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HCS 6313
Monday & Wednesday, 5:30pm–6:45pm
Professor: Dr. H. Abdi (GR 4.216, phone: 883-2065. Office hours: Wednesday 4:00–5:00PM,
Teaching Assistant: Lei Xuan (GR 4.314)
Office hours: M. W. 4:00–5:00PM (or by appointment) email:
Class Home-page:∼LXX021000

The goal of this course is to develop students’ ability to apply basic statistical methods
to the design and analysis of experiments. Subject areas include: descriptive statistics (e.g.,
mean, variance, standard deviation), simple probability, distributions (e.g., binomial, normal,
F ), simple correlation and regression, multiple correlation and regression, inferential statistics,
and basic analysis of variance designs.
• Materials
– Required textbooks:
** Abdi, H., Dowling, J., Valentin, D., Edelman, B., & Posamentier, M. Experi-
mental Design and Research Methods, Vol 1 and 2.
** workbook: Experimental Design and Research Methods, Exercises.
– Recommended textbook:
** Abdi, H., Posamentier, M., & Edelman, B. A SAS Companion to Experimental
Design and Research Methods.
** Cody, R.P. & Smith, J.K. (1997), Applied statistics and the SAS programming
language, 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, (NJ): Prentice Hall (ISBN 0-13-643642-7).
– A simple pocket calculator.

• Attendance is strongly recommended for all classes. As the material and techniques
covered in each lecture build the foundations for concepts introduced in later lec-
tures, students should attend all classes. If a lecture is missed, it is the student’s
responsibility to master the material covered in class.
• Homework exercises are available in the Student Workbook for practice of basic calcu-
lations. The workbook material and exercises are optional, but highly recommended
for those who feel they could use some practice. Note, however, that the format of the
exercises in the workbook does not reflect the format of the questions on the exams.


• Examinations & Grading

– There will be four exams. The focus of these exams will be the material most
recently covered (i.e., after the previous exam). However, the student will still
be responsible for and may be tested on material that has already been covered
by prior exams. Exams 1, 2, and 3 will last for 1 hour 15 minutes; Exam 4 will
last for 3 hours.
– All requests to review a grade for possible adjustment must be made in writing
and signed.
• Make-up Exam Policy If any of the exams are missed, no make-ups will be provided
unless you supply a medical certificate for an excused absence. If you know that
you will be absent, please let us know in advance and we will make the necessary
arrangements (if possible). If a test is missed, and the absence is not excused, the
grade given will be 0.
• Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty (which include cheating, plagiarism, col-
lusion, and falsifying academic records) will be dealt with according to UT policies
as stated in the Faculty Handbook. In case of doubt, you should consult either your
instructor or the Dean of Students (ext. 2053).

HCS 6313 - Spring 2005

Date Lecture Exercises Reading

01/10/05 Review of Descriptive Statistics 1, 2 Appendix A, B

01/12/05 Probability and Probability Distributions 3a, 3b Chapter 1, 2

01/17/05 No class
01/19/05 Binomial Distribution 4a, 4b Chapter 3

01/24/05 Correlation 5a, 5b Chapter 5

01/26/05 Experimental Design & F -test 4c Chapter 4, 6

01/31/05 Simple Regression 6a, 6b Chapter 7

02/02/05 EXAM 1

02/07/05 Orthogonal Multiple Regression 7 Chapter 8

02/09/05 Non-orthogonal Multiple Regression 7 Chapter 9

02/14/05 Non-orthogonal Multiple Regression 7 Chapter 9

02/16/05 anova 1 Factor Design, S(A) 8 Chapter 10, 11

02/21/05 anova 1 Factor Design, S(A), Regression Appr. 9 Chapter 12

02/23/05 anova 1 Factor Design, S(A), Score Model 9 Chapter 13

02/28/05 Planned Orthogonal Comparisons 10 & 11 Chapter 14

03/02/05 EXAM 2

Spring Break, March 06 – 12


Date Lecture Exercises Reading

03/14/05 Planned Orthogonal Comparisons 10 & 11 Chapter 14

03/16/05 Planned Non-Orthogonal Comparisons 10 & 11 Chapter 15

03/21/05 Post Hoc Analyses 10 & 11 Chapter 16

03/23/05 anova 2 Factor Design, S(A × B) I 12 & 13 Chapter 17, 18

03/28/05 anova 2 Factor Design, S(A × B) II 12 & 13 Chapter 17, 18l

03/30/05 EXAM 3

04/04/05 Contrast Analyses for Factorial Designs Chapter 19

04/06/05 anova 1 Factor Repeated Measures Design, 14 Chapter 20

04/11/05 anova 2 Factor Repeated Measures Design, 14 Chapter 21

04/13/05 anova Mixed Design, S(A) × B 15 Chapter 22
& Quasi-F

04/18/05 anova Mixed Design, S × A(B) 15 Chapter 23

04/20/05 Unbalanced Designs To be assigned
The Whole Shebang or Chapter 24 &
How to get rid of the book . . . Appendix D

04/25/05 Review Whole Book

04/27/05 EXAM 4

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