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Mise en scene: what the contents page consists

of. The background of the contents page is

predominantly a white page with a pink banner
running across the top. This gives the connotation
of being a girls poster, which therefore represents
the target audience of a young, female audience.
Also, included within the mise-en-scene are
polaroids (small versions of photographs) so that
they are small snapshots of whats included within
the magazine, including the artist that are part of
the main feature article.
Layout how
the contents
page is
The contents
conventionally consist of
4 columns
three of
which are of
the same
height and
length which
gives the
page a
For the
bottom part
of the
page, there is
a slight
grid used to
integrate text
with images.
towards the
top right
third corner,
they have
given the
of the images
and text
being thrown
together to
make it seem
less formal
and more
familiar to
the young

Editorial letter: (a piece of writing personally from the editor of the

magazine in order to create a sense of intimacy with the reader as a
mode of direct address.) Has the denotation of a ripped off corner of a
piece of lined paper; however this gives the contents page the
connotation of being thrown together in an artistic, flamboyant sense,
which would appeal to the target audience. The editorial letter also
sticks with codes and conventions (guide lines of how to form a
magazine) by adding in a drop cap (large letter at the beginning of
text). This informs the reader of where the text begins and also
catching the target audiences eye due to the drop cap being big and
bold and black. Consequentially standing out from the white background.

Main image usually the largest image on the contents page. Unconventionally does not link to the main feature article, however has a direct link to the target
audience as the main image consists of another band that would appeal to the target audience. The Shot types of the main image and the other images include
medium long shot of the main image so that the reader can get a fuller picture of the artists within the image. The polaroid pictures are close-ups sop that the
reader can see clearly who are in the images apart from the polaroid on the left that also have a medium long shot to show the full band .

Brand identity for most magazines the brand identity is the font of the magazines name that makes
the magazine recognisable to their target audience. For SmashHits, the white and yellow coloured font
brands the magazine so that their audience can differentiate their magazine from the rest.

the name of the
page to inform the
reader of what the
page will consist
the Contents title
is towards the
bottom of the
page, however it is
closer to the page
references so that
the reader can
easily know where
to find the articles.
The Main heading
and subtitles are
also part of the
house style (the
overall colour
scheme and font
styles used
throughout the
page). The house
style consists of
white, black and
pink. The colours
white and black
have the
connotation of
making a
statement due to
their contrast.
However the
colour pink has
the connotation of
being girly, linking
with the target

Basic layout which means the way in which

the way in which the double page is presented.
There is evidence that a conventional grid has
been used for the layout so that it is easier for
the reader to read the text before them.
Although there isnt a conventional use of
multiple columns, the producers have used one
long column with the same width all the way
down. There isnt that much text to be read as
the target audience would be more focused on
the images of the icons (a.k.a the celebrities)
rather than reading a long paragraph about the

Use of space the way in which the producers of the magazine have decided to
space out the different aspects of the double page spread. The majority of the
double page spread is filled by images of the band: Mcfly, however the producers of the
media text have decided to integrate text and image by adding in captions with the
pictures to give explanations of what the band are doing within the images. This will then
connect the reader to the magazine as they will acquire a mutual understanding of the
images. The left third (the left side of the double page spread contains the column with
the free-flowing text so that it doesnt detract the target audiences attention away from
the images. The main image (the largest image within the double page spread) is layered
beneath the title of the spread so that the target audience can see that they are reading
the right article. The denotation (how something looks) of the main image shows the
band Mcfly within racing costumes and all looking at the camera. The connotation of the
main image (the meaning behind how something looks) might be that the boys are still
having fun whilst being in the music industry. Plus the fact that the whole group is
looking directly at the camera creates direct address to the target audience as it will
develop a sense of intimacy between the reader and the magazine.

the lexical
field used
within the
article. The
within this
article isnt
formal as
the target
audience is
-ntly aimed
at young
would be
for the

Also the
field of the
article is
racing as
that is the
activity in
Mcfly are
taking part

Branding the way in which celebrities can advertise their own products and at the same time
gain a wider audience reach. Within this double page spread, Mcfly are branding Racing and
helmets, which would then make the readers want to try out go kart racing and get the right
gear for the activity.

Codes and Conventions the rules and guidelines in which producers of a magazine company
can follow. Within this double page spread, the producers have included a drop cap (large letter
start of an article) so that the reader can instantaneously see where the article begins without
difficulty. Theyve also made the drop cap, bold and black, so that the letter stands out amongst
the rest of the text but also to fit in with the colour scheme of pink, white and black, so that the
whole double page spread looks professionally designed. Unconventionally, there arent any
outstanding quotations (sentences spoken from the featured artist) present within the double
page spread. The main focus will be on what the boys are doing (racing) rather than what they
are saying. Additionally, there are some uses of boarders around images, in order to
accentuate the images to make them stand out to the reader. The use of the pink colour for the
boarders also stick with the colour scheme, to give the double page spread an overall
professional look.

Masthead the name of the magazine, is spread

across two of the main hotspots so that it
instantaneously and conventionally attracts the
target audiences eye. The denotation (how
something looks) of the pink modern font (type of
text), with the white background makes the
masthead have the connotation (the meaning
behind how something looks) similar to the genre.
The genre being hip hop so the masthead needs to
Mode of
used meaning the
way in which the
test addresses the
target audience, in
this front covers
case the media
texts producers
have made the text
sound familiar to
the target audience
(the audience in
which the magazine
is written for:
teenage, girls with a
keen interest in
celebrities and hip
hop music.) But not
up to the point
where the text
sounds unprofessional.
Conventions the
barcode (the white
box with vertical
black, to be scanned
through when
purchased.) The
barcode is at the
bottom of the front
cover in order to
not detract
attention away
from the other
aspects of the

Main image/images the images within the front cover consisting of

models and groups are iconically known across the world for the
similar genre: hip hop. The producers of the media text have used the
conventional rule of thirds in order to spread the attention of the
different artist for the target audience. This can also show that the
company producers have used synergy (working with the celebrities to
attract their target audience) so that more purchas3es of the media
Cover lines also known
as sell lines; persuade the
target audience to buy
the magazine by saying
what articles are within
the magazine. The cover
lines stick with the house
style of pink and white so
that overall impression of
the front cover is
professional but not dull.
The main cover line the
sell line that advertises
the main feature article,
however to
conventionally set the
main cover line apart
from the other cover
lines; the producers have
used a black font in order
to differentiate the main
cover line.
Niche market an audience
which a company focuses their
products at. The niche market

for this product will be for

the parents of young children
with a strong interest in
celebrities and music.

Layout how the magazine is presented. The magazine has slightly used the Rule of Thirds (a 3x3
grid which magazines should conventionally stick by). However the grid isnt exactly clear, giving the
layout, the denotation of being stuck together by hand as the different aspects of the front cover
have been layered upon one another. The mise-en-scene (which means everything in which the
cover consists of) includes other images of celebrities to attract the target audience. With different
shot types including medium shots and close up shots to vary the images in terms of how the look.
Strap line/ Sky line the banner across the top of the page, which in this front covers case also
includes the cover mount (freebies within a magazine). The strapline consists of advertisements for
new technology products (song words) which will attract the younger audience as they are
stereotypically associated with new, modern technology. The cover mount is advertising 10 hot
posters; using young, colloquial language will help the media text feel relatable to the target
audience. Plus you are able to tell that this magazine is for young girls as the taster image for one of
the magazines is male, which could mean that the other posters also entail hot men.

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