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2 9 1 2 W ~ ~ a tSupply Aquajrdgcx Cwvrtr~IG ~ t House

c r Buildilxg Washl'tzgf~ra e (1850s)

h brre nnid-1858s tkc Digt~ctof Calmzbia dmided to tap the waters above Cre& Falls for
suppfemet~tsalwater ~sugply,Great Falls 'Savem beem~ethe caller af canslructioo ac;;livity..
Tempor;;?trryoEces a ~ chousing
] wme built jracxby, and workers benefitted from the tavern facilities,
Consmcted naflhsast of the tavern, thc pemancxrt control building was Rfae origin o f ;;ut aqueduct,

The Watcr Supply Building is an mZy example:oESeca~ldlEazpire style grchitecture in the Comty.
The most prcrminmt feature of ~e high, one-stay building is a slate ~oueredmasrswd toof. The
Seneca s a ~ d s t o ~of3
structure:is o f rnf7~~si~a$ed ~ e chma~tegstic:
, red color, lhm and comer quuiw
ofmaoth cut stone,

The building was dasn'gafesf a National PIisrcvhc h d m x k in 1975. The buitdiag wid ebc p o p ~ y
on which it sits are under tfrt~ccirntrof of the U.S. Amy Corps of Engin=%;;.

Approid and Adupled, ;ipt%i2#02

3 890s) md bc=k#2l (1831")
251""f Swain's Lack House ( ~ 1 8 lid
Sw&xl? Lock Road

Swajnk Lock E~ouseis note-uvofiy as one of tba iwgcs8 of the cmd lock homes, md for its.
canstruction of ove~slzesandstofie blocks. h~ a devata^ti13gflood sf 1889, the r-rorth, ups&z*eana d
wall ofthe original 1531 I O G house
~ was swept away, AiIamard, the I O C & ~ U Swas ~ repairecf and
expanded ta its present agpexmce, The addition has the smc: massing mthe arl@nalblack but with
amain Boos revel one &or IQ\IYCC, The originrzl chinlrncy w a er~fx;d nnd anather ehinlney built aer
She downstrem f south) side.

The lock is naned for Jess Swain, Iock-keeper in the early 19QQs,Swain hid fomerly bem a canal
boatmm, md his f&fkter9Joha Sw&n, had helped in the excav~ti0~1 rind cons&uctiormof the e d .

Lock #21, completed in $fie S p k g of 1 $3 1, has a typieai ~ons~cti0110fSen9~8 sandstone, but with
a pebble finish. Maztst face stancs are rssiginal wit11 minw pateftin8 of concrete, With its eight foot
the lock is built with mrxsomaay culvert around tkgger lock g&@, canerclIled by cast iron wicket
gates*The velzj;cularbridge acrosg the lock wdls just belaw the upper gate pocket is modem, wixh
e dthe Paatiz-ionat
no lrnowrt ofiginal cawtcpasc, Upper and lawcr lock gate6 were built grtd i ~ ~ t a l l by
Park $mice.
Chcsapcakc & Ohio ('a~~al

25115 Bemyfield Lock H o w (1X30), Penayfield House (1 $"k"), and Lock R22 (1 831)
Pennyfield Lock Road

Pea~yfieldLack is lcglawn lacally m the fa\gorite destination for President Graver Clevelmd (GI 885-
f 888) who stayed n%n bo;lrdin&ouse here when he went on AsGng excurgiaas, The emlies8stmctura
on site i s the Penrzyfield Lock Wause, built ~3.830.Cso8tmzncred sf rota&ly coursed g&y=gr:seen shale,
the lock house faturetes door and window lirztels and sills of Seneca sandstone. The building f o m
is sa typical il M story stone 3ask house with a full basewhxcnt, Flush exte~orc h i n r ~ e ystmd at both
gable a~cls.The original wood shi-ringlcroof has been r e p l ~ c dwith metal roofing.

