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ED 3342-501


FALL 2005

This classroom management course will provide future teachers a research-based method
for working with students. The focus will be to teach students to think for themselves rather than
be dependent upon external controls. Techniques will be taught to raise the level of student
responsibility and independent problem solving. Future teachers will understand how to foster
classroom cooperation so both the teacher and student are able to maintain mutual respect and a
positive attitude toward teaching and learning.


REQUIRED TEXTS: Teaching with Love and Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom
Authors: Jim Fay and David Funk
The First Days of School
Authors: Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong
Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas
Becoming an EC-4 Teacher in Texas – (TEXES) by Jamie L. Nath and
Myrana D. Cohen


Personal Overview of 4 Domains and 13 Competencies 12
measured on the TexES, Reference Nath and Cohen text - Due September 22

MID-TERM EXAMINATION –– September 29 28

Reflection: Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management – Due October 20 5

Group Research Project/Presentation:

Overvie w of Selected Classroom Management Model – Due October 27 10


Love and Logic Review – Due November 11 12



Total Semester Points Possible 100

Total number of points earned will determine course grade.


August 18 The First Days of School by H. Wong and R. Wong

Unit A Basic Understanding – The Teacher
Becoming an EC4 Teacher in Texas by Janice Nath and
Myrna Cohen
Domani II
Competency 5

August 25 Wong
Unit B First Characteristic – Positive Expectations
Nath and Cohen
Domain II
Competency 5, continued

August 31 Wong
Unit C Second Characteristic – Classroom Management
Nath and Cohen
Domain II
Competency 6

September 1 Fay and Funk

Part One: How Does Love and Logic Work?
Nath and Cohen
Domain II
Competency 6, continued

September 8 Fay and Funk

Part One: How Does Love and Logic Work? Continued
Nath and Cohen
Domain III
Competencies 7,8

September 15 Fay and Funk

Part Two: The Four Key Principles of Love and Logic
Nath and Cohen
Domain IV
Competencies 11,12

September 22 Fay and Funk

Part Two: The Four Key Principles of Love and Logic, cont
Nath and Cohen
Domain IV
Competency 13
Overview of Domains and Competencies Due

September 29 Mid-Term Exam

October 6 Mid-Term Exam Discussion

October 13 Group Project: Research selected classroom

Management models for class presentation

October 20 Fay and Funk

Part Three: Realities and Myths
Preparation for Group Research Project
Philosophy Reflection due

October 27 Group Research Project Presentations

A Legislative Summary for New Teachers
Understanding Key Special Education Issues

Professional Development and Appraisal System

November 3 Group Research Project Presentations

Unit E Future Understandings – The Professional
Love and Logic Review Due

November 10 Wong Unit E continued

November 17 FINAL EXAM

November 24 Thanksgiving Holiday


Field experiences will take place at Dallas Independent School District Elementary
Schools. Guidelines for scheduling with schools, etc., will be distributed at an early class
meeting. Each field experience classroom visit must be followed up with a debriefing
session with the teacher during their planning time. Each field experience must be at
least 1 hour including the debriefing. Ten hours must be spent in field experiences. (See
Preston Hollow Procedures for Field Experience)

Students will summarize their field experience using the Field Experience Documentation
Format. Reference should be made to specific examples which reflect Fay and Funk
and/or Wong philosophy/techniques.

Field experience will not be graded as part of the points for the course, but it will be
considered as either “pass or fail” and is required for the class. You must receive a
PASS for field experience based on the completion of ten (10) hours of observation and
objective evaluation by the instructor of your documentation and reflection to receive a
passing grade in the course.


Attendance Attendance is one indication of commitment and professionalism, therefore

attendance will be taken and absences will be seriously considered when assessing final
grades. Two (2) absences are the maximum allowed. No one with three (3) absences can
earn an “A” in the course. If you exceed three (3) absences, you will receive an “F” or an
“I”, at the discretion of the instructor of the course. Two (2) tardies (or leaving early)
will be counted as one absence. You are responsible for determining and making up any
work that you missed due to an absence. Please arrange to have a “buddy” to collect
handouts, communicate assignments and inform you about the materia l covered.

Participation You are to read the assigned material and complete homework
assignments. Quality, neat work is expected. Unacceptable participation could result in
the lowering of your grade at the discretion of your instructor.

Due Dates All papers/projects and exams are due on the dates indicated, unless an
extension has been granted prior to the due date. Late papers received without the
instructor’s approval will be accepted with a penalty of one full letter grade for each class
period the paper is late. Assignments submitted electronically will not be accepted. Your
work must be legible, neatly prepared and submitted in class.

Academic dishonesty will result in a grade of “0” on the assignment and a grade of “F”
for the course. In addition, such cases will be referred to the Dean of Students for
appropriate disciplinary action.

Exams Two exams will be given. Requests for make-ups tests will only be considered
for exceptional circumstances explained in writing.

Special Notices The University of Texas at Dallas complies with the Americans with
Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with
disabilities. If youhave a qualifying disability as defined in the Americans with
Disabilities Act and would like to request accommodation, please inform me by the 3rd
class day so that proper documentation can be completed.

If you need to contact me or arrange a meeting with me please send an e-mail or leave a
message at the Teacher Development Center.


Student Name: Date:

School: Class: Room:

Teacher Name:

Beginning and Ending time of observation:

Beginning and Ending Time of Debriefing with Teacher:

Charting of Classroom Arrangement:

Lesson Observed: (brief explanation)

Tally # of times redirection of student behavior is observed:

Brief explanation of method used to redirect student behavior:

Samples of positive reinforcement comments made to students:

Choose one event that is of particular interest to you and describe objectively what you
saw. Follow the description of what you saw with a subjective reflection about what the
event means to the teaching/learning process.

Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES)
Pedagogy & Professional Responsibilities: EC–4, 4–8, 8-12

Course ED 3342 .
Competencies Emphasizes Mentions/Reinforces
Understands human development processes X

Understands student diversity X

Designs effective coherent instruction/assessment X

Understands learning processes; plans effectively X

Establishes safe, productive classroom climate X

Manages student behavior X

Communicates effectively in varied contexts X

Actively engages students in the learning process X

Incorporates effective use of technology X

Monitors performance; provides feedback X

Understands importance of family involvement X

Enhances professional knowledge and skills X

Legal and ethical requirements/structure of education X

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