03/14/05 Planned Comparisons HW due – Chap 10 Text Chapter 11

03/16/05 Contrast Computation

03/21/05 **TEST 3 (Chap 8, 9, 10)** ------------------------ ------------------------

03/23/05 Experimental Design HW due – Chap 11 Text Chapter 12

Parts a and b

03/28/05 Two factor ANOVA S(A × B) Workbook Chap 13a

Summary & Exercise

03/30/05 Two factor ANOVA S(A × B) Text Chapter 13

04/04/05 **TEST 4 (Chap 11, 12)** ------------------------ ------------------------

04/06/05 Repeated Measures S × A HW due – Chap 13 Text Chapter 14

Part b only

04/11/05 Repeated Measures S × A

04/13/05 Partially Repeated Measures HW due – Chap 14 Text Chapter 16

S(A) × B

04/18/05 Review

04/20/05 Review HW – Chap 16

Bring to class for
self checking

04/25/05 **TEST 5 (Chap 13, 14, 16)**

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