The Pennyfield Lock House is tz two story frme resideace simzlaled inlmd from the lock house. Built
in 1839, it was the Iwma o f lock-kecpm C&Ihxu"IesW. PennyfieEd,The house has the infornal character
o f a resort building, with its wrq-around porch, stone pier foundation, md frolzt door opening
immediately into 21 living room. The Pemyfieid House is cuaeratly in poor condition, A 1eacaB naa-
profit orgalzizwtion, which hiis been awadcct a Ief~txby the NaionaT Park Senrice, plms to
rebbilitate both srmctures as much as possible,
Vioie~e'sLock, completed in late 1830. is a lock of Seneca Freestone. The lock was nised
4.0 inches, pmbably as a result of previous flood damage, with insertion o f bluegray limesiunc, The
lower lock gates have been rwlaced by the Park Service with nlodem replicas o f the originals, but
there we no upper gates. The velxiculiz bridge, cmssiq znid-lock, is modern,

A timber lock house, once inhabited by Iock-keeper Alfred (Ap) Violette and family. was destroyed
in the 1930sby fire. [11i h e late 1BODs, before 11ebecame a lock-keeper, Violettc worked at the Seneca
stone-cutting mill and quarry.

Dam #2, aisa known as Seneca Dam, feeds wafer into the: ~rulafi tdiatdl~below 315.233
enabliflg the opening of the cmai for traffic in the Spring o f 1831 from this point down to
Georgetown. 1%wasn't until 1833 chat the next d m was consmrcred, at Harper's Ferry, allowing the
a n a l to beconxe operable north of Seneca. Seneca Dam is located to take advantage of several
isimds and rock outcropping$.
Chcsitl:cacac-&-Qhi_o-C_ana 1 Reso 11rccg

Mo longer whitewash@$,this fmk house offers an oppoxleuszity tu xkmire .the beautiful red color af
The design is m w d in being built inta the b d along h e canal, with its basement
the sandata~le~
fully expas&.

John G, Riley was the lock keeper at Lock #24 from 1892 to X 924, His f~ttner,Willim Rilw c m e
&om I ~ h md a tteerrager and wurked at the Seneca stone y u q and stone-cutting mill complex,
jwt .one half milt upriver, fohn Riley w a r k d at &tbe quarry like his fgther, until kt@ left to tend lock.

The s&uclusererpresents the: ch;~Ilengc .oftending canal lacks, TEac ywd could not Be fmmd a the
wall area had 8 0 be: kept gee for lossding and unloading the barges, This Larrmgement proved fa&fy
OMS to !be Riley f d l y when three yea old Gaolhe drowned+The Riley family was as self-
sufficientas possible. The acre o f lmd around the lock house incfudad a seable, har~hoktse,x~egeale
@den, hog pens, meltdaw for gairng cattle, md fresh-w&er spring, The siSe i s iaterpret& by local
@xi scouts with tours md denxans&ations.

Riley's Lsck, begun in 1.829a14completed late in 183 1 , i s mique dong the cmal as an intern1pat
of the djaining Smeca Aquduct, The lock provides thehe rise nece to carry the barges over the
Se~ecaCreek via the aqueduct.
24125 Seneca Aqxxduct (1 83 1)
Mou& of Seneca Creek

Setteca 1.4 satadstone was used to build numerous cmal structures,including lacks and Xock houses,
Of the 1I C&O Cmd ayueduets, however, only the Seneca Ayuedu~twas made of Seaccsa
w&tonxe. The only sswce far khe atone wss a quarry Iscaked a haif mile upriver. This aqueduct i s
one of the nmst impo4a11tm d h i r e d c a d structwes, If is the mIy aqueduct contiguous to a lack.

