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With reference to appropriate literature and cases, critically evaluate the

influence of classical and human relations approaches in management today.

Content and Structure

This assessment is based on the application of the history of management theory to
contemporary organisations and builds on the tutorial activities undertaken in the first half
of the module.
Students will decide on the appropriate structure and content but we would expect to see
the following elements:

Introduction: setting the context, addressing the question, the approach to

answering the question
Main body of the assignment
o Review of relevant classical and human relations theories, identifying key
themes or factors. There is no expectation to review all theories
comprehensively within the scope of a 3,000-word assignment. However, we
expect you to demonstrate an understanding of some of the principal
theoretical contributions, supported by literature and wider reading.
o Cases or examples: you should identify recent or contemporary examples of
the influence of classical and human relations approaches in organisations
using the themes or factors discussed in your review of literature.
Identify relevant practices, policies and approaches of organisations; these
should be suitably evidenced. For example, classical and human relations
approaches to management have different conceptions of motivation,
incentives and rewards, ways of organising work and tasks etc. How are these
reflected in company policies?

To help guide your search, you may want to think of industry sectors and
then select companies, for example, the automotive industry Volkswagen;
Information Technology Google.
Conclusion: bring together your main points; address the main question, i.e. evaluate
the influence of classical and human relations approaches in management today.
Marking criteria:
Presentation introduction, structure, referencing
Review of literature

Weight %

Use of contemporary examples



The following points should be noted for this part of the assessment:

This is an individual assessment, not a group task.

Literature should be sourced from a range of journal articles and textbooks. A

limited range of readings will be made available.

The submission should use cases and examples from a variety of organisations to
illustrate how classical and human relations approaches impact on management and
practice today. This information should be referenced to reports, websites and
other relevant documents to allow tutors to access it.

The word count is 3000 words +/- 10%. This does not include the reference list but
does include any appendices. Do not include lengthy appendices.

Accurate referencing of sources is crucial in this coursework. There are resources

available in the Learning Resource Centre and via the student advice shops to help.
The referencing system used on this module is the Harvard system. Please make
sure you are familiar with this. Marks will be deducted for inaccurate referencing.

The assessment must be submitted electronically via Turnitin

Please familiarise yourself with the regulations on late submission. Last minute
accidents involving the loss of data sticks, corrupted files, faulty laptops and so on
can be guarded against by backing your work up thoroughly and regularly.

Do not put your name on the assessment use your student number for
identification only.

Please note that tutors will not be able to pre-assess draft assessments. We will
comment on short sections if students are concerned about their writing style, and
we are happy to advice on outline structures. Please do not ask tutors to comment
on whole draft assessments.

Feedback will be available within twenty working days.

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