UT Dallas Syllabus For Phin1122.002 05f Taught by Kimberly Baker (Kbaker)

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Instructor: Kim Baker T R 9:30-10:45

Office Phone: (972) 883-2096 MW 2:00-3:00

Course Description

This course emphasizes the development of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and
muscular endurance by utilizing both weight training and cardiovascular training. The students
will participate in activities both as a class and individually to achieve the goals that they set for
themselves utilizing all equipment available. Intensity levels can modified to accommodate all
levels of fitness.

Course Objectives

1. The student should understand the general concepts of physical fitness.

2. The student should be able to figure minimum and maximum target heart rates,
approximate caloric needs and expenditures, and have a general knowledge of nutrition
as it applies to physical fitness.
3. The student should understand what constitutes aerobic and anaerobic activity, the
different types of weight training programs and their objectives, and be able to design a
workout program.
4. The student should understand how to maintain fitness through participation in various

General Course Outline

Weeks 1-4 Fitness assessments, orientation to the weight room, introduction to weight
training concepts, begin workout programs, introduction to fitness concepts.
Weeks 5-9 Continuation of individual workout programs, nutrition and weight management,
Mid-Term Exam
Weeks 10-13 Continuation of individual workout programs
Weeks 14-15 Repeat fitness assessments, review for test, Final Exam

Evaluation Letter Grades

Attendance 50 points 97 - 100 = A 77 - 79 = C+

Mid Term Exam 20 points 93 - 96 = A 73 - 76 = C
Final Exam 30 points 90 - 92 = A- 70 - 72 = C-
Total Points 100 points 87 - 89 = B+ 67 - 69 = D+
83 - 86 = B 63 - 66 = D
80 - 82 = B- 60 - 62 = D-
Attendance and Participation

You will be allowed three (3) absences before your attendance grade is affected. For each
absence thereafter, five (5) points will be deducted for each absence. YOU WILL NOT BE

If you miss the Mid-Term Exam you must contact the instructor within one week of the exam
date in order to complete a make-up exam.

If you are more than fifteen minutes late to class it will count as a tardy. Two tardies will result
in one absence or a loss of five points (5 points) being deducted from your total grade.

If you attend class, you are expected to participate. Full credit (5 points) for each class will only
be given to those who attend and participate the entire class period; otherwise, points will be

Class Etiquette

You are expected to dress in appropriate workout attire and follow the weight room guidelines in
order to participate in the workout. NO CELL PHONES IN USE DURING THE CLASS

Drop/Withdrawal Policy

If at any time you wish to drop this course, you must initiate the action yourself. The instructor
is not responsible for dropping the student, and if the student fails to withdraw from the class, the
instructor will assign a grade accordingly.

Exercise Precautions

You will be guided through an orientation to the weight room equipment and how to properly
execute the exercises involved as well as how to set up an begin an individual workout program.
However, there is an individual responsibility for following exercise precautions. If you have
refrained from regular physical activity for a long time, have recently had surgery, are forty or
more years of age, are obese, or have specific limitations, you are advised to consult with your
physician before starting this program.

Progress gradually and sensibly in your workouts. If you are unsure about a particular
discomfort or pain, please consult your physician. If you experience chest pains, palpitations,
excessive shortness of breath, or persistent light- headedness, stop exercising and consult with
your physician before you continue with your exercise program.

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