F S w mthe cc~n~gle~oua af the qu~dr;adin Ide 183 1 md %heclasbg o f the cz\n;Rtin f 324, housmds
af baats cmrssed this 126 hot long qucduc6 including scows t h
talc d d sandstone fmm the q
ko Gmrgetawn. h inttegal part of &a; historic ca1s3 c l s m n ~ ~of@
Sexma, tke qweduct wsas used by
resirlens sxdqumy warkzen aa cross Se11eca Creek a i d w a prawted by Union ghsons: d ~ n the g
~ ~ quecluct w a paially cfimmtld md rebuilt.
Civil War. h the 1 8 7 0 the

The aqueduct pmvlda reminders sf the pedadif: floods endued by local residents and Wdvelers. AB
artifact a f a dctrastatiag flood is hand on a substantial stone p s a on the dowmivcr wing w&. ' b e
hi&watar mark was cawed Ju 2'" A fiaash flood in 1971
the post by J.W, Fisher, dateti ""f.EB8,
caased the uups&cmarch mdpzwer to ccrll8pss. The National Park Service stabif iaed h i s section
wi& steel be~nxs,

On the walls of aqueduct arc! lack a3re ; more thm a dozm gmnnetricaily shaped f l g ~ t ~ amarks
kliekied ts have ideatifid iladiwidwal stone~vorkers,Sonaa;ofthe m a k s may have bmn added more
reeentfy. Sectionsof original wou&l iran rsiilitags with a n o w h d 5~iaIsstill stamive on w i n ~ a I 1 ~
bath uupstramz arid dawnklrw~,

24% HBlaclc Rock Mill (1815 )

Between 16518 md 1682X Black Rock R a d

Black Rack Miil is a r a e suwisivilag exmtple of the 58 or more water-powered mills that were once
vital "i Moatgomegy County f m a s and sesidea~ts.A wooden undmshot water wheel hamessd the
water power of Seneca Creek to ghnd wheat md corn, using three sets uf mill stones, md to s;ut
i X was mainly used foilawing hansests, while
lumber, with a circulm saw blade. The; flsur or grist mX
the ~aw~nillapersltad year romd.. Lumber sawed at Black Rock Mill wtts used to build the Eibe&y
Mill, a steam ctpw~tiunin Gem~mlcrwnwt~icitJiroTzlcafly, helped pug B l ~ Rack k Mil1 out o f

Built by Thorn= HiIXeaq in 11815-1$3, BIack Rock Mill is comtTzrcted afilacal,uncoursd zzsbblestane
with. mdstornc quoins defining cornem. lts name derives hn? a local Imdmwk located across
the stream, a large bl5ack sock which was %henamesstke for the o~ginalimfj. grmt in this axe%The
mill race was short and the darn was located just 50 feet ipp Smma Creek, Thoug~it hs been xnuch
altered, the miller's house still stmds south of tlre mill.

bctxeed il-t Seneca Creek State Parlc, the rmill is leased to M-NCPPC Parks Depamen$ which
st&ilized the stmcture ist 1986 md erected intepretive sips.,
24/17 DuFief Mill &cE.tmlogical Site (c1850s)
Muddy Branch Park n e t Turkey East Road

The Dts_FiefMill site contains rim physi~atevidence ofa si&ficrmt pre:-Civil War merchant milt.
This industrial complex, inguential in the development of the southeastem podion of the comty$
once ia~fL2Ctd a flour and mkv mill, rmsilfer's house, blackmli& shop, wzehouse, b m l house*md
a whadrsn the C&0 Canal. A road network was established to afford axes$ to the snilli~mgoperations
by toea1 f m e r s from the Dmascur;, Gaithersburg, md Gemmoswa anas. The remains of the mZ iE
site we *foundan both sides of Turkey Foot Road, ir2 the Muddy Brmcb Regoral Park, Cb the east
side a f Turkey Foot R o d m evident woden-beam faotira~o f the mill pond dam md af m
aqu4uc.t that cax?ied $hahead race across the Muddy Branch. Stacks o f f at cut sfcona on aha nearby
ba~iks:ae semnbnts of the dm1 algal aqucduet scrucbres, Msst of the head race is still evident,
cbwacterized by a wide emthen trou& fla~~ked by appsoxirncately four foot hi& berms,

