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GISC/POEC/ECO 6384: Spatial Analysis and Modeling

Spring 2006
Monday, 4:00-6: 45 PM (GR 3.602)
Monday 7:00 – 9:45 PM (GR 3.602)

Dr. Fang Qiu
Phone: 972-883-4134
Office: GR3.203
Office Hour: Monday 2:00- 3:00 PM

Teaching Assistant:
Rui Ge, Email:, (972) 883-2908
Office Hours: Monday 2:00 – 4:00 pm; Saturday 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Location: GR 3.602

Course Goal:

This course is the treatment of advanced topics in the application of spatial

analysis in a GIS environment. Topics covered include raster-based modeling,
spatial statistics, 3-dimensional visualization, and network analysis. The latest
developments in GIS technology will be introduced. Student will be acquainted
with the state-of–the-art software, such as ArcGIS spatial analyst, geostatistical
analyst, 3D analyst and network analyst extensions from hands-on laboratory
experiences. The goal of the class is to equip the students with the ability to solve
real world social and environmental problems, such as suitability assessment,
environment inequity, diffusion simulation, distributed drainage runoff prediction,
transportation planning, etc., using GIS tools.


GISC/POEC 6381: Introduction to GIS, or the permission of instructor.

1. Chang, Kang-tsung, 2006, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Third
Edition, McGraw Hill, ISBN (0-07-282682-7) (Required)
2. DeMers, M.N., 2002, GIS Modeling in Raster, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
3. Online books (Using Spatial/3D/Geostatistical Analysts) through WebCT

Course Evaluation:
1. Lab Assignments: 30%
2. Midterm Examination: 25%
3. Final Project Report: 30%
4. Popup Quiz: 10%
5. Class Participation: 5%

Tentative Schedule:

1. Course Overview
Introduction to Spatial Analysis (Ch 1)
Lab 0: How to use WebCT
2. Review of Vector Data Models, and Data Formats (Ch 3, 4,)
3. Raster Data Model and Data Conversion (Ch 5, 13.7)
Lab 1: Grid Display and Query, Vector-Raster Data Conversion
4. Cartographic Modeling, Map Algebra, and Local Operations (Ch 13.1-13.2)
Lab 2: Local Application – Water Volume Calculation and Map Calculator
5. Suitability/Capability Modeling and Mapping (Ch 19)
Lab 3: Capability Modeling and Accuracy Assessment
6. Focal and Block Operations: Density, Resampling (Ch 13.3)
Lab 4: Focal Application – Removal of Data Error in DEM
7. Zone and Regional Operations: Environment Inequity Study (Ch 13.4)
Lab 5: Zonal Application – Environment Inequity Application
8. Global Operation and Distance-based Cost Analysis (Ch 13.5-13.67, 18.1-18.2)
Lab 6: Diffusion Modeling and Implementation
9. Midterm Examination (March 13nd)
10. Surface Analysis and 3D Visualization (Ch 14 -15.3)
Lab 7: Virtual Reality Visualization and Visibility Analysis
11. Surface Hydrologic Modeling (Ch 15.4- 15.6)
Lab 8: Hydrological Modeling Application
12. Spatial Interpolation: IDW, Global Polynomial, Local Polynomial, RBF (Ch 16.1
– 16.3)
Lab 9: Spatial Interpolation
13. Principles of Geostatistics and Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (Ch 16.4-16.5)
Lab 10: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis and Kriging
14. Student working on final project (April 17th)
15. Final Presentation (April 24th)
16. Final Project Due (April 24th)


• The slides of the class, labs and related information can be accessed from It is required that you use your Unix account login name
and password to enter the WebCT account. You have to use WebCT to access
lecture notes, readings, homework, examinations, class email, and grades
through the WebCT. You also need to turn in your homework via WebCT.
• Every student needs to prepare a CR-RW to backup your lab assignments.
You can work on c:/usr/yourname and copy the results to the CD-RW at a
later time.

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