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Bridge Design

The objective of this section is to provide a concept design of Pedestrian/Cyclist Bridge between
Sutton Street and Smith Street.

1.1 Design Considerations:

Maximum gradient of 10%.

To connect federation trial with Sutton street and Smith Street.
To provide enough clearance between bridge and flood levels of Mooney Ponds Creek.
To provide setback distance of 3m from the Mooney Ponds Creek.
Pedestrian Capacity of 120 per hour
Cyclist Capacity of 600 per hour

1.2 Design Limitations:

The freeway between the Sutton Street and Smith Street limits the gradient required
without traversing additional distance over the freeway.
The height clearance between the base of the freeway deck and the top of train is not
sufficient to place the bridge.

1.3 Design Criteria:

Table 1: Elevations at Key stations

Sutton Street
Federation Trail
Railway Track
Mooney Ponds Creek
Smith Street

3m AHD
2m AHD
3m AHD
1m AHD
3m AHD

1.3.1 Design Assumptions

Handrail load is included in superimposed dead load

No lateral loads (Wind load) are acting on the structure
Timber deck load is considered as the dead load acting on the secondary beams

1.4 Materials Used:

Table 2: Material Properties

Timber deck

750 kg/m3

Unit weight
7.3575 kN/m3

Secondary Beam

18 kg/m

0.1765 kN/m

Primary beam

92.4 kg/m

0.906 kN/m

The steel grade used was of yield strength of 320 MPa. Timber was used as deck material to reduce
the load on the girders. The Bridge was designed as a girder bridge with two piers at 16m from the
end abutments symmetrically located with sufficient clearance over the Moonee Ponds Creek as
shown in figure of drawings. Steel was chosen as the material for the girders to design the bridge as
a simple girder span to reduce the number of piers required to support the superstructure owing to
its higher tensile strength than concrete.

1.5 Primary Support System

A drawing showing the clear bridge span, primary supports and the piers is included in the drawings.
The timber deck was considered as the dead load on the secondary beam spanning in the transverse
direction of the bridge connected simply on the four steel girders equally placed at 1.2m resulting in
a width of 3.6m. Simply supported span with adequate section capacity was chosen to ensure that
the deflection is minimum at the centre and provide enough clearance above the Mooney Ponds
Creek even for the worst case scenario. The timber deck load and super imposed dead loads due to
the railings are loaded as uniformly distributed loads on the secondary beams for the spacing of the
secondary beams. The secondary beams transfer the load to the primary beams as uniformly spaced
point loads. The primary beams transfer the loads to the piers and abutments at the end which
transfer the load to the foundation.
Table 3: Design parameters

length of primary beam
length of secondary beam
effective spacing (primary beam)
effective spacing (secondary beam)
depth of the timber deck
Superimposed dead load
Live load



The loads are calculated using the parameters listed in table3 above and the material properties
listed in table 2.

1.6 Load Factors

The following load factors are considered for the different loads in the section1.5 mentioned above
from AS1170.
Table 4: Load Factors

Loads Considered

Ultimate Limit State (ULS)

Serviceability Limit State (SLS)

Dead Load (D.L)


Timber Load (DL)


Super Imposed Dead Load (SIDL)


Live Load (LL)


Service Live Load (SLL)

The design actions are calculated for the load factors mentioned in table 4 above and behaviour of
the superstructure was analysed to check for the structural limits listed in AS5100.2.

1.7 Design loads

Table 5: Design Actions

SLS (kN/m)

ULS (kN/m)

Inner Primary Beam

Outer Primary Beam
Secondary Beam
The design actions are calculated for each limit state on both secondary and primary beams
according to the load factors from table4. Since the loads acting on outer and inner beams are
different, as the load acting on outer beams is only half the load acting on inner beams only half
the deck dead acting on secondary beam is transferred to the outer beams.

1.8 Structural Analysis

Under the design action loads and the proposed design layout of the bridge the critical reactions
along the span of the bridge are tabulated in table6 below.
Table 6: Check for Moment

Location along the span

Design Moment

Design Flexural Strength (Mu)

Design Shear

Design Shear strength


Deflection Limit

Table 7: Check for Shear

Location along the span

Table 8: Check for Deflection

Location along the span

1.9 Pier Design

The number of piers required were only two to meet the design criteria listed in section1.3. Due to
the symmetry of the bridge, the loads on the piers axial compression are equal. Piers have been
designed according to the specifications listed in AS3600.
Table 9: Pier Design Check

Design Load

Design Strength

Combined bending and

1.10 Cost Calculations

According to (The University of Melbourne, 2014), the unit prices for steel work and other materials
are listed below.

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