The mill stmcture WS~Sloea2d the we& side o f Turkey Foot Road, in the approximate lacation
o f a I&rgemound no& of the Mutl$y Brmch. According eu ~sdrrlition,a b m Xocated nearby wm
~ongmctedwith woad salvaged fwrn the miff. The tdi rRe is still clealy evident to the southwat.
The mifier? house for the DuFief WIlk bas ~ o been
k desimated a kisgo~csite, though the extemively
mnavated house still ritmds at 14000 "Fckey Foot Road.

Eavirolsmen%l Seeling: E~carnpmetjthe lirrzit~of the siea, iarcluding the Following feipgures: mill
pond site, stone and woad footings of the mill pond d m , head race, stone and wood fa~eastingsof
aqueduct, tail rage, and mill site emod. The stablilllg bmx is also ineluded i12 the e~viroimenhl
Montmverde is ax impal.tmt resourGe for its association with Major Gmrge Peke& a;xl influenti81
figure in both nailiti~syar~dpafitica1 spheres. h addition, t31e early 19th ceul$uq house iis
m~hitecturallly sipificant for its outsraslding it~te@tymcl rmateworthy detds. George Peter was
qpoirzted Second Lleute1~m.L. in the 9th Infmtrgi, i.82 1799, by President $ o h Adams, r ~ e i v h his
con~xission&om George Washington 81Mt, Vernon, Serving in &.re M i s s o Te~itory% ~ Re wae; said
to have fired the first saJuk upon the return o f the Lewis md Ciwk expedition, He was wsiped to
watch the moveme~xtgof Awoa Burr, sewing later zs witnas at BW'S trial, ill 1807. We was made
a captain in the AstitJay and then promotcct i n 1808 to major,
This cst;\t.c was esbbli&ed by Peter b&ween J 866 and 1812 8s a summar resost, with the JAehmce
of a sizeable fofiuse from Exsi pranxinent father, Robert Peter, first mgyo1- ofG~org~$own. Wi& this
fofiarac and a IXEW bride, in 1809, Peter rcsigned f ~ a mdistinpishd m i l i t q G C W ~ C Cmd began a
well-zacclair'nd political career. Over the following fi&y pass, Peter served i~ both the U.S,
Congms and the Maugrtmd Generat Assembly,
h fir; 1tiZOs, Major Peter bwamc a pemralen?tMontgamq Couazlty resident, m&itlg Moamwerde
his yewround homer, Dur;ing this perid he sewed as the County defegde to the fimt two smiom
aftbe C&Cr Canal Convention, Peter held w wall-documented political rally a%Monimverde iw 1818
that W ~ attended
S by f i e s h 2 m Congessmrwt Abr&xm Liacoln, LIa~crolnstayed ovami&t at the
house: in the west-wing room still seferprd to toas the Lincoln Room,
The Fcderai style house is mmafksbfehies high level o f mhitectwitl inte~ty- E"Sotewo&y debils
typical of this era include half-round molding &at kames six-avm-six sash windows, a &re light
m s o m over the h a t door, md exterior brick chiunaey. $sveca;ld with cE;lpl>aadsiding, the h 0 u s
is said to be of brick cansmction, possibly with brick nogdng, a twhique mt
u n m ~ m o nin this era, This five bay h o u s ~with center hit11 plm i s a goad a m p l e of the building
type h o w a an 1-house, being two stories fall and one roam deep,

Envliromefital Seaing:Pme1 P304 (approximately 13 acres),The pmperty is subject to subciivisian

mB the setting could be raducad in tke future uudider the. Rum1 (five-aem b t ) zoning, NcrEewofihy
f ~ u r eto~be
. retainad in the envircsmental setting include the winding, ~ce-linedCtrlveway md
m b r e l ruof b m .

Apprnvd and Adqfesj: ~ipriiZ@